Consumer Complaints

There are over 539 complaints on file for LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC. Dated between 2019-12-05 and 2014-03-27.

Complaints Page 4


Suffolk, VA

Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chandler, AZ

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Complaint: Contacted company when I lost my Job XX/XX/2019. We had just got the house in XX/XX/2019. I told them I lost my job, wife needs 2 XXXX XXXX, I need to help her and take the 6 month deferment they offer on their Loss Mitigation. They seemed to say they cared and wou ; ld be there if we everr needed them. one letter back saying needed more pay stubs ( 2 years ). I gave them all the stubs I had back 1 year. Can not access pay stubs anymore. I offered to send W2 which I thought they had already. I feel they are just stalling and letting me make payments. I am paying them out of my saving sof {$7.00}, k. but that is for my wife 's XXXX, which I also told them. I feel railroaded into even buying this house. We had a 60 day notice and a XXXX XXXX. Could not find a rental so we bought this house. {$2000.00} payments are killing me! XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX is my user name on XXXX 's site. please help
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Clayton, MO

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC is my mortgage provider and has repeatedly billed me for their own hazard insurance policy even though I have provided proof to them, in writing and online of carrying my own hazard insurance policy through XXXX XXXX XXXX. This same practice occurred last year. I have requested to be refunded for the insurance billed to me through Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC for the months of XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX but have gotten nowhere. They continue to bill me each month. XX/XX/2019 - I received a letter from XXXX XXXX stating that I needed to update my hazard insurance to avoid having a policy assigned to me. I did so and uploaded proof to their website. I also mailed them hard copies of my policy. XX/XX/2019 - I have a letter from XXXX XXXX stating that insurance ordered has been cancelled. Yet, they continued to bill me for their own insurance XXXX, XXXX, and XX/XX/2019.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Liberal, OR

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Federal Way, WA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: XXXX XXXX purchased our loan in XX/XX/XXXX. As of XX/XX/XXXX until present day, I have had an online bill pay transfer occur every two weeks for {$1500.00}. Initially, our loan amount was {$2700.00} including escrow ( taxes and insurance ). I had asked that all extra be added to the principal. In XX/XX/XXXX, our family was living in XXXX ( my daughters and I resided there XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX, my husband is still there ). The payments continued. However, with the anniversary of XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. Communications between the US and XXXX were VERY difficult and trying to get the funds transferred back to the US to replenish our bank account was not easy. I verified before making the change that I had two payments going out between XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX and I moved the XX/XX/XXXX payment to XX/XX/XXXX. Hoping we would have the ability to make the transfer by then. There were payments on XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, and XX/XX/XXXX and then we made two payments on XX/XX/XXXX and XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. The next payments were on XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX and then another will go out on XX/XX/XXXX. We were reported to the Credit Bureaus for late payment in XXXX ( over 30 days ) and have now paid a late fee each consecutive month after ( XXXX, XXXX, XXXX and likely XXXX too ) but they have the money it is in their system, The system is the problem. I can send verification of all the payments. What I was told when I called on Friday, XX/XX/XXXX was that their system can not handle the way I have been doing the payments over the past 3 years this was the first time I was aware of there being an issue with how the payments were being made. The first time I was ever aware of the " late payment " was when I was reported to the credit bureau and XXXX XXXX notified me. I sent an immediate email via the website to the company and received no communication back via the email system. Now, I did receive a letter in my XXXX XXXX which my mother in law checked 2 weeks later. However, the damage was done. No calls were getting through to XXXX on my US number between XX/XX/XXXX and around XX/XX/XXXX ... so if they did call I did not get it. But the only message I am aware of sounded like a refinance ( consolidate your loans with us ) type of message. My credit score dropped by 100 points because of this from XXXX to XXXX. I have worked really hard to maintain an excellent credit score for myself and my husband.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Co Spgs, CO

