Consumer Complaints

There are over 28887 complaints on file for OCWEN FINANCIAL CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-12-16 and 2011-12-07.

Complaints Page 78


Bedminster, NJ

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Saint Paul, MN

Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Astoria, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I recently submitted a complaint to CFPB on XX/XX/XXXX since I was given a loan modification by Ocwen Loan Servicing Company ( Complaint No. XXXX ). Therefore, since I was granted a loan modification and accepted the Streamline Trial Period Modification I was reassured once again by the Relationship Manager XXXX XXXX XXXX that the foreclosure case would not proceed. Please keep in mind that this foreclosure action was dismissed in XX/XX/XXXX and signed by the XXXX Supreme Court Judge XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX ( Index No. XXXX ). However, on XX/XX/XXXX the attorneys for XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX did not remove their motion to restore this foreclosure case even though a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau XXXX HOLD '' applies to this action. The attorneys for Ocwen wrote a letter to The Honorable XXXX XXXX of XXXX Supreme Court on XX/XX/2018 informing him of the CFPB " HOLD '' applies on this case, and it was XXXX -filed on XX/XX/2018. I Quote the letter by Attorney XXXX XXXX " We have been advised by Plaintiff, through its servicer, that an active Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( hereinafter " CFPB " ) hold applies to the Action based on loss mitigation activity. The subject hold takes into consideration any appeals, as stated in 12 CFR Section 1024, which may be taken by the borrower. '' " In pertinent part, the CFPB rules amended Regulation X which implemented the Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act ( " RESPA '' ). The CFPB rules prevent " dual tracking '' where a servicer is simultaneously evaluating a consumer for a loan modification or other alternatives at the same time it prepares to foreclose on the subject property. See 12 CFR Section 1024. '' " Accordingly, Plaintiff respectfully requests that the pending motion practice is held in abeyance while the matter remains on a CFPB hold. We thank the Court for its time and understanding '' ( END QUOTE ). When I spoke to Miss XXXX my relationship manager at Ocwen today XX/XX/XXXX she told me that their was a foreclose hold on this case, but when she emailed me today she stated that there was a foreclosure sale hold on my case. Please keep in mind that this action was dismissed and not restored, and there is currently a motion pending to restore this case. However, since I accepted a Streamline Trial Period Modification their motion to restore must be removed, immediately. Ocwen is violating RESPA Regulation X. Sincerely, XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Allendale, CA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Blackbird, DE

Communication tactics

Debt collection: Mortgage debt

You told them to stop contacting you, but they keep trying
Complaint: I would like to file a formal complaint with CFPBA with the hope of finding a legal remedy resolution with Owen loan servicing. I applied for a modification in XX/XX/XXXX with XXXX XXXX XXXX, it took them 14 months and me paying an attorney {$2000.00} and a complaint being filed with the OTS. The OTS advised XXXX they had 30 days to modify my home and XXXX sold my loan to Owen loan servicing which took them an additional 8 months and me starting the process all over again. After they modified my home my payment was increased due to me losing my homeowners insurance due to the properly constantly flooding and claims filed with the insurance company, which they were aware of due to the fact I asked to walk away from the property due not receiving a federal truth in lending disclosure at settlement and the home flooding and I was not able to move into it. I WAS advised it had to be resolved thru Arbitration. I was not able to afford the premiums from a new insurance carrier, so Owen charged me an additional {$2100.00} a month which increased my mortgage payment to more than what I could afford and over the 33 1/3 % required for a modification. This caused me to have to file a chapter XXXX bankruptcy to save me from losing my home. I was required to pay {$750.00} month to the bankruptcy court as well as my mortgage payment of {$950.00} a month .Every time I called my payment into ocean bankruptcy department and asked them to process my payment of {$950.00} they would constantly argue with me and tell me that I have to pay {$1200.00} and they would attempt to collect arrearage that was included in the bankruptcy plan. In XXXX of last year my bankruptcy was dismissed because I had 2 XXXX and could not afford to pay both payments, my bankruptcy was modified and we had a court hearing on XX/XX/XXXX.Ocwen contacted me even though there was a cease and desist on file when I asked I was being called they refused to tell me I advised that I was retained for a bankruptcy and that there is an active cease and desist on my account they representative disconnected the call and I received a another call the same day reading me the attempt to collect a debt disclosure. I advised my attorney of this who seems to not be concerned of FDCPA, TPCA AND bankruptcy violations. I also requested for the mortgage payment and the bankruptcy payment to be garnished from my wages, my payroll department received 2 court orders and somehow stopped the bankruptcy payment and started garnishing my mortgage payment which the bankruptcy trustee never remitted to Owen, this has left me with the trustee awarding Owen a stay and foreclosure of my home. All I have done is comply and tried to do everything I could to save my home. My property was included in the OTS class action law suit and is now currently a part of the TCPA class action law suit. I am trying to understand how a bank can violate so many laws and get I am the one with the damaged credit file to the point I am not even able to fund a place to rent for myself and my XXXX year old daughter, how they can be a part of these class action law suits and pay fines and nothing to myself for their violations. I haven't even received a mortgage statement in 5 years, I need your assistance with making Owen compensate me for these violations I want all the back payments they XXXX me on taken off my mortgage balance and my home modified correctly. Please let me know if you are able to assist me, I am also currently looking for an attorney that can represent me in suing Owen for these violations if you are not able to assist me. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arlington, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Washington Green, CT

