Consumer Complaints

There are over 539 complaints on file for LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC. Dated between 2019-12-05 and 2014-03-27.

Complaints Page 8


Maxwell Afb, AL

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: I was charged a late fee for XX/XX/2019, of {$36.00}. Also for XX/XX/2019, {$36.00}. I Called Lakeview loan, and the girl said she could only refund about {$29.00} dollars, and that the late fee was from XXXX. She said I wasn't charged a late fee for XXXX. I've had to call every month about this problem of late fees. I informed them that I get paid the second Wednesday, of every month, and that I mail my payments in 6-10 days before it's due on the XXXX. They don't process my payment until the XXXX. I know the post office is on time. They're just not processing my payments so they can charge me a late fee. They want me to set up automatic payments from my bank account so they can draft payments. They're too dishonest for me to let them have access to my account. Also I've put over {$200.00} dollars extra in my escrow account that I don't understand what they did with it. They have slowly been increasing my monthly payments. My payments should only be {$890.00} a month. I don't have an amorization schedule. Everytime I've asked for one, and that was from XXXX XXXX XXXX, and XXXX XXXX, they ignored me. I have yet to ask Lakeview for one. They don't even properly apply payments to my principal.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Abilene, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: I am writing this complaint due to issues with our escrow account. After receiving our escrow analysis in the mail from Lakeview Loan Servicing, I reviewed the analysis and noticed an error. They were going to increase my mortgage payment {$350.00} per month to cover the new estimated tax amount. Our original payment amount was {$1400.00} and this new amount would be $ XXXX. Upon talking with my local tax office, I discovered that the incorrect amount was put into our escrow analysis. When logging into the Lakeview Loan Servicing website, in the escrow information it shows 2 different amounts for taxes with 2 different parcel ID numbers. One amount - {$4200.00} is attached to parcel ID XXXX and one amount - {$1900.00} is attached to parcel ID XXXX. MY parcel ID for this home in our county tax department is XXXX. The parcel ID XXXX is the PREVIOUS owners, XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX. So, somehow when the tax information got sent to our mortgage company, they sent both the amounts and attached the parcel numbers incorrectly to each amount. Our taxes for XXXX we're paid in full and correctly and nothing is owed by my husband and I at all. I have no idea why the previous owner 's taxes are on our mortgage account, I don't know if they means she owes the money, or what, but we are not responsible for that amount or that parcel ID whatsoever. The CORRECT amount of {$4200.00} is the only estimated tax amount that should be on our account that will be owed in XXXX, and it should be attached to MY parcel ID XXXX. The amount for {$1900.00} was owed by or paid by the previous owner already and should not be reflected on our account or under anything we owe whatsoever. On XX/XX/XXXX I called our mortgage company to let them know what had happened and was informed to fax over the information from the tax office to prove it and it would be sent to the escrow team to be fixed. On XX/XX/XXXX, I faxed over the documentation to the number provided and received a confirmation that it went through ( I have these documents ). I called the mortgage company on XX/XX/XXXX to check the status of our issue. I was told they were still working on it and to give it another week. I called the mortgage company again on XX/XX/XXXX to check the status, and was told that everything had been received and was being reviewed. I was given a close date of XX/XX/XXXX by the supervisor that I spoke to. She told me that it was set to close on that date and everything should be reflected on the website at that time. At this time, I specifically expressed my concerns for late fees with my payment.I was promised by the supervisor that she would waive any late fees or service charges when the time came to pay the XXXX payment. I waited until XX/XX/XXXX - 2 days after the date I was given that the matter would be closed - to call again and was told that it was still not finished. The supervisor I spoke to told me that she had no idea why it was still being processed because they received all of the documents and all it needed was to be reflected on the account on their website. I was told that it would be sent to the escalation team and I would receive a call in 3 business days with a resolution. I received a confirmation email on XX/XX/XXXX of the escalation with the ticket code XXXX. The email specifically stated that I would receive a follow up call in 3 business days with an update on the situation. I never received a call at all. I called the mortgage company again on XX/XX/XXXX to continue to ask about the status of the situation and all anyone can tell me is that they will request an update and call me back in 24-28 business hours. I never receive a call back. I called again XX/XX/XXXX to let them know I was never called about the update and I again asked for an update on the situation and again am met with no answers and the person on the phone sent in another request for update. I