There are over 1675 complaints on file for Selene Finance LP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-05-23.
Tucson, AZ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hempstead, NY
Not given enough info to verify debt
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Blackwood, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Grand Junction, CO
Complaint: This is a follow-up to complaint XXXX. I still have received no statement of my Selene account of any kind, or a monthly statement, or even a payment coupon. I began requesting these on XXXX XXXX, 2015. It appears I am still in foreclosure mode even though I signed their mortgage documents last XXXX.
On XXXX XXXX, I did receive a notice of my next year of escrow, so they have my address.
The notice informed me of an increase of {$120.00} in my mortgage payment beginning XXXX XXXX. Am I not entitled to more than a week of notice for such an increase in my monthly payment?
It is quite clear now that Selene has a specific reason to not let me know the details of my account with them since XXXX sold it to them last XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Staten Island, NY
Complaint: In XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX ( " XXXX '' ) suffered a financial hardship and in XXXX XXXX XXXX hired the XXXX XXXX XXXX to assist him in his foreclosure defense. In the midst of a modification request, loan was service transferred from XXXX XXXX to Selene Finance LP ( " Selene '' ) and after a couple of month, XXXX was advised that the transfer was a mistake and XXXX XXXX was still the servicer. Updated documents were sent to XXXX XXXX and a three months Trial Modification was granted in XXXX XXXX. The first payment was received by XXXX XXXX on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. At the end of XXXX, XXXX XXXX Selene was their new servicer and future payments were to go to Selene. Although XXXX was making his mortgage payments every month, Selene did not process the permanent modification until XXXX XXXX. XXXX went out of business in XXXX XXXX and the XXXX ( " XXXX '' ) took over the law office. XXXX has been making payments each an every month since the trial modification but by letter dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX, Selene advised him that he was 35 days in default and foreclosing proceeding may commence unless they bring the loan current. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX Selene called the new office of XXXX to verify if our firm still represented XXXX and was informed that a Withdrawal of Attorney was faxed to Selene as soon as the permanent modification went into effect in XXXX of XXXX. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX Selene advised XXXX XXXX via telephone in a conference call with XXXX the that the escrow payments were raised in XXXX XXXX and a payment was being held in suspense until full payment on the escrow arrears is made. When told to Selene that XXXX was not made aware that the escrow increased as they have not been receiving the mortgage statements, Selene stated that the statements were being mailed to XXXX and they were being returned as undeliverable. XXXX requested a copy of the undeliverable correspondence as XXXX still receives the mail at the prior address and when informed that Selene has the updated address and phone number ( since they called our firm ), Selene response was to send additional default letters to XXXX. As XXXX can not afford to make the arrears and a full mortgage payment, we requested from Selene that they allow XXXX to add a little more to each mortgage payments until the arrears are current but Selene stated that an entire payment toward the arrears need to be made in addition to the monthly payment in order to stop all foreclosure proceedings. If in fact, Selene has been mailing the mortgage statements, it took them 6 months to communicate with XXXX and as the escrow got raised in the amount of {$200.00} per month, XXXX owes {$1000.00} in arrears, which he can not afford to make in one payment. Although copies of the alleged returned mortgage statements were requested, Selene has not forwarded even one of them and is now sending all correspondence to XXXX but not any mortgage statements.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I submitted a request for modification assistance to my lender Selene Financial. Selene Financial, has refused to review my loan for modification assistance citing that they do not have to review my request if my loan is less than 37 days from a date of sale. Selene confirmed receiving a full package on XXXX XXXX, XXXX, and furthermore we were never given any such date which would be deemed too late to review our documents. This fictiosous rule was only implemented when our package was received by Selene. The FHA general rule of thumb is that loan modification requests require a minimum of 30 days for review of a full package.
Please also note a sale date was imposed on our home on XXXX XXXX, XXXX, which was also after having received our documents for assistance XXXX XXXX, XXXX. XXXX and a well-known foreclosure mill named XXXX XXXX XXXX are attempting to set aside federal rules and statues surrounding loan modification review. They have seen the equity in our home increase significantly over the past couple of years. This act is known as " Dual Tracking '' and has been illegal snice XXXX National Mortgage Settlement.
