There are over 1360 complaints on file for AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE CORP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-08-24.
Mc Donough, GA
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Lewisville, TX
Account status incorrect
Complaint: Honda finances company repossed my 2 new car 5 years ago, i got those two cars after trading my XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX milage.payed XXXX XXXX dollar down payment.made payments for three year untill i defoulted late payments due to husband XXXX i had XXXX XXXX, i was still working and paying them, one day they called me at work for late payment due to nature of my work i could not carry converstaion with honda corporate office worker he said since they can not communicate with me they are going to repossed my cars i told them i did on line bank payment they should get it by day they took both cars away and auctioned them in market for cheap price, and told me to pay them XXXX dollar more to them.ever since that day i have been called and harrassed by their company, they call me from different phone numbers and harrases me to pay doing negative reporting to my credit .i dont know what to do any more ...
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Brooklyn, NY
Excess mileage, damage, or wear fees, or other problem after the lease is finish
Complaint: When my lease was up with American Honda I received the bill which I tried to resolve since some discrepancies came up. I got the run around then I finally set up payment that they should pull out the amount out of my bank account they failed to do that. I kept calling to get this resolved I kept getting the run around until they finally completed the withdrawal months later. This has been detrimental to me since it postponed the payment by almost a year.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Austin, TX
Debt is not yours
Complaint: Vehicle lease was turned in, was not aware there was a lease turn in fee. No notifications sent to me. Had a XXXX $ fee when I checked my old account which was later taken off due to Honda loyalty buyer and submitted paperwork. Mine and my mothers credit dropped as she was the co signer due to a separate {$20.00} fee that i was unaware of. Tried to resolve it, paid the XXXX $ and they would not take the report off of mine or my mothers credit. Lack of communication on their part and I would never hurt my or my mothers credit score over {$20.00}.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Philatelic Center, CA
Problem with fees charged
Complaint: On XX/XX/2018 I brought my XXXX XXXX XXXX to the XXXX dealer in XXXX ca to see of I could lower my payments, they offered me a smaller car a XXXX XXXX XXXX with a car value of {$24000.00}. I traded in my car so the new loan would pay the balance of my XXXX XXXX and the remaining balance would be added to the new car. When we were going to close the deal the seller showed me a total of {$39000.00}. Due to the price I told the seller I did not want to continue with the transaction because it was to much for a XXXX XXXX XXXX, and I would stay with my original car the XXXX. I was at the dealer for 6 hours already stressed out, when I was walking away XXXX XXXX another seller came over to me and asked what the problem was. I told him the price I was being given for the XXXX was still to much for me. He insisted he could give me a better offer so we proceeded to the office and he showed me a new price of {$37000.00} with payments of {$640.00} a month. He handled everything on the contract and had me sign it and quickly put the contract in the envelope without explaining to me what I had just signed. If I would have been told at that moment that the total would be {$46000.00} I would have never agreeded to leave with the XXXX. There were also other charges in the contract that he never ask me if I want them I had the right to make my own decision, He just added with out explained what they were. On the contract it says I have to pay {$2500.00} by XX/XX/2018 for a downpayment when at the dealer I explained to them that I did not have money for a downpayment at the time and they said that was fine. I feel as though they were trying to hide information from me to prevent me from backing out of the purchase of the new car. I was never shown the Annual percentage rate, amount financed, finance charges or the total over all payment of the car.
I did get to see the contract until I got home I call XXXX XXXX many times and they told me he was on vacation I spoke to XXXX Manager and explain him the situation and did not want to help me he said to wait until XXXX gets back on XX/XX/2018 I want my old car back XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Arlington, MD
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Calabasas, CA
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Complaint: On or before XX/XX/XXXX, American Honda Financial Services Division of XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Completely Deleted All of my credit bureau trade lines, from all three major credit bureau reporting agencies, XXXX, XXXX and XXXX. I am an American XXXX Veteran who took out an auto loan with American Honda Financial Services Division in XXXX XXXX, a 60-month/5-year loan and I have made all of my monthly payments on time, and have and excellent payment history for paying all current payments on time, all 56-payments to date are current.When American Honda Financial Services Division, without my knowledge or permission, & without any regard for my excellent payment history, Deleted all of my auto loan trade line history, my fico score immediately dropped over 38-points on all credit bureau reporting agencies, now my credit history was completely deleted & destroyed/erased by American Honda Financial Services Division due to their deleting all of my tradelines, this has damaged me financially!! Honda Financial Services Division has permanently deleted all of my excellent payment history, there is no longer any payment history that I ever had an auto installation loan, so the loss of my tradelines being deleted by Honda immediately damaged my fico credit score by negatively lowering minus 40-points, honda financial services division managers stated to me on the telephone XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX & XX/XX/XXXX, that their executive offices, the CEO & President of XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ordered the Honda Financial Services Division to intentionally discriminate against all individuals who had auto installment loans of any kind who were financed with their bank, & they were also instructed to delete all of the tradelines of any honda financial services division auto loan customers who ever filed for any type of bankruptcies, past or current even if the bankruptcies were already or previously fully discharged by the federal bankruptcy courts. This is outright negligence & discrimination on part of American Honda Financial Services Division, selectively targeting a specific group of its auto loan installment loan customers! My G.I.Home Loan is now on hold because I am now having problems getting qualified, for a new home loan, prior to honda deleting all of my tradelines, I was qualified to purchase a new home loan, now I can never qualify again even for any kind of auto installment loan, becaus honda financial services division completely deleted all of my previous payment history completely and forever!
