There are over 28887 complaints on file for OCWEN FINANCIAL CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-12-16 and 2011-12-07.
Sm, KS
Complaint: In XX/XX/2016, I sent a letter to Ocwen Loan Servicing ( OLS ) that it was becoming difficult to meet my current mortgage commitment loan payments ( Exhibit 1 ). I did not receive a response from OLS for 45 days. OLS suggested a loan modification and I agreed.
My complaint is that the process consumed nearly a year. I have signed many loans over my life and I expected the process would take one or two months the length that normal loans take to complete. The loan listed above was underwritten by XXXX XXXX and took one week to complete. With OLS it took a year to modify.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bloomington, MN
Complaint: Simple story ... ( All this has happened in the last month ) We got behind in our mortgage ( No surprise ) They ( OCWEN ) started the Foreclosure process and gave a sale date. They sent a reinstatement statement. We paid the reinstatement of {$7400.00} They then told us it wasn't enough and that we had to make and additional payment of {$1600.00} to bring our mortgage current. We made that payment ... ( We paid them OVER {$9000.00} in one week!!! They have applied all the money to our loan. It was all the months we were behind ... Then they said that wasn't enough and we still owed {$5000.00} in penalties ... The day before the sale we had to file an emergency Bankruptcy to save our home. We come to find out they never sent the sale date to the sheriff or our county never was notified of a sale date there was no real sale date..The attorney that represented OCWEN ... told us the day of the sale OCWEN postponed it for 30 days ... We were told on a recorded conversation that would roll the penalty and fee to the end of the loan ... We just got a statement today saying we owe them over {$5000.00} ... We are currently BROKE we gave them all we have ... I won't be able to pay them until the end of the month but there saying that's not good enough. What do I do? Can you help???
Company Response: Closed with explanation
South Florida, FL
Complaint: Mortgage was released from a Chapter XXXX bankruptcy in XX/XX/2018. Arrears during the bankruptcy process {$22000.00} were paid on XX/XX/2018. Ocwen assessed on XX/XX/2018 billing statement {$1300.00} for foreclosure fees. XXXX XXXX Florida has no record of any foreclosure filing.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Green Cove Springs, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Newark, DE
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Newark, DE
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Flower Mound, TX
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Lewisville, TX
Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Tx XXXX Loan Number : XXXX I filed for a modification with Ocwen because my fiance XXXX XXXX XXXX passed away unexpectedly. Yes, thing have been tough for me since he died. I keep pushing to keep my home.
I was approved for a trial modification. I understood I could not be late or the modification would be cancelled. I have two bank accounts listed on my Ocwen account. Im in the middle of my modification and I send a payment and I accidently select the wrong bank account on XX/XX/XXXX. Immediately I called Owen on the 29th and explained what I did and ask how to correct the issue. The representative stated they would re-run the payments. Nothing happen so I called on XX/XX/XXXX which was a Monday and was told they are going to re-run the payment. I called again on the XX/XX/XXXX and was told they might re-run the payment. I tried everything to save this modification and was constantly given wrong information. They finally ran the payment on XX/XX/XXXX and cancelled the modification. Now Im calling to save the modification and was told to dispute what happen and Ill be fine. I disputed the cancellation and they still denied. They outcome of their investigation was on XX/XX/XXXX the rep advised you Ocwen might re-run the payment. Ocwen never reviewed the calls on XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. If Ocwen dispute department would have reviewed the calls they would understand and know that the representative gave me incorrect information. My modification would still be active. Then they told me to just reapply and Ill be fine and the modification was still declined. Im losing my home to an error that I tried to correct before it came to that but just didnt have represenative that understood the serverity of my case.
Im having to hire an attorney to resolve my issue or file bankruptcy, which is not fair. I CAN afford my home and I had the money on point and they still declined and would not reinstate my modification when I called the day of and called repeatedly until the payment was applied and attempted to make the next payment. THEY LEAD ME WRONG!!!!!!!
When I call Ocwen, they repeatedly provides conflicting and incorrect information. Training is very much needed at Ocwen. Its impossible to do anything when you dont know whats real.
- They tell me Im still being reviewed for modification on one day and the next day they tell me I was declined last week and when I call back again they will say they are reviewing for the mod and they dont see that I was declined.
- Know one knows if a demand letter was sent or even understand what it is.
- Know one knows when the foreclosure will start or provide other alternatives.
- Every time I request a call back from the modification respresenative someone else calls and cant answer any of my questions.
