Consumer Complaints

There are over 539 complaints on file for LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC. Dated between 2019-12-05 and 2014-03-27.

Complaints Page 6


Rochester, WA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Complaint: i have a new mortgage loan though XXXX eff XX/XX/19 i contacted then on XX/XX/19 to see if my automatic payment was received and found after talking to XXXX that my account was set up incorrectly, after making the adjustments XXXX accepted my payment ( payment # XXXX ) said the payment would be withdrawn Mon XX/XX/19 from my XXXX XXXX acct by Fri XX/XX/19 the payment of XXXX had not. I contacted them again and spoke to XXXX she stated XXXX transposed my acct # when processing the payment and she ( XXXX ) would reverse the payment posted to my XXXX account ( also reverse the " bad check fee '' amt {$15.00} ) and to call back Monday XX/XX/19 to have my actual payment processed for XX/XX/XXXX. I did call them back and spoke to XXXX for the payment, ( payment # XXXX ) she processed my payment it was to be XXXX however as of today XXXX was taken from my wells fargo account i called them and was tole this would need to be escalated to a supervisor and it could take 2/3 days for a response, mind you my XX/XX/XXXXpayment is still outstanding and another persons payment is still on my wells fargo account, please advise
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Russell, IA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Pasadena, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Kingstree, SC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: In summary : I have a VA loan with XXXX XXXX whose servicing is collecting my mortgage debt by Lakeview. The anniversary of the loan is XX/XX/2016 ( 3 yrs. ) For 19 months I paid {$720.00}, then 3 months {$690.00}, then for 11 months {$710.00}, NOW they want to bill me {$890.00}. Thats when I said ; I better take a look at what is happening here. They have asked me to pay {$1400.00} for a shortage in escrow. Then another time {$140.00}. So, I followed the steps required to stop escrow. I have been played for about a year. So, this year I decided to pursue the issue with greater attention. After carefully reading the documents I believe they just want the period to come to an expiration where the I Insurance request will lapse. I have searched high and low for some kind of r view for this company and have and no success. I wanted to know if others were having my issue, where THEY over pay the wind and hail ( XXXX ) and that is their fault which is passed on to me. THEY have also over paid the Home Insurance w XXXX. I have had conference calls w Mortgage and Insurance, but I keep getting no answers to my questions and I get no calls back when THEY say someone will look at this. Im waiting for them to make the proper adjustments. Please Help! XXXX or XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Names I have talked to : XXXX in Management, XXXX in Insurance and her Supervisor, XXXX in Escrow, XXXX in Customer service,
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arvada, CO

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Information is missing that should be on the report
Complaint: Have two loans where Lakeview Loan Servicer is the servicer. They have lost a {$4500.00} check for which I have the cancelled check. Secondly, on another check, they have applied the full {$4500.00} check to one loan as a principal reduction. As such, they show me as up to 60 days delinquent for now 3 months. I have waited for hours to talk to service people and they can see the problem and say they will address. I have sent them copies of all cancelled checks and have heard nothing. I have called again today ( from work ) and have left a number for them to call me, and two hours later, I have not heard from them. They have significantly impacted my credit score to the point where I can not obtain refinancing. I am writing letters to their head office but can't find anybody to address it to. I can only say that this is a fraud. I strongly suggest that nobody should accept Lakeview as their loan servicer.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Federal Way, WA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Two months after my home loan closed, my mortgage was " bought '' by another company and I was instructed to make payments to them. Two problems arose. First, I scheduled my next payment on this company 's website. They never processed it and, in fact, reversed it and then charged me a {$25.00} " bad check reversal. '' After waiting for 30 minutes, as they skimp on customer service, there was no explanation for this. I was sent no e-mail about this and only found out about it when I went to pay my next payment. The other problem is none of my other payments on my mortgage have transferred over. Twice I have called about this ( each time waiting 30 minutes ) and it is still not rectified. If someone is going to take over your loan, isn't it important that they get your payment history correct? Both times I was told by " customer service '' to wait several weeks and it will correct itself. Nothing has happened. All I want to do is pay my mortgage and not be bothered. Now I have to spend hours dealing with this because this company can not even manage your payments properly.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ft Myers, FL