My understanding is that Selene Financial, has one purpose at this point which is to foreclose on our property due to the increase in home equity over the past 18 months and the fact that our family suffered financial set back on multiple occasions prior to our request for assistance. Furthermore, it is our belief that because our loan is government insured loan both XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX aim to profit from padded, trumped up legal fees and filing a claim with FHA for insurance money to cover my loan.
I also am certain that my original loan does not contain a power of sale clause, which, means Selene and XXXX XXXX XXXX, are required to complete a judicial foreclosure on my home rather than non-judicial.
See statute below : Most residential mortgage foreclosures in Texas are no judicial, which means the lender can foreclose without going to court so long as the deed of trust contains a power of sale clause. ( A " power of sale clause '' is a paragraph in the mortgage that authorizes the no judicial foreclosure sale.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Dallas, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Rocklin, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cheverly, MD
Complaint: My mortgage loan was transferred to Selene Finance company from XXXX XXXX XXXX as of XXXX/XXXX/16. My payment history was sent to Selene Finance with my payment history showing I was current as of the day of the transfer. I received my first statement from XXXX stating that I was XXXX plus days delinquent on my mortgage. I have contacted XXXX requesting them to send a copy of my payment history to Selene and myself. XXXX acknowledged that they have sent Selene a copy of my payment history as I have done so myself. I have spoken to Selene and they say they have no record of my payment history. On XXXX XXXX 2016, I mailed a certified letter to Selene Finance complaint department a copy of my proof of payment proving that I am not delinquent and to correct my payment history, remove interest that has accrued as well as report it to the credit bureau to have the delinquencies removed from all three credit bureaus. Selene Finance has sent me a letter stating they have received my certified letter and that by law they have 30 days to respond and are investigating the matter. I have researched Selene Finance on the internet and I have discovered that Selene Finance has a negative history especially claiming that they have not received payments from clients in order to force the clients into foreclosure. Fortunately I do have bank records proving that payments have and all being paid. I do no plan to become another victim of the scams being done by Selene Finance. The XXXX currently gives Selene Finance a rating of " XXXX '' and for good reason. I am requesting that Selene correct my payment statement and to notify all XXXX credit bureaus to have this remove from my credit record as I have mentioned above.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Clarksville, MO
Complaint: This complaint is regarding XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX as well as Selene Financal. My name is on a first and second mortgage along with my ex wife, through XXXX XXXX. My wife and I were divorced in XXXX. She was awarded the house and required to refinance both mortgages within 24 months. She never refinanced and ultimately fell behind on the payments. In XXXX, she abandoned the property and filed for Chapter XXXX bankruptcy. Since my name was still on the loan, I began proceedings with XXXX XXXX to attempt a short sale of the property, which would be beneficial to both them ( certainly more money than a foreclosure ) and myself. After considerable time working with XXXX XXXX just to get authorizations in place for them to talk to us and the our attorneys ( considering the bankruptcy ) we were finally able to provide XXXX XXXX with a listing agreement and an immediate offer in XXXX XXXX. Following this, my attorney and my realtor both stayed in constant communication with XXXX XXXX, sending, re-sending, re-sending again the same paperwork over and over. Then, in XXXX XXXX, we were advised that we were approved for a ... modification! We did not ask for a modification, nor did one make any sense. I 've lived in my new house since XXXX, and my ex-wife had abandoned the old old a year and half prior. Inexplicably, this un-requested event also required that we start completely over with the short sale process. Again, documents were sent and resent, discussions over the same points over and over again, and weekly calls were scheduled between my attorney and XXXX XXXX. Note that within this period ( XXXX XXXX ) an appraisal requested by XXXX XXXX also came back at {$80000.00}. Finally, in XXXX XXXX, after a year of unnecessary back and forth, while the property sits unattended, un cared for and losing value day by day, we were approved for a short sale for the offered amount of {$100000.00} ( over $ XXXX more than the appraised value ). Unfortunately, immediately upon getting approval for the short sale, we get notice that XXXX XXXX is selling the first mortgage to Selene Financial!. Selene summarily rejects XXXX XXXX 's approval, makes us send in duplicate paperwork again, not even talking to my attorney or realtor until authorization forms are received, even though multiple copies of the forms have been sent in. Now, in XXXX XXXX, after receiving all documents requested from us, Selene informs us that they are rejecting the short sale request, as their own appraisal is $ XXXX. They refuse to provide documentation on their inexplicably high appraisal and are now requesting even more paperwork to even consider further negotiations. There is no possible way this property is worth $ XXXX in its current state. It has been abandoned for almost 2 years now, with XXXX maintenance, and losing value every day. Meanwhile, I am stuck with my name on a loan I was n't supposed to be responsible for. Surely they will not get anything close to $ XXXX out of the property if this goes to foreclosure. I do not understand why they will not wrap this up as it is in everyone 's best interest.