There are over 1675 complaints on file for Selene Finance LP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-05-23.
Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX, I was under a trial period for a loan modification with my prior servicer, XXXX. In XX/XX/XXXX, my loan was sold to Selene Finance, who indicated that they would honor the possible loan modification, after review, and that I needed to continue to send them the trial payments until I was contacted further. I made several calls XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX and then started again in XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. Finally, XX/XX/XXXX, I received documents from Selene for a loan modification. Back in XXXX XXXX, I was in need of assistance. I filed the proper documentation to seek any help. I was denied, due to the fact that the previous loan mod was done within 24 months ( FHA loan ). Long story short, I argued with Selene and then hired an attorney to help me. The paralegal handling my case, had a conversation with one of the managers at Selene on XX/XX/XXXX who indicated that I was not eligible for a repayment plan but that I could re-apply for a possible loan modification, since the 24 month period would be expiring. I have a copy of the paralegal 's notes stating same. When I spoke to this supervisor, he indicated that he would never have said such a thing and that he had reviewed the tapes from that day and there was nothing on them stating that. I did ask to hear the tapes, but I was told no. I then tried to appeal their decision and was told that I had no right to appeal, since my loan mod was done in XX/XX/XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Atlantic City, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Arlington Heights, IL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Franklin Sq, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
District Heights, MD
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I 'm filing a complaint against Selene Financial ( SF ) for misapplication of payments, intentionally forcing my loan into foreclosure for the purpose of stripping all positive equity from our family home. As well as SF, has also corrupted our credit score due to misapplication of payment and erroneous reporting based on a falsified transaction history.
According to SF, my loan is behind for 8 months of payments starting XXXX XXXX, XXXX until present.
Payments were made as follows : XXXX XXXX, XXXX in the amount of {$1000.00} which covered payments due for XXXX and XXXX.
XXXX XXXX, XXXX payment was made in the amount of {$510.00}, covering XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX payment was made in the amount of {$510.00}, covering the XXXX payment.
All of these payments were accepted by SF and they have refused to apply properly.
Exhibit " A '' Proof of payments from XXXX through XXXX of XXXX During the time these payments were made SF, would then illegally file a notice of default against my property on XXXX XXXX, XXXX, while my account should technically have been current.
This is nothing more than a deceptive act of either total negligence or purposely mishandling my loan and abuse on multiple levels. SF, has violated the fair debt collection practices act ( FDCPA ), Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ( RESPA ), fair trade commission ( FTC ), and the national mortgage settlement ( NMS ) of 2012. As well as SF, has violated Georgia state law foreclosure procedure based on the fact that my loan should not have been in default since the payments clearly had been made.
Furthermore, prior to SF placing additional legal costs on our loan they made a demand for payment which totaled 3 months in payments by the end of XXXX to avoid acceleration of my loan to foreclosure. Although these amounts alleged by SF, are incorrect we were simply trying to avoid the threats of foreclosure if we did not pay and hoped the accounting research would yield favorable results.
This demanded payment was made in the amount of {$1500.00}, which was later returned by SF stating that we owed more money than what had been discussed prior to sending the payment. Rather than satisfying our erroneous account balances, SF rejected our payments and moved us one more step toward foreclosure. We contacted SF, and they told us we needed to pay the amount of {$3300.00}, which we paid on XXXX XXXX, XXXX and it was also returned with a letter stating to stop paying on the account and our loan was referred to attorney office XXXX XXXX, on XXXX XXXX, XXXX.
Exhibit " B '' Demand letters and statements from SF SF, has destroyed our credit and mortgage payment history, our family is prepared to file a civil lawsuit against SF and our investor if these issues and foreclosure actions are not promptly addressed and halted. We are seeking for our loan to be restored to good standing and for all legal fees and late fees to be eliminated. We desire a full investigation into misapplication of payments, intentionally forcing my loan into foreclosure for the purpose of stripping all positive equity from our family home.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Tarzana, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Arlington Heights, IL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Tampa, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bradenton, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Marana, AZ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Complaint: My current mortgage servicer is Selene Financial ( SF ), on XXXX XXXX, 2016 agent XXXX agent ID # XXXX perpetrated major violations to the FDCPA, as well as mandatory state disclosures and violations to company polices.
On XXXX XXXX, 2016, at approximately XXXX ( CST ) my authorized 3rd party agent, which is XXXX XXXX of XXXX, contacted SF, in regards to our loan.
During the verification process agent XXXX, asked for XXXX XXXX to verify the mailing address, XXXX responded with a PO BOX , which was incorrect. Agent XXXX, proceeded to give " hints '' to XXXX as to the correct address that he must provide in order to gain account access ; which is a clear violation of the FDCPA. Furthermore, agent XXXX also failed to advise XXXX of the Hardest hit fund and phone number for residents residing in the state of Georgia. These disclosures are mandatory and agent falsified her call by stating that she verbally gave the disclosure for the hardest hit program. As well as she falsified her note which is a violation to SF, company policies and state law disclosures.