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Tacoma, WA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: In XXXX of XXXX, My wife and I purchased our first home. The Mortage company assigned to us was 'Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC XXXX ' As required, we bought Homeowner 's insurance through 'Progressive Homesite ' and our monthly mortgage payment included our Principal/Interest payment as well as taxed and mortgage. I have been making my payment in full, plus a small additional amount to round out the payment to an even number ( {$1500.00} ). I received a letter in late XX/XX/XXXX from XXXX ( Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC ) dated XX/XX/XXXX stating that I was going to be forced to get Lender Placed Insurance because my " Hazard Insurance had expired. '' I had assumed that the insurance expired since it had almost been a year and was just in need of renewal. I called XXXX that afternoon to get clarification. XXXX told me that my insurance had been canceled LAST XXXX due to a claim I had placed ( My car was broken into at home and tools and school books were stolen. ) XXXX claims to have sent out a letter of cancellation as well as a refund for approximately {$500.00}, but I had not received either! I called XXXX back for clarification on why they are JUST NOW telling me that I do not have insurance and to find out where all the money for insurance in Escrow had been going since cancellation. The XXXX employee was surprised that they hadn't realized the lack of insurance sooner. The employee also said that the money was sitting in escrow and had not been paid to an insurance company since the insurance had been cancelled. I was told that I just needed to find new insurance and to call back with the information. I had calmed down and I was just grateful that nothing had happened to the house during the period we did not have insurance. That night, I acquired homeowner 's insurance from XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, I received another letter from XXXX thanking me for getting new insurance. In this letter, they state that there was a lapse in coverage from XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX and an insurance charge of {$950.00} will be placed on my account for the period of time that their lender placed coverage was in force. XXXX 's first notice and contact of possibly placing lender 's insurance on me was dated XX/XX/XXXX of XXXX. Now they are retroactively charging me for services THAT WERE NEVER RENDERED.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hessel, MI

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: While attempting to purchase our home it was identified the home is in a flood zone according to FEMA maps. The seller paid a surveyor to verify it was above the flood level, which it was, and apply for a Letter of Map Amendment ( LOMA ), which was approved. We received the LOMA and bought the house through XXXX XXXX in XX/XX/2019. Shortly thereafter it was then taken over by Lakeview Loan Servicing. They notified us in XXXX that the was still in a Flood zone we had 45 days to purchase Flood insurance. We sent the LOMA along with XXXX XXXX 's letter of exemption but they purchased the insurance anyway. I have reached out several times to have it removed but they state they can't and never provide straight answers. They will not return phone calls or emails. I have several requests tickets with no replies over the past couple of months. The now state my new monthly bill will be up {$1900.00} from the original {$1500.00}. I really need help as the bank is of no help at all.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bohemia, NY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Brentwood, TN