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
East Elmhurst, NY
Not given enough info to verify debt
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Queens, NY
Complaint: Selene Finance refuses to engage in loss mitigation options with me. I am willing to do a short sale and or a loan modification. They also refused to validate the debt. I have a foreclosure sale date scheduled for this Friday, XXXX XXXX, 2016. I need time to work my options out with the bank and need the CFPB to intervene because Selene Finance has been reluctant to assist. I have an FHA MORTGAGE AND WAS NEVER PRESENTED THE OPPORTUNITY WITH A FACE TO FACE MEETING WITH A HUD COUNSELOR AS FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES THEM TO AND AS WELL AS MY MORTGAGE CONTRACT.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
N Woodmere, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Belmont Heights, UT
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Rocklin, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Clarkston, GA
Company Response: Closed
Fort Pierce, FL
Complaint: I have a home loan with Selene Finance that is currently in arrears. I am in danger of losing my home due to their questionable servicing business practices. The problem I am having with my loan stems from Selene Finance attempting to offer an unrealistic modification on my property as well as keeping our home in a foreclosure pattern. I have been trying for year to work with Selene Finance on getting us on a reasonable payment plan, restructure, or loan modification but I just ca n't seem to get through the red tape. I am not asking for any handouts, just to be reviewed for a reasonable payment, but Selene seems unwilling to offer a reasonable modification. They have added over {$22000.00} in unexplained charges to our account. We have made XXXX trial payments which were XXXX per month higher than our original loan and now they have come out with a final modification plan that has increased again by another XXXX per month. They will not explain where they are getting their figures from or how any of the monies are being applied and have kept our home on the foreclosure sale date of XXXX XXXX, XXXX!!! I need your office 's help to resolve my mortgage crisis.
In XXXX, we acquired my home signing a purchase money loan originated with XXXX. and brokered to XXXX. My loan has since been transferred, most recently to Selene Finance. Nevertheless, I tendered my payments on time as agreed for 9 years. However, in XXXX, we lost our XXXX business and we incurred a substantial loss of income. We closed the business permanently. To compound matters, my husband has been employed only sporadically over the past few years. We began to struggle to timely tender our payments. We did the best we could to keep up with my mortgage payments, going as far as depleting my savings and reserves, but we eventually defaulted on our home loan and was moved to foreclosure status.
In XXXX, we contacted XXXX agents advising of my struggles to timely tender my mortgage payments. XXXX 's agents offered me an opportunity to apply for a loan modification. I submitted the completed application along with all requested documents. We were able to successfully complete a modification on which we defaulted as a result of the loss of the business. We applied another time for additional help and were turned down. They stated we could apply again and we did. With this next application it was transferred to Selene Finance in XXXX XXXX. At which time we had to begin the process brand new. They finally offered a trail modification at XXXX a month higher than the payment. They will not advise on how they applied these payments. They are now offering a final modification at a still even higher payment from XXXX to XXXX per month with an interest rate of 5.50 % from 4.00 %. All of my efforts yielded negative results. This offer was, and is still, unaffordable. No other home retention options were offered. Our Selene representative ca n't explain where the additional funds they have been receiving have been applied, he ca n't explain what the additional funds of over {$22000.00} they are adding to our loan are and has stated that they ca n't offer any government affordable programs only what they have provided. We have requested several times in writing for a complete break down of our account and what the charges are and have been told they have until XXXX/XXXX/XXXX to respond and we requested this in late XXXX. Currently we have till XXXX/XXXX/XXXX to sign the final medication or the schedule sale is still pending. A SALE DATE HAS BEEN SCHEDULED ON XXXX XXXX, XXXX!!!