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Greensboro, NC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: In the process of selling my home, on XX/XX/2019 there was a payoff request made for my loan with Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC by my title company. This mortgage is serviced by XXXX. This payoff statement gives a balance of {$130000.00} which included interest for the entire month of XXXX good through XX/XX/2019. The payoff disclosure sent says they only accept prepayments on the first of the month and my loan allows them to collect interest for the whole month. Closing was on XX/XX/2019 and a check in the amount of {$130000.00} was sent overnight arriving XX/XX/2019. I called customer service on XX/XX/2019 to make sure that the check was received and asked if there was a problem and why it had not been applied. I was told it was received XXXX and everything was fine and that it would be applied later that day. On XX/XX/2019, the check still had not been applied and I called to ask why and was told that the check did not cover the total and it was in the process of being returned. I was told that it was being returned to my address in Ohio that they had on file by certified mail because I had not updated my address to show that I had moved. I spent hours on the phone with several different people trying to get this payment to not be sent to my Ohio address but my current XXXX address, if it had to be returned. I was told that because of the XXXX holiday the next day there was nobody there that could help me. Also, on XX/XX/2019 when I saw that the payment still had not been applied, I made a payment as to not cause any issues with being late on the payment. That payment was posted and the payoff check was now enough and had not been returned but I was told by law that it had to be returned because it did not cover the payoff when they received it. The explanation that I was given for the payoff check not being enough was the payoff statement was issued on XX/XX/XXXX and on XX/XX/XXXX they did a sweep of my escrow account for taxes due on XXXX. This left my escrow account in a negative balance of {$350.00} and funds had to be advanced to that account. I was told that a new payoff statement was sent on XX/XX/2019 and that I should have paid off of that but they could not tell me who that payoff statement was sent too or how it was sent. The first payoff statement was sent to my title company. The new payoff statement as of XX/XX/2019 they sent to my house in Ohio. Payoff check was returned to title company received on XX/XX/2019. XX/XX/2019 new payoff was requested by title company {$120000.00} good through XX/XX/2019 and including another month of interest because payment will be treated as if it was received on XX/XX/2019 even though the replacement check was received on XX/XX/2019. The long and the short ... XX/XX/2019 payoff statement good thru XX/XX/2019 {$130000.00} XX/XX/2019 escrow disbursement made and escrow account ( {$350.00} ) + {$40.00} fees= ( XXXX ) XX/XX/2019 XXXX issued a new payoff statement to reflect the new balance and sends to me the homeowner at my Ohio address which is then forwarded to me in XXXX and received on XX/XX/2019 XX/XX/2019 check for {$130000.00} is received by XXXX. XX/XX/2019 I call customer service, they verify they received and payment just has not been applied yet. No problems XX/XX/2019 I make my normal monthly payment of {$1100.00} plus fees XX/XX/2019 My regular monthly payment is applied but payoff is not. I called customer service and I am told it is being returned because the payoff was not enough. XX/XX/2019 returned check is received and another is sent overnight for new payoff balance of {$120000.00}. XX/XX/2019 Payoff payment is applied and account is {$0.00} balance.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Phoenix, AZ

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: This is the most recent email I sent to Lakeview on XX/XX/XXXX : Please look through the documentation of phone calls since XXXX. I mailed a check and set up auto draft to begin with our XXXX payment. Unfortunately I made a mistake when writing the check - the result being that the check was {$300.00} short. I was not aware of this for several weeks, and once I received notification of the situation, I called Lakeview to ask what to do. I was told to mail a check for the {$300.00}, and to contact Lakeview to ensure it had arrived prior to my next draft date in XXXX. The check did not arrive in time, but I did call to verify and then made a payment on the phone on XX/XX/XXXX. This phone payment was reversed for some reason, and I was not aware of this. I received no notification of this reversal from Lakeview, until the US mail arrived about 3 weeks later. Then the XXXX payment was not drafted - it was explained to me by a Lakeview employee that since the XXXX payment did not draft, that the XXXX payment would also not draft. At any rate I have since straightened out all the payments and will be mailing another check for the XXXX payment