There are over 1360 complaints on file for AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE CORP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-08-24.
Box Canyon, CA
Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Ft Lauderdale, FL
Account status incorrect
Complaint: I am requesting that the negative credit report items reported by America Honda Finance ( AHF ) be removed from XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX. I will show that these negative occurrences were unintentional, the debt was paid immediately after it was identified, and should be removed from my credit history. I am in the process of applying for a mortgage and my credit score is 70-100 points lower than it should be due to mistake beyond my control and I am being negatively impacted by this mistake. My wife and I have been dedicated Honda/XXXX customers since XX/XX/XXXX, and have purchased or leased 13 vehicles and have never been late with a single payment during this period of time. In fact, as my credit history shows, I have been diligent to pay all debts as reflected by my credit score around 800 before these recent negative incidents occurred.
CREDIT REPORT In late XX/XX/XXXX, my credit report was pulled for a mortgage application and normally I have a credit score of approximately 800 on all three credit bureaus. It was shocking to see that two delinquencies were shown from AHF, one a 30-day delinquency and a second for a 60-day delinquency for a bill I had paid immediately after I received a bill.
I immediately called AHF about the two incidents reported and they said it was related to a late payment for {$370.00} for the cars disposition fee ( {$350.00} ) plus taxes ( {$21.00} ) which I had paid on XX/XX/XXXX. I explained to the AHF representative in XX/XX/XXXX that I had paid the bill immediately upon finding out about the bill in XX/XX/XXXX. In XX/XX/XXXX, I told the AHF representative that I just found out about the disposition fee bill ( delivered by mail ) and will pay it immediately. I asked the AHF representative why it shows Account Past Due Settlement Offer Enclosed if this is the first invoice Ive received. The AHF representative told me that this was the fourth letter sent. I told him that is not true and had never received any letters prior. The AHF representative in XX/XX/XXXX said that the item would not be a negative report on my credit if this bill was paid right immediately, which I did..
HISTORY OF INCIDENT ( 30 & 60-day late payment ) In XX/XX/XXXX, I turned in my XXXX XXXX XXXX leased through AHF to a non-Honda/XXXX car dealership. I had made all 36 payments of my 36-month lease and had turned in the car two weeks prior to the end of the lease date.
I asked the dealership what happens next since they would not pay for the disposition fee and the salesperson told me that they will return the car to XXXX as a courtesy before the end of lease date, XXXX will inspect the car for damages, and at some point may send you a bill for the disposition fee and the cost of damages that may be over the damages allowed by the lease contract. I knew the car had no damages and this would not be an issue. He did not know how long that process would take and some period of time may pass before I am notified.
It should be noted that in XX/XX/XXXX ( mid-lease ), I moved from XXXX, FL to XXXX, FL and notified AHF of this move.
According to AHF during my XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX conversations, both representatives commented that four ( 4 ) letters have been sent as follows : 1. XX/XX/XXXX certified letter signature required end of lease statement ; 2. XX/XX/XXXX monthly statement with past due notice ; 3. XX/XX/XXXX monthly statement with past due notice in red letters with credit warning.
4. Letter dated XX/XX/XXXX Account Past Due Settlement Offer Enclosed. This is the ONLY letter I received and immediately paid the bill upon receipt.
As I told both representative during the XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX conversations, I did not receive the first three letter correspondences. I asked which address was it sent to since I had moved in mid-lease. They claimed it was sent to my current XXXX, FL address. Because the first correspondence was a certified letter, signature required, I asked who signed for the letter and the AHF representatives said there was no record of a signature. My wife and I live alone, so no one else could have signed for the letter as evidenced by the fact the AHF has no signature on file of a letter received.
The XX/XX/XXXX AHF representative mentioned that several automatic ( robo ) calls were placed to my cell and I mentioned that I block all robo calls on my cell phone due to the significant number of robo calls I receive. I asked why AHF didnt email me and they said that was not typically done. I mentioned that I get a significant amount of email from Honda/XXXX weekly yet I never received an email about this payment due or the end of lease statement.