- They say they are mailing letters, half of the time I dont receive anything so I have to communicate over the phone.
IM TRYING TO SAVE MY HOME AND I WILL FIGHT TIL THE END! And I need help. I need my modification reinstated, I need management to contact me and maybe I will receive correct information. I want Ocwen to correct my issue and acknowledge the people that work there was not capable of providing care and serverity of my calls that was being made to save my modification! I need CRPB to help make me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a customer I was failed by Ocwen!
- Customer Servicer failed to provide correct information - Modification department failed to review my case fully and reinstate my modification - Dispute department failed to review my case fully
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Tampa, FL
Account status incorrect
Complaint: I live in XXXX, Florida and we were involved in a natural disaster ( Hurricane ). The federal government, declared it a natural disaster and mandated that all mortgage loan payment, be suspended for 90 days and that no late payments, shall be reported top the credit bureaus and no late fee 's, could be charged. The 2 payments, were to be placed to the back of the loan. My XXXX XXXX credit report clear states " Natural Disaster, under the mortgage account. I have called Ocwen, several times and each time I call. They say that, the late 's were a error on my credit report and should not be listed on my report and they would correct/remove the late payments. This has not been done, as the date of this complaint. Ocwen has received my on time payments, since XX/XX/2005 and have never had a late payment on my mortgage. I started making my payments again the following month, after the 90 days, as I was instructed to do by the federal government. As I was making my payment, Ocwen, kept me with a running 90 day late payment and has caused me financial harm.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Natchez, MS
Complaint: I filed a complaint with this company CFPB against Ocwen ( the company in which CFPB sued in reference to many consumers ), however CFPB closed my complaint after first response from Ocwen without my reply to the information they submitted. However, I gave my response to info in feedback inquiry as Ocwen 's own data showed they added over {$12000.00} to my mortgage balance after I was harrassed and threatened of foreclosure if I did not catch up 2 missing payments. Also after submitting all info and documents to my request for remodification under the HARP/HAMP program, my request was never processed. Instead thousands and thousands of dollars were added to my balance in 2010 with no explanation as to why. I am very disappointed to the handling of this matter and is still stunned and why my complaint was closed._
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fremont, CA
Seized or attempted to seize your property
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bohemia, NY
Complaint: I have a mortgage loan that is being serviced by OCWEN and they are not providing me with an opportunity to save my home from foreclosure. Their representatives have made it absolutely impossible to have my loan reviewed for any form of assistance as I keep getting bounced around for person to person when I call them. I do not have an accoun tmanager who is assigned to my file because they keep switching out my single point of contact and this is making it impossible to get straight answers. Due to XXXX, I had some lost income which hurt us financially and we had to fall behind on our mortgage, but we are now back on our feet and want to work out our mortgage issues. However, OCWEN has other ideas and are restricting our ability to access obtain a loan modification that could help our situation. Our problems began even before I had XXXX when we refinanced our loan. We needed to reduce our monthly mortgage payment and wanted some money for our sons college education. After we refinanced our payments kept going up and up. Apparently we were given an adjustable rate mortgage when we were told it would be a fixed mortgage. I believe we were conned into a toxic loan when we refinanced our mortgage. This hit us very hard since we expected our mortgage payment to stay at the newly reduced payment, but our mortgage payment continued to climb. The loan should have never been written and we were tricked into refinancing into a loan that had little benefit to us. My XXXX weakened us financially and we needed some help with our mortgage payment. When we contacted them our loan was current and they said they could not help us until we were delinquent on our mortgage. We were stopped making payments based on their advice, but this turned into a nightmare as we can not get OCWEN to complete a review for retention options on our property. OCWEN doesnt appear to be doing anything to move things forward and this has become incredibly frustrating. We feel that OCWEN has no interest in helping our family and that our request for assistance is going nowhere. We see that the United States Government fined them over {$2.00} billion for this type of activity and gave them billions more to help homeowners, but this apparently isnt enough for them to help us. We are hoping you can help us deal with the issues we are having with OCWEN.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Old Round Rock, TX
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Meridian, ID
Company Response: Closed with explanation
San Gabriel, CA
Complaint: I was discriminated and treated with disparity by XXXX XXXX. XXXX did not give or serve me properly with my constitutional rights regarding my home mortgage located in XXXX XXXX XXXX, CA. I never received the XXXX packet from them. XXXX violated my due process of the law, I feel and sense that XXXX did this intentionally to harm me. Me and my house are in a judicial sale process by XXXX XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Far Rockaway, NY
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
South Florida, FL
Complaint: Property was sold via public auction while litigating with XXXX XX/XX/XXXX.
