There are over 1360 complaints on file for AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE CORP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-08-24.
Rockford, IL
Complaint: Honda Financial services Illegally submitted Double car Payments and unauthorized to thousands Of its customers since as early as per some customers say since XXXX XXXX and Honda Financial services Knew and until today XXXX/XXXX/16 I was victim of such act and it was personally taken out illegally form my bank without Permission or authorization. I trusted My bank information on there site and Never agreed to auto pay, easy pay.. I solely Left that information so when I want to pay future payments and the information was stored. leaving I thought it was safe with a company so big to leave my bank information. I have lost all trust. This also created alot of problems when I was declined at animal Hospital.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Phoenix, AZ
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Complaint: Quite simply, I authorized a transaction to Honda Financial Services for my monthly payment in a timely fashion. I posted this payment on XXXX XXXX, 2016 and it cleared my bank ( XXXX ) on XXXX XXXX. My payments are due on the of each month. 5 days later, Honda Financial posted another transaction of XXXX to my checking account without authorization. They claim it to be a " glitch '' but they do not realize that this XXXX over drafted my account. It 's not about the fee! They have denied me access to my own funds through an unauthorized transaction, however long that may be for. This is clearly a violation of my lease agreement. I have paid on time, every month. Doing business with an institution like this ( who violates their lease agreements ), is not in my best interest as a consumer. I wish for any action to be taken to terminate this lease as I do not wish for Honda benefit from hard working, bill paying American citizens.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: Honda Financial Services charged, without permission, my checking account that was attached to my loan. I had already made a payment on XXXX/XXXX/2016 and today, XXXX/XXXX/2016, that same exact amount was charged. They had no permission nor consent to charge my account. Now i am dealing with a huge negative on my account, as well as future overdraft fees.
The fact that i have to call honda, wait for hours to be on hold and just get a message that they 'll resolve the issue soon is unacceptable. Also having to contact my bank, who is n't at fault.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Havana, FL
Complaint: Honda Finance Services has an Easy Pay service which automatically withdraws a monthly payment. They withdrew this monthly payment twice. This is apparently a routine problem with them, and is affecting XXXX people today. There is no way to contact them to report a problem or resolve it, other than a toll free number that is not working today, and at the best of times does not allow direct contact with a customer representative.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I have a Honda CRF 250L Dual Sport Motorcycle financed through Honda Financial Services. I submitted my monthly payment on XXXX/XXXX/2016 and it cleared my bank on XXXX/XXXX/2016. I checked my bank account today and Honda Financial Services ( HFN ) had withrew another payment without authorization. I have attempted to contact their customer service several times and can not get through. There are several others in the same situation.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I made an electronic payment for both my XXXX and my wife 's XXXX on XXXX/XXXX/16, so I made XXXX payment on each of the XXXX accounts ( auto loans ). This is not a recurring ( automatic ) payment, it is a one time payment made on each account. The XXXX charges were posted against my checking account on XXXX/XXXX/16. Now, today XXXX/XXXX/16, XXXX identical charges were posted against my checking account. Honda Financial Services, without my authority, duplicated the charges, which has resulted in my checking account being overdrawn. It took me hours to contact them. They informed me it is an error and that I should be receiving a refund. They said it would not be the same day, and could not tell me when I will be issued a refund. When I asked how can you process the payments again without my authority, since I am not on automatic payment, I made a one-time payment on both account, Honda Financial Services did not have a response. I still have no answer as to when I will be issued a refund. The additional payments are not even listed on their website as a pending transaction. This is severely disturbing and should be investigated.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Tampa, FL
Complaint: the " loan '' was induced by fraud. As there was not full disclosure to the material fact ( s ), In order for any contract to be valid, there must be 'full disclosure ', 'good faith ', 'valuable consideration ', and 'clean hands '. Which amounts to ; 18 U.S. Code 656 - Theft, embezzlement, or misapplication by bank officer or employee.
1 ). I was not told that the Federal Reserve Policies and Procedures and the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ( GAAP ) requirements imposed upon all Federally-insured ( FDIC ) banks in Title 12 of the United States Code, section 1831n ( a ), PROHIBIT them from lending their own money from their own assets, or from other depositors? The bank did not tell me where the money for the loan was coming from.
2 ). I was not told that the contract I signed ( promissory note ) was going to be converted into a 'negotiable instrument ' by the bank and become an asset on the bank 's accounting books. Further the bank DID NOT tell me that my signature on that note made it 'money, ' according to the Uniform Commercial Code ( UCC ), sections 1-201 ( 24 ) and 3-104.
