There are over 14647 complaints on file for Ditech Financial LLC. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-03-19.
Complaint: I received a letter dated XX/XX/2019 stating that I am being given a two new account numbers, one morgage and the other insurance, which is not called insurance but voluntary hazard insurance. What the heck is that? Insurance in not voluntary. At the bottom of the page it states " THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. IT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY INORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. '' I have no idea if this letter is ligitimate or not. I asked for a number of a parent company to call to verify and was told to get in touch with CFPB or an attorney. The customer service person seemed uncerned that I would be concerned over an out of the blue notice that my account numbers are being changed, or that a threat at the bottom of the page stating the letter is an attemp to collect a debt since I have a very high credit rating. My problem is simple. Is the letter on the up and up?. Especially because of foreign hackers being an issue in USA, and when I asked what country was I speaking to, I was told the XXXX. Thank you for validating this one way or the other.
Company Response: Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding Closed with explanation
Bremen, GA
Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
Complaint: Ditech Financial LLC. put a lien on our mortgage and we didn't know it was on there until we were selling our home. Plus, the lien is over 10 years old and The original holder been out of business for over 5 years. When we sold our home Ditech Financial LLC., took out money from the sell. We then went to our lawyer and they told us to file a complaint.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
South Florida, FL
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Complaint: I made a claim to my insurance company for damages to my property during hurricane season. My mortgage company, Ditech, held the insurance check for processing and releasing of funds. After funds were processed Ditech sent a check to me so that I could pay my contractor. The check was issued for {$40000.00}. On monday, XX/XX/XXXX, I deposited the check in my bank account and advised the contractor the money was ready to start the job ( re-roofing ). I gave my contractor two personal checks for partial the amount and the job started. A few days later, I go into my bank account online and find out that the mortgage company had put a stop payment to the check. Not a phone call, not a letter nothing from Ditech, advising me that they were going to hold the funds. I contacted Ditech and was told that the reason they held the {$40000.00} check is that they were filing for bankruptcy chapter XXXX, and they were court mandated to freeze all their assets. I explained to Ditech, that there were outstanding checks written by me for the contractors and they would bounce because they stopped the payment on the insurance check. Now I am facing legal action from my contractor for non-payment and overdraft check fees for the bounced checks. Ditech told me the best they can do is issue another check since my financial institution would not redeposit the insurance check. I asked Ditech for a letter explaining the situation so I can show my contractors what the issue is, and Ditech refused to send me a written explanation of the problem, stating that is it not company policy to do that.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: Complaint # XXXX has been closed.
I would like to re-open this case.
Re-cap : XX/XX/2018, I paid my XX/XX/2018 mortgage.
And added some to apply to principal.
Di-Tech mismanaged the payment and applied 100 % to the principal.
And wanted a 2nd payment to cover the XX/XX/XXXX bill.
PLUS a late fee that should have never been issued.
Di-Tech never admitted to the making a mistake but sent the late fee to me in the form of a check. {$35.00}.
They referred to as WAIVING THE FEE.
It should have been referred to as a REVERSAL.
FAST FORWARD TO TODAY : They stopped-payment on the check!!!!
AND, My bank reversed the deposit!
AND, My bank is charging me {$12.00} for the inconvenience.
I'm requesting a cashier 's check for both amounts AND an apology for all of their mistakes.