XXXX went on to question agent XXXX, on particular mile stones of our loan and was given false information. XXXX asked when the qualified written request was received and if it had been processed. Agent XXXX, replied with much conflict that the documents were received on XXXX XXXX, 2016 and that the request was still being processed. XXXX proceeded to request that in the interim could agent please fax only the payment history. Agent replied no and that he must wait 30 days for his request to be responded to and not sooner than 30 days. This response was not presented politely to say the least and a slight argument ensued between agent and XXXX, as to why the payment history request would not be granted.
XXXX asked for agents ID # and name and to speak with her manager. Agent asked why he needed to speak with her superiors and demanded to know why. XXXX advised his displeasure in continuing additional conversation with her due to communication barriers and agitation being caused by agent at XXXX 's expense and time. Agent became verbally combative and advised XXXX that he would be told the same thing by her manager, and that she is offended at the reasons why XXXX expressed a desire to speak with a manager. XXXX repeatedly asked to be transferred, agent refused continued to irritate the matter which is a violation of SF company policy for call escalation procedure. She ranted about how long she had been in the collection industry for more than 30 years and talked over XXXX and attempted to talk down to XXXX. She showed a failure in proper industry standard phone etiquette and poor FDCPA enforcement and judgment.
Agent angrily advised XXXX to hold on while she warm transferred the call and immediately hung up the phone rather than completing a warm transfer to her manager.
XXXX called right back and spoke with XXXX XXXX, and advised him of the matter.
XXXX advised that he could see that there was a conversation with the agent moments prior. He also advised XXXX that every agent is to properly verify each 3rd party caller based on the law surrounding the FDCPA. He also advised that agent gave us incorrect information regarding the document request received on XXXX XXXX, 2016. The documents had actually been received and response was mailed on XXXX XXXX, 2016 to the on file mailing address. She also was able to fax the request of payment history and simply chose not to do so. I feel it is a total disgrace for agents to carry on in this manner when so many home owners are needing the guidance and correct accurate information regarding their homes and account questions. This agent XXXX was XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Decatur, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Las Vegas, NV
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Virginia Bch, VA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bedford, TX
Complaint: Closed on my home XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. Loan sold or trans. before 1st pay. XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I paid with auto debit. after 7 mo sold or transfer to XXXX XXXX. From day one XXXX reported I was behind 7 mo as they said I was with them the whole time but I was n't. I was chg. XXXX late fees while only here for 42 mo. bogus fees chg, dr. by fees, all while on auto draft. I called XXXX XXXX when I rec. each mo I was behind they said they would clear it up and were sorry even sent me letters stating I was not behind and that they cleared it up, next mo comes around same thing. I then call again this went on and on till finally it ever showed I was behind. Then XXXX XXXX, XXXX I rec. letter my home in forc/by Selene Fin. I was not aware that the loan was sold or trans. to Selene fin. Which XXXX XXXX XXXX is VP of Selene was P. of XXXX XXXX. Not even my house plan, the closing was a wack job but I was sick, only the closer and I there, I knew something wrong and in the mid of closing a fax comes in and its a new HUD 1 but I never saw papers with figures on them I asked why he said everything has changed. Now it states that an attorney, XXXX other people were at the closing and witness, swore to my signature, and this is untrue, also things I paid out of pocket were added to the HUD 1 so I paid double. Then the Forc. I thought was a joke but was not. XXXX XXXX would not talk with me, Selene could n't give me info because they said they had no details of the loan that was a lie, I worked for XXXX mo day night with only couple hrs sleep, sent every mo. ck that cleared my bank on auto debit, oh and XXXX would take the money on the XXXX of the mo post on the XXXX chg. a late fee. yet they took the money. Then I am exhausted XXXX as I said I was n't feeling well at closing on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I became very ill in bed 8 mo. Finally found out I have XXXX. so with all this stress up on me and not expecting such a challange it only did more harm to my health, then I had to pay attorney XXXX to which he did nothing, after 4 wks he ask for another XXXX and I said you have n't give me anything to show you have done for the XXXX to began with. Well he dropped me as client he knew I was right. Now XXXX would not except my payment even though I sent them because I had to sign saying I owed over XXXX more than I did and this is wrong. I am paying ex XXXX that I do n't owe. do you know how hard this is for a XXXX, widow, that is on set income and at closing the night before the mort. co. calls me says I need another XXXX to close it was called a Borrow Cert. to pay 2 mo up front PITI and then it says now it 's to buy points when my cr was almost XXXX but I never got that money back, to I was told no survey needed as one was just done it was a new home, I paid for the appras. then chg. again. but I just find all this out because I forgot that the title co. did n't deliver me the papers as they said they would deliver never did. So much to this. After Selene makes me sign or give up my home they sold or trans to another co. The lady they sent out to do pics. I asked her why she said because this way they are going for a clear title you told them the survey, plans etc. is not your home. so I get screwed while the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX get richer. I am sick over this and the inst. rate if I bought it down it was on the Hud XXXX at 9 % but closed at almost 13 % I am now at almost a 8 %. This is wrong, also the morg. made me pay almost a XXXX to pap a co. to get my cr. in good shape to which they did nothing. Yes I was sick and I should have just not pur this home I have so many people that saw my post on the XXXX site and have contacted me and are begging I start a suit. So many were done the same way I was with same co. started with XXXX. all our title 's wondering around in the ocean. Sad that these can sleep. I contacted every gov. off. I could.