Consumer Complaints

There are over 2172 complaints on file for RUSHMORE LOAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC. Dated between 2019-12-11 and 2012-10-01.

Complaints Page 62


Succasunna, NJ

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: Per my conversation with loss mitigation representative this afternoon, please find pertinent documents attached to show a modification application was in review at time of loan transfer from XXXX via XXXX XXXX XXXX. The denial reason was listed as the loan being transferred - this is not a valid reason for modification denial. I am aware of the 37 day requirement prior to a sale date for modification review however this delay in decision due to the servicing transfer is not the fault of this borrower. Due to this fact I request the sale date be postponed long enough in order for a proper modification review to take place.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Spencer, MA

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: Due to XXXX and combined low income, we are selling our home of XXXX yrs. The " title search '' provoked a demand for payment from a XXXX lien with Specialized Loan Servicing , LLC, which we did not expect! In XXXX, due to medical issues and expenses, we refinanced through XXXX XXXX Mortgage Advisors who obtained for us XXXX mortgages, XXXX which would later be sold to SLS. XXXX, we filed a chapter XXXX which was discharged in XXXX but, did NOT include our XXXX ARM mortgages. Wrote to SLS and XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX asking to modify our loans due to financial hardship. SLS complied and we made our payments on time until XXXX XXXX. At that time, I spoke to our XXXX XXXX XXXX, regarding tremendous fear of losing our home, as we were " under water '' $ XXXX!! We also had no choice but to use credit cards for treatment of the XXXX XXXX!!! THAT alone was costing OUT OF POCKET up to {$600.00} a month to stay alive, which medical insurance would not cover at the time!! XXXX recommended a person at XXXX XXXX in XXXX for prevention of foreclosure. That person told us to STOP PAYING XXXX mortgages at once. He said the small mortgage with SLS ( $ XXXX ) would likely get thrown in a " pool '' along with other small loans & be forgiven with all the " bail outs ''. He said it would cost more than the loan amount for them ( SLS ) to go after us, and we would likely not hear from them again, which we did not, until now. SIx years later, SLS is demanding $ XXXX inc/interest from the house sale, leaving us broke & virtually homeless! We were counting on using the profit from our home to relocate and find affordable housing, which we had in place. Last month, I called XXXX and spoke with a representative at length about our situation and asked if there was anything we could do? Perhaps negotiate the accrued {$10000.00} in accrued interest? She was rude, uncaring and refused to negotiate anything, stating there was nothing they could do for us. This is why we are reaching out to you for help! We do have buyers and if all goes through, we will have to be out of our home by mid to end of XXXX. Time is of the essence!! Thank you for your time!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Anaheim, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: Faxed a XXXX request for mortgage assistance package to the Home Retention Assistance department at Rushmore Loan Management Services on XXXX/XXXX/2016. Called today for a status check on XXXX/XXXX/2016, and the representative said they would not review the RMA because the sale date is XXXX/XXXX/2016. I 'm not a lawyer, but in review home retention state law they are required to stop the foreclosure and review the RMA.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Simi Valley, CA

Improper contact or sharing of info

Debt collection: Payday loan

Contacted employer after asked not to
Complaint: I was called at work, and asked a representative of the company to remove my number because I can not be contacted at work and she just kept speaking over me and asking about payments, and refused to agree to remove the number.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Louisville, KY

Settlement process and costs

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: authenticity of documents, proof of chain of assignment, Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC SAID THEY OWN OUR LOAN NOW THEY SEND US SAME OLD DOC AND MAKING NEW ONES CFPD DO YOUR JOB XXXX XXXX C RESPA ( XXXX XXXX XXXX OLD XXXX Case number XXXX CFPB review Response disputed XXXX/XXXX/XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Burbank, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Del Rio, TX

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Atlanta, GA

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Atlanta, GA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Washington, DC

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Lawrenceville, GA

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Washington, DC

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Lakehurst, NJ

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Arco, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: My loan was transferred to Rushmore Loan Management company in XXXX, 2015. Prior to the transfer, my initial loan company had granted me a debt forgiveness of a significant amount. Rushmore, is currently modifying my loan based on my initial loan amount and totally ignoring the amount forgiving as well as payments I have made to reduce the principal balance on my loan. The modification offered is another 30 year mortgage with the principal balance equal to my original purchase price. This ignores 9 years of payments and the loan forgiveness by XXXX. This is clearly a breach of contract and is fraudulent.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Monmouth, OR