to absolutely ensure the auto draft has NO MORE issues. I called Lakeview when I received notification that there was a problem with that first check - and then I called again to make sure the check arrived, and made the online payment. It was my understanding at this time that the mortgage for XXXX and XXXX was taken care of, and my auto draft was set for XXXX. Each call is documented. Despite my making these calls I received postal mail from Lakeview last week regarding my late mortgage payments, having late fees levied, and then reporting the mortgage as a delinquent debt. This is a very serious situation that you need to remedy as soon as possible. This situation should never have happened. There is no justification to substantiate my account going to collections. Every step of the way since writing the check incorrectly I have been in touch with Lakeview. Now the account is listed as a bad debt on all 3 collection agencies. As soon as I was aware of this situation ( at the end of last week ) I attempted to get in touch with you Saturday, only to go through all the prompts and be told there was a problem with the phone system and to call back at another time. I then wrote an email urgently requesting someone call me as soon as possible. I received no phone call on Saturday. Monday when I was back at work I called Lakeview at least 7 times attempting to get to the " supervisor line '' both by holding the line and by leaving a callback number. You can read the documentation of these calls. Finally after more phone calls on Tuesday I received a callback and was told by the supervisor line individual that my complaint would have to be escalated to this Customer Support. Since I have had so little success in my dealings with Lakeview I will be doing everything I can to monitor what actions you are taking to remove your reporting of a delinquent debt from my credit report. Please send me a message outlining what steps Lakeview is taking to do this. I can not stress enough that I expect immediate action to fix my credit report. ____________________________________________________________________ I have not received a response to this message. At the time I sent this email to Lakeview I had been made aware that my XXXX mortgage payment was not drafted. I called Lakeview on XXXX and made a phone payment for the XXXX and XXXX mortgage payments for {$2700.00}. This was not taken from my checking account by XX/XX/XXXX. I called Lakeview on XX/XX/XXXX and was told it could take up to 7 days to draft. On Tuesday XX/XX/XXXX no payment had been drafted. I called Lakeview on XX/XX/XXXX, was told there was no record of payment being made and again made a phone payment of {$2700.00} to pay the XXXX and XXXX mortgage. I also resent the auto draft authorization with another check to ensure the XXXX payment is drafted. I have still not received a callback from the " supervisor line '' since requesting a call last week. The above email I sent to the Customer Service Department ( XXXX ) was after making several phone calls to attempt payment, requesting a callback from the " supervisor line '' numerous times - only to be told by the supervisor line that my complaint would need to be escalated to Customer Service. I wrote the above email and have received no response. I do not have much documentation as this took place on the phone. I have received only a XXXX and XXXX statement ( no past due amount ) and the auto draft enrollment ( which I resent with the XXXX check ). I have attached those as they have the confirmation numbers for the phone payments.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Difficulty submitting a dispute or getting information about a dispute over the phone
Complaint: I split my mortgage payment into two payments for my XX/XX/2019 mortgage payment and it was not put in the right place. I have called 6 times now starting XX/XX/XXXX when I received a letter that stated I did not make my XXXX payment and now have late fees. The late fees were waived but it wasnt resolved and hit mine and my fiancs credit with a -54 points due to a delinquent account/past 30 days. I was told the gentleman would be coached because of his error and Im left waiting for our credit to be fixed and am told itll take a month. I was originally told 3-5 business days. I wasnt even late let alone delinquent. I am very angry about this and it just seems like they dont care one bit. I disputed it with the credit places too. I want to file a complaint since we are left waiting to do anything with a credit hit that bad I cant get anything at a fair price or on credit.