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Wallington, NJ
Reporting company used your report improperly
Complaint: I am on my 3rd leasing contract with Honda Financial Services. I leased my XXXX vehicle in XX/XX/XXXX. During that time, I was over my mileage for my XXXX vehicle in which the vehicle was surrendered. I received a bill in XXXX in which I was advised to pay {$1300.00}. I also received a phone call from a gentlemen advising me to pay a little shy under {$170.00} per month to satisfy the past due amount. I explained to him it wasn't feasible for me to satisfy that amount since I'm already paying over {$300.00} for the newly leased vehicle. It was explained to the representative that I could pay {$50.00} per month at a minimum. I asked during the call if this account would affect my credit and was told no. I was also not told during the call that the monthly amount being requested was finalized and could not be changed. My initial payment on the XXXX vehicle was XX/XX/XXXX ( {$50.00} ), XX/XX/XXXX ( {$100.00} ) and XX/XX/XXXX ( {$50.00} ). Today, XX/XX/XXXX, I received a call from Honda stating I am 117 days past due on my account and it needs to be resolved today before taken any further. The initial lady I spoke with call was disconnected so I had to call back. I ended up speaking with XXXX who informed me that the monthly amount I was told to pay was not a formal agreement however the amount is being reported on my account and is 117 days past due. I was asked to confirm an amount I'm comfortable with so the account didn't go any further. I asked how can the account go any further, when Honda has been accepting my monthly payments? I informed XXXX I can pay {$50.00} at a minimum per month. When the balance was split into about 22 months, the agreed amount calculated to {$50.00} and will be due on the XXXX of each month. So it's safe to say, the " formal agreement '' took place on XX/XX/XXXX which was 4 months from when the initial was generated. I would like to have the inquiries disputed that's being reported by Honda Financial Services to be investigated and be reversed.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Hinkley, CA
Account information incorrect
Complaint: I filed for bankruptcy in XXXX when I was forced to close my business. My bankruptcy has since been cleared from all of the National Credit Reporting Bureaus, however, Honda Financial continues to report an adverse item of information by using verbiage in a comment field that states Reaffirmation of debt. Although accurate, reporting this adverse item of information directly violates FCRA 605 ( a ) ( 5 ) that prohibits reporting of Any other adverse item of information which antedates the report by more than seven years.
I initiated dispute with XXXX XXXX and American Honda Financial in XX/XX/XXXX and have continuously disputed this item for over a year. The account in question was for an auto lease that was paid in full ( early, XX/XX/XXXX ), never late, never derogatory. I requested and received two documents from American Honda stating this truth and sent these via certified mail to XXXX along with a dispute letter.
Because of the comment furnished by American Honda Financial, XXXX XXXX extrapolates, derives, and expands on this information to include, but not limited to the following : XXXX XXXX has and continues to report the account as derogatory in direct violation of FCRA 605 ( a ) ( 5 ) cited above.
XXXX XXXX continues to report a bankruptcy on my consumer file in violation of FCRA 605. [ 15 U.S.C. 1681c ] that states " ( a ) Information excluded from consumer reports. Except as authorized under subsection ( b ) of this section, no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information : ( 1 ) Cases under title 11 [ United States Code ] or under the Bankruptcy Act that, from the date of entry of the order for relief or the date of adjudication, as the case may be, antedate the report by more than 10 years.
As a consequence of this adverse reporting, XXXX XXXX has and continues to furnish a credit score that is 30-40 points below scores reported by both XXXX and XXXX.