I had also expressed concern to the AHF representative that non-delivery is a possibility given my move and correspondence could have went to my old address ( and not forwarded ) or that since I live in a condominium/townhome community, I dont have a dedicated mailbox in front of my house, but rather a mailbox bank of 100 boxes/slots. Frequently I receive my neighbors mail and vice versa but I can not move their mail to their slot since its locked, I would have to manually deliver it to them. Further, a large percentage of my neighbors are snowbirds and dont live here during the summer and if my mail was delivered to the wrong address, it may be months before they manually deliver it to me.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Frequent or repeated calls
Complaint: I have been contacted repeatedly by phone and by mail by XXXX XXXX XXXX, who say they represent Honda. They are trying to collect an old debt. They obviously are not the originator of this debt ( {$1100.00} ) ... I haven't owned or leased from Honda for over 4 years. This 3rd or 4th party collector came from out of the blue.
Phone calls have been previous to XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX. Phone number was XXXX XXXX.
The next call came at XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX. Same phone number. Several other calls were made before these, but although it was the same number, I did not record the date and time.
I wrote them early in XXXX saying I did not know who they were and had no business with Honda anymore.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hon, HI
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
South Florida, FL
Account status incorrect
Complaint: My husband and I recently reviewed our credit reports and found in accurate reporting of Late Payments of our auto loan payments to Honda. The dates reported late are XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. I contacted Honda and spoke to a representative in their accounts and billing department who informed me that the ( 2 ) late payments derived from an internal error.
I am extremely upset that my husband my co-borrower and I have had our credit affected due to these errors caused by Honda Financial Services and within all honesty at our time of life the prospect of being bound to Honda Financial Services for a further couple of years worries me because this issue could have been avoided if better contact record keeping was applied. The whole issue not being able to contact us by phone is no excuse because I furnished our address and email address for notices such as this.
I was not advised that Honda was not able to contact us by phone because of inacurrate contact information that was input into my personal information ( please see initial contract which states incorrect telephone number ). Although I now reside in XXXX my area code is still a XXXX XXXX XXXX which is simular to a XXXX area code of XXXX it was input into their system incorrectly by the representative that completed the contract and was never updated although it is requested as part of the verification process each and everytime I contact their office which I have done on numberous occassions due to my irregular travel patterns that take us outside of the USA I frequently pay over the amount of my monthly installments which is {$280.00} and in advance.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Boston, MA
Billing problem
Complaint: I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : XXXX XXXX - 30 DAYS LATE I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Billing problem
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Information is missing that should be on the report
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Philadelphia, PA
Problem with paying off the loan
Complaint: I purchased a new vehicle ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) on XX/XX/XXXX from XXXX XXXX. At the time, I was offered GAP insurance from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, which was explained to me by the finance manager that the insurance would cover the " gap '' between the value of my car and the loan amount. I purchased the insurance for {$750.00}. During the time of my ownership, I never made a late payment.
My vehicle was deemed totaled in a car accident on XX/XX/XXXX. I contacted my insurance company, which handled my claim and paid out the amount of the vehicle according to a valuation report. I was left with a balance on the loan in the amount of {$2700.00}. On XX/XX/XXXX, I submitted my claim to the XXXX XXXX company to cover the remaining balance.
Honda Financial Services mailed me a packet dated XX/XX/XXXX with documentation that was forwarded to the XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX including the sales agreement and copies of the fax sent to XXXX XXXX to request a refund of my mechanical repair service contract ( XXXX XXXX ), which totaled to {$860.00}.