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Antonio, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: . I have been back and forth with the bankruptcy department to look into these matters on numerous occasions and it seems like things are still not fixed. In XX/XX/2019 I received a statement showing my escrow account was negative and my payment was going to increase to {$1800.00}. I contacted this department and after 2 weeks, making a CFPB complaint and making several attempts to correct the issued, it was resolved and discovered there was an error on my escrow alaysis so an off cycle was requested. My monthly mortgage payment was fixed and back to {$1300.00}. I have now been sending in {$1300.00} as accepted through two representatives with that amount. Below is a statement from LakeView who sent me showing my payment due date, amount past due and current charges on the loan and showing the date these withdraws have been completed. I should only be showing due for XX/XX/XXXX payment due in the amount of {$1300.00} plus late charges and fees. I have spoken with two representatives who were extremely rude, and talked down to me and refused to walk me through what they were saying. They stated its not their job to walk me through anything and the account is behind. One rep actually argued with me the entire time on the phone. One by the name of XXXX who actually was the one who incorrectly escrowed my account and refused to look into it then it the same one REFUSING to look at my payment history. I have been placed on hold and basically shown that I dont matter as a consumer and that there is no care in the world. Ive asked to speak with managers multiple times and they stated they didnt know when they could talk and that they had things they were doing and would get back to me whenever they felt like it. I am now requesting this in writing as what was mentioned that I need a pay history, and updated explanation on why its showing Im due for XXXX and why my payments are not being applied to my mortgage corrected if this is my statement received. Please look at the documents below proving Ive made my payments and the dates they were made and this statement. My bankruptcy cases is going to be discharged and I need this corrected so I can reaffirm my mortgage. This servicer refuses to work with customers in bankruptcy and has NO indication of my payment amount that theyve been accepting. Now that I want to reaffirm my mortgage they all of a sudden say Im three months passed due, even though the statement is showing otherwise. This servicer should not be allowed to be working with loans. After hours on hold, being talked down to and mislead nothing has been resolved.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Wasilla, AK

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Syringa, VA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Blackbird, DE

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: XXXX recently took over my mortgage from XXXX XXXX. In exploring payment options for my new servicer, I have come across undisclosed penalties that apply to people paying WITHIN their stated grace period. In my case ... My payment is due as of the XXXX of each month, and considered late if not received within 15 days. However, if I elect to make one-time online payment, apparently there is a {$5.00} " processing '' fee that applies from days 6-10 and a {$10.00} fee for days 11-15. When I inquired why, I was told, " that's just the way we always do it. '' I confirmed that a check or other payment method would not incur these " processing fees. '' This is unacceptable. If I have 15 days from the first to make payment, I should have 15 days or they should be up front about these hidden penalties.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Salton City, CA

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: I have contacted loan care lakeview services several times. They created an error and reported to credit bureaus and negative delinquent when in fact it was paid the XXXX of every month on time. This caused my business deal to fail through their carelessness and have not provided a Solution
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Francisco, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: We have an FHA mortgage on our primary home. It has PMI insurance. We paid over 40 % down payment and the home value has risen 30 %. We have requested to cancel PMI insurance XX/XX/2019 and been denied.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: We are currently paying Mortgage insurance. We have had the loan for over 6 years. The loan originated sometime in XX/XX/XXXX/XX/XX/2013. According to everything I have read, the MIP can be eliminated after 5 years if the LTV is less than 78 %. The appraised value of our home, as noted on the loan, was {$530000.00}. I originally tried to have it discontinued after after 5 years as that is what I was told when i got the loan and the house appraised at $ XXXX. I was told the law changed and it was now 10 years. I recently looked up the law myself and discovered it was still 5 years for loans that originated beforeXX/XX/2013. I applied to have it discontinued and was told the LTV is greater than 78 %. We currently owe {$340000.00}. By my calculation, that makes the LTV 66.84 %. When I called the company, they told me it was becasue you have to wait 10 years. I cited the law. They said, " Owe, sorry, our mistake ''. Then they said it was because I had late payments. I have not had a single late payment although there is a line on my history of payments that says " fees for late payment '' but the line is {$0.00}. I printed the report. Then they told me it was the LTV again. But when I ask them the value of the home and the payoff, they say that there is a clause or something that they won't share that make the LTV greater than 78 %. I have called several times, every time we go through the same process of them claiming the three different reasons and when I accurately refute them all, they tell me that someone will get back to me. At this point, we have paid well over {$4000.00} in MIP that we should not be paying. I don't know how to get rid of this without hiring an attorney that would just cost more money.