There are over 1675 complaints on file for Selene Finance LP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-05-23.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Grand Junction, CO
Complaint: I am selling my home to the current occupant of the house.The buyer has been going through the process of securing a loan through the V.A.
XX/XX/XXXX, I was put on long-term XXXX due to XXXX. I needed to move to XXXX to be near my family, and moved in XX/XX/XXXX. I tried repeatedly to contact XXXX to discuss my account. XXXX intentionally avoided communicating with me. In XX/XX/XXXX, XXXX had put my house up for auction in a foreclosure. I found out about the sale date from the occupant questioning one of the many people driving by and photographing the property. With the help of the XXXX Attorney General 's office, XXXX contacted me and began a modification process. I made my third " trial payment ' on XXXX XXXX. On XXXX XXXX, the mortgage was sold to Seline Finance, a mortgage collection agency. Seline put me on " trial payments '' again for another four months. In XX/XX/XXXX, the buyer of my home began signing papers for the V.A. loan. I was given a projected closing date by the XX/XX/XXXX. That estimate has been delayed ever since, but the process continues - however slowly.The estimated closing date is still not determined.
A week later, I received paperwork to sign the " modified '' mortgage with Seline. The mortgage interest rate is the same 6 % it was for years with XXXX.
Seline now tells me that if I do n't sign their mortgage by week 's end, I will go back into foreclosure. Seline sent me a payoff statement, where I finally saw an accounting of my mortgage for the first time in 2 years. The principle is approximately {$48000.00}. Added to that is {$6000.00} in back-escrow, and another {$6100.00} in " interest ''. I must assume that " interest '' is charges accrued during my long stretch of no communication with XXXX.
Question 1 : What can be done about Seline 's deadline for signing a mortgage by XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, while I wait for a sale date?
Question 2 : When XXXX sold my mortgage to Seline, did I lose my ability to contest {$6100.00} in " interest '' that I 'm now being told to finance with a new loan?
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Arco, CA
Complaint: I have a HELOC with XXXX XXXX XXXX and I was approved for a trial loan modification with payments of {$3100.00} starting XXXX XXXX, XXXX through XXXX XXXX, XXXX. I made the first trial payment to XXXX XXXX XXXX on XXXX XXXX, XXXX for the XXXX XXXX, XXXX payment and on XXXX XXXX, XXXX for the XXXX XXXX, XXXX payment. I received a transfer notice from XXXX on XXXX XXXX saying my loan was being transferred to Selene Finance effective XXXX XXXX, XXXX.
Selene would n't accept my third trial payment due for XXXX XXXX, XXXX. A new assignment of the Note was recorded on XXXX XXXX with XXXX XXXX as the Trustee for the Note. Selene approved of a loan modification with payments starting XXXX XXXX, XXXX and a payment of {$4400.00} a month, an increase of {$1200.00} a month from the trial mortgage payments that XXXX approved. Selene never gave an explanation as to why the increase in the permanent loan modification. Also the Principal balance of the loan modification is {$840000.00}. However, the loan started off as a Home Equity Line of Credit for {$500000.00}. After requesting an explanation in the {$340000.00} in charges, Selene could n't give an explanation other than saying its a modified interest bearing amount on a Home Equity Line of Credit ( HELOC ) After I rejected the offer, Selene said that would proceed with foreclosure and Selene recorded a 20 Day Notice of Sale on XXXX XXXX, XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: In getting the necessary paperwork for a mortgage refinance, the Bank that is doing the refinance ( XXXX XXXX Bank ) requested a loan payoff statement from the current holder of the loan ( Selene Finance ) on XXXX XXXX, 2016. XXXX XXXX Bank has made at least XXXX follow-up requests and Selene has still not provided the statement. I called Selene personally on XXXX XXXX and again on XXXX XXXX virtually demanding a response. Their response to me on the XXXX was that it would take a minimum of five days. After I demanded that the clerk follow up with a supervisor she came back on and said that I could " expect '' to get the statement on the following day. She explicitly offered no guarantee. When it did not arrive, I called and insisted on speaking to a supervisor myself. XXXX XXXX came on the line and was ever so conciliatory, agreeing that two weeks to comply with our request is unacceptable. He suggested that I have the statement emailed to myself rather than faxed to the bank. He could not be sure that their phone lines are reliable. I gave him my email address using the international phonetic alphabet, which he said he understood, and he read it back to me correctly. I have still not received the requested document. I can see now that XXXX XXXX XXXX is the epitome of passive aggressiveness. It seems that I am being punished for being forceful. Being patient and polite did not work. Being forceful did not work. The refinance will save me about XXXX dollars per month in mortgage payments. The only thing holding it up is this XXXX document that Selene seems to be refusing to provide. Please help.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fort Lee, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Nashville, TN
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Five Points, NC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Nashville, TN
Complaint: To whom this may concern, We are terrified that Selene Finance has engaged in unlawful foreclosure against our property. Our mortgage was transferred to Selene Finance in XX/XX/XXXX from XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Our nightmare started on XXXX XXXX, XXXX, when we had a house fire. We tried contacting Selene to notify them of the fire because the homeowner 's insurance was escrowed in our mo. payment and we needed to notify the insurance co. of the fire & damage that had occurred. After several days, Selene told us that an insurance adjuster would be coming out between XXXX-XXXX on a particular date but no one ever showed.
Soon after that, one day, after arriving home, there were XXXX trucks parked in the yard at our house. After some questioning, the XXXX gentlemen finally told us that they had purchased the home at auction on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. How is this possible, we were n't even behind on any mortgage payments? We were never notified of any foreclosure or auction.
Several days after that, we came home to find a large part of our belongings in the yard and they had pulled our vintage jaguar out of the garage and were attempting to sell it to a junk dealer. The supposed new owners were there and told us we had been evicted ; we never received any eviction paperwork from the courthouse or anyone else.
After doing research on the internet, it appears what we 're going through is commonplace with Selene 's fraudulent, predatory and gross mishandling of servicing mortgages with countless complaints of malfeasance occurring time & time again regarding servicing and unlawful foreclosure of mortgages all over the country. According to the : XXXX ( XXXX Complaints ) ; Yelp ( Numerous Complaints ) ; XXXX Consumer ( XXXX complaints ) and numerous complaints on : XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, etc. ; all with similar claims of gross mishandling of servicing mortgages.
Why has n't some government entity intervened in this continuous pattern of unscrupulous business practices? Ours is obviously not an isolated case so when there is so much government regulation on seemingly everything else, I 'm having a hard time understanding how the FTC, Attorney General 's Office or The State of Texas is allowing this to be problematic time after time.
The Wall St. Reform & Consumer Protection Act. was written in XX/XX/XXXX to help consumers & homeowners that were being unfairly mistreated by their mortgage servicers.
Violation of The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ( Regulation X ), Federal Trade Commission Act ( FTC Act ) Section 5 : Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices & UDAAP - Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices Selene Finance 's egregious acts of noncompliance with federal laws have caused us much stress, anxiety and uncertainty if we have or still will have a home.
Please Help!!!!!
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Wallington, NJ
I have tried to save my home for nearly 2 years or more now. I have continued to receive the runaround from the following parties XXXX XXXX with The XXXX XXXX, Selene Finance and their various representative, XXXX Mortgage XXXX XXXX. I provided all the documentation that was asked of me to include a plan to resolve the mortgage and unfortunately no one has responded back to me. The loan is currently in the name of party who is non responsive however through a court order the house was awarded to me. Please help, I want to save my home and I can afford it. See all documentation and communication.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Athens, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Ft Belvoir, VA
Complaint: On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I suffered a loss of personal property due to fire. This personal property was covered under my homeowners insurance policy with XXXX XXXX Virginia XXXX XXXX XXXX. When I contacted the insurance company I was informed that my policy had canceled back in XXXX of XXXX due to " Non payment of premiums '' On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I contacted Selene Finance my mortgage servicer who maintains the escrow account for my homeowners insurance. From the on set, Selene Finance maintained they paid the policy and had confirmation of policy being active as of XXXX XXXX, XXXX - XXXX XXXX, XXXX. Yet Selene Finance has been negligent in providing written prove of the same, as well as not pursuing valid confirmation of the policies statues in a timely manner. Being VPI outlined in a letter of XXXX XXXX, XXXX, ( attached ) payments received for my policy in the amount of {$860.00} and {$250.00}, when the total premiums due was {$1400.00}. Even with a copy of the cancellation notice, which sites both the premium due of {$1400.00} and the reason for cancellation being " Non Payment of premiums '' Selene has refused to assume fault and pay my claim. Continually maintaining in " Bad Faith '' they paid, with no documentation of proof, all the while maintaining unethical business practices by ignoring my request for payment of my claim despite the fact they have not provided proof of their claims. Selene Finance and its insurance department XXXX XXXX XXXX, failed to maintain the policy and mis managed my escrow account, and continues to show " Bad Faith '' in honoring its duties to myself regarding servicing my mortgage loan. I have repeatedly asked Selene Finance, in written request and verbally in our phone conversation, for documentation of their claims, that premiums where paid and proof of an active policy for the period stated.
Selene Finance personnel and it 's insurance department personnel have not, to date provided me proof in writing of their claims of payment of all premiums or valid policy for the period stated. Selene Finance and it 's insurance department XXXX XXXX XXXX continue to conduct themselves in an untrustworthy manner by avoiding my calls, not return my calls or honoring my written request for the same. When a Selene Finance or XXXX XXXX XXXX personnel is reached by phone, they claim they need time to research and will get back to me but do not, or pass me to someone else who could not be reached or would not return calls, and as far as researching the issue, I been run around since XXXX XXXX, XXXX and the only