There are over 1675 complaints on file for Selene Finance LP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-05-23.
Fullerton, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hercules, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Charlotte, NC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fullerton, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: We entered into a bankruptcy, and our loan was being serviced by XXXX XXXX. During the bankruptcy, they sold the loan to Selene Finance. Unknown to us, the payments kept going to XXXX and were never picked up by Selene, so our house started to go into arrears on payments. We finally ended the bankruptcy, and had over {$29000.00} in arrears with Selene! We showed them the payments that were made to XXXX, and the payments that were supposedly made to them, but they continued to claim we were at fault. We had to enter into a repayment agreement with them in order to keep our house. The payments were double the regular mortgage payments, and the bookkeeping of how they applied the payments was unbelievable. They even added special " corporate '' fees that we never knew about or received an explanation of. These fees were applied to our loan during bankruptcy, and outside bankruptcy during our repayment. We could n't make sense of how they were applying payments, and each month, the balance of the original arrears seems to go higher, and then drops, and then goes higher again.
We have broken down our payments, provided proof of payments, and even put together a spreadsheet outlining our true arrears. They ignored us. We called several times, and after a while we started to get automatically transferred to a voice mail box. Now after reading all the other horror stories we are worried that even after our repayment plan is done, will they come up with another method to try and make us lose our home? The mortgage statements do not reflect the payments we are making.
During our bankruptcy we were not allowed to contact creditor and statements online did n't reflect. They did not follow the below rule : New rules effective XXXX XXXX, 2014 require that if mortgage lenders provided monthly statements before a case, they must continue providing statements during the bankruptcy case. These rules were promulgated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB ) pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
What were afraid of even after we go through this payment schedule. Are they allowed to make up new fees and we still end up losing our home. I say that because of the phone the harassing phone calls were receiving and mortgage statement that go up and down consecutively
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Havana, FL
Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX has foreclosed our home illegally. My husband and I have been trying to get a mortgage modification for about 6 years. We have applied approximately 28 times for a mortgage modification with XXXX XXXX XXXX, and more recently with Selene Finance. My husband is XXXX, and I am in the process of applying for XXXX as well. Originally XXXX were servicing this loan. They got in trouble or something and XXXX XXXX XXXX began to service it. We applied, basically, every 90 days for a mortgage modification after I lost my job, due to a work related illness. They would tell us that we did not submit a document or we did not reply within the specified time frame. All of these reasons were untrue. This appears to be XXXX nefarious scheme to steal real estate property, and were subsequently fined for these illegal practices. About the time the Florida Attorney General was closing in on XXXX XXXX XXXX, they sold the mortgage to Selene Finance. We tried to apply for a mortgage modification again but the balance had increased by {$50000.00}. To a new total of {$200000.00}. In the meantime, we have experienced a sinkhole under the home and are currently in litigation with the insurance company. XXXX XXXX XXXX tried to file a motion to stop the foreclosure due to the sinkhole claim, but the circuit judge denied the motion. We filed bankruptcy to stop the sale. When the bankruptcy was discharged due to not being able to pay the filing fee, XXXX XXXX XXXX again initiated a foreclosure. XXXX XXXX XXXX foreclosed on the property illegally. Selene Finance has been the owner of the mortgage since XXXX, XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX stole the property through their robo foreclosure law firm XXXX XXXX, on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. There were other purchasers at the foreclosure sale, but the County Clerk did not give them a chance to bid. Instead they sold the property to Selene Finance in the back room for {$100.00}.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Aldie, VA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Birmingham, AL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Carver, MA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Charlotte, NC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Columbia, SC
Complaint: My wife and I have been out of bankruptcy for 2 years and we included Selene Finance ( aka XXXX ) in our chapter XXXX bankruptcy. As we understood from the courts, that when we surrendered the home, the loan should have been transferred back to the lender so they can report it to the Federal database CAIBRS to update to show that the loan was no longer in my name. We are in the process of getting a new home and we were scheduled to close in two weeks, and it shows that the house is not updated. We have filed numerous complaints on Selene Finance because it seems that they do their own thing and not comply with the federal law. When we surrendered the home, they were supposed to take possession and take it out of my name. They have not done so for two years. It seems in the courthouse in XXXX county they just recently sold the home and took it out of my name last month which is not adhering to the bankruptcy rules. This has caused a delay in me purchasing another home because of their actions. I have spent time and money repairing my credit to buy a new home and they just keep on dragging this along.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Irving, TX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Charlotte, NC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Atlantic City, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Birmingham, AL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Moncks Corner, SC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Oxford, GA
Complaint: In XXXX of XXXX, while we were in the process of closing a loan modification with XXXX. On the date we were to have the modification finalized, our loan was instead sold to Selene Finance. Neither company honored the modification. We just recently found out XXXX had purchased Selene. Selene went on to raise our mortgage payment by {$500.00} claiming it was due to an escrow shortage, even though our tax and insurance payments had not changed. We once again told Selene, we needed the modification due to the financial strain this caused & we requested another loan mod from Selene. Selene then strung us along for over a year with a promise of a loan modification they never delivered on. After trying for close to 15 months to get the modification, in XXXX of XXXX, we went to an outside company that promised results. Selene refused to work with them.