I received a call from Honda Financial Services stating that my account was past due and I needed to make a payment. I was confused because I submitted all of my documentation, and everything should have been paid for. I followed up with the XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX and spoke to XXXX XXXX. There was a lot of pushback they did not receive all of the required documentation and was reluctant to help. It was extremely frustrating to know that my claim was not processed and almost a month has passed. I did not receive a call or notification from them stating that there was missing documentation. I then asked them to re-check and she found some of the information, which upset me more. I re-sent the subrogation letter via email and she confirmed receiving it. I emailed XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX ) and asked him to forward the vehicle invoice, which was the last remaining document to process my claim. I was told on XX/XX/XXXX by XXXX XXXX that my claim would be processed as soon as they received the vehicle invoice.
I received another call from Honda Financial the first week of XXXX regarding my account. I was extremely frustrated at this point because I made several attempts via phone, email and in person to get the documentation to process my claim. The representative helped me obtain the final document for my Gap claim. I called the XXXX XXXX the same day to advise that my claim should be processed now that they have all of the documentation.
I received another call the first week of XXXX stating that my account was still in default and payments were not made. I called the XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX and spoke to XXXX who told me they were backed up, and the claim was processed 42 days late. I began to cry because at this point my credit is affected and nothing was done. I asked why was the claim amount was only {$460.00} why didn't it cover the balance of the loan amount. XXXX went on to explain that my warranty only covered the difference in the value of the car, not the loan. I was furious because I paid more for the insurance, and that wasn't what I was told at the dealership. He said there was nothing he could do about it. I then proceeded to contact XXXX, the financial manager who handled my initial paperwork, and I was informed " she no longer worked there '' and suggested I speak to XXXX XXXX.
I called Honda Financial ( bank ) and spoke to XXXX after speaking with the Gap Insurance company and asked how I can escalate this concern because I couldn't afford to pay the remaining balance and I found out the Gap insurance wasn't covering the entire balance. I also asked why my account showed late because according to the calculations, my insurance payment covered by payment due XXXX, and the mechanical repair contract refund should have covered my payment for XXXX. I was told by XXXX that no refund was issued from the dealership and this was why the account was marked late. I attempted to contacted XXXX XXXX again ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ), and he said he remembers processing the paperwork, and he will get back to me. He said if I didn't hear back from him to call the following Tuesday follow up with the accountant. XXXX did not respond and I had no luck getting back in contact with him.
I received another call from Honda Financial Services in XXXX stating that there was a balance due of {$1400.00} remaining on the account. I ended up seeking legal advice because I felt ripped off. My lawyer recommended me report this to Consumer Finance. At this point, I had to pay the balance with my credit card before I showed late again. Honda Financial would not reverse the late notations on my credit report despite my attempts to resolve the issue and said there was nothing they could do.
This was a terrible experience for me, and I wouldn't want anyone else to be in this situation. I'm asking for help with my situation.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
North Hollywood, CA
Problem with additional products or services purchased with the loan
Complaint: when I purchased my Honda Financial Corporation/ XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/2012 They offered me the GAP Addendum the Cost {$750.00}, after I payoff I received a letter stating If I purchased GAP coverage ; I was able to request a refund of any unearned premiums, one year ago communicated with the Dealer and XXXX XXXX XXXX but non of them were able to help me ; I requested my refund to XXXX XXXX XXXX but they told be to contact the XXXX XXXX XXXX and vice versa both companies refuse to help. I communicated once again with XXXX XXXX XXXX they give me a web site where I can summit the payoff my car the way i can get the refund but I never received any responded or a refund from XXXX XXXX XXXX, its been a year and still waiting for them to communicated with me, as a consumer I believe we have rights this corporations do not treat consumers well we deserved respect, I am requesting an investigation for this corporations Honda Financial Corporation/ XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX about GAP Addendum unearned premiums because the need to refund to the consumers and complains about this corporation. Honda Financial Corporation/ XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX needs to review closely the companies that they offered products to their consumers because we trusted them on getting this GAP Addendum but do not know that those companies won't seek the benefit of the consumers for the reason I won't Trust this companies Please can you help me with this matter.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Jamaica, NY
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Complaint: XXXX verifying deficiency not owed to American Honda Finance.
FTC complaint has been filed against Honda for falsely reporting a deficiency I do not owe.