Company Response: Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers Closed with explanation
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: Ditech holds our mortgage loan. In XXXX XXXX with check XXXX for the amount of {$560.00} paid on XX/XX/XXXX, {$140.00} is the payment amount and we instructed Ditech to apply {$420.00} to the principal balance, clearly written on the check and on the payment sub. When the XXXX stated i noticed that Ditech had recieved the payment of XXXX ( added {$6.00} more to the payment by accident ) and applied a payment and stated something on the statement that said Deferral/Rate Mod Partial Pays and nothing of the {$420.00} to principal balance. On XXXX XXXX I phoned Ditech to make them aware that they did not post my XXXX correctly when we though the whole account I made Ditech aware that XX/XX/XXXX payment was also not posted as we Requested on the XX/XX/XXXX statement and check XXXX for the amount of {$560.00} paid on XX/XX/XXXX we requested that {$420.00} be applied to the principal balance and {$140.00} to the payment for a total of {$560.00}. And again Ditech posted the payment as they saw fit. on the XX/XX/XXXX phone call with Ditech I was told to call back in 5 to 7 days for corrections to be made and i had my payment history emailedto me. when I called Ditech back on XX/XX/XXXX @ XXXX spoke to XXXX with customer service i was infored that Ditech did not issuse a correction. We went though the whole payment history for the year of XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. I made them aware that we NEVER asked for a deferral and in futher review XXXX with Ditech stated that Ditech put in a new system and was seeing these posting problems in several accounts would resmit for corrections and it would take another 5 to 7 days for corrections I requested to speak to a supervisior which i was told would call me back. no one has called me to this day. I phoned on XX/XX/XXXX @ XXXX spoke to XXXX went though the account no corrections no supervsior would come to the phone. on XX/XX/XXXX @ XXXX spoke to XXXX with Ditech Customer Service and again i was given the same song it was not corrected and it will be five to seven days if corrections are to made? I asked to speak to a superviosr same thing went the thought the account give them the same infronation i have been giving them sine XX/XX/XXXX, and her reposnse it will take 5 to 7 days if corrections will be made. i am not asking ditech to posting their payment the way i see fir im asking ditech to post MY EXTRA FUNDS to the Principal bablance. now we areat XX/XX/XXXX no corrections i am trying to pay the loan complety off and can not due so because they have not post the XXXX to the principl balance like instruted on our check and their payment stub, i will be paying XXXX extra on my pay off balance. an if Ditech does not fix the problem i will also have a late charge staring the XXXX when we have been trying to have fix their mistake since XXXX.and we have this problem with Ditech posting our principla balance at least 3 to 4 times a year.
Company Response: Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers Closed with explanation
Elberton, GA
Company Response: Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding Closed with explanation
Syringa, VA
Company Response: Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers Closed with monetary relief
Ellensburg, WA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Acworth, GA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Discovery Bay, CA
Complaint: This is against Ditech ...
Payment in the amount of {$28000.00} was received on XX/XX/2018 for APN : XXXX ; XXXX ID : XXXX ; XXXX XXXX ; XXXX, XXXX, CA XXXX. The payoff is considered incomplete because payment was received after the XX/XX/2018 valid though date shown on the previously issued payoff statement and the amount was less than what appears on the current payoff statement valid through XX/XX/2018.
Enclosed is an updated prepayment calculation showing the remaining amount due of {$210.00} to complete the payoff by XX/XX/2018. If the HERO Assessment is not paid off, the remaining balance will be re-amortized and collected via the property tax bill.
As the consumer I was not made aware that the Hero Loan was not paid in full, I was under the impression as per the T & C of the refinance that the Hero Load was paid in full, which it was not. Ditech then sold my loan to a loan holder who I did not even make a payment to as they sold it to XXXX XXXX, when I contact XXXX XXXX they informed me that they had nothing to do with this re-fi, that I would have to contact Ditech, Ditech told me that there was nothing they could do about it. I have now requested a payoff amount from XXXX XXXX to find out what my current balance is on this loan that should have been paid off per the T & C of my re-fi by Ditech.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
N San Juan, CA
Complaint: I lost my home in the Northern California Camp Fire. My insurance company issued me a check for {$210000.00}. My principal balance on my mortage was {$98000.00}. The check had my name and Ditech Home Loans as the Payee. I send the check to their claims department. I wrote Ditech a letter asking that my mortage be paid off and the remainder sent back to me. I sent the letter and the endorsed check via XXXX to Ditech, which they received on XX/XX/XXXX. I have called numerous times asking where my remaining money was, when were they going to close my mortgage and do a lien release and when they were going to send me the over-payment amount back. The last time I called was today XX/XX/XXXX. I was told that my check was applied as a payment and they had not closed my mortgage out. They could not tell me when I would received my over-payment check. It has been 2 month since they have had my funds and I need my funds to get my family back into a house. I don't know what to do. My Ditech account # is XXXX. The customer service number that I have been calling is XXXX. The account is under the name XXXX XXXX, though my name as reverted back to my maiden name : XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Complaint: We paid off our loan with Ditech in the beginning of XXXX and had a balance in our escrow account which the Mortgage company said would be refunded to us within 30 days. Their system shows that a check was issued on XX/XX/XXXX but we haven't received it. We called a number of times and were told that it takes 30 days to reissue a check but we still have not received our money back. it is now XX/XX/XXXX and we still have not received anything. I did an internet search and it appears that there are a number of other account holders having the exact same problem with Ditech
Company Response: Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers Closed with explanation
Complaint: XXXX we got a loan from XXXX XXXX. The loan amount was XXXX. XXXX sold to Greentree. There started our problem. When the market crashed, my husband lost his job and I lost my business. WE started the " Modification '' process with XXXX during the transition to Greentree. Greentree lost the paperwork 3 times. There was a program offered by our state that would pay up to 20 thousand to assist the people losing their homes. Greentree advised that they had completed the paperwork and that the money coming from the state wouldn't be arriving " in time '' to save our home and the only option was for us to do a modification which would be express delivered to us for our signatures. Greentree also stated that they would eliminate all the additional fees incurred and that the only money to be " placed on the back of the loan would be mortgage payments. '' I notified the state and they couldn't advise us if this was the case so, with no other options we signed. important to understanmd here that I advised them I didn't understand the paperwork and the loan amounts were off and they promised they would check it out and still I have no answers. I have tried NUMEROUS times to have them investigate what happened. They ask for a written letter in order to " fully research '' the issue. I I sent this leter to their address and they never followed through. It has still, to my knowledge, never been done. Our current payoff is now MORE than the original loan amount after 20 years.. our original loan was only for 25 years ... When I spoke to them today they say the maturity date of the loan is XXXX. Most recently - I entered into a payment plan with them XX/XX/XXXX to catch my loan up to date. I was told IF I made the payments as laid out ( and post dated ) that there would be one month that was still in arrears and at that point they would " work with me '' to bring me current. Note : The person I spoke with said " IF you make these payments and I don't think you can '' - The verbal abuse has been an issue since the first time I spoke with them. I made every payment they requested. they were as follows :.