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Rocklin, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Rocklin, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Elmer, LA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fleming, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I have a dispute with Selene finance with my credit report that is reflecting a late payments that is roiling month to month which is causing me to have a bad credit score. And I stated that I needed this resolved with the credit Bureau as soon as possible. I have the documentation that is showing that the month that in question, which was XXXX XXXX was not late. That was the last payment that went to XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX and at the time with the transition between XXXX XXXX of XXXX and Selene finance took over the mortgage. I need that fixed on my credit report. By what your there mortgage statement / payment history is showing all payments have been made by the grace period. XXXX XXXX was the one that was not showing that Selene finance did not have so here is the proof of payment please clear this error up on my credit report. This is not the first time I faxed all this to XXXX XXXX information. I faxed this information to Selene finance with all this information in XX/XX/XXXX and I was told that it would be corrected. It XX/XX/XXXX and it still not corrected. I have faxed this information twice in XXXX XXXX and it still not resolved please help me with this
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Wishram, WA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Akron, OH
Complaint: Selene Finance began servicing my mortgage loan XXXX XXXX. It was previously serviced by XXXX XXXX XXXX and I had applied for a HAMP modification but they had sold it to Selene Finance 5 months into the process. The HAMP modification was finalized with Selene Finance in XXXX XXXX, my new payment was {$500.00}. I had been making payments since XXXX XXXX to the amount of {$5500.00} and {$1500.00} of that were FHA HAMP trial period plan payments. In XXXX XXXX {$4000.00} was applied to my loan, escrow, insurance premiums. In the actual modification it states that any past due amounts, including unpaid interest, real estate taxes, insurance premiums and third party assessments will be added to my mortgage loan balance. In bold it states that if I fulfill the terms of the trial period, Selene will waive all late charges that have accrued. I understood that the payments being held in a suspense account with Selene Finance would be dispersed and the HAMP modification would bring the loan current. Somehow, the escrow account is still negative as of XXXX XXXX even after the suspense account of {$5500.00} was dispersed, {$750.00} in fees was deducted on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX and an unexplained deduction of {$260.00} on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX and I am unable to locate any record of where the three trial payments of {$500.00} were allocated. Whatever balance remained from the {$4000.00} that was dispersed in XXXX XXXX was deducted to pay back Selene Finance Advancements. XXXX XXXX, XXXX I received an Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statement. It projected that in order to prevent an increase in mortgage payment from {$500.00} to {$610.00} a shortage amount of {$1000.00} would need to be received by XXXX, XXXX. I paid it in full. Our new payment is now {$530.00}. Then on XXXX XXXX, XXXX I received another Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statement showing incorrect projections and the current escrow payment of {$210.00} will be reduced to {$180.00} and to avoid the payment being increased to {$540.00} a shortage amount of {$530.00} would need to be received by XXXX XXXX. Not only is my escrow account still behind, I 've learned that the county taxes have been late and shorted. I had to call and speak to Selene 's Tax department for them to pay the remaining balance. Selene has n't charged me for the late fees that I am aware of. I 'm concerned that I have to make this new payment starting in XXXX and then possibly receive another escrow account statement in XXXX XXXX. I ca n't keep up with these large sums of money just to keep our mortgage payment down. We received a {$150.00} reduction through HAMP and now I fear through these odd practices by Selene Finance, the mortgage payment will gradually be increased putting me in the same position I was in, not being able to make my mortgage payments, rendering the HAMP modification pointless. I 've been calling Selene Finance since XXXX XXXX with no actual answers from customer service or the escrow department. I was advised to send a written letter with my questions, a letter being faster and better documented. I sent an email providing both escrow account statements on XXXX XXXX. I received a written response that Selene Finance received my correspondence requesting information about my loan and that they must respond within 30 days of receipt, or less. I 'm still calling weekly to check if the escrow department has noted my account with their response. I last called XXXX XXXX. I sent a letter to Congressman XXXX XXXX 's office and was advised to contact CFPB.
Company Response: Closed with explanation