called the mortgage company on XX/XX/XXXX to ask once again about a status update and ask why this matter has not been resolved. I spoke with the supervisor named XXXX. I was told that she would put in for a status update and I would receive a call with an update in 24-48 business hours. At this point, I tell her that I have been told the same thing by numerous other employees with no resolve and she said there was nothing further she can do. I called the mortgage company on XX/XX/XXXX to ask again about a status update. I spoke with a supervisor named XXXX and she told me there was nothing she could do besides put a request in for an update. I told her that I have been told this same thing every week now for a month, and she said that was all she could do. I informed her that I would be contacting the CFPB today if that's all she could tell me. I have sent in the correct documents, and given Lakeview Loan Servicing well over a month of time to get the situation remedied with no prevail. The XXXX mortgage payment is coming up in 4 days and I already have not paid XXXX XXXX payment due to their lack of movement on the situation. I have been told through this entire process that I will not have to pay the payment until the correct monthly payment amount is shown on their end and that I will not accrue any late fees or servicing fees when it is to be paid. I understand that I am being told I will not be charged anything extra until this matter is resolved, but it has been well over a month now and I have been promised things that have fallen through. So, at this point, I am worried that when everything is resolved that I WILL actually be hit with late fees and charges based on what broken promises I've been given for almost 2 months now about the matter. I am worried I'll end up being sent to the credit bureau for late payment, even though I've been told I won't. I have received late fee notices in the mail and when I asked the customer service reps about this when I call they assure me it is only because they are automated, but don't mean anything. It is very hard to trust this with everything else going on and the things I've been told about the matter being resolved. I have called Lakeview Loan Servicing customer service line numerous times and spoken with several different supervisors with no answers. I have not even been told who is handling my request, I have not been able to talk to anyone on the escrow team who is actually reviewing the case as I was told they " do not take phone calls ''. This is very distressing on me and my family. I am requesting the CFPB 's help in getting this matter resolved so that I can pay my monthly mortgage in the correct amount like I have been wanting to do this entire time. I have screen shots of the incorrect information on my account where you can see the incorrect parcel ID number. I have screenshots from my count tax department 's website showing the parcel ID of XXXX belonging to previous owners XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX, and my husband and I 's parcel ID of XXXX that belongs to us shows to only owe {$4300.00} in XXXX. Thank you, XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Discovery Bay, CA

Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: For over a week I have been contacting Lakeview Loan to get my payoff amount corrected so I can complete my refinance. A week of endless headaches and calls with no resolve! No one will call me back and help me. No manger or supervisor has handled this or called me back as promised. I need help!!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: I am submitting this complaint, because since I've bought my house in XX/XX/XXXX I feel that Lakeview loan services has mishandled my escrow accounts. As a result I've owed almost {$2000.00} in property taxes in XX/XX/XXXX, and XX/XX/XXXX. Each time I was given less than 30 days to pay this amount. In addition my mortgage payments have risen over {$150.00} and may rise as much as {$300.00}. Below is a chronological description of the past 2 years, and the reason why I feel that a complaint is warranted. What you won't see is the supplemental tax that I paid in XX/XX/XXXX which was approximately {$1900.00}. You also wont see the mortgage increase from XX/XX/XXXX 0f approximately {$40.00}. Lakeview loan services sent me a notice that I have an Escrow Surplus/Shortage of {$1900.00}. On a statement that was sent to me I see an escrow shortage of {$300.00} in the month of XX/XX/XXXX. As of XX/XX/XXXX the same statement shows an escrow balance of {$800.00}. In XX/XX/XXXX my insurance will rise from {$740.00} to {$960.00} In XX/XX/XXXX property taxes will become due in the amount of {$3500.00}. Lakeview loan services is telling me I have a escrow shortage of {$1900.00}, and if I pay that shortage my monthly mortgage payment will also rise from {$2200.00} to {$2400.00}. My monthly escrow contribution will then rise from {$550.00} to approximately XXXX. As of XX/XX/XXXX when I make my mortgage payment of {$2400.00}. take from that XXXX for escrow. I will pay {$1900.00} that Lakeview is saying that I must pay to keep my mortgage from going up to {$2500.00}. When I factor in the balance that I can prove on the statement of {$800.00}. All total that will put my escrow balance at {$3300.00}. Out of the {$3300.00} Lakeview loan services will pay my insurance of {$960.00}. My balance will fall to {$2400.00}. My next escrow disbursement will be in XX/XX/XXXX. It