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Statesboro, GA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Foothill Ranch, CA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Re : loan # XXXX To Whom it May Concern : I am writing this letter to request a mortgage modification that will allow me to continue to make my mortgage payments and stay in my home of 11 years. Asking for a STOP of the foreclosure sale scheduled for XX/XX/XXXX. I had fallen behind due to decreased income in XX/XX/XXXX and my loan modification was denied due to missing documents XX/XX/XXXX. I have boxes of letters from OCWEN however, I have never received any actual help with a loan modification approval. I have never borrowed money against my home. I have a Flex Pay loan/Neg Amortization Loan on my first and a closed end 2nd. I have a 80 % first, 10 % second, and I put down the remaining 10 % for the purchase of my home. I Have never borrowed against my home. I have never been able to refinance my home. I have never been modified even though I was part of the " Hardest Hit California '' Group of homeowners. Most of which have since lost their home to either Foreclosure, or Shortsale. 5 of my neighbors lost their home. My dad didn't have a copy of his retirement pension, which is why we were denied. He only had the bank statements showing his social security and government pension going into his bank account, which I had provided. Unfortunately, at the time was not sufficient enough for the underwriter. Although, I was doing better financially, I personally had exhaused all my retirement and savings trying to save my home. The loan then was transferred to OCWEN from XXXX. All the paperwork was lost. When I called OCWEN, they said that they never received it from XXXX. I was unable to reinstate or modify I had fallen further behind. My dad, who was living with me and a contributor at the time, said to call the bank to see if he could help me to reinstate. He was willing to use all his savings. I was told by representative XXXX lD # XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX Pacific time, that the payoff the total amount due to reinstate was {$33.00}, XXXX. I told her I wanted to include my XX/XX/XXXX` payment of {$2200.00}. She said go ahead and make the wire for {$35.00}, XXXX instead of {$33.00}, XXXX and that will take care of your XX/XX/XXXX payment. She confirmed that my next payment due date was XX/XX/XXXX for {$2200.00}. On XX/XX/XXXX, my dad wired {$35000.00} to OCWEN. That was the amount that was given to m by OCWEN, see attachment of the Reinstatement Quote. I have a confirmation of the wire sent and received by OCWEN. See attachments. However, the funds were misapplied and caused me to go into default again. On XX/XX/XXXX, I spoke with XXXX 1D # XXXX to verify that my next payment would be due XX/XX/XXXX for {$2200.00}. I received a confirmation on XX/XX/XXXX confirming the payment for {$35.00}, XXXX had been received. I called OCWEN on XX/XX/XXXX, to make my payment for XX/XX/XXXX. I spoke with XXXX # XXXX, I spoke with ID # XXXX XXXX, at XXXX XXXX. I spoke with lD # XXXX, XXXX # XXXX, she said that the wire had not been applied to the computer system and it was not allowing her to accept my payment. She said she saw the wire had been received, however the computer did not allow her to make the payment. It was still showing 1 was in default. I begged her to escalate the call. She transferred me to XXXX ID #, Escalated Relationships Manager. She said she the system would not allow her to take my payment either. So, I left many messages for the Ombudsman to try to get help. Unfortunately, we never were able to connect. I sent him an email letter stating my urgent situation. I then received a Notice of Default, before they reinstated the money dad had wired to OCWEN. The bottom line, the payments were applied incorrectly on XX/XX/XXXX. I continued to reach out for help. Unfortunately, it appeared no one knew how apply the wired funds correctly to remedy the situation. Please see attachment of Mortgage interest statement. This was all I received with no explanation as to what exactly happened and I was never reinstated with the opportunity to just make my payment of {$2200.00}. Therefore, It was never remedied for me, the mistake caused me to go back into default and behind yet once again on my payments. I also lost my best friend last year, my dad. He lived with me for 7 years, and XXXX took over his body. He had prayed he would see OCWEN modify our home loan before he passed XX/XX/XXXX. I miss him dearly. I was given no other choice but to file a BKXXXX in XX/XX/XXXX. I had submitted timely payments to both the Trustee and to Ocwen for my mortgage for 12 months, from XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX the court granted debtors application for order confirming that loan modification discussion would not violate the stay. However, even after my attorney mailed it to OCWEN, I was unable to have anyone acknowledge that it had been received. Unfortunately, I then received notice that my loan had recast, my payment went from {$2400.00} to XXXX, XXXX causing me severe hardship once again. I do not have an attorney representing me for a modification. I have authorized a 3rd party, on my behalf, XXXX XXXX, HUD representative. And here we are. I have much more, however, I wasn't sure how much your system would take in. Thank you again for all your help. Please let me know what else you need. Thank you
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Holly Springs, GA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ft Lauderdale, FL