This is an outrage and should not be how a lender treats a consumer. How is it possible that my lender/servicer has not afforded me the opportunity to be reviewed for a reasonable and fair resolution? My income is enough to afford a smaller payment and to resolut
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Montclair, VA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mountain View, OK
Complaint: Essentially what happened beginning in 2009 we had just completed a loan refinance on our house through XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. About two weeks after we closed on the refinance we began getting phone calls from XXXX XXXX XXXX and did n't know why only for them to inform us that XXXX bean had been shut down by the government, and that XXXX XXXX XXXX was going to be taking over our loan. They in mediately told us that we were behind at least XXXX payment which we could not figure out why because we had just refinanced. During this time XXXX being was telling us to continue to send them payments as well as XXXX XXXX XXXX saying to send payment to them.
so for at least XXXX maybe four months we did not send the payment in to anybody and then we finally conceded to the fact that we should just send it to XXXX XXXX XXXX everything went downhill after that we tried to get caught up on those XXXX payments and they continued to not honor the refinance that we had done in 2009 with TBW. into XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX decided to foreclose on us. we ended up getting an attorney who was absolutely no help because he decided to start running for state representative where we live. We tried twice to get a modification from XXXX, and they refused. We did n't know why! We kept trying! They finally agreed to a trial payment period! We paid XXXX trial payment and they immediately sold to Selene Finance! That led to another load of issues. XXXX said they could n't speak to us anymore, it was all selene 's! We kept making said trial payments-we were to make XXXX, we made XXXX! When I called to make a XXXX payment they REFUSED payment! They also insisted they had NO MODIFICATION info from XXXX!!!!!
And now we are still facing losing our home!! Selene has sent us 'statements ' for the last year and a half. NO ONE ABIDED BY OUR REFI OR MODIFICATION!! They are trying to steal our home from us!! The trial payments we made? We 're {$200.00} MORE per month than our reg house payment EVER was!!!!
THEY ARE WRONG AND NEED TO BE STOPPED!! I have been physically ill off and on since this all started back in 2009!!!!!!
I fear my health will get worse or I will have a mental breakdown because of all of this!!!
No one should have to deal with XXXX like this!! And it all goes back to our refinance never being honored in 2009 when XXXX took over for XXXX!!!
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Gateway, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Washington, DC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Buffalo Mills, PA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Everett, WA
Complaint: To whom this may concern, I 'm writing to seek some assistants in regards to a property that I 've tried for several months since XX/XX/XXXX to complete a short sale on a home. The lender has not called us back or followed up with us. The person assigned mentioned last time we spoke with was over a month ago said that she was going to review the documents and offer, if she was missing anything she was going to call us and let us know, we never heard back. So we called and called with no call back. Once we got her on the phone she did n't remember the conversation and once again told us that she would review the documents and offer and submit it over to the investor for approval, we still have n't heard back. We 've called left at least 3 messages a week on her voice mail with no return call back. They have linked my office phone to only go to her extension so I ca n't talk to anyone else. Now they have set another foreclosure sale date set for XXXX XXXX. They are not reviewing the file or the short sale of the home and will not advise us as to why or follow up with our numerous attempts. Please help us in away possible as we have had this offer with them since XXXX XXXX 2015. This seller has filed bankruptcy and the lender has tried 3 times to take the seller to court to foreclosure on the property but everytime it 's thrown out because this property has a bad deed. In XX/XX/XXXX we 've also submitted in a value dispute with no response back in regards to that either.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Magna, UT
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Spfd, OR
Company Response: Closed with explanation