will be for property taxes. From my XX/XX/XXXX through XX/XX/XXXX I will make my mortgage payments Each of those months will yield {$670.00} for a total of XXXX. When I total that amount with the {$2400.00} it comes to {$5700.00}. In XX/XX/XXXX Lakeview loan services will disburse {$3500.00} to property taxes on my behalf. from the last paragraph Balance of {$5700.00}. That will then leave a balance of {$2200.00}. From XX/XX/XXXX through XX/XX/XXXX I will continue to make monthly mortgage payments of {$2400.00}, yielding {$670.00} per each of those months. That comes to a total of {$2700.00}. When added to the {$2200.00} mentioned in the last paragraph the total becomes {$4900.00}. The XX/XX/XXXX disbursement to property taxes made on my behave by Lakeview loan services of {$3500.00} that will leave an overage of {$1300.00}.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Myrtle Beach, SC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Fresno, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: We have a conventional home loan with Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC with a second home property. In XX/XX/XXXX, we obtained a Brokers Price Opinion ( BPO ) and submitted it to Lakeview with a request to verify the loan to value ( LTV ) requirement so we could pay the loan down to 78 % of the original value of the property. We desired this information in order to eliminate private mortgage insurance ( PMI ) from our monthly loan payment. The BPO was higher than the original mortgaged loan of the property. Lakeview 's response was that our PMI would actually increase if we used that BPO and they provided a higher principle curtailment to reach the appropriate 78 % threshold. This obviously worked against our financial desires, so we dropped that request. We requested in writing on XX/XX/XXXX for PMI to be removed on the loan, accompanied by a check applied to principal bringing the LTV below the 78 % threshold. Lakeview initially incorrectly applied the principal payment, distributing it as a monthly payment, PMI payment, and the remaining to principal. We have a normally scheduled payment that automatically/electronically pays at the beginning of the month, so applying this payment in such a manner was not in accordance with our written instructions, and also not appropriate as we remained current on our loan payments ( as has always been the case ). An email to customer service was not answered. A phone call to customer service allowed the large payment to be applied to principal, but PMI was not able to be credited back, per the customer service attendant. A letter from Lakeview was mailed on XX/XX/XXXX and received on XX/XX/XXXX detailing the requirements to cancel PMI. This letter acknowledges that LTV had been met for the loan, but Lakeview is now requesting a BPO to ensure the current value has not decreased below the original purchase value of the home. They also state that if we want to cancel the PMI, a BPO is " required ''. This letter also states that the cost of this BPO is {$100.00}, payable to Lakeview, who will conduct the BPO. Considering our previous interaction with this mortgage company, I am not trusting of their motivations, nor do I believe they are adhering to their own annual PMI disclosure statement. That statement requires a BPO when requesting cancellation of PMI at the 80 % threshold with several other requirements. The disclosure also says PMI will be automatically cancelled at 78 % based on the original amortization schedule. I understand we have reached 78 % earlier than that schedule, but their disclosure does not say a BPO is required in such a case. Their letter also states the need for a BPO as being related to ensuring the property has not decreased in value. That reasoning is null as we would have already overpaid on the loan principal if that were the case. I understand there are industry best practices, however, it seems reasonable in this case, that Lakeview is simply pushing for more fees to which they are not legally entitled and needlessly harassing a debtor that has remained current on all payments and is making reasonable requests according to published policies. Issues requiring resolution : 1. Is Lakeview required to automatically drop PMI when the LTV reaches 78 %, either through amortization, or with principle curtailment? 2. Is a BPO legally required in this case, as the LTV is below 80 %, actually currently below 78 % on the loan. 3. Is it legal for Lakeview to require us to pay for a BPO, chosen and serviced by their company, which could easily work on their behalf? 4. Please explain why Lakeview is justifying the reasoning for a BPO to " ensure that the current value has not decreased below the original value of the property ''. Thank you for your time and assistance.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Carver, MA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Our loan got sold to this company in XX/XX/XXXX/XX/XX/XXXX when we refinanced. It went to XXXX XXXX and then they sold it to Lakeview Loan Servicing. We got our first statement/bill in the mail from Lakeview Loan Servicing and sent it out on XX/XX/XXXX. ( It was due on XX/XX/XXXX XXXX. The payment goes to a PO Box in XXXX Pennsylvania. Were coming up on five weeks later and they still havent cashed our check. We have called customer service numerous times and explained what is going on and they have told us that everything will take a while to transfer. They have no communication with the place that receives the check payments. They dont know where our check is. They havent sent us another statement for XX/XX/XXXX yet. They keep telling us that we should keep waiting, but were very concerned with this company and theyre professionalism. We dont want to get behind on our payments but we also dont want to be slapped with double payments all of a sudden.