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: I have requested the PMI be removed from my mortgage due to the fact that I have over 31 % equity in the property and have for well over 6 months. My written request for cancellation of the PMI along with proof that I now have equity far in excess of the requirements to drop PMI have been acknowledged yet denied by the loan servicer. Lakeview Loan Service is refusing to cancel the PMI from my loan.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Newcastle, WA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Seneca, SC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: I received notification of an increase in my mortgage payment effective XX/XX/2019. According to the statement I received, my monthly payment would increase from {$590.00} to {$640.00} unless I chose to pay a lump sum of {$480.00} to cover an escrow shortage by XX/XX/19. I sent in a check for {$490.00} along with the statement slip to cover the escrow shortage mortgage coupon as directed. My check included " Escrow Shortage '' and the acct number on the memo line. My monthly payment for XXXX was sent to Lakeview through my bank auto pay in the amount of {$610.00}. Lakeview processed the escrow payment on XX/XX/2019 which should have changed my monthly payment amount to {$600.00}. However, my statements since XXXX have shown {$640.00} as the amount due. When I looked at my payment history online, I found Lakeview had applied the {$490.00} as a partial monthly payment for the following month ( XXXX ) instead of an escrow shortage payment. When my XXXX payment was automatically sent at the end of XXXX, Lakeview posted it as a Principal Curtailment rather than my monthly payment. I emailed Lakeview customer service on XX/XX/XXXX after submitting an inquiry to Customer Service via their website and not receiving a response. No response to my email either. I mailed a letter to Lakeview in mid-XXXX asking them to properly credit the {$490.00} posted on XX/XX/2019 as an escrow shortage payment and correct the XXXX and XXXX payments to reflect the {$610.00} as monthly payments of {$600.00} with an additional {$3.00} as a principal curtailment. No response. On XX/XX/XXXX, I emailed customer service again including an explanation and a copy of the letter I had mailed the month before. Finally, on XX/XX/XXXX, I received an email response stating that Lakeview 's Payment Processing Team would be reviewing my account. Online, it shows misapplication reversals were entered on my account one of which removed the escrow entered as a short payment then applied it on XX/XX/XXXX as an escrow payment due on XX/XX/19 ( originally due XX/XX/19 ). An escrow advance for {$330.00} was entered on XX/XX/XXXX with a due date of XX/XX/19. However, there are also 4 misapplication reversals made on XX/XX/XXXX for my monthly payments for XXXX, XXXX, XXXX and XXXX which were never reapplied correctly. There have been no other transactions since XX/XX/XXXX despite the email I sent 2 days ago telling them it now appears I am 4 mortgage payments behind.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Val Verde, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: I closed my mortgage with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. My loan was bought by Lakeview Loan Servicing shortly after. I paid {$950.00} at closing for 3 months worth of property taxes that would be due for 2018 when I closed on the house in XX/XX/2018. The {$950.00} was instead sent to my escrow account and not to the property 's tax account. I received a notification of delinquent taxes from my county and addressed it with my loan servicing company. They took the money due out of my escrow account in the amount of {$720.00}. They subsequently increased my monthly payment by {$61.00} every month to account for the {$720.00} paid for 2018. I have been paying {$310.00} in escrow payments every month to account for year end property taxes. The {$720.00} that was due for delinquent taxes should have been covered by the {$950.00} that was put into my escrow account instead of my tax account at closing. That leaves a {$230.00} surplus on top of the {$310.00} I have been paying every month since I closed on the house. Somehow, the mortgage company seems to think I owe that {$720.00} to them now. I do not understand how a surplus of {$950.00} on top of monthly escrow payments minus a {$720.00} paid in delinquent taxes puts my escrow account in a deficit. I have addressed this issue with the company on four different occasions and have been told different answers each time. Between the original mortgage company that processes my load and the loan servicing company that bought the loan, the {$950.00} was not accounted for properly and I am being held accountable for their mistakes.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Angelo, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Complaint: My spouse filed Ch. XXXX the first of XX/XX/2019, she is not on the mortgage and I did not include this loan in the settlement. Immediately after Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC received a courtesy notice of the spouses ChXXXX. They promptly pull account in into their bankruptcy section, tried to overcharge me for property taxes, which wife attorney called them on. Now they are charging me approximately {$1100.00} for their attorney fees for an account that was never officially include in the actual bankruptcy. I tried to call them a few week after the filing when I could no longer access my account online. The representative treated me like I filed for bankruptcy ( very poorly ) and said they are entitled to take such actions solely because Texas is a common law state. I asked if I could speak to a supervisor and they said one was not available and he would re state the same policy. I am a XXXX XXXX veteran and the purchase on my home has been the first benefit I have used after 20 years of service, this company has ruined this thus far. I feel this company is trying to seek fees and extort this situation just for profit, which is very concerning that is a common business practice for the 4th largest mortgage company in the USA.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Wilkes Barre, PA

Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I was in the process of refinancing my mortgage to lessen years of payment and drop PMI. My existing servicer, Lakeview, began sending me mail to refinance with them and it would be an easier process and they would beat any deal out there. I had a pending refi application that was due to expire on XX/XX/2019. I decided to call Lakeview and see what they could do. On XX/XX/2019 I was assured I made the right decision to call Lakeview by a customer service representative. We worked up a great sounding loan over the phone as far as details went. He said I will get back to you in 24 hours to get additional information. I never heard from XXXX, instead I heard via mail a week later that my credit application was denied due to an incomplete application. In the meantime, XXXX did not respond to several emails from me. I called then on XX/XX/19 and was handed off by the first customer service rep to XXXX 's voicemail which hadn't helped me earlier that day when I called and left a voicemail. So I called back and go another rep he gave me XXXX 's manager 's number and I was told I should hear back within 24 hours, XXXX the manager is really good at getting back to people. Now it's Monday the XXXX and i feel this was all a ploy to get my application to expire with the other bank. I'm out of that refi application now and XXXX continues to not return any calls or emails yet has denied me based on an incomplete credit application? I'm not sure what is going on but this is unacceptable.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Council, NC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: As advised by the CFPB, since the company failed to call me back as promised by XX/XX/2019, I am filing a new complaint. Below and attached is a summary of the communications to the company advising I did not concur and requesting company to refund me for the fees and charges since the original wire transfer on XX/XX/2019 and to reverse all negative reportings to credit agencies since the original wire transfer. The company failed to provide requested information and a new payoff statement during the XX/XX/2019 phone call and did not respond to the closing attorney 's email reqeust which included the returned wire transfer. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I received a phone call today XXXX XXXX from XXXX/Lakeview point of contact name XXXX ID # XXXX regarding the response to this complaint filed by Lakeview/XXXX that it was considered closed and that per my email below that I did not concur. We discussed my email notification ( see attached email XX/XX/2019 ) and that I did not agree the complaint was resolved based on : the original wire transfer was sent on XX/XX/2019 and XXXX/Lakeview return of the wire transfer in the amount of {$210000.00} ( as per payoff statement requested on XX/XX/2019, issued on XX/XX/2019 and amount good through XX/XX/2019 ). The closing attorney had no knowledge the wire transfer was not accepted until it was returned on XX/XX/2019 a week after closing on the property which was on XX/XX/2019. On XX/XX/2019 the closing attorney XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX XXXX, myself and XXXX/Lakeview had a conference call with XXXX/Lakeview trying to resolve the return wire. Ms. XXXX was asked by XXXX/Lakeview to provide documentation of the return wire ( in which she provided XX/XX/2019 via email ) and promised a response to resolve this matter so we could payoff the loan. She never received a response nor received the requested fax of a new payoff statement. It was not communicated from XXXX/Lakeview that the escrow account was short in the amount of {$370.00} during the call. The only documentation we had for the payoff was the original payoff statement which was good through XX/XX/2019 ( the property settled on XX/XX/2019 and the original wire transfer was sent on XX/XX/2019 ). On XX/XX/2019 XXXX/Lakeview escrow account was short funds to pay the insurance but it was NOT until I received via in US Postal Service a hard copy of a new payoff statement received on XX/XX/2019 that I was aware of this amount due. This new payoff statement was issued XX/XX/2019. Had XXXX/Lakeview communicated the escrow shortage amount of {$370.00} at the time the wire transfer was sent on XX/XX/2019 and/or during the conference call on XX/XX/2019 we would have immediately wired the shortage. Unfortunately due to lack of response from XXXX/Lakeview and after multiple requests from both myself and the closing attorney to resolve this matter XXXX/Lakeview continued to charge interest and other fees which totaled {$210000.00} per a new payoff statement requested on XX/XX/2019. I immediately filed this complaint following my last call to XXXX/Lakeview begging to resolve this matter and was told XXXX/Lakeview would not issue a new payoff statement for wire transfer in the amount of {$210000.00} and include the escrow shortage in amount of {$370.00}. The overage amount I have paid is in the amount of {$600.00} and the amount I am requesting be refunded by XXXX/Lakeview to me. I continue to get notifications from credit reporting agencies that I am delinquent on this mortgage and having a negative impact on my credit score. I also requested in my complaint that XXXX/Lakeview remove all negative reporting to all credit reporting agencies they made since the original payoff wire transfer on XX/XX/2019. I was assured by XXXX ( ID # XXXX ) today that I would receive a response regarding our phone call today no later than Monday XX/XX/2019.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Birch Run, MI