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Stoughton, MA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: Formal Complaint to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau XX/XX/XXXX : I applied for a HELOC with XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ). During the application process XXXX asked me to review my mortgage agreement to see if I needed to obtain written approval from mortgage lender before adding a second lien holder to my home. My mortgage agreement stated I needed written approval from my mortgage lender. XXXX asked me to contact my mortgage company which is Lakeview Loan Servicing/XXXX XXXX and let them know I applied for a HELOC with my XXXX XXXX and I need prior authorization from them to do so as stated in my mortgage agreement. XX/XX/XXXX : I contacted XXXX XXXX customer service department and explained what I needed from them and they informed me that XXXX needed to email a written request and the borrowers authorization letter. Once they received the email, XXXX would sent a receipt email and a ticket number stating that the request would be answered with 1-5 business days. If XXXX needed to call XXXX for any reason they should give customer service the ticket number which was linked to my case file and their request. This way the customer service person could read the file and know whats happening with the case. XX/XX/XXXX : I received an email from senior loan processor XXXX XXXX XXXX from XXXX stating my HELOC application was completed and all they needed to do is to reach out to my mortgage company to receive the authorization to move forward. XX/XX/XXXX : XXXX emailed me to say they emailed the written request and borrowers authorization letter to XXXX. In addition they included, if XXXX needed any other information from them please contact them. XX/XX/XXXX : Ms. XXXX from XXXX contacted XXXX, they confirmed receipt of the XXXX written request and would contact respond to the request with 1-5 business says ( FYI : To date this has not happened ) XX/XX/XXXX : Ms. XXXX contacted XXXX customer service to follow up on the request. She was on the phone with XXXX for XXXX minutes. Even though XXXX gave them the ticket number sent in the email, the cutomer service person could not find the department handling the request. Finally, they told XXXX that XXXX could not give them the authorization they needed. I would have to contact my former mortgage holder who originally issued my loan modification mortgage agreement. XX/XX/XXXX : I contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( formerly known as XXXX XXXX XXXX ), explained the situation to them and they stated although they completed my loan modification in XX/XX/XXXX, they released all servicing rights to Lakeview/XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. They also put this in writing and emailed a letter to me. XX/XX/XXXX : I phoned XXXX customer service and spoke to XXXX people ( XXXX, XXXX, XXXX ( XXXX ), XXXX and XXXX ( XXXX ). The final person XXXX asked me to email the letter to XXXX from XXXX XXXX XXXX. I emailed the letter to XXXX. I received an acknowledge email & another ticket # XXXX. XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX : I called XXXX a dozen times and spoke to at least XXXX different people. Each time I was asked to repeat what I was calling about. I express my frustration and disappointment in the manner in which my request was being handle. One of the last customer service persons I spoke to on XX/XX/XXXX told me that XXXX was not a mortgage company and I needed to contact Lakeview because they were the mortgage holder and the one to give me the authorization. XX/XX/XXXX : I called Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC ( XXXX ), customer service stated that they only do refinancing mortgages. They stated XXXX was their company that serviced all their mortgages and they were responsible for submitting my request to the customer solutions department to receive the authorization. XX/XX/XXXX : I called XXXX back and requested to speak to a account supervisor. They keep me on the phone XXXX minutes trying to connect me to a supervisor. They eventually took my number and said a supervisor would call me back in XXXX minutes. The supervisor returned my call later that evening but I was not able to speak to them. XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX : I continued to call XXXX to speak to an account supervisor. On XX/XX/XXXX I spoke to XXXX customer service people XXXX and XXXX. Finally supervisor XXXX XXXX took my call and expressed that everyone up to know was giving me the wrong information and she apologized for that. She told me I needed to put my request in writing and fax it to XXXX, attention customer solutions and I would receive a definite response in 1-2 days. She also stated that I should give XXXX a call