FTC complaint number is XXXX. I also wrote my state attorney General concerning this matter and I await the outcome from that as well as the FTC complaint. My last letter to XXXX was ignored and nothing I asked for was provided or addressed. XXXX said they verified the account is mine when I did not ask if it was mine or not. I am disputing their right to report that I have this balance with Honda when by law I do not owe Honda. By Law, this debt is considered Null and void and should be removed immediately. XXXX should not be aiding Honda in breaking the laws of the State of New York and violating my rights as a consumer. Here is the complaint filed against Honda with the FTC.
I will be filing one against XXXX as well by XX/XX/XXXX if this is not removed from my credit reports. Complaint sent to FTC -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- To : Federal Trade Commision cc : New York State Attorney General On XX/XX/XXXX I mailed a letter to American Honda Finance inquiring about a deficiency they are reporting to the three major credit Bureaus in the amount of {$6700.00}. Under the laws of the State of New York UCC 9.506 and State RISA and MVISA statutes a deficiency can not be claimed unless all the required notices were properly and timely given, and all of the allowable redemption and cure time limits were adhered to American Honda Responded to me by sending a copy of the original contract which had my address at the time of this vehicle purchase and also the 3 notices they were supposed to send by law in a PROPER AND TIMELY MANNER.. All of these notices have a different address from the address on the original contract. An address at which I never resided, neither did I provide this address to American Honda ( not sure how they came by this address ) the mail they sent to the address I assume must have been returned to them. ( American Honda ) This address is XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, NY XXXX Clearly, these notices were not properly and timely given, and all of the allowable redemption and cure time limits were not adhered to. I sent another letter to American Honda on XX/XX/XXXX certified mail return receipt. A proper notice with proof of delivery. I got the stamped green card back in the mail showing they received my second letter on XX/XX/XXXX. USPS tracking ( XXXX ) In this letter I pointed out to American Honda that the address to which they allegedly sent this notice is not mine and it doesnt match the address on the contract thus the claim of owed deficiency is invalid under the law. American Honda has not responded to my second letter. Please remove this deficiency from my credit reports because under the law I do not owe it since I was not notified properly and timely notified by American Honda I have never lived at that particular address and have never asked for any communication to be sent to me via mail to that address. Due to the fact that American Honda Finance failed to send the legal notices to my proper address and in a timely manner, under the laws of the State of New York UCC 9.506 and State RISA and MVISA statutes a deficiency can not be claimed The notices were not properly and timely served because there is no way I would have ever seen any notices sent to an address I do not nor have I ever resided. The alleged claim of a deficiency is to be considered null and void, and any continued collection activities or continued reporting of this invalid claim on my credit reports will be considered a violation of the FDCPA and FCRA. In addition, if you singularly or severally fail to comply with the above requests within 30 days I reserve the right to seek damages against all parties, under all available State and Federal statutes and UCC 9 remedies.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Colfax, IN
Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: I am requesting that XXXX immediately remove Honda Finance from my credit report. Please see the attached report from the Federal Trade Commission, and the letter I have sent to Honda Finance.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Houston, TX
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Complaint: I have a loan with AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE. I have always made my payments on time. For some reason I realized that there was a late payment on my credit report. As you can see, I have always had a stellar payment record with this company. I tried contacting both XXXX and AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE with no successful resolution. XXXX was the only one reporting me late. There was definitely an error on their part. I was never 30 days late XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Melbourne, FL
High-pressure sales tactics
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Account information incorrect
Complaint: Honda Financial Services has made several errors on my credit report. I have tried several times to fix these errors with them and through the three major credit bureaus. I have not had any success. I am hoping to get the information fixed.