3 ). I was not told that my promissory note ( money ) would be taken, recorded as an asset of the bank, and be sold by the bank for cash - without 'valuable consideration ' given to obtain my note. The bank did not give me a deposit slip as a receipt for the money I gave them, just as the bank would normally provide when one makes a deposit to the bank.
4 ). I was not informed that the bank would create an account at the bank that would contain this money that I created by endorsing the promissory note.
5 ). I further was not informed of the material fact that a check from this account would be issued with my signature, ( 10 U.S. Code 923 - Art. 123. Forgery ), and that this account would be the SOURCE of the funds securing the check that was misrepresented to me as a " loan. '' 6 ). Money is created on deposit, where the amount of the initial deposit is hypothecated XXXX in what is called " money multiplier. '' 7 ). " Fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters, '' XXXX v. XXXX, XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Airmont, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Charlotte, NC
Complaint: I have a negative line item showing on my XXXX, XXXX and XXXX reports from American Honda Finance. I have NO association with this creditor nor have i ever.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
San Diego, CA
Complaint: I am a XXXX on a fixed income. I have just enough income each month to pay my bills and to feed and provide shelter for me. If I have extra expenses in one month, it puts me behind financially and this is what happened in this situation..I have a loan with Honda Financial.
I have paid {$380.00} a month, without interruption, to Honda since XXXX, until a month or so ago, when it changed to {$400.00}, using the extra {$17.00} to pay off late fees that had accrued and for which your agency helped me to finally stop accruing. All because Honda would not change my payment date.
In early XXXX XXXX, I had some extraordinarily large bills to pay. Car registration, and other car repairs that had to be done i.e. replace an old battery, as well as one-time medical bills.I tried to borrow money but I was not able to do do that. In any event if I borrow money it makes things worse, because I go further into a financial hole and can not pay it back.So now I owe {$400.00} for XXXX XXXX which I just do not have the money to pay. I just made a {$400.00} payment to Honda, which is all I could send, and it was applied to XXXX XXXX. Now, I am getting calls twice a day about the XXXX payment. I also received a very disturbing, threatening letter from a XXXX XXXX, ( XXXX ) XXXX of Honda telling me that Honda Financial will use every resource under the law to get that payment, including re-possessing my car. I have tried to remonstrate with Honda Financial, to have them understand that I am a responsible consumer who wants to pay her bills on time every month as I have done 5 years. I 've had a run of high expenses that have to be paid, I have not used the money for unnecessary frivolities.And yes, I yearn to be able to save money each month to cover emergencies such as I have just had, but I just do n't have the income to be able to do that. Can you please contact Honda and see if there can be a solution to this impasse between Honda Financial and me? I believe they think I 'm not terribly intelligent, and perhaps might be doing this on purpose. I 've had a run of bad luck, but now I would like to continue paying my monthly payment every month for the approximately 15 months I have left to pay off the loan.
Sincerely, XXXX XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Clermont, FL
Complaint: XXXX XXXX sent a towing company to contact us about a late payment. XXXX Towing came to my home on XXXX/XXXX/16 and banged on my door so loudly for a long length of time that it scared me. I was too scared to come to the door because of the nature of the banging and the repeated use of my doorbell for at least 10 minutes straight. It startled myself and my neighbors that my neighbor XXXX doors down from my home called the police to report the concern. I called my husband scared and before I could call the police, the neighbors had called because that is how loud they could hear the banging at my front door. The banging rattled my whole house and broke the alarm system off my front door and it was shattered in pieces on the floor when i went downstairs to check the front door. The side wall that is next to the front door is so badly damaged now from the nature of this Debt Collector 's banging and hitting my door. The police confirmed that they were concerned by the nature of this Debt Collector 's banging at my door and will patrol the area looking for this Towing Company to address their unethical collection process.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I lost my job XXXX XXXX, 2016. I called Honda Financial Services to inform them of this and see about deferring some payments until I could get working again. I was told " no '' because I had n't had my vehicle long enough to make six consecutive payments. I assumed I would be getting a tax refund this year and just get caught up with that money. When I went to file my taxes, I learned I was going to be PAYING IN and getting NO refund.I called Honda back and asked them to work with me.Again, I was told " no ''.
After asking several family members ( who are all financially strapped themselves ) for assistance and them being unable to help, I called Honda back and asked again for help so I can keep my vehicle, and again was told " no ''. I explained I was not unemployed by choice and am looking for new employment like a madwoman! I was told being unemployed is not considered a " hardship ''. Are these people all high??? It 's a hardship for me!