Upon this event, we fell behind on our payments. Upon receiving a notice of sale from Selene in XXXX of XXXX, we contacted them to see what we could do to save our home. They set us up on a forbearance agreement where we made a down payment of {$3700.00} by XXXX XXXX, XXXX, and then make XXXX payments of {$4500.00}. The amounts included were to make our account current our ie. late payments & late fees. Selene contacted XXXX, to offer us a special deal available only through XXXX and Selene. In XXXX of XXXX, we were contacted my XXXX with this special offer. The offer was supposed to lower our principal balance and monthly payment. We accepted the offer. We did not get the offer we were promised.
Selene over-inflated our principal balance and gave the underwriter inaccurate information that failed to show our mortgage was current before we closed on the loan due to the forbearance. They had also inflated the amount they claimed we owed by {$72.00}, XXXX. We noticed, & the FDIC confirmed the numbers that Selene 's had given to XXXX during the underwriting process was inaccurate and told me that I needed to file a complaint with the CFPB right away. The amounts listed on the XXXX XXXX Application are inconsistent/inaccurate several times during the underwriting process.
Our case number with the FDIC is XXXX Before we refinanced our home with XXXX, we were in a forbearance agreement with Selene Finance in order to keep our home from being foreclosed. We had to make a down-payment of {$3700.00} by XXXX XXXX, XXXX, then XXXX payments of {$45000.00}. These amounts included the monthly payment along with the late payments & fees. When Selene purchased our loan the assignment shows that the listed price was {$300000.00}. ( See ) property document.
This loan originated in XXXX and was XXXX of XXXX loans. If they purchased a loan which was originally listed as {$300.00}, XXXX. How could it go up after 6 years of payments to {$320.00}, XXXX? On XXXX form XXXX pg XXXX of XXXX. The acquired year : XXXX, There were XXXX loans. The first lien is in the amount of {$300000.00} which was the lien Selene purchased. Yet, Selene had our principal balance was increased to {$320.00}, XXXX on the loan application. This application was written up in XXXX of XXXX.
The billing statement from Selene on XXXX of XXXX, shows our principal balance as {$250.00}, XXXX. See ( document named XXXX ) Yet, on our Hud 1 Settlement Statement pg XXXX of XXXX Section XXXX the payoff amount for Selene was listed as {$270000.00}. The liabilities of a spouse should be included in the XXXX XXXX XXXX Application because the property right 's of the spouse must be considered. Yet, the only expense listed was {$490.00}. This information could not lead to our true ability-to-repay. Our final billing statement from Selene shows our principal balance was {$250.00}, XXXX. There is an overdue balance listed, but we paid off all of our late fees during our forbearance. Continued ....
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: Lets start from the beginning : I had a loan with XXXX XXXX XXXX, the economy started to slip and of course, as an XXXX, the business climate starting going south very fast. I worked my self to death to save the down payment for the house and found that all other resources were starting to dry up for me.
I fought very hard to get a remediation on the price for the house that I owned and had to pay a lot for the water damage that happened as a results of the plastic piping that they had put in to carry water in and out of the house. I had taken a vacation of sorts, my mission to go down to XXXX and got an email that the piping in the toilet up stairs had broken and the house down stairs was flooded. I could n't do much from XXXX XXXX miles away. Plus, I had had XXXX insurance policies with XXXX to cover my trip which was very expensive but so necessary for I was doing XXXX 's work with investigating the homeless, unwanted, many children who lived on the streets of many towns and who did n't have any means of support from their parents or the state cultures of their countries.
I did have insurance but was lead to believe that I had decent insurance with nation wide, only to find out that they did n't cover all the damage that was done and so I had to drain my bank account to make up for all that needed to be done.
I did get the remediation and was progressing but the economy continued to slide down and my work was not bringing in enough money for all my needs. I, realized that I need another stream of income and decided to apply to XXXX, here in XXXX XXXX. I started at the end of XXXX of XXXX and did n't get totally approved and licensed until XXXX of XXXX. It was a long time and very time consuming and lots of video classes and instructions and testing. I made it through their system and was awarded my XXXX, good for three years. But, in the meantime, I started getting behind with my payments due to the very slow economy and lack of available jobs in XXXX XXXX.
I started getting my social security payments and was able to send in payments to Selene Financial. They keep the cashier checks and refused to cash them. I also ended up sending them a personal check for above the amount that they asked for and they sent it back to me.
Now, the first company was XXXX, and then they sent or sold my paper work over to Selene Financial then, XXXX XXXX pasted notices on my door for neighbors to see and who had a bunch of gangster types to call me and threaten me. I have to tell you that I grew up in XXXX, and lived around gangsters and tough people who were not always very nice. I chose not to deal with those types of people and now they have a nice lady named XXXX, who deals with me. I grew up, not downtown with bullies and gangsters but up town with the working people. I did n't appreciate being threatened. I am a nice person and never got in trouble very. Plus, I have XXXX and do not need to be pushed into having a XXXX XXXX or a XXXX due to the attacks on me for my house. I paid them what they asked and I did n't think that I owed them that much and they still played their game and wanted XXXX more money and tired to intimidate me to pay above and beyond, including late fees. I am sick and tired of this sort of actions that these people have done. They do n't have any compassion and I work so hard to pay them what they had asked for.
I am determined to stay in my house and to fight for my rights as a single XXXX XXXX XXXX, minority XXXX male who has always tried to do the correct things in life. I need help with this for I feel that they will send in SWAT and kill me. I am very upset with all this and hope that you can help me. Hoping that the system can work fairly for me.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bohemia, NY
Complaint: Selene Finance is committing mail fraud. I informed you prior that this company changed my address and claim they did it to send all correspondence to my lawyer. I informed them I am no longer being represented by an atty, yet they continue to send my mail to him. They also said they needed something in writing, therefore I sent them correspondence informing them I am no longer being represented, yet they claim they did not receive it. Attached is the USPS info letting me know it was received on XXXX XXXX, 2016 at XXXX. The letter should have been signed for, per my post office mailing instructions. I have contacted the postal service to find out why no signature was listed and no return receipt mailed to me. I plan to pursue Selene with legal charges if they do not cease from sending my mail to another address. I believe they are doing this to Foreclose on my home without serving me notice and giving me due process.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Ft Lauderdale, FL
Complaint: XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I received an Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statement from Selene Finance reflecting a surplus of {$18000.00}. I called Selene and spoke to a XXXX on XXXX XXXX, XXXXto verify this statement. I was told by an agent named XXXX that this was a coerrect statement and that I had overpaid my escrow account. I asked him about what happens to the money and was advised that it can be applied to my XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX payment of {$750.00} with the remaining balance of {$370.00} to be applied to the XXXX XXXX payment. I was to fax a letter stating that and did so XXXX XXXX, XXXX. In XXXX XXXX, I made a payment of {$360.00} and as of XXXX I continued the payments of {$740.00} by calling Selene directly with phone payments. Unknown to me, as od XXXX XXXX, my payments were reduced to {$720.00} but I was never informed on my numerous phone calls to them while trying to resolve other issues with my account. I was also informed that my account was 3 months behind when I made all of my payments, but was advised that it was due to a problem with the records they received from XXXX when they took over my mortgage XXXX. Finally in XXXX XXXX, the person that was assigned my account did research it out to find that I was miss-informed regarding the Escrow Statement and that I DID NOT have the credit of {$1800.00}. My current balance owed to them was in fact {$3300.00} and needed to be paid as soon as possible. I did issue a check in XXXX XXXX to bring the account current. By XXXX, Selene never adjusted my credit report to show that I DID NOT have an outstanding balance of XXXX and they show that I was late on my payments from XXXX XXXX. After filing disputes their rep adjusted the past-due balance to {$0.00}, however it still shows the past-due payments. My credit is reflecting POOR when a merchant pulled it. I do not feel that my credit reporting should show " late payments '' due to the fact htat THEY made the error of sending out the statement and that XXXX advised me that the statement was correct EVEN WHEN HE DOUBLE CHECKED IT WITH HIS SUPERVISOR! Also, keep in mind that each month last year I was actually over-paying {$21.00} a month due to the adjustment made by them lowering my payments. I feel that Selene should own up to the fact that they made a BIG mistake and should really reflect that I DID make every monthly paymeny AS AGRREED!
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Nantucket, MA
Not given enough info to verify debt
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cimarron, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Virginia Bch, VA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I need help I am behind on my mortgage but I sent in a partial payment the mortgage company is holding that money not applying it to anything, any time I send in money to go with that amount to make a full payment it is sent back to me. I continue to call, email requesting the money be refunded to me but they refuse. If I had those funds I could make a full payment but they are just holding it.
Company Response: Closed with explanation