The accounts that have errors are : Account # : XXXX - Late Payment XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX Account # : XXXX - Late Payment XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX Account # : XXXX - Late Payment XX/XX/XXXX Account # : XXXX - Late Payment XX/XX/XXXX Account # : XXXX - Listed as charge off in XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. We didn't even own the car anymore.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
N Valley Stream, NY
Account information incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fountain Valley, CA
Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Austin, TX
Problem with additional products or services purchased with the loan
Complaint: ( The following is my written complaint to Honda Financial Services ) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX, Texas XXXX XX/XX/XXXX Complaint Department Honda Financial Services XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to dispute the following information in my file. Your agency claimed that I missed a payment this spring, I made up the payment the very next month paying {$500.00} dollars and the subsequent month paying XXXX. Adding both months together this comes out to XXXX and surpases the XXXX payment missed the month prior. You have overcharged me XXXX. Your agency also turned me into the Credit Bureau and lowered my credit score.
My next dispute, I cancelled my XXXX XXXX and I was told only XXXX was be returned. Neither was it applied to the month of XX/XX/XXXX where is should have for XXXX but neither was it returned to me. However, instead when I called your agency I was told it was kept as a security deposit. I asked why two years into my lease was I now being charged with a security deposit? After waiting 15 minutes, the representative told me it was in case damages where found on the car when it is returned.
I said I would buy the car, then the representative said I wouldnt qualify to refinance the car. At the time, I didnt know why. I went to the Honda dealership and my payoff had increased from XXXX to {$17000.00}. If I made all my payments and promptly made-up the missed payment how does the car payoff go up?
Needless to say, I was upset. The Honda salesperson followed me out and told me they were sorry and that Honda Financial Services turned me into the credit bureau, they felt that I deserved to know why my credit rating had dropped!
( Image of the transaction history ) My payments are up to date. Ive always had good intentions towards my payments, one time making a XXXX payment paying off 6 months. Below is a screenshot of the transaction history for the month, after I missed the payment it supports that I rectified the situation immediately. Please investigate this matter and delete the claim to the credit bureau as soon as possible.
Regards, XXXX XXXX -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- End of Letter to Honda Financial Services -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Dates : provided on attached documents Honda Financial Services is NOT allowing me to log on or I'd provide the most recent itemized list of the last 6 months so that it can be documents the fee 's went up for {$7.00} to {$12.00}, I assume for handling my account? There are no specifics provided.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Memphis, TN
Fraudulent loan
Complaint: A. Contained herein is a summary of my complaint summarizing why I believe that I am the victim of Fraud, Predatory Lending Practices, and Deceptive Business Practices.
1. On XX/XX/XXXX, I voluntarily entered into a contract as what I told and believed to be, a co-signer for my ex-boyfriend and father to be of my child, for a vehicle loan to purchase a XXXX XXXX financed by the American Honda Finance Corporation ( AHFC ). At that time, I was XXXX years old, a full-time student working 15 to 20 hours per week, part-time/work study making {$10.00} per hour, a position I had held for 3 months prior. My only previous employment was a one-year job as a XXXX at an XXXX XXXX during my Freshman/Sophomore years in high school.
2. Based upon my above cited income and work history, I was told that I was approved to co-sign for my ex-boyfriends car with AHFC for {$34000.00}, at an interest rate of 4.59 % for 72 months. ( See enclosure ( 1 ) copy of contract received XX/XX/XXXX ) 3. My boyfriend at the time of the purchase worked as a XXXX XXXX XXXX at the XXXX XXXX XXXX where the vehicle was purchased. At that time, I was XXXX and would do anything for my boyfriend thinking that we were going to be together and he needed transportation to work and help support our coming child. I was surprised and questioned the finance officer on how I was approved there and could not be approved for my own car at a XXXX XXXX dealership, the same corporate entity. The finance person at the XXXX XXXX dealership said, since my Father was the primary borrower on my car, it would not interfere with me co-signing my boyfriends car.
4. After breaking up with my boyfriend/childs father, he experienced several employment challenges, sporadically made the payments and eventually defaulted on the loan. During the times when his payments were late, I received calls from the AHFC on numerous occasions informing me that the payments were not being made timely and that I was also responsible and that I should make the payments. My response was that I would make all of the payments if they would give me the car. They never responded to me nor agreed to my offer.