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Shulerville, SC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: I purchased my home in XXXX of XXXX. I have never made a late payment. In XXXX, my escrow was determined based on my taxes being 6 % as a non-owner occupied. In XXXX of XXXX, a check was mailed from my escrow for my taxes in the amount of {$3700.00}. My taxes were only {$1100.00} because I am only required to pay at a 4 % rate as I do occupy the residence. I sent an email to XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX regarding the tax issue. XXXX XXXX still has my rate at 6 % and have increased my payment from {$1200.00} to {$1700.00} per month. I have been in contact with XXXX XXXX since XX/XX/XXXX and I am still trying to resolve this issue. I never speak with the same person and they always tell be " it's with the legal team in the escrow department and someone will call you in 2-3 business days ''. They never call back and it's XXXX and still unresolved. The new determined payment amount of {$1700.00} began in XX/XX/XXXX. I spoke with them and they told me to make my normal payment until this was resolved and i did that for XXXX and XXXX. They said they would waive all late fees and stop any credit reporting. they are holding my payments for the past two months in a reserve and not applying them to my account and I am now getting foreclosure notices. They have reported my mortgage to my credit file negatively affecting my credit. I don't know what to do as it's been 5 months of me trying to resolve this. Please help me.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Houston, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Laredo, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Grover Beach, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: My mortgage amount was set to XXXX and would fluctuate slightly due to taxes. My amount dropped in XXXX to XXXX. I contacted my loan servicer XXXX, they told me the reason the payment amount changed was because I no longer had to pay Mortgage Insurance. They advised me that as of XX/XX/2018, there was no need to pay the Mortgage Insurance and they adjusted my payments to reflect that. I received my mortgage statement for XXXX and the amount has now jumped to XXXX. I checked my online account and I am now being billed for the previous months that the Mortgage Insurance was not paid. I contacted XXXX to discuss the sudden change. They advised me that they made a mistake and confused my loan with another loan. When they realized their error, they billed me. They never once contacted me to explain the error with my loan. When I contacted them, they were not apologetic at all. I asked them why would I have to suffer financially due to their gross mismanagement of my account. They made the mistake and I contacted them to verify the lowered amount was correct, they told me it was. Then instead of just rectifying my account to the proper amount, they are now billing me for back pay. I told them it is unfair to expect the consumer to carry the burden of gross negligence. They told me I no longer had to pay Mortgage Insurance, they are the servicer for my account so I believed them. When I told the rep this, he then equated my circumstance to that of murder. If a cop tells you its ok to kill, would you kill a person? That is a poor analogy to explain away their error. The only resolution they offered is to spread out the delinquent amount over the next 12 months. I feel that a company that is in charge of managing thousands of accounts and millions of peoples monies, they should do so with more care. And they should own up to gross mistakes and rectify them, even if it means they hurt their bottom line. The company is taking no responsibility for changing my finances and potentially harming my ability to keep my home. When I looked into purchasing a home, I did so with my budget in mind. This goes outside of my plans and the loan servicer does not seem to care. And now I am trapped with a company that makes gross mistakes and does not own up to them for the duration of my loan.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Madison, WI

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Jacinto, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: Company in question : Lakeview Loan Servicing ( subservicing by XXXX ) Goal : Obtain documentation from XXXX where overpayment of monthly mortgage is going. Issues : 1. From my bank I send {$1000.00} monthly ( fixed amount ). XX/XX/2019 I received an " annual escrow account disclosure statement '' dated XX/XX/2019 which raised questions. 2. The monthly fixed amount I pay for my mortgage is NOT correctly recorded at XXXX ( see info further below ). They are recording {$1000.00} - {$22.00} less than my actual payment. 3. I have no idea where the over-paid amount is going. 4. I can not reach the staff at XXXX. When I phone, a message says they are having " technical difficulties '' with a " one hour wait '' and to " call back in two hours ''. The web page to submit a written message does not work ( no form, nothing ). There is no other way to reach this company unless I write a letter. 