XX/XX/XXXX, XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX That left the payment for XXXX that they said they would " work with '' and my next payment should have been XXXX. I spoke to a rep and they said they would look into it but that my home was in foreclosure. I sent XXXX and they say now that they returned it however, I have not received a check from them although they say today they sent me back {$1200.00}. I have not received these funds from them, and they have been deducted from my checking account. They even show online that my last payment to them was XXXX. They would not accept payments and now say I owe them XXXX to bring my account current. Im not sure how they arrived at this number since my monthly payments are XXXX ( or XXXX ( depending on whether you look at the bill or online ) and this has been going on for 6 months. The number is twice what it should be. I have every payment I owe them and they refuse to accept it. they have been verbally abusive in every conversation with the exception of the last one where she said I wouldn't qualify for a modification and they wouldn't change the amount to reinstate my mortgage. In payments I owe them now since its XXXX and another month has passed I should owe them XXXX. ( this is using the bill not the online amount ) I can not imagine what the additional XXXX XXXX is for. I need help. They sent a letter in the mail, I received it today about a court hearing today at XXXX. I feel like they are TRYING to take my home and I have no recourse. Please advise as soon as possible.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Bueche, LA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Bonita, AZ
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: My husband and I tried to purchase this home but was told we needed a co-signer to get a better interest for the home or pay a larger down payment. My mother in law had perfect credit not one blemish. They put the mobile home in her name and me as the co-signer. It suppose to been for one year. They wouldnt take it out of her name after the first year and learning later that we were charged the highest interest rate. We have had ups and downs with payments through life, health and other endeavors. We owe just as much now on the mobile as the beginning over 18 years ago which is contributed to that misleading interest rate on a perfect credit score. We also found out that the insurance over the years were financed in with the note resulting in this high payoff. Our account number as always been the same for the last 18 years. We received this letter with the change of account number as well as a different way to start paying the insurance separately. If this was done in the beginning ....
with paying the insurance separate, our payoff would be different and it would have dismissed all of that interest. I received an email about an inquiry that I suppose to submitted on some concern or matter but I havent submitted anything to Ditech about a concern. Here is our original contract, a copy of our new account number and insurance payment options and the email suggesting that I inquired about something.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Arvada, CO
Complaint: We send our our mortgage payment plus an extra {$500.00} every month ever since we have had our loan with Ditech. They have miss applied our payments for a couple of years now. They have called us making threats that our mortgage is not being paid they keep adding it to a funds in suspense account. They keep charging us a late fee. Our mortgage balance keeps going up instead of down even though we are paying an additional {$500.00} that needs to be applied to the principal. We have made several calls and nothing is resolved. They keep telling us that a supervisor will call us back or that the department that fixes the mistakes will call us back and nothing.
We need to get this fixed immediately. We have proof that our bank has been sending our payments every single month on time. Sometimes they take up to 2 weeks to apply our payment after they receive it.
Please help we have no idea what else to do.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
San Gabriel, CA
Complaint: DITECH IS HOLDING MY MONEY ILLEGALLY ( REG X ) I refinanced and paid off my mortgage with Ditech on XX/XX/XXXX. Ditech has not issued my escrow impound account refund $ 3,700+ and they are now out of compliance with Regulation X.