on Tuesday, XXXX to confirm receipt of my fax. XX/XX/XXXX : I faxed my written request letter, loan modification agreement and the letter from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX to XXXX. XX/XX/XXXX : I called XXXX to confirm receipt of my fax. XXXX XXXX looked up my ticket # XXXX and stated my faxed had not been logged in yet and because faxes were logged in by hand it would take 1-5 business days. She suggested I email my request with supporting documents to XXXX and in XXXX hours I would get a ticket # confirmation and they would be able to forward my request to customer solution much faster for a response. XX/XX/XXXX : I emailed my written request with supporting documentation to XXXX. XX/XX/XXXX : I received an acknowledgement email with another ticket number. XX/XX/XXXX : I received a call from XXXX customer service XXXX XXXX. She stated that they had just received a call from Lakeview and they wanted to know what I needed the HELOC for. She also stated she had the original written request from XXXX XXXX XXXX and was sending all the information to Lakeview to complete the request. By this time I was furious and expressed my anger with XXXX to XXXX. I also informed her that I had contacted XXXX Call for Action to help me, I was filing a complaint with CFPB, filing a formal complaint with the Division of Banks and with the Mass Commission Against Discrimination. XXXX was very apologetic. She stayed on the line with me while she confirmed that she had my written request and all supporting documents including a copy of my loan modification agreement that states I need written authorization from my mortgage holder to have another lien holder added to my property. She told me she was emailing Lakeview back as we spoke and attached all my documents to the email. XXXX stated to me if she did not hear back from Lakeview by Tuesday, XX/XX/XXXX she would call me back herself to give me the update. XX/XX/XXXX : As of today, at XXXX, I have not heard from Lakeveiw /XXXX in regarding my written request for authorization from Lakeview/XXXX to receive a HELOC from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX It has been XXXX weeks since my original request was made to Lakeview/XXXX. To date my request has been unanswered and ignored.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: This is regarding my loan with Lakeview Loan Servicing, who manages my mortgage and escrow. After trying to resolve my issue by phone several times, I provided documentation to Lakeview on XX/XX/2019 including my receipt for taxes paid last year to XXXX County, and this year 's tax assessment from XXXX County for our projected taxes for this year. We live in XXXX County inside city limits for XXXX XXXX, Texas. The confusion is because " City of XXXX XXXX '' is listed on both the XXXX County tax assessment and the XXXX County receipt for the taxes we paid last. The reason for this is because the city uses XXXX County to collect their taxes. Therefore, XXXX County does not collect any XXXX XXXX city taxes, even though they show a line for City of XXXX XXXX at approximately {$2000.00}. As I have explained to Lakeview multiple times, they are counting this approx. {$2000.00} twice when they estimate our Escrow. Several of Lakeview 's personnel including management have agreed with me on the phone, but then explain that it will have to be escalated with their tax department. They usually tell me to wait 2 to 3 business days to hear back on a resolution, but then they don't call me back. They have been promising this for over a month now. Still no resolution. When I call back, I have to start all over with the person on the line and explain it again as they try to interpret the ever-growing amount of notes on their screen. Please refer to tax appraisal Lakeview has on file. The total amount shown on the XXXX County assessment is {$8100.00}, which includes a line for {$1800.00} for the city of XXXX XXXX. However, that {$1800.00} is not to be collected by XXXX County, but XXXX County instead since the city uses them to collect this ( the majority of the city of XXXX XXXX lies in XXXX County, except for a sliver in the neighboring counties ). {$8100.00} is our total estimated property taxes for this year, except for {$510.00} for public improvements as shown on the XXXX County receipt I have provided Lakeview. Again, they will see that there is a city of XXXX XXXX amount collected by XXXX County, but they should not count this twice.