5. In XX/XX/XXXX, When I applied for a loan to purchase a home, the mortgage loan office informed me that there was a derogatory mark on my credit in the form of a credit charge off by AHFC. ( See enclosure ( 2 ) 6. When I contacted AHFC, they informed me that the car had been repossessed, and sold for {$7800.00}, almost half of what the vehicle Market Average Price ( {$14000.00} ) per XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX by XXXX estimates for Private Party Value ( See enclosures ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) ) leaving a balance {$16000.00} that they are asking me to pay.
7. When I asked why I was not afforded the opportunity to take over the loan, they replied that they had sent a letter to my ex-boyfriends address on XX/XX/XXXX informing me of the repossession and the intent to sell the car. In short, I was never contacted prior to the sale of the car and provided an opportunity to address the matter prior to the sale of the car. Yet AHFC had contacted me on previous numerous occasions when my ex-boyfriend was not making the payments on time. They apparently lost all my contact information when they repossessed the car. I requested a copy of the letter and received it on XX/XX/XXXX ( See enclosure ( 5 ) copy of letter mailed to me at ex-boyfriends address dated XX/XX/XXXX ) 8. I also requested a copy of the contract and payment history at that time. AHFC refuses to provide me a copy of the payment history and only sent me a copy of the contract and letter dated XX/XX/XXXX after a second request. When I received a copy of the contract, I discovered that I am listed as the Primary Buyer.
B. I believe that my ex-boyfriend, the XXXX XXXX XXXX, American Honda Finance Corporation ( AHFC ) and other agents of the AHFC ( the recovered asset vender who sold car for half the average market value, intentionally conspired against me to commit Fraudulent and Predatory Lending Practices based upon the following reasons.
1. Fraudulent Lending Practices : In that the XXXX XXXX XXXX and the AHFC in an effort to finance one of their employees ( my ex-boyfriend ), who they knew was not qualified for financing, knowingly misrepresented my position in the transaction took advantage of my trust and listed me as the Primary Buyer in the contract when I was told otherwise, while knowing that my credit worthiness did not warrant approval for such loan. As the Primary Buyer, I should I have been required to have insurance on the car prior to it being driven off the lot? I never insured that vehicle, nor was ever required to insure it by AHFC or XXXX XXXX XXXX.
All parties received incentives to commit this fraud, my ex-boyfriend received a car, the Honda dealership received a commission, AHFC received principal and interest payments on the loan, and the XXXX XXXX XXXX received a vehicle for half its value, all to my detriment.
2. Predatory Lending Practices : Various sites on the internet all state that there is no legal definition of predatory lending in the United States. However, all state that Predatory lending benefits the lender and ignores or hinders the borrowers ability to repay the debt. These lending tactics often try to take advantage of a borrowers lack of understanding about loans, terms or finances. Modern usage has expanded the term to include any lending practices that rely on a consumer 's lack of sophistication, or gullibility. Based upon my lack of credit worthiness at the time that I was duped into signing this contract, I should have not been approved for this loan. AHFC, XXXX XXXX dealership, and my ex-boyfriend conspired to commit a predatory lending practice against me.
All parties received incentives to commit this fraud, my ex-boyfriend received a car, the Honda dealership received a commission, AHFC received principal and interest payments on the loan, XXXX XXXX XXXX received a vehicle for half its value, all to my detriment.
Deceptive/Unfair Business Practices : My ex-boyfriend, the XXXX XXXX XXXX, American Honda Finance Corporation ( AHFC ), and XXXX XXXX XXXX engaged in deceptive and unfair business practices in that they intentionally deceived me by leading me to believe that I was co-signing for my ex-boyfriends car when it was known that he nor I possessed the credit worthiness demonstrating the ability to repay a loan in the amount of {$33000.00}.
All parties received incentives to commit this fraud, my ex-boyfriend received a car, the Honda dealership received a commission, AHFC received principal and interest payments on the loan, XXXX XXXX XXXX received a vehicle for half its value, all to my detriment.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Billing problem
Complaint: American Honda Finance did not send billing information until after the loan was due. Contacted them 2 days prior to the bill being due on XX/XX/XXXX. They told me to all back on Monday XX/XX/XXXX and I had to scramble to get the payment sent as they accused me it was late.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Lewisville, TX
Reporting company used your report improperly
Complaint: there are few things going on with my credit .well known companies are damaging my credit one month to another month ,1 yr to another year.XXXX even forgive a mistake but not these XXXX XXXX companies ,1 late payment in last 8 years still reporting to credit bureu , lost house lost my cars after my husband sudden death threw me off with everything, after husband died had XXXX XXXX could not work, i had to raise XXXX children on my own, it was tough but i made it, things are much better financially but these companies continue to kill me and wont forgive me for late payments, they took my house for XXXX dollar debt left to pay off mortgage XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX sold my house for late payment, did not regard my 20 yrs of payment i made XXXX dollar down payment we made to buy house,XXXX dollar house they sold for XXXX debt late payments and turned out sold for XXXX XXXX dollar, investor who baught my house selling for XXXX dollar, XXXX XXXX XXXX contnue to report late payment on my XXXX cont to do negative reporting XXXX wont forgive me either, honda finance took both vehicle we had my husband made XXXX dollar down payments to buy those cars.he also traded my XXXX at that time but for late payments they took away my car sold it after we made three years of payments.recovered their money got their vehicle but put XXXX dollar for me to pay them.
i am a biggest looser in this life lost everything except hope.with hope only i want to stand again and start life, but these XXXX XXXX companies wont let me do any thing i am tired of sending them letter to explain why payments were late? asking for forgivness but they are deaf they dont care i wish if i would have died too along with my husband becouse these companies are killing me any ways, i cant buy house i cant buy any vehicle.i am exhousted fighting with them, please help me if u can or i will believe no one is out there to see my tears and hear my cry XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Santa Monica, CA
Used obscene, profane, or other abusive language
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Lender trying to repossess or disable the vehicle
Complaint: I have been leasing a New Honda CRV XXXX since XX/XX/XXXX. I signed my contract at XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX. The finance company is American Honda Corporation. I have been late on payments due to financial hardships. When I first received to car I was married and working. During the time of my lease I became divorced and unemployed. I still continued to make my payments although they were late. Honda would charge me a {$25.00} late fee which is stated in the contract I signed. I became a XXXX XXXX XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX and recently XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. I informed Honda on several times that I was unemployed and a student that's why my payments are always late. They always said we will note the account. In XX/XX/XXXX I missed 3 months of payments they informed me by letter and phone call that there was repossession out for my car. I ask them what I can do to stop the repossession they stated I can pay 2 months and I have to western union the money. I did. The car wasn't repo then. On XX/XX/XXXX I called to tell them I will make a payment on next Wednesday which XX/XX/XXXX. They agreed. They repossesses my car on XX/XX/XXXX without notice. I only have seven more payments left. They told me the only way I can get the car back is if I buy it for {$21000.00}. I ask is there another option. They said they would have to review another option which was I would have to make my account current and pay all the late fees and have a XXXX balance and the repo fees I agreed I could get that done. they said my account has to be reviewed and they will get back to me in 1 to 3 business days. I got back to Honda and they said I was not eligible for option one due to my late payments. That I will have to buy the vehicle for {$21000.00}. I would have to take out a personal loan and send them a check by XX/XX/XXXX and still pay repo fees. I feel like I had no choice so my mom took out a loan and its not going to clear in time for XX/XX/XXXX. I ask them for more time they gave me until XX/XX/XXXX after I sent them proof of the loan. I ask them for a written agreement stating they gave me until XX/XX/XXXX. They said the can't but they noted the account. That was on XX/XX/XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Jacksonville, FL
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Company Response: Closed with explanation