False statements or representation

Debt collection: Other debt

Impersonated attorney, law enforcement, or government official
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I received a phone call from a toll free # XXXX, the person on the phone stated she was a process server and was calling in advance to let me know she would be serving me a summons she was informing me in advance to give me the chance to call the Plaintiff XXXX XXXX, before the lawsuit would be filed. I shared no information with this person and call the XXXX number the phone did not ring and went straight to music on hold, I held on for ten minutes. A person who would not identify herself answered and told me she would look up my file, she asked for my name and I told her XXXX XXXX. She placed me on a hold and when she returned she asked me if my ss ended in XXXX. I said how do you have my information? She started it was from a XXXX back account NSF fees of XXXX from XXXX. I explained that I do not have NSF fees of XXXX since XXXX XXXX bought out XXXX it looks like this is a scam, she then threatened me with a civil lawsuit and would proceed to garnish my wages. I told her I will file a complaint today with cfpb and insure that this scam ends today. I also called XXXX XXXX bank to confirm that this is a scam and as I thought XXXX XXXX has no NSF fees on file on my bank account that I have maintained in good standing since. Please prosecute these thieves who are impersonating lawyers and government offficials and threatening consumers with erroneous civil lawsuits.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Carmel, CA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Savannah, GA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lincoln, NE

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I am the personal representative for my deceased cousin, XXXX XXXX XXXX. My cousin passed away just over a year ago, XX/XX/XXXX. I was not provided with the Letters of Personal Representative until this XX/XX/XXXX. At that time, XX/XX/XXXX, I started visiting his banks and closing accounts. After closing his main checking account, and after providing evidence of his death, I was notified by TIAA-CREF that all automatic payments into the account from his retirement annuity must be repaid back to them. This seemed to make sense, but using that same reason, it also seemed fair to assume that all payments made from that account, using the money that was deposited to that account by TIAA-CREF should then also be returned to the account, or now, the estate, since the account is now closed. We contacted all those who received money from the TIAA-CREF deposits, and for the most part all have repaid that money to the estate, except OCWEN. OCWEN has failed to pay back {$9100.00} of the money they automatically withdrew from that account. XXXX XXXX for their part in this provided contact information to most of the parties that received automatic payments from the account. We had to contact each of those individually, some of which were XXXX XXXX branches, but they seem to have all paid back the money that was withdrawn from the account, except Ocwen. Ocwen, who received all proceeds from the sale of the house, states that the payments from the checking account were part of the sale of the house. We feel that Ocwen should have know of any laws concerning automatic payments from the checking account of a person deceased, and should have known they would have to return those funds. The house had lost value and was not able to be sold for the amount owed on the mortgage to Ocwen. A short sale was agreed to and when the house sold, all money went to Ocwen.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


East Freehold, NJ

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ft Myers, FL

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bellevue, WA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Houston, TX

Incorrect information on your report

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Orlando, FL

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


East Freehold, NJ

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Warrenton, VA

Written notification about debt

Debt collection: Mortgage debt

Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Addisleigh Park, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Long Island City, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I was working with my relationship manager XXXX XXXX XXXX at Ocwen Home Retention Dept.since XX/XX/XXXX, and she was helping me with loss mitigation offers since last year. Therefore, in XX/XX/XXXX I was offered a loan modification in which I accepted and submitted to Ocwen by email in which I received a confirmation on XX/XX/XXXX. During my myriads of telephone conversations with Miss XXXX at Ocwen I was reassured that while I was working with my relationship manager to find a solution for my loss mitigation options to retain my home Ocwen will not go forward with a foreclosure. However, in XX/XX/XXXX Ocwen filed a motion to restore my foreclosure case ( Index No. XXXX XXXX Supreme Court ). Even though I was working with Ocwen in good faith to get either a short payoff offer or a loan modification during the time period in which Ocwen 's Attorney 's filed a motion to restore my case for foreclosure I was appalled to learn of their action. Furthermore, when I when to Court today to inform Ocwen 's attorney 's that I accepted a loan modification and showed the attorney from XXXX, XXXX and XXXX XXXX. proof and confirmation of email they did not remove their motion to restore.There was a letter submitted to the Honorable XXXX XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/2018 by the attorney 's for the Plaintiff, through it's servicer, that an active " CFPB '' hold applies to the Action base on loss mitigation activity. In pertinent part, the CFPB rules amended Regulation X which implemented the Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act ( " RESPA '' ). The CFPB rules prevent " dual tracking '' where a servicer is simultaneously evaluating a consumer for a loan modification or other alternatives at the same time that it prepares to foreclosure on the subject property. Sincerely. XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Coral Springs, FL

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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