I was issued an escrow account refund but the check was payable to both myself and my ex-husband. I was required by Ditech to send the check back with my divorce decree so that they could re-issue the check in my name only. Ditech received my check and sent me a letter dated XX/XX/XXXX saying that they would make a decision within 30 days. On XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX. I called Ditech to find out what the status was I was on the phone for an hour and 9 minutes and XXXX said that they would be escalating my concern and that I should have a refund within 7-10 business days. On XX/XX/XXXX I was on the phone for 52 minutes and told by XXXX that my case was accidentally escalated to a person who was no longer with the company. On XX/XX/XXXX I was on the phone for an hour and a7 minutes with XXXX who said that he would make my case a priority. On XX/XX/XXXX I was on the phone for 43 minutes with XXXX. Each time I was given a different answer about their ability to direct deposit and I even gave my bank routing number and account number to two different individuals. One day they don have the ability to direct deposit then next day I was told that they can. I have made multiple phone calls and spent hours on the phone attempting to get this resolved. I keep getting the run around ... ... ... ... ... ... ... And then finally this morning they admitted it!
" THE BANKRUPTCY COURTS HAVE THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS FROZEN ''. THEY WERE NOT TRUTH FULL ABOUT THIS ON THE PHONE UNTIL THIS MORNING. The representative told me that they have know this for about a week and a half. Now they tell me that I will get my money as soon as their bank account are unfrozen! They HOPE that is tomorrow XX/XX/XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Berkeley, NJ
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Friendly Valley, CA
Company Response: Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding Closed with explanation
Gladstone, MO
Company Response: Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers Closed with explanation
Milwaukee, WI
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I have a loan that is being serviced by Ditech Mortgage, loan # XXXX. I've been trying to resolve an issue I found since XX/XX/2018 to no avail. A reallocation occurred in my account where {$9000.00} was debited from my principal, {$3200.00} from interest and {$2900.00} from escrow. I do not see any reason why this occurred. I need an explanation of this reallocation that I do not agree with. I always pay additional towards my principal to pay down my loan. I've been given the roundabout to no understanding of what they did. Please kindly assist me in this situation. I have my home under contract for sale and need to resolve so I am paid in full all the money I have put into my account.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I am exempt from paying property tax as I am a 100 % service disable veteran. I received the exemption approval from my city on XX/XX/XXXX.
- XX/XX/XXXX I spoke with XXXX regarding the tax exemption and XXXX regarding my escrow account. All requested documents were faxed to Ditech at XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.
- XX/XX/XXXX Ditech confirmed they received my documents and was told my tax liabilities were zeroed out of my escrow account and wait 7-10 business days for an escrow re-analysis.
- XX/XX/XXXX Ditech paid my winter XXXX taxes without receiving a bill. My exemption was approved by the XXXX of XXXX and a winter tax bill was never mailed to Ditech. The XXXX of XXXX mailed a refund check to Ditech in the amount of {$480.00} on XX/XX/XXXX.
- XX/XX/XXXX I spoke with XXXX and was informed that the tax department zeroed out my summer taxes but not my winter taxes. She said she resubmitted the request to reflect a 100 % property tax exemption on my account and should be resolved by XX/XX/XXXX. XXXX tax refund check not showing in their system.
- XX/XX/XXXX I spoke with XXXX who stated that my account was still under investigation. I requested to speak with the tax dept, the escrow dept or a supervisor and was denied. She said all I could do was wait.
- XX/XX/XXXX I spoke with XXXX Stated my escrow account was still wrong even after last investigation. He opened a new investigation but once again I was denied the opportunity to speak with the tax dept, escrow dept or a supervisor to attempt to resolve issues.
- XX/XX/XXXX I spoke with XXXX where I requested to speak with a U.S. customer service representative. Someone who had the experience and knowledge to go over my still inaccurate escrow account.
- XX/XX/XXXX I was transferred to XXXX who said she was from the tax department. She stated they received the winter tax refund check in the amount of {$480.00} but it has not been sent to Ditech as of yet. I was advised to wait until I see the refund detailed on Once I see the refund, call them and request another escrow re-analysis.
- XX/XX/XXXX I spoke with XXXX who stated they did receive the winter tax refund check and I was advised to wait another 7-10 business days for a yet another escrow re-analysis.
- My escrow account is showing that I owe {$20.00} when in actuality Ditech owes me {$1500.00}.
All of this has put a financial burden on me as my escrow payments were increased which in turn increased my monthly payments for the months of XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX. I have been paying {$910.00} when my correct payments should be {$620.00}.
Company Response: Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding Closed with explanation