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Costa Mesa, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Lynn, MA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: With the help of a XXXX certified housing counseling agency, I submitted a complete loan modification application to the servicer of my mortgage, Rushmore Loan Management Services. Eventually, the servicer provided a letter dated XXXX XXXX, 2016 acknowledging that my application package is complete ( attached here ). But then I received a letter saying that the servicing of my loan will be transferred from Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC to a different company effective XXXX XXXX, 2016. I do not think this is right. Rushmore 's first letter acknowledging my application says they will have a decision within 30 days. So they should decide about my loan modification before transferring the servicing. It would not be right for me to have to start all over with the process. Rushmore already created unnecessary delays that have caused me to get further behind.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: the mortgage company will not work with me to do a modification on my mortgage. well they said they would 4 years ago but .... they never sent paperwork for me to fill out and return. i always received a letter stating i did n't qualify or they could n't do a modification at this time. this started after i was released from chapter XXXX bankruptcy due to hardship. all my tries at loan modification was done over the phone. i kept on trying to work with these people, even when my mortgage had been turned over 2 times to different agencies. while trying to deal with the second company they sent my XXXX XXXX payment back to me. when i called to ask why they said it was in error and to resubmit. i did and it was returned again. i called them and they told me that there was a problem and for me to not send a payment till they find out what it was. i did not have any arrearages at this time. when XXXX XXXX came around i was dealing with another mortgage company. i explained to them the problem and had it been solved, they of course was not aware of it. so i had to faxed them everything i had on the dispute. i called to find out how they wanted to go forward. i did say i would continue to pay the XXXX payment i had been paying up until XXXX XXXX they said no and would look into the dispute paperwork and get back to me. i tried to stay on top of this and the arrears were growing. i lost my job of XXXX years in XXXX XXXX the mortgage company sent me paperwork with act XXXX on it. i called the number for the commission of economic opportunity and got with their mortgage assistance program. i was enrolled in a program through my county that helps people remain in their homes. i worked with the case worker i was assigned to and during this time i got another job. the first hearing about the modification was XXXX XXXX which was basically a meet and greet and to go over the paperwork. the next hearing was XXXX XXXX to tell me what i needed for modification. the next hearing was XXXX XXXX and by this time i received my letter of awards for XXXX. we added that to the money i had coming in and we had to resubmit our paperwork. the next hearing was XXXX XXXX and was told again that there was n't enough money coming in. my question to the mortgage representative was how much money did i need. i know no one can give me an exact amount but a rough estimate would give me an idea to work toward. so the next hearing was XXXX XXXX and i was told that i still didn ' ; t have enough money coming in and the mortgage rep said that we were done and that he would recommend me being removed from the program. the rep appeared to be in a hurry but the mediator that was there asked for a 60 day extension. the rep agreed o that. so we left and i started working on how to get more money coming in. the rep did send a letter for the 60 day extension. so the case worker and i worked on my new packet. then there was a letter i received about a judgement hearing. i took it to my case worker to take care of. then a week later a received another letter stating i now had a judgement against me from the mortgage company. to find out later was that the 60 day extension was rescinded, but no one was notified. now the mortgage company says they will not review this last packet and they say its because i had too many reviews already. so now the sheriffs sale is set for XXXX XXXX XXXX i want to save my home. i have less than 90 days to do so. please help me or recommend someone who can.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Ocean City, MD

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: In XXXX XXXX I was approved for a 3 month trial modification on my mortgage. I completed ed my trial successfully and now my mortgage is 7 months in. Since my monthly payment was 50 % of my current income I had applied for a monthly mortgage reduction in XXXX XXXX and was granted starting on XXXX XXXX. XXXX. When I went to make my XXXX payment online thru there website the option was not available. I was told there site would be down approx. XXXX3 weeks, so they suggested to make the payment by phone. When I called the representative they had the old payment and not the new payment updated. They said they could not find the new notarized modification I mailed backed to them last month. Today I had it scanned and emailed this to them and they still are demanding I make the old monthly payment. I currently have XXXX neighborhood housing in MD trying to help with this but they are not getting anywhere with them. I have made XXXX on time payments and I do not want to go into default. I do n't know if this is a game there playing.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Waterbury, CT

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


San Diego, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Fresno, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: Since several month ago Rushmore Loan Management Services ( RLMS ), Collection department, is sending me monthly letters, dated the XXXX day of the month, saying that I did not pay my monthly payment. Accord the NOTE I have until the day XXXX of each month to do my monthly payment, and they also put at the monthly billing statement of XXXX, XXXX ( attached copy ) that I did not pay them and I did it. I always send my payment the XXXX day of each month, so they receive the payment in 3-5 days. This is happening since they cut the Monthly billing Statement on the day XXXX of each month, and it showed as I did not pay them, and I did it, so my monthly billing statements should show the payment I done : my concern is that if the payment is not reflected in the Statement, means they can put me in foreclosure eventually. I really did not wish to be in that position since is very stressful, and I did not like it because I am paying them every month according with the NOTE. Also they put a clause that mentioned that {$73000.00} as a deferred balance that I suppose to pay at the end of the loan, that also worry me since I am a XXXX, and in XXXX years I should pay them a balloon payment of {$73000.00} at the end of the loan ; for me is a treat to lose my home after several decades of paying it. They also mentioned al the addendum that I have 2 years to refinance my home, and that if I do " probably '' they will eliminate the {$73000.00}. I visited several companies in the refinance marketing, and after they review the documents done for RLMS and they told me that they can not refinance my loan, and that the only one who can do it is RLMS. I sent a letter to them asking for the refinance process.RLMS received {$25000.00} in XXXX and then $ XXXX XXXX, from Keep Your Home CA with the porpoise of maintain the families in their home, and stabilizing the house market, means the government did it their part and effort, I am paying them every month, so I am expecting them doing their part also : refinance the loan and eliminate the {$73.00}, XXXX described at the Loan Modification agreement paragraph XXXX, page XXXX and paragraph XXXX page XXXX, page XXXX Balloon Addendum ( attached ).
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Davie, FL

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Chicago, IL

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response

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