5. No history of the actual fixed monthly payment amount from my bank ( {$1000.00} ) is documented on the website. As I have not checked my account at XXXX in over a year, I logged on. NO WHERE at the site does it record the {$1000.00} ( i.e. payment history, escrow, etc. ). There is NO history of ANY of my monthly mortgage payments ( that I could find ). Example : I paid {$1000.00} on XX/XX/2019, but the site ( see below ) shows {$1000.00}. This is a difference of {$22.00} on a monthly basis. XXXX Last Payment Received XX/XX/2019 Principal {$260.00} Interest {$490.00} Escrow {$300.00} _____________ Total {$1000.00} =================================== The XXXX website " payment history '' screen does NOT show the {$1000.00} payment for XX/XX/2019 ( or any date from that matter ), nor the overage payment of {$21.00} ( or where that money went ). See example below from the website " payment history '' page. ================================================== Due Date XX/XX/2019 Applied Date XX/XX/2019 Description MortgageInsuranceDisb Principal {$0.00} Interest {$0.00} Escrow Paid $ -XXXX AmountPaid $ -XXXX Escrow Advance {$0.00} Escrow Balance {$740.00} Principal Balance {$150000.00} ==================================================
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cheshire, OR

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: We are two months behind in payments, we attempted to make a payment today for a monthly mortgage payment online. We are in the process of asking for mortgage assistance. We were told online processing of payments was not available and to call customer service at the lender. We did that, and were told they could not take our payment over the phone we would have to mail in our payment unless we were willing to make two months of payments at this time, then it could be taken over the phone. I asked to please explain this in writing or provide documentation that explained why they could not take our usual payment over the phone, and was told there was none, and was told again to submit it via mail. We can and will submit our payment via certified mail- but believe this is requested by the servicer to delay the payment past the grace period and show that the payment was again late giving favor to the lender when we are trying to clean this up and move our account current.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Santa Ysabel, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: I used the HERO Program to have XXXX and new windows installed in my XXXX home in XX/XX/XXXX ( XXXX ) and XX/XX/XXXX ( windows ), respectively. My total financed was {$18000.00} for 10 years. A yearly total of {$2600.00} was added to my property tax with XXXX XXXX County tax assessors ( totaling an additional $ XXXX/mo ) and is to be paid through my escrow account through my lender, Lakeview Loan Servicing , LLC ( also known as XXXX ). As I have an FHA loan on my home, I am required to pay my property taxes, PMI and homeowner 's insurance through an escrow account. On XX/XX/XXXX, Lakeview sent me an annual escrow account disclosure statement identifying that I am required to either pay an additional {$440.00} per month ( totaling $ XXXX/year ) or pay a one-time shortage payment of {$3000.00} ( due by XX/XX/XXXX ) and also pay an additional {$190.00} per month ( an additional $ XXXX/year ) totaling $ XXXX/year. I called Lakeview to get an explanation as to why they are requiring me to pay almost double the HERO payment and was not provided a reasonable explanation. I was told the reason XXXX is charging me {$5300.00} to pay HERO amount of {$2600.00} is that they have three different departments completing complex calculations to determine what the lender requires in my escrow account. That was the explanation for Lakeview requesting an additional {$2600.00} from me. I can not afford that.The reason I did HERO was because it provided me a tax credit that helped offset my tax liabilities as a single woman, with no children living in one of the most expensive areas of the most expensive states in the Country. I can not afford a $ XXXX/mo increase on an FHA loan. I could barely afford the {$220.00} - but since my old windows didn't lock and summer gets 109 in my area, I felt it necessary. Why is Lakeview legally allowed to charge me double the amount of the HERO Program loan?? This is federally backed program and participants should be able to participate without a predatory mortgage lender using it to double payments. Especially with an FHA loan. Lakeview KNOWS I am required to pay my taxes through an escrow account. They know I am trapped and that is why they are doing this. My only options are to borrow money ( somehow? ) to pay off HERO and then have to re-fi my home to pay off borrowed money, losing my HERO tax credit in process and my FHA interest rate or lose my house altogether since I now can not afford the payment. I believe Lakeview needs to be looked into for predatory practices. I also would like to note that Lakeview bought my mortgage - I did not CHOSE this company.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Fontana, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Elizabeth, NJ