By furnishing this adverse information in violation of the FCRA, I will attest that both XXXX XXXX and American Honda Financial together have failed to comply with the purpose and the spirit of the FCRA in whole that states the following : 602. Congressional findings and statement of purpose [ 15 U.S.C. 1681 ] ( a ) Accuracy and fairness of credit reporting. The Congress makes the following findings : ( 1 ) The banking system is dependent upon fair and accurate credit reporting. Inaccurate credit reports directly impair the efficiency of the banking system, and unfair credit reporting methods undermine the public confidence which is essential to the continued functioning of the banking system.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
El Paso, TX
Information is missing that should be on the report
Complaint: I secured an auto loan through XXXX XXXX XXXX ( American Honda Finance ) in XX/XX/XXXX. I have made all on-time payments and have paid as agreed according to my contract. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I filed for chXXXX bankruptcy on XX/XX/XXXX. I contacted American Honda Finance on XX/XX/XXXX and spoke with XXXX XXXX. I communicated that I would be re-affirming the auto loan to continue to pay outside the bankruptcy. I was told that once the re-affirmation agreement was received and the bankruptcy was discharged, my onetime payments would continue to be reported to the credit bureaus. This was the deciding factor to indeed proceed with a reaffirmation agreement and not surrender the vehicle. The reaffirmation agreement was presented to me and I signed it XX/XX/XXXX and American Honda Finance filed it with the court XX/XX/XXXX. The agreement was a reinstatement of my original contract terms with Honda/XXXX XXXX. I once again confirmed with XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX that my payments would report the the credit bureaus after my discharge on XX/XX/XXXX and was told the account would start reporting payment history after discharge. As of XX/XX/XXXX, my bankruptcy is discharged. I received an email alert from FICO on XX/XX/XXXX that there were changes to my credit report and discovered that XXXX/Honda Finance had removed my entire account history from all ( 3 ) credit bureaus. I also discovered that my score declined between 50-70 points among the bureaus. I called XXXX/Honda Finance immediately on XX/XX/XXXX and spoke with XXXX who advised me that any account included in bankruptcy, regardless of reaffirming the account and regardless of the current payment status would no longer be reported to the credit bureaus. I asked when this policy change and she stated " recently '' and could not provide a date. I was not allowed the opportunity to speak with a manger. I now have a 60 month remaining term, a balance of {$40000.00}, a monthly payment of {$880.00} and a car that is only worth {$35000.00}. I will not be able to refinance this vehicle, and my credit has been harmed with this policy change. This is highly unethical as I have made all payments on time and I re-affirmed my obligation to Honda/XXXX XXXX with the promise that my timely payments would be reported to all bureaus as before once my discharge was final.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Billing problem
Complaint: We obtained our lease on XX/XX/XXXX. Beginning about XX/XX/XXXX we started receiving calls that our payments were behind. Which they werent. I'd fax information from bank to prove that we in fact made our payments on time. And again the following month it would happen again. On XX/XX/XXXX aXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, I received a knock at our door, there were 2 repo men at my door telling me to remove my carseats from van. That same week, my husband, the primary lease holder on account was admitted in the hospital unexpectedly and awaiting XXXX to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. I was home alone with a toddler and an infant. I quickly printed all of my proof of payments and gave to the tow driver. He advised he had to take vehicle regardless of proof. My neighbors who were outside and observed what was going on all offered to pay whatever needed to keep the vehicle here. They refused. I immediately called Honda Financial while they were driving away with our only vehicle. The following business day, my father in law traveled to the tow yard that was holding the van, paid every fee required and took possession of the vehicle again. Every week we'd contact AHF following up on status of billing corrections. We'd fax documentation over and over again. Nothing seemed to be improving. Every representative would give a different reason or answer regarding status. Then in XX/XX/XXXX, I received a phone call that my payment was returned. I quickly called our bank to find out why, they advised it was returned from AHF. Id call AHF and they'd argue it was stopped. Between XX/XX/XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX payments were auto debitted from our checking account. 9 were returned. When I contact AHF for assistance locating where they applied the 3 payments that I did not receive back. They denied. Demanded the last 3 months of payments owed or car would be reposes. a {$1200.00} was made ONLY to avoid repossession. Continuous follow ups were made to AHF providing details and requesting account be corrected again! They refused. Always replying with " our records indicate the payment was never received '' I contacted my bank and disputed those 3 " missing '' payments.