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX, I submitted a request in writing to have a removal of my PMI since my loan balance was at 80.5 % and was scheduled to 80 %. My request was denied. XX/XX/XXXX, I submitted a request to remove the PMI. I was at 79.8 % of my loan balance. I reached out to Lakeview because they sent back a blanketed, generic email stating someone would get back to me in 5-7 business days. XX/XX/XXXX, I sent an email to request an update status. XX/XX/XXXX, I was sent a letter stating that I would have to pay {$100.00} or do my own appraisal to make sure the house hasn't declined in value. I didn't pay for an appraisal at that time because I didn't want to pay additional money to the mortgage company. XX/XX/XXXX, I realized I would be paying more in PMI insurance than the {$100.00} to have the house appraised. XX/XX/XXXX submitted in writing a request to cancel PMI insurance to my mortgage company Lakeview Loan Servicing. My original loan value was for {$160000.00}, in which when I requested the cancellation, my LTV was 79.4 %. XX/XX/XXXX, Lakeview Loan sent a letter stating I met the LTV but I needed to have a Broker Price Opinion to ensure the value of my house has not decreased and I can sent them {$100.00} to have this done by them. XX/XX/XXXX, I sent a check in the amount of {$100.00} to have this done to prove that my house has not declined. XX/XX/XXXX -- I received two letters from Lakeview Loan. The first one letter ( with the wrong loan number on it ) was denial to removal of PMI from my mortgage. They said that I haven't met the Loan to Value requirements & if I wanted to have another appraisal done, I could do it at my cost. The second letter contained the BPO comparisons and the new appraised value of my house to be {$160000.00}. XX/XX/XXXX -- I called Lakeview Loan to verify what was actually happening with the account since the denial letter had the wrong loan number on it. I was told I was denied because the property value of the house is now at {$160000.00} and I have to pay 75 % of that amount to be able to have the PMI removed. There is nothing on their website nor the government websites that state 75 % of the new appraised amount. The appraisal was to see if my house has declined in value, FROM THE ORIGINAL LOAN, which it has not. I told them no where on their website does it show that it has to be from the appraised value. XX/XX/XXXX -- I called back to verify what they told me yesterday after I tried to do more research regarding the cancellation of the PMI insurance. Again, they said my loan had to be at 75 % of the new assessment value of the house. I DID NOT AS TO REFINANCE THE HOUSE. I wanted to remove the PMI insurance because I have met the requirements stated on their website and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I submitted in writing to remove the PMI, I have not been late on any payments, I have met the 80 % of the original loan value and my house value has gone up. They told me I would have to continue to pay the PMI until I reached {$120000.00}. Yet, when my original loan hits 78 %, that amount is {$120000.00}. They want me to pay even more money towards that insurance when legally they can not do that. I told them I wanted to talk to the supervisor 's boss to explain why I should not have been declined in my request. Their boss was not in the office and said they would contact me on Monday. The rep also said they would have the insurance department review and reach out with more clarification as to why I was denied the removal of my PMI insurance.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX, I started working with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and his assistant XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX XXXX ( O ) XXXX XXXX XXXX ( C ) of XXXX XXXX regarding a streamline FHA Refinancing loan with the same mortgage company of the original loan, -XXXX, to refinancing # XXXX, Lakeview/XXXX Loan company. I closed on the refinance loan on XX/XX/19. The problem came in is during this whole refinance process, I was told when I go through a FHA Streamline refinancing, I will not have to pay XX/XX/19 or XX/XX/19 mortgage payment on the original loan and my Refinance mortgage payments will start XX/XX/19. This is when the bad things begin to come to my awareness on XX/XX/19, I was just about to get my airline tickets to go on my 2nd wedding Anniversary, I was told by the XXXX XXXX XXXX Representative, that the luggage charges that I have purchased on the evening of XX/XX/19, tgat appeared to go through that night. She informed me that it was declined. i said to her, No mam, There is over a {$1500.00} in my XXXX checking acct because as you see, I am about to go to XXXX XXXX, NV to go on my Wedding Anniversary and I am to use those funds on my 7 day stay there. '' She informed me it did not go through. I was troubled, so as I was going on the plane, I went online to view my checking acct with XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) and the acct was at XXXX. Now, know this. I keep very strict account records of my accounts because I believe in paying my bills on time and saving for things like planned vacations. I begin to review the activity. Thats when I noticed Lakeview had taken the {$2200.00} payment out on XX/XX/19 and as a result my account was in overdraft if {$640.00} or so to make up the total amount of {$2200.00} that Lakeview had withdrawn out of my acct. All I know is the closing on the refinance loan # XXXX from the original loan # XXXX with the same Loan company Lakeview/XXXX occured on XX/XX/19 and I was told that Lakeview would not take out the {$2200.00} payment for XX/XX/19 or XX/XX/19 