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Augusta, GA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX home insurance company notified me they had not received payment from lender from escrow. Lender, when notified, over paid balance. XX/XX/XXXX lender reassessed escrow and determined I owed more due to a negative balance they created. Worked out payment plan. Renewed insurance. XX/XX/XXXX home insurance company notified me they had not received payment from lender from escrow. Lender claimed billing confusion and said they would also charge me more. Lender claimed there was a negative escrow balance. Insurance claimed that they had just not paid. They finally paid insurance. Lender added hundreds of dollars more to my bill. My mortgage bill has gone from nearly {$1600.00} a month to $ 2400 month to date.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Maynard, MA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Seneca, SC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: UNPAID ACCOUNT Property Tax Bill The current amount due is {$1400.00}. The probable cause for this delinquency is XXXX XXXX failed to send the full amount due, back in XX/XX/2018. The original amount due was {$1200.00}. XXXX XXXX only sent {$1200.00}, therefor County Tax Collector returned the partial payment and stated they can only accept full payment! As of XX/XX/XXXX, 2 emails, 2 phone calls and still not resolved. Or any communication from XXXX XXXX.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Calwa, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chula Vista, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: We have been trying to have our property taxes paid from our impound account for over 2 months. We have talked with the company on the phone many times and always ensured it would be taken care of. Now our taxes are delinquent.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: We live in a small rural town in Wisconsin. Property taxes don't change much year to year. ( Exhibits 1 & 2 show the amount taxes change year to year ) That's why were surprised to hear in XX/XX/2018 from our new loan servicer, Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC, that we had overpaid our taxes and that we were being issued a refund from our escrow account AND our monthly amount was being lowered. Lakeview Loan Servicing , LLC states on its website that it provides subservicing by XXXX. That didn't make sense to us, but we figured that perhaps the new servicer had somehow recalculated something in our favor. In XXXX, I received a notice from our town that our second escrow payment had not been made. That's when I realized what Lakeview had done - they had ignored that there were TWO escrow payments, and recalculated everything as if we owed only ONE. I contacted Lakeview, and was deeply concerned. We didn't have that money that was refunded us. It had gone to school tuitions and other immediate needs. I spoke with a rep, then with a supervisor to voice my concerns. They said they would work it out. I even offered to do some sort of second mortgage to replace the escrow money - but it would have to be at favorable terms ... ... but Lakeview did nothing. They made the second payment to our town, and we continued paying what we had been paying. I was worried - unsure of how this was " fixed. '' ... and then we found out. Now, we have been contacted and informed that ( OBVIOUSLY ) our escrow account is in arrears, and that we are going to have to pay {$600.00} MORE A MONTH. I know to many, including Lakeview Mortgage, this isn't a lot of money. But that's an incredibly damaging amount to our family. I contacted them. The first rep told me that it was " simple math. '' He implied that we had requested a lower payment, or that the tax circumstances had changed. Neither of those contentions are true. I asked for a supervisor. I was given to a second person, who was confused. I asked if he was the previous rep 's supervisor. He said he was not. I asked for a supervisor. The third rep indicated that she was not either of the previous call center worker 's supervisor. She said supervisors only call people back. I gave my information and asked for a call back. I never got a call back. Two days later, I called back, and waited for minutes - and then was hung up on by the system. I tried 8 additional times, and each time, without reaching a rep, was hung up on. I called two days later, requested a supervisor, and then never received a call. We didn't do anything wrong. We make our payments, we requested nothing. I don't know if we can afford XXXX XXXX extra dollars a month. If i knew this was the amount of our mortgage, I wouldn't have bought this house. I'm sick of being abused. I'm afraid of losing my home. I haven't done anything wrong, but I'm required to pay an amount I never asked for. And I am getting no help, no conversation, no explanation from Lakeview.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: our problem has been going on for three months..our loan company has not paid the taxes on our home and they are collecting escrow fees. we are with lakeview loan servicing and called their number only to find out that number is no longer in service. we have been forwared to XXXX and giver a case number of XXXX and have been told that they would contact me within 48 hrs? so far we have had NO contact within one month and have received a letter from XXXX assesors office that as of today XX/XX/XXXX the tax 's were STILL NOT PAID! we just need somebody's help you can reach me XXXX XXXX At XXXX XXXX XXXX Please Help
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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