XX/XX/XXXX, We began the purchase of our first home. As a family of XXXX ( XXXX toddler under the age of XXXX, we've out grown our 2 bedroom apartment that we've been in for nearly 8 years ) - When we found the perfect home for us ( conveniently in our price range ) we submitted our offer. Our bank recommended contact AHF again and explaining exactly what was going on and pleading to adjust credit reports to reflect accurate payment history ( since I have substantial proof to show payments have always been made on time ) I called XX/XX/XXXX and mailed at personal letter, including bank documents. On XX/XX/XXXX. No follow up. Since we were already fully under contract with a mortgage commitment of XX/XX/XXXX we obtained a new credit report. Which not only reflected 6 past due payments but now showed currently 60 days past due. But also stated last payment was XXXX - I contact AHF again. They argued that they havent contact bureaus since XX/XX/XXXX ( which clearly was inaccurate since the report reflected XXXX 's payment .... I sent another letter via fax and email. Explaining our situation, begging to please fix account to reflect ACCURATE payment information. I followed up again a few days later to confirm receipt of this. I received a very vague letter stating that our account is currently up to day but did not confirm previous payment corrections. With the 6 late payments in less then 2 years on our credit report, it has seriously hurt our chances to obtain a mortgage. If we proceed our interest rates would extend well beyond our budget and ultimately cost us beyond what we deserve. With the fear of losing this house and ultimately breaking the sale contract and losing our 10 % deposit already in escrow, I personally contact AHF again today. Where I was told " even with faxing the proof of payments, we will not adjust the records already submitted to the bureaus '' because I wanted to make sure I wasnt miss understanding what she just said, I repeated " so, youre telling me, even with all the proof in the world that i've provided countless times showing there was a huge error on AHF 's part in applying payments correctly to my account. I still suffer, when I've never been late or caused an issue with my lease account '' - yes, that was correct. not matter how many times I send proof, they will not update credit reporting records to reflect THEIR ERROR. I've tried in past to submit disputes to bureaus but they always come back as " creditor updated with accurate information '' We are not a little over 1 week away from a mortgage commitment and with this on the credit report, we will either have to increase deposit by another 10 % or lose EVERYTHING including the deposit already submitted. please please please help, what can we do?
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Apache Junction, AZ
Was not notified of investigation status or results
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Rochdale, NY
Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: I went to XXXX XXXX XXXX when I realized someone leased a vehicle in my name.
They signed my name, and a vehicle was delivered to this person.
XXXX XXXX had me sign a letter stating that I became aware of the lease the day I went to the office.
They stated it would be taken care of in house. Thy even offered a vehicle to me but I refused.
I stopped receiving mail for a while. Recently Ive noticed it is on my credit report.
The signatures are not my signature on the initial application, the application had a co signer initially on the first application, then they used me solely on the application.
My job information is incorrect, my income is incorrect, and the contact information is incorrect.
Nothing has been done from XXXX XXXX XXXX or Honda Fonancial Service. They allowed someone to fraudulently use my information without me being present. I helped them obtain the vehicle by locating it through parking tickets. They did not take any of this into consideration.
They left me with a large bill. Lease number is XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Account status incorrect
Complaint: I turned my leased vehicle in and was told I owed nothing. Shortly after, I began to recieve phone calls during my work hours about my account. I asked the representatives to call me at a time more convenient for me to discus but those calls never came. I then recieve a statement while I was out of town for business. Indicating that if I did not pay a delinquency would be reported toy credit. Before I had a chance to resolve the balance a delinquency was reported. This is now affectiving my work because I am required to maintain certain licensing that had credit requirements. I am also in the process of purchasing a home and this has had an adverse affect of that process. I called XXXX and explained my situation to them. I requested that they remove the late payment and offered to pay the bill in full immediately. I was told they could not help me and I was told by an agent that they tried calling me several times and I was hanging up on them ( which is not true ). I was able to escalate to a supervisor who offered no help. He said it's my responsibility to pay the bill and that he would do nothing.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Clear Lake City, TX
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Complaint: I have a credit report dated XX/XX/XXXX in which it shows the American Honda Finance account as " settlement accepted on this account-paid charge off - legally paid in full for less than the full balance ''. The comments are listed on the American Honda Finance account with all 3 bureaus on the credit report from XX/XX/XXXX. I looked at a more recent credit report dated XX/XX/XXXX and the same account American Honda Finance is listed with XXXX with a past due balance of {$5600.00} and the comment states " profit and loss writeoff - charge off as bad debt ''. Please note I settled this account and legally paid in full less than the full balance. There should be a {$0.00} balance and the comment should reflect " legally paid in full for less than the full balance '' like it used to last year in XXXX. This is an error and I have disputed it with American Honda Finance and XXXX but it has not been corrected. My credit suffered tremendously when they put a debt back on my credit report that is not correct, it increased my debt to income.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Charles A Hayes, IL
High-pressure sales tactics
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Malden, MA
High-pressure sales tactics
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Investigation took more than 30 days
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Difficulty submitting a dispute or getting information about a dispute over the phone
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Investigation took more than 30 days
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Old information reappears or never goes away
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Boston, MA
Old information reappears or never goes away
Company Response: Closed with explanation
San Francisco, CA
Unable to receive car title or other problem after the loan is paid off
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Staten Island, NY
Account status incorrect
Complaint: my car was totaled by an accident on XXXX XXXX 18.
my insurance company paid honda. honda sent me a letter not to continue to pay the lease. then they sent me late notices. i called them they said i had to pay the lease for a car that was paid off by my insurance company. then i get a letter from honda that the car is paid off. the issue is that my credit is wrecked and i annot get it repaired because of this.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mdn, MS
Account information incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation