There are over 1675 complaints on file for Selene Finance LP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-05-23.
Bohemia, NY
Complaint: I was alerted by XXXX credit reporting that mortgage company, Selene Finance, fraudulently changed my home address on my report XXXX XXXX, 2016. The address they listed is a realty company in XXXX, NJ. I 've contacted my lawyer concerning the issue since Selene will not converse with me because a " cease & desist '' order is in place. Selene is well aware of my current home property address. If they do not rectify this fraudulent act, I will seek legal remedies.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Simi Valley, CA
Complaint: Sometime in XXXX of XXXX, my husband and I purchased a home XXXX. In XXXX of XXXX, we were approved by our then Mortgage Lender XXXX XXXX Bank XXXX for a Loan Modification, in which our payments would be modified for the principal and interest for the life of our loan in the amount of {$4000.00} monthly. In addition, I paid on my own Property Tax and Property Insurance for my home. Sometime in XXXX, Bank XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX acquired XXXX XXXX Bank XXXX, and my loan was transferred to XXXX. Then sometime in XXXX our loan was then transferred to another Lender, which was XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX this is when I noticed our payments were handled incorrectly. However, I was communication with both XXXX and XXXX, which they promptly assisted me with the discrepancies. During that time, my loan again was acquired by another mortgage company, Selene Finance XXXX ( Selene ). Prior to the loan transferring to Selene, XXXX provided me with an account activity summary, which clearly showed my loan was in good standing, and was not pass due. In fact, when it was transferred to Selene, my monthly payment due was at a zero balance. However, some where during the transition of my loan, a mistake was made within Selene, which caused my loan to become past due. But, this was not the case, because I continued to make the same loan payment that I had always made, and never changed my loan agreement. Therefore, there should not have been any discrepancies. But, I now feel Selene has mishandled our payments and applied them to someone else 's loan. In addition, they began to return my payments stating that my payments were not the correct amount of my loan, in fact, with the original checks that they returned to me, they also returned someone else 's Cashier 's Check to me, which was for a " Loan Modification ''. I would like to mention that I never requested for a Loan Modification with Selene, but this Cashier 's Check was for a Loan Modification for someone else 's account. Thus, we requested from Selene a reconciliation of our account, and to send us copies of our Tax Bill and Year End Escrow Account Statement, which we requested from them numerous times and for approximately 15 months later, we have not yet received any documentations of what we requested. Therefore, we are now asking for your assistance to this matter, because Selene has now decided to place our home under Foreclosure due to delinquent account. Despite our constant demands for an account reconciliation and our constant attempts to communicate with them, we have fallen XXXX due to the stress they have caused us. The representative that we spoke with at Selene was XXXX XXXX in which she requested from us our bank statements and cancelled checks, so that she could reconcile our account. We now believe this was NEVER done, because now they are attempting to foreclosed our home, when we are in fact current with our payments and have an overpayment due to us.
I am pleading for your help with this sensitive matter.
Thank you in advance and look forward to hearing from you.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Santa Ysabel, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
South Point, OH
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Succasunna, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
N Haven, CT
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Midlothian, VA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Clair Mel, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hornell, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Weston, CT
Complaint: I have been trying to get my mortgage modified for over 8 years at this point. My Senators office fowarded my problem to CFPB and the servicer/investor replied and the case was closed. I am filing another compliant to dispute the response to the servicer/investor.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cumberland, RI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Paterson, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: Selene Finance and XXXX got my Discharges bankruptcy for a Mortgage loan from XXXX XXXX XXXX and Selene has me on all XXXX credit reporting agency that I owe the mortgage like XXXX giving me bad credit ... I would like my credit fixed ASAP and Selene to be sued so I can buy the house I was shot down trying to get a mortgage because of these crooks. It was all set to go and the final credit repot was pulled and they just did this to me XX/XX/2016 I am not happy ... we will be homeless because of them we gave notice on out apt . to move into our home that was denied now because of Selene Finance, check out this great link for more info on Selene Finance, XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Wesley Chapel, FL
Complaint: FHA Case No. XXXX XXXX XXXX Address : former address to property was XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX FL. XXXX.
Present address : changed to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX FL. XXXX By Introduction, my name is XXXX XXXX and I became a homeowner in XXXX 2001.