I live in a very rural area.We have NO public transportation here! If you do n't have wheels, you DO N'T work, nobody will hire me without them! I have asked Honda several times if they will help me with my loan so I can keep my vehicle. My XXXX mother co-signed the loan and lives on social security.She has no way to help me out.Honda sent me a past due notice and in there it states if I am having financial difficulties, to contact them immediately and they can help.They have offered me NO help and I do n't want to lose my truck!
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Harsens Is, MI
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Fort Myers, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Tucson, AZ
Complaint: See attached document for full story and facts.
Additional document includes the XXXX extension contracts the first on for XXXX XXXX XXXX for 10 months in XXXX and the second on for XXXX XXXX XXXX for 23 months in XXXX and XXXX. Next are the XXXX original lease contracts for each car as stated above. I meant to have them in different order, but has been very hectic and stressful. I scanned at XXXX Library due to my movers stealing my brand new printer. I realize now I might like to provide additional docs for ledgers I discuss and advertisement mailed to me b XXXX XXXX for a set lower payment to purchase for 60 months then what quoted me for XXXX that only had an MSRP difference of a XXXX. XXXX attempted to defend in State Agency complaint in XXXX. I have copy that XXXX XXXX attempted to provide the State Agency that has actual advertisement cut off, when only showing body of letter portion. I will contact about how to provide that information further for your Agency. It was a lot to write about due to so many procedures I put in place that XXXX kept stopping. XXXX XXXX in XXXX AZ did n't think it was proper when hearing XXXX XXXX approved me with my daughter as cosigner for a new lease, but then refused financing to purchase my four year leased car instead. Therefore, XXXX XXXX in XXXX, AZ said we 'll get this done tonight or by tomorrow, but was stopped by XXXX XXXX and apparently the reason for the illegal taking of my car after failing to fax a payoff letter to XXXX Bank to purchase the car.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Las Vegas, NV
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Valley Stream, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fairview, TX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Lebanon, IN
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Eastchester, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bridgeport, CT
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: This problem begins with a *non-driver fault* failure of several components on a brand new leased Honda Crosstour EX-L which resulted in a 5 day stay at my dealer 's shop.
This also followed a former 3 day stay at the dealer for a XXXX AirBag recall, and a 1 day stay for failure of center console latch and driver 's side door panel. This car has approx XXXX miles on it. ( This complaint wo n't even XXXX with the three day stay. ) During this latest incident, of " 5 Day Stay At Dealer '' I had to get a rental car and had to pay the gap insurance on it and the gasoline as well. After all Monday Through Friday without a car is tough.
With the above said, I 've also ( additionally ) spent many hours the past two months trying to get payments posted on Honda Financial Services site, or figure out WHERE my payments went. Thousands of others are also dealing with that as well.
*** This is n't how driving a Honda used to be. *** BUT WAIT, IT GETS WORSE ...
I contacted Honda Financial Services to simply inquire about pro-rating the days out of my monthly payment during my most recent 5 day car-less period. I mean why pay a full month on a leased {$38000.00} automobile when a month is 25 days? I was n't sure they could do anything, and doubted it even, but I thought it would n't hurt to ask.
The prorated amount is a measly {$60.00} ( 5 days worth of the month 's lease payment. ) XXXX has 29 days this year, for those checking my math.
- I did n't ask for XXXX insurance reimbursal - I did n't ask for gas reimbursal - I tried to contact HFS MANY times, " All Circuits Busy, '' long hold times.
I finally got thru and INQUIRED as to whether a pro-rate was something that could be done to make amends for a leased car that is sitting at the dealer, unable to be used.
The Response?
Honda Financial was WAY more concerned that I was potentially recording the call, even though they were recording mine. I was hung up on once, and only after agreeing to not record them I was then told there was nothing they could do, as they recorded me.
The representatives are nasty, the do n't represent the Honda brand I once held highly.
Look, this is n't a driver-caused problem. This is a customer forcing a business to treat all customers at least with RESPECT.
Honda is having quality issues, specifically with Accords and Crosstour 's electrical components. Honda Financial Services is also having electrical problems it seems too ... as no one can post payments or get thru.
I 've leased cars from other companies that would have gladly helped - they 'd given a demo car to drive, they 'd re-imburse, etc. It amazes me that car brand like Honda has de-evolved like this.
In the end, Honda 's quality will be fine ... it is Honda Financial Services that may end up bringing Honda sales down as word spreads on social media.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Sarasota, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation