Consumer Complaints

There are over 2172 complaints on file for RUSHMORE LOAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC. Dated between 2019-12-11 and 2012-10-01.

Complaints Page 60


Hobart, IN

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Mcdonough, GA

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Lenzburg, IL

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Application, originator, mortgage broker

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Complaint: I have been trying to get a copy of my modification agreement that spells out the terms of my modification and future interest rates since XXXX XXXX, 2016. I have made several attempts to Rushmore Mortgage by fax and email and still have n't received.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Milwaukee, WI

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: I have been attempting to get a loan modification. When I last submitted the modification package in XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX the representative told me that I needed additional income. So I found a part time job that I started XX/XX/XXXX. In the process of doing that I received a letter stating that a sheriff sale was scheduled for XXXX/XXXX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX. After calling a countless number of times and none of my phone calls being returned, I was able to reach my account manager on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. We discussed the sheriff sale date, the option of a short sale as well. I informed her that I had a part time job and was there still an option to do a loan modification. She said yes and once she had a completed package that would stop the sheriff sale. I sent a completed package in on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. A few days later I received a letter stating that the modification was denied because it was not received 37 days earlier. And the funny thing, is that as many times as I have applied for a loan modification, I never received a letter stating why I was denied. I would find out that I was denied by the constance calling I was doing to check the status of the loan modification. I have been calling my account manager every day, sometimes 3 times a day and none of my calls have been returned. Finally on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I called and asked to speak to a supervisor. I spoke to XXXX explained my situation and he said he would see what he could do and call me back in one hour. Needless to say no one has called and today is XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. I 'm frustrated and do n't know what else to do. I want to keep my home but how am I going to do that when no one from the mortgage company will contact me back. This is an ongoing issue with this mortgage company, which causes so much frustration. Due to non response from the mortgage company I filed a request to reopen my case. It was granted and I have to appear in court XXXX/XXXX/XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


East Rockaway, NY

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: In XXXX, I took out a mortgage loan with XXXX XXXX Bank. The payments increased dramatically short after, making it impossible for me to keep making mortgage payments. In XXXX, I defaulted on the loan but I was notified that a different lender had my mortgage loan, XXXX XXXX XXXX. A foreclosure action started in XXXX by XXXX XXXX XXXX. The case in the court went for years but the bank was unable to foreclose on my property. During the legal process the loan was transferred to a company called, XXXX, and lastely it ended in a company called Rushmore Loan Management Services. I am not sure which company I owe money too. The legal action was discontinue but collection attempts do not stop and the banks, before Rushmore, did not review my loan for a considerable loan modification.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed

Debt collection: I do not know

Debt is not mine
Complaint: I purchased a foreclosed home and have continued to receive collection notices for the previous owner. I contacted the collection agency Rushmore Loan Management Services and explained the situation to them. The agent laughed at my circumstances after verifying that I do not have any 'accounts ' with them and directed me to fax a notice to their department of consumer affairs. The collection notices have continued to appear after I completed this action and the agent working on their behalf is taking photographs of my property.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Spokane, WA

Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Mortgage

Debt was paid
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Coral Springs, FL

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Nyc, NY

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Manor, DE

Application, originator, mortgage broker

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Teaneck, NJ

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Alexandria, VA

Credit decision / Underwriting

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: My salary got reduced and payments were high. XXXX XXXX XXXX my mortgage company filed foreclosure. Unable to come up to the huge amount they demanded I filed for chapter XXXX motion to stay since I only had 21 days to respond or lose my home. Later XXXX XXXX XXXX transferred my home to Rushmore. I found Rushmore inflated the amounts i owe and made it impossible for me to maintain the payments and increase the interest higher. I absolutely disagree on the amount they came up with. After making a steady payments and staying current they sent a letter calming I missed payments for 9 months and filed a foreclosure for a short sale. In between I received a letter from the government stating I qualified for a new program called Harp for a fixed rate. I was filled with hope and agreed and singed on. Front cover looked like a government offer for home owners to keep their home from Obama. HOPE and Hud were on every page approving this modification. Later XXXX which was working on behalf of XXXX XXXX XXXX asked a retaining fee and lawyers fee which I paid informing me the money would be added or count as a payment for my mortgage. I paid {$1600.00} each month to them for a period of 3 months. I do n't remember the application fee amount. The process took more than 5 months and i was warned not to speak to the mortgage company since they were the lawyers they must speak to them. One of the documents I signed stated I was not allowed to contact the Rushmore. Later on I received a letter and a auction sale on my property with an eviction notice from Rushmore. Heartbroken I contacted my chapter XXXX lawyer and asked how this can happen. I found out the XXXX part was fraud and I was a victim of scam. I did not question it because the flyer looked like it came from the government. I need help. I want to keep my house. I 've worked to hard and believe in the American dream.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Wonder Lake, IL

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: I have been working on this short sale for awhile now. I had XXXX approval letters on hand XXXX for XXXX and XXXX for XXXX. The reason for lower offers is this house has a lot of repairs. Also, the furnace is not working. When the loan was transferred from nationstar to rushmore they said we would be able to pick up where we left off but they ordered a new BPO and the value came back at XXXX. It is hard for me to believe that in 3 months the property value can go up XXXX. There are houses listed for this amount in the neighborhood but they are regular deals and in prestige brand new conditions. Why is someone going to offer XXXX on a house with a bunch of repairs and that you wo n't even have heat in the winter when you can offer it on a brand new home. The appraiser did not know how to read instructions and he got mad that he went to the property and could n't open the lock box. I think he got mad at the realtor and took this appraisal personal by jacking up the price. I work in real estate and never in my life have a seen market value jump up XXXX. There was XXXX BPO done by the previous lender and both came in at XXXX and XXXX range. My client is being treated unfairly in this situation and being denied the chance of getting a short sale.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Colfax, IN

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: My mortgage started with XXXX XXXX and was sold. They had just completed a loan modification to place my taxes and hazard insurance into to escrow and to remove my ex-wife from the mortgage. The company that took the mortgage over was XXXX XXXX XXXX. They increased my payment dramatically and would not acknowledge the modification I had with XXXX. Within 90 days, they sold the mortgage to Rushmore Loan Management services who also would not acknowledge the loan agreement I had with XXXX. I have spent almost two years trying to get Rushmore to honor the loan agreement I had with XXXX when the loan was purchased. They have not only refused to honor even though I have provided them with the modification paperwork, but have not cashed any checks I have sent to them, refused to tell me who owns the note, and have destroyed my credit so that I can not get another loan or mortgage. My credit was pristine until this all began. Rushmore continues to pile up interest and fees but will not acknowledge their error or give me one person to deal with. I have corresponded via emails, writing and numerous phone calls and have been either ignored, or blatantly lied to. One representative told me that he did n't know why I have n't sued them because this is standard procedure for them to exasperate the client until either they pay or get foreclosed. Please help!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Matteson, IL

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Macon, VA


Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Hempstead, NY

Disclosure verification of debt

Debt collection: Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)

Not given enough info to verify debt
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Wallington, NJ

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: I have tried to find help through the bank in order to obtain my home. But the bank has negated to assist my case. I have applied for a modification numerous times but the bank will not give me an approval, by continuously requesting documents that I have already sent multiple times. I am soliciting you because I feel as if I 've run out of options, and my intention is to stay in my home because I have no where else to go. In these moments, I am ready to make monthly payments towards a loan modification. The bank continues to obstruct my case and I have proof of such actions.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Rochester, NY

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Complaint: My complaint is in regards to an issue I have had with my mortgage company paying my property taxes in full. My mortgage was with Rushmore Loan Management Services. In XXXX they sent a check from my escrow account to my town for my property taxes. In XXXX, my town sent the check to me with a letter stating it was issued for the incorrect amount. I contacted Rushmore at that time and forwarded the check and bill to them as instructed. I continued to follow up with Rushmore every three weeks to check the status of the situation. I was told in XXXX that the money had finally been redeposited back to my escrow account and a request was opened to have the escrow department send a replacement check for the correct amount. In XXXX I received another bill for my tax payment but it was now from the county in which I live. I was already beginning to accumulate interest charges for this payment being late. At the same time, I received a letter in the mail that my mortgage had been sold to XXXX XXXX XXXX. Of course I called Rushmore to request that this problem with the property tax payment be taken care of prior to the transfer of my mortgage. Once again a problem order was opened and I was told it was scheduled to be completed by XX/XX/XXXX, which was prior to the transfer of the mortgage to XXXX. I called Rushmore to check on this at the beginning of XXXX. I was told they did not resend the payment because of the transfer. I was then told XXXX would take care of it including any fees incurred. I was actually told that legally the bank has to take responsibility for the fees. I was extremely upset at this point and skeptical that this would be taken care of by the new mortgage company. I immediately called XXXX and was reassured that they would take care of the payment and cover the fees as I was told by Rushmore. They opened a problem on it and I was told it would be completed by XX/XX/XXXX. I was on vacation until XXXX XXXX. When I returned from vacation I had a letter from my county stating that a check had been received for the correct amount for the property taxes but it was returned for a stop payment. his check was issued by Rushmore. I got charged a XXXX dollar fee for the returned check so the fees kept compiling. I called XXXX to inform them of this and was told they contacted my town and were told the taxes for my property were paid in full. I attempted to explain that they must have contacted the town during the window of time between the check being received and it being returned for a stop payment. I then emailed a very detailed accounting of the history of the issue with my property taxes and attached all correspondance from my town and county to the tax department at XXXX. I called to follow up on the phone calls and email XXXX days later ( XXXX XXXX ) and was told they could n't see any information on the problem but they would submit a request to be sure it was researched. I received a letter from my County on Monday XXXX XXXX stating if the taxes are not paid in full by XXXX XXXX an ad would be placed in the local newspaper telling everyone I have n't paid my property taxes and I would be charged for the cost of this ad. I immediately called XXXX and was told to call back the next day before XXXX central time to speak with the escrow department. I called at XXXX Eastern time on XXXX XXXX. I was rudely told I could not speak to anyone in that department. I was told it could not be flagged as urgent as everyone thinks their problem is urgent and she refused to let me speak to a supervisor. I hung up with telling her I would be contacting my attorney. My attorney advised me to register a complaint with your organization.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


San Diego, CA

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Thousand Oaks, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: We were notified XX/XX/2016, that our current mortgage loan servicer, XXXX Mortgage XXXX was TRANSFERRING our loan to Rushmore Loan Management Services ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, CA. XXXX ) as of XXXX XXXX, 2016. XX/XX/2016, I attempted to log onto the Rushmore website and create an account. This way I could send backup documentation directly to their loss mitigation portal, in regards to our transferred loan modification ( pending ) package. I was DENIED access to the site for some sort of maintenance reason. I then personally called Rushmore Loan Management Services and spoke DIRECTLY to our " Point of Contact '', XXXX XXXX XXXX. I explained to him that I was a newly transferred customer to Rushmore ( from XXXX Mortgage ) and was calling to make sure that he had received ALL my loan modification requested paperwork, which he CONFIRMED. He also had questions about some of the documents, so he told me that I would have to start the whole loan modification package/paperwork over, this time with Rushmore. I told him that I had already sent around XXXX separate loan mod packages previously to XXXX XXXX XXXX, and that he confirmed that Rushmore had, in fact, received the documents. He insisted on sending me out another Loan Modification package from Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC ... which I received via XXXX, on XXXX XXXX, 2016. I complied with all the terms of that XXXX loan modification package and sent Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION via email on XXXX/XXXX/16 XXXX XXXX/XXXX/2016. ( ALL pages were confirmed as received to XXXX 's loss mitigation dept email address that they gave me @ XXXXXXXXXXXX, as well as email copies to XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX. ). I also sent out a XXXX COPY of all the loan documents to the address listed on the Rushmore Loan Management Services packages - sent CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ( USPS Tracking # : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ). I received signed PROOF from USPS that Rushmore Loan Management Services, did in fact receive all documents and signed for them on XXXX XXXX, 2016. This would have been the THIRD TIME that Rushmore Loan Management Services has received our loan modification request, application and supporting documents. As of today, I contacted Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC, to return a call from XXXX XXXX XXXX, our " point of contact '' at Rushmore. In his message, he only left his name and call back phone number with no message. I called XXXX at XXXX this afternoon on XXXX XXXX, 2016 to call and confirm that XXXX XXXX XXXX had in fact received our loan modification application and to ask if he needed anything further. The Customer Rep could not get a hold of our Loan Point of Contact, XXXX XXXX XXXX so I spoke directly to XXXX XXXX, his direct supervisor. I had just found out during that phone call that the XXXX sale of XXXX XXXX, 2016 had not yet been delayed, even after I personally sent them no less that two separate emails asking XXXX XXXX XXXX to temporarily postpone the sale, as I had a PENDING AND ACTIVE LOAN MODIFICATION APPLICATION BEING REVIEWED BY RUSHMORE LOAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC AS LATE AS XXXX/XXXX/16. RUSHMORE REFUSED TO STOP THE PENDING FORECLOSURE SALE, EVEN AFTER I TOLD XXXX XXXX AT XXXX THAT IT WAS AN ILLEGAL FORECLOSURE, AND THEY WERE VIOLATING OUR CALIFORNIA HOMEOWNER BILL OF RIGHTS. XXXX XXXX noted to me that he did not have the " AUTHORITY " to postpone the sale tomorrow, even though it was violating our rights, XXXX that he would simply " Notate my file ''. He stated that only the INVESTOR could postpone the sale. XXXX XXXX XXXX, Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX have conspired to ILLEGALLY FORECLOSE ON MY HOME TOMORROW!!!!!!!!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Ridley Park, PA

Settlement process and costs

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: In XXXX 2016, my husband and I were pre-approved by XXXX XXXX Mortgage to purchase a property located at XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX PA XXXX. We made an offer which was accepted. A closing date was scheduled for XXXX XXXX. The property was listed by XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX in XXXX PA, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX # XXXX, XXXX, PA XXXX, ( XXXX ) XXXX. Our real estate agent is XXXX XXXX, ( XXXX ) XXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXX The following bank entity signed the addendum : XXXX, or Rushmore loan management services, who appear to be represented by : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX TX XXXX We submitted an earnest deposit of {$4000.00} to the bank owner entity on behalf of XXXX XXXX. On XXXX XXXX, the mortgage application went to underwriting and the mortgage was suddenly denied, based on the same documentation and information with which it was pre-approved. The mortgage company claimed that they did not know that my income was only part-time, and once they found out just before closing, they pulled out of the loan. Our earnest money deposit of {$4000.00} still has not been refunded to us. The listing office XXXX never answers the phone or returns my voicemails. Today our real estate agent told me that she was able to get in contact with XXXX. XXXX XXXX told her that the bank entity rejected refunding our earnest money deposit because a commitment letter had already been issued by XXXX XXXX Mortgage, and that the bank entity considers our mortgage to be in default.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response

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