I went through the process with a non profit organization by the name of XXXX XXXX XXXX located in XXXX Florida. XXXX XXXX XXXX assisted me with preparing me to become a first time homeowner. Being a single mother, this was the American dream coming true.The name of the mortgage company which is no longer in business as called XXXX in XXXX Florida. I fell behind one month and XXXX sent me a letter stating that due to late payment, my loan could not be FHA insured, and the loan will be converted into a conventional loan. Now at the time I was not aware that this was false information, and also on my mortgage note there is no clause stating that my loan will no longer be an FHA loan by falling behind. I know for a fact that FHA helps individuals to remain in their homes. I truly believe that this is a predatory loan and XXXX converted into a regular conventional loan of course for profit. XXXX made stated another fictitious statement the well on the property was not the appropriate footage from the septic which is false because the house was built from the ground up the the contractor has to meet the building codes for XXXX XXXX. I have been fighting this for years and I feel that this information that XXXX was just all a ploy for me to lose my home and my inherited property.Ivanhoe used FHA procedures not guidelines to target individuals receiving FHA loan and convert the loans for profit for their investors gain and greed. This really saddens me for individuals who really strive for the American dream to become a homeowner. Over the years my loan has been sold at least 5 times and now my mortgage company is Selene Finance and they only reason why they have it now because the were under the assumptions that my loan was in default and I was in foreclosure which was false as well.
Now since Selene Finance has my loan I stated to them to look at the original note and it clearly states that this is a FHA loan FHA insured. Since Selene Finance has the loan, they are now held accountable.My interest rate is 6.5 % it needs to be lower because it is a FHA loan.The interest rate should be at least 2.5 %. At 6.5 % I will never pay off my home loan and the investors get wealthier. I have all documents and I also requested documents from the Selene loan resolution department as well.Please assist me with this matter.
Thank you, XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: We purchased our home in XXXX with the mortgage originally serviced by XXXX, XXXX and XXXX which was sold to XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX - and never reported late by either company.
With XXXX XXXX XXXX, we were not considered late until the XXXX of the month. We paid no later than the XXXX of each month.
The mortgage was sold to Selene Finance who has reported us as being 30 days late on multiple occasions. We have attempted to pay within the 15 day window via their website - which regularly throws error messages or logs us out. I 've worked as a XXXX XXXX for more than 10 years and can say without a doubt, it is the most poorly constructed public ecommerce site I have ever encountered. We have called them on several occasions and are told that we are on the same pay schedule as when XXXX XXXX XXXX serviced the loan and to " pay just as we did before ''.
We receive threatening statements in the mail stating that we owe a " corporate advance '' of {$1000.00} in addition to our regular payment - yet when we log in to our account appears to be current.
I am requesting that Selene Finance remove all delinquencies from my credit report and stop mailing threatening statements with erroneous charges.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
East Rockaway, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Colonial Park, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Birmingham, AL
Complaint: I have been with Selene Finance for a year or so now and everything was going well. About three months ago they sent me a letter along with a certified letter stating that if I did not send my payments by the XXXX of every month that their would be steps taken. Granted that XX/XX/XXXX is when it is due but I have a grace period of 15 days so it is not late until XX/XX/XXXX. I would always send it before the month was up so it did not show on my credit report. I ignored the letter and threw it away. Little did I know that they would stop sending me statements. For XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX I did not receive a statement. I sent them an email which they sent me back weeks later that they had thirty days to get back to me. I never heard anything. I let it go. Then I receive my XXXX bill which has my credit score listed every month. XX/XX/XXXX, it had dropped XXXX points!!! I could n't believe it! I started to investigate and checked my credit report through XXXX and realized that Selen Finance had told XXXX that my account is closed and that I am in chapter XXXX bankruptcy!! That is a bold face lie! I have never been in bankruptcy nor do I need to be considering my credit score was at around XXXX!! I disputed this with XXXX and they just sent me the results of their findings that it will be removed XX/XX/XXXX. First and foremost, I am not in bankruptcy and my account is not closed!! They receive my payment evry month. The bankruptcy can be checked by courthouse records and they can check my account with my account number.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Rochdale, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Baltimore, MD
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Dover, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Alexandria, VA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Staten Island, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Garrett Park, MD
Company Response: Closed with explanation