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Winnsboro, LA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX my home, in XXXX, LA, was totally destroyed by a tornado. Subsequently my insurer, XXXX XXXX, issued me a check ( copy attached ) for payment of my policy in full {$330.00}, XXXX I received the check on XX/XX/XXXX and called the mortgage service company, Lakeview Loan Servicing , LLC ( LAKEVIEW ) of XXXX, SC. LAKEVIEW directed me to the website of XXXX ( XXXX ) where I created an account and read through the instructions. I was immediately struck by how vague everything seemed and was disinclined to endorse my $ XXXX check without at least asking someone else how this is supposed to go. Not one person I spoke to - my neighbors, attorneys, bankers, mortgage people - had any experience other than the mortgage company endorsed the check and gave it back to THEM. Finally on XX/XX/XXXX I signed the check and send it overnight. But I was stymied. There was literally no one to talk to that could tell me anything beyond the script in front of them. My first call to XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX was to request some forms ( attached ) which they required. I spoke to XXXX, she was very nice and explained that website wasn't working right and for me to wait a day or two and try again. When I asked her to email me the forms she said, " We don't do email. It's too risky. '' She offered to email the forms. It took over two weeks for me to receive them. Meanwhile in a few days I was able to download the forms a filed to receive a payment to pay my Architectural fees. So far nothing. My bigger issue, than trying to get {$20000.00} for the architectural fees, was the {$100000.00} or so that represented my equity - funds they were holding beyond my mortgage balance. I got nowhere. I did have one phone rep ( not XXXX ) tell me " It is illegal for us to keep that money ... '' as if the fact that it was illegal automatically meant they wouldn't do it. I laughed out loud at her. I spare you the rest up until today. Today, I took a different approach. I called my original mortgage broker and told him I need the name of their general counsel so my attorney could name them in my suit. In a few minutes I received a phone call from XXXX XXXX, CFO of XXXX XXXX, XXXX, NMLS LOC ID # XXXX T : XXXX XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX F : XXXX XXXX XXXX E : XXXX W : XXXX Mr. XXXX was very attentive and sensitive to my situation. His suggestion was that I file a complain with CFPB. He also provided me with the information of the LAKEVIEW CEO : XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, FL XXXX Tel:XXXX So here we are. In terms of timeline Mr. XXXX called me while I was having lunch with my wife around XXXX XXXX. He followed up with an email at XXXX XXXX and promised " Well try to reach out through our channels. '' Shortly after his email I was on the phone with CFPB 's rep XXXX XXXX. She walked me through your process. While I was on the phone with her, I looked at the XXXX website again and discovered an entry - not there before lunch - that my claim had been escalated for " REVIEW '' on XX/XX/XXXX, last Friday. Less than 30 minutes later I checked again and happily discovered that my check had been " APPROVED. '' By XXXX they had posted a XXXX tracking number. Mr. XXXX said he had not influenced LAKEVIEWs actions. I think that is unlikely. So what next? I am still XXXX. According their website they will issue {$40000.00} immediately, 50 % at some interim point and the rest upon final completion and acceptance. Zero detail on what " interim '' is or what " final completion is. '' At this point I've only been promised the funds that are lawfully mine ( and unlawfully held for a month ) although I can presume I'll have them tomorrow. As they are unlikely to send certified funds I'll likely have to wait for collected funds before I can use them. It's clear to me in order to rebuild my house I will have to pursue construction financing on my own. This is unacceptable as I continue to make mortgage payments while they are holding my money at zero interest.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


El Paso, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: My loan was sold to XXXX XXXX last year, and I have had nothing but XXXX dealing with them. I pay online monthly through XXXX XXXX, and they constantly don't get it and are calling me that the payment hasn't been made. I verify with XXXX XXXX and it in fact has been made. When I call XXXX back I am on hold for about an hour each time. The person who answers says they can't help me and that someone will email me or call me, and no one ever does. I have had 2 different payments show up as delinquent because of this and it is effecting my credit history. I called again today for the same issue, and put my number in the automated system for a call back. No one ever called back, so I am on the phone again and it's already been 30 minutes. I also submitted a request for new appraisal with a check as directed by XXXX XXXX. It was received and applied to my loan. I called to complain it was changed with the promise of new appraisal to come. I never received a new appraisal, and I finally asked for a refund and it has not been refunded. My loan number is XXXX
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Boston, MA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: I have been trying to log into my account at Lakeview Loan Servicing to check my account details and the website is never operable. I was finally able to change my password today ( XX/XX/19 ) and it brought me to the post-login screen, but none of the links work and I can not view my payment history or account details. I can verify my information over the phone but the wait time is over 45 minutes each time I call. They even have a voice message at the beginning of their automated call system that says " If you're having trouble with the website, please wait an hour and then try logging in again. '' Which, incidentally, does not fix the problem. Based on the shabby, 1997-esque aesthetic of the site, I would also assume that it is not secure against cyber threats.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Untimely Response