Received notice case was squashed XX/XX/XXXX.
Received email from OCWEN that my mortgage was paid on my behalf.
Inquiries about who paid it and why, what happens to property title, and if there is any compensations, have been to no avail.
What's next?
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Jacksonville, FL
Complaint: Our Home Mortgage transferred from XXXX to OCWEN in XX/XX/XXXX. All payments from transfer to date have been made on time, no late fees have been assessed, and all escrow overages have been refunded when due. All this is clearly documented in the statements and payment history on the OCWEN website. However, in XX/XX/XXXX it was identified when applying for a re-finance or modification that OCWEN had been reporting the account delinquent on random months since XXXX. We contacted OCWEN at that time to request that all erroneous late reporting to the ( 3 ) credit bureaus be reversed and corrected immediately. On XX/XX/XXXX after months without resolution I contacted the Office of the Consumer Ombudsman for OCWEN to request an investigation and review to resolve the erroneous negative credit reporting. Again this request went without resolution and on XX/XX/XXXX we received the last communication from OCWEN with refusal to reverse the reporting. This entire process took 6 months without resolution and I am certain intentionally hoping we would just give up. Interestingly, from the time we contacted OCWEN in XX/XX/XXXX with our complaint until XX/XX/XXXX OCWEN reported no delinquencies to the credit bureau. As the stress of this unimaginable and unresolved issue was causing extreme stress on my husband who is awaiting a XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX ) we were advised by our mortgage broker to sit it out until XX/XX/XXXX and we would have 12 months of on-time payments now that OCWEN was no longer reporting them late. In XX/XX/XXXX we again applied for a re-finance thinking we were finally able to get out from under the OCWEN hostage high interest rate mortgage that had depleted our savings and the credit report again showed random late reporting in XXXX, XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX although no change in our on-time payment history. We are devastated that this can continue to happen and desperately need help to resolve this as we truly believe OCWEN is deliberately doing this to prevent our ability to refinance with another mortgage company by intentional errors to delay the process and any resolution. XXXX search provides thousands of reports from other consumers that have the same or similar complaints with devastating outcomes and loss of their homes and credit standing due to OCWEN errors and abhorrent customer service. Additionally, Class action suits and federal restrictions have been levied against them. We refuse to allow this to go on, please help.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Leeton, UT
Complaint: I have been trying for nine months to drop the PMI that we have been paying, even going as far as ordering an appraisal. That appraisal came in at {$410000.00} and the loan amount is {$300000.00}. Ocwen would not drop PMI and insisted that we provide to them contractor reciepts for all work done, and if work was not done by a contractor it could not be considered for PMI cancellation, and PMI would not be because of the market value increase, only improvements to the home can count for PMI cancellation.
I started this request on XX/XX/2018, by sending an email to Ocwen to cancel the PMI. I was denied, however, I had to place a phone call to inquire about my cancellation request, I was never formally contacted. After speaking with Ocwen I was told to include an appraisal in my formal request, so I ordered an appraisal and spent {$500.00} to do so, and included this in my request. I was again denied and told I was denied because I did not use a certified appraiser, to which I directed them to the last page that showed the appraiser was a Utah Certified appraiser, then I was told this won't work because Ocwen did not order it. I then asked for a refund, to which they offered.
Then I was told to mail in a check for {$110.00} to have my PMI cancellation considered, and told that I needed to provide contractor receipts because the only way my PMI would be canceled is from improvements that I added, not because of the market increase. I did most of the work myself and was told this would not count. So, I did not send in a check and have been exploring my options, and I am currently shopping around to refinance my home.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Jacksonville, FL
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Palm Bch Gdns, FL
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Beach Haven West, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Tampa, FL
Complaint: Ocwen always denies my modification? I cant afford my payments, everytime that i call to check status on the application an this being every other day, they give the round around an there is always a doc missing from my end all though they say if I call one day they say package is complete and on another day that they realize i missed a paper, till I get tired and dont complete the process, this is after 2 1/2 month trying
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Thompsons Station, TN
Complaint: I had to pay extra money for my escrow.
And also I have a balloon note on my account which I don't understand when I did my modification to lower my payment I felt like I had no choice, and I know when that time comes I won't have that type of money to pay out all at once.
Company Response: Closed with explanation