payment on the original loan and that was it. No one informed me from XXXX XXXX of Lakeview/XXXX Mortgage Loans that you will need to stop the auto drafts if you have any. The situation becomes rediculas when I call, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX to inform them of the mistake they performed by withdrawing the XX/XX/19 payment of {$2200.00} and they already have rec 'd the payoff of original loan that included the {$2200.00} -XX/XX/19 in it that my lending company had rec 'd from Lakeview/XXXX payoff letter and amount already because the loan had closed on XX/XX/19. The young lady was informed, I was literally on the plan going on my 2nd Wedding Anniversary for 7 days and you all took the funds I was to use on that trip and my XXXX bill money. She went into, you need to send a statement from your banking acct showing the funds was taken out on that day. I asked her why? You already have it on record the acct was taken out with that amount and it was cleared. I tried the whole 7 days even with sending in the bank records with emails from my personal email acct which they claim they never received and eventually thrpugh XXXX along with other documrnts of the closing if the refinance loan showing the date XX/XX/19 the 1st Refinance payment of {$1900.00}. XXXX or so is due on XX/XX/19. I talked to 5 XXXX represenratives and at least 2 Supervisors, my loan officers XXXX XXXX and his assistant, XXXX XXXX from XXXX XXXX sent numerous emails to the people they worked with in the refinancing of my loan with the same company of my original loan Lakeview/XXXX trying to get them to refund that XX/XX/19 payment they were not suppose to take out of my XXXX checking acct, but no one, not XXXX Supervisors putting in a request for the refund or my loan officers talking to their Lakeview account specialusts and Presidents of the dier need that the funds be refunded immediately because # 1, the payoff funds had already been wired to XXXX and rec 'd by XX/XX/XXXX and me the client was not to pay XX/XX/19 or XX/XX/19 payment on the original loan and refinance loan payment was not to start until XX/XX/19. and I was hundred of miles away from home in XXXX area in XXXX XXXX, NV for 7 day trip celebrating 2nd wedding Anniversary but no one cared at Lakeview/XXXX Mortgage company enough to process my refund but yet I was told on XX/XX/XXXX, 7 days later from a phone call # XXXX to XXXX that the notes stated the client will not receive the funds they took out mistakably until 10-20 days from the day the payoff loan for the original loan was processed on XX/XX/XXXX. Now, all of my XXXX bills will also bounce as a result. No help from this company even though I did what they requested. On top of that it is going to come in the form of an escrow check. They totally messed up everything. There was no communication gping on from Lakeview refinancing to XXXX whe was servicing my original mortgage payments. These two departments are the same company. The Refinance Dept failed to report they rec 'd the payoff from the original loan via wire of the amount on the payoff letter on XX/XX/19. My loan officer, XXXX XXXX even called XXXX on Wedn. explaining everything above, along with making emails to their Lakeview acct Specialist they did the Refinance loan with but no one from this company assisted me when I needed it the most. I was 7 days away from home on my 2nd wedding anniversary for God sake but they would not take carevif tge refund that I needed so desperately off a mistake that they did. Tgey kept their crazy policy and was going to process it as an over escro payment that was going to take 20 or more days to receive by check in the mail. Needless to say, my XXXX re occuring monthly bills will also be overdraft and minus.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Salton City, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Stevenson, MD

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I would like to have PMI removed from my mortgage. The lender told me in a letter that, if I want PMI removed, I would have to pay for an appraisal to determine if my LTV has reached 75 % or less. Isn't it true that under the Homeowners Protection Act a homeowner can request cancellation of PMI when the loan balance falls to 80 percent of the original home 's value? Original loan amount = XXXX Original home value = XXXX Current principal Balance = XXXX Estimated current value = XXXX I read that if the homeowner can demonstrate that the LTV is <80 %, PMI can be removed. My LTV ( after an appraisal ) should be 79 %
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Babylon, NY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Dares Beach, MD

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Our loan was sold to Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC within the last year or so. In that time they have claimed that we are behind on payments. Most recently ( right now ) they claim we are two months in arrears however the holding company has provided a history that shows all payments have been made. We get reminders that electronic statements are available by email but not if there might be an issue. We check periodically but did not check recently because everything has appeared to be proceeding normally. Out of the blue, I get a credit alert that the company has reported that we are delinquent. When I looked at their site, they indicate that we are XXXX months in arrears. I have sent emails along with information from the holding company yet no response. We need them to correct their records and fix the credit report. Thanks, XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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