Rochester, OH

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: I do not know

Debt was result of identity theft
Complaint: Affidavit of Criminal Complaint I have firsthand knowledge of claim stated within. I swear and affirm that this statement is true accurate and correct. I have no reason to believe otherwise and do not expect it to be rebutted. 1 ) XXXX is a criminal enterprise who is guilty of unlawfully foreclosing on my home. 2 ) They hired attorneys who knowingly and willingly filed a false claim in the XXXX County Court of Common Pleas case # XXXX. 3 ) They hired a company called XXXX to come to my door and ask if I was ( So-n-So ). When I said yes ; he said to sign here. I was unaware that I was being tricked into signing to be an agent for a Trust of some sort that XXXX put my assets in and made themselves beneficiaries of. My name does not end with et. al. and that is how they robbed me of my God given rights protected by the Constitution. 4 ) An honest judge could use their summons as evidence to convict them of grand theft alone. All these attorneys know perjury has to reach the accuser. There is a simple reason why none of them are accused me of anything. 5 ) The most obvious reason is they filed this lawsuit with absolutely no admissible evidence whatsoever. 6 ) They planned to fraud me by filing this lawsuit then getting false evidence admitted using their expertise against my lack thereof. 7 ) The whole summons is nothing more than a list of everything they knowingly stole filing a false against me.. 8 ) The two people who signed their affidavits are guilty of perjury under oath if they even exist. One for assigning Lakeview Loan Services LLC as service provider on XX/XX/XXXX. Document # XXXX XXXX County Recorder 9 ) That alone proves they were trying to foreclose and collect a debt long before they were assigned. 10 ) The other for saying Ive been with XXXX since XX/XX/XXXX. Thats fraud I never heard of them until I got a letter in the mail stating they were going to foreclose. 11 ) This lawsuit cant be in equity or international admiralty because I cant break a contact I never made. It cant be in law without a damaged party. 12 ) They had to lie saying I failed to respond to get a default judgment. That proves they must of frauded XXXX XXXX and VA beforehand. 13 ) They know I ask to see proof of proper standing, venue and jurisdiction. 14 ) I know they dont have it. XXXX destroys the mortgage note and they never had the mortgage. 15 ) Looking for this lien they claim they have. I found that my mortgage was satisfied on XX/XX/XXXX. Document # XXXX at the XXXX County Recorder 's Office. This alone is proof of fraud. They have no claim and this is how XXXX has clouded over 100 million titles. The Sheriff would be incompetent if he didnt know he was stealing from innocent men, women and children. He knows bifurcation has occurred between the mortgage and mortgage note. 16 ) According to the docket case # XXXX At the XXXX County Court of Common Pleas. I am led to believe the Sheriff did an illegal search and seizure because I doubt he had a warrant to come on my property and appraise it. If he comes to remove me that constitutes a false arrest that is my duty to resist by any means necessary. These are the kind of crimes President Trump signed an executive order on XX/XX/XXXX blocking the property of persons engaging in serious human rights abuse and corruption. Unfortunately, because they know they could go to jail for crimes against humanity that they have already committed they are not going to stop until they get arrested. It is wrong for the Sheriff to steal from the poor to give to the rich. Arrest need to be made. Let me know what else I can do to help.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lancaster, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cub Run, KY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: Since XX/XX/XXXX weve been having problems with our mortgage company saying that we are a month behind on our payments, Ive been making double payments every month and according to my credit report there saying that I havent been making any payments.When I went on the website because I dont receive any monthly statements I noticed a lot of our payments have been going to escrow but it doesnt brake it down as to what and back in XX/XX/XXXX when our mortgage company changed from XXXX to Lake view we never received anything in the mail about the change until a bill came stating that our payment was late.Whenever we call to speak with someone were on hold for hours and a couple of times when Ive called to make a payment they tell me that unless I make a double payment I cant make a payment they wont except it.We are trying to refinance through another company right now and because of the credit report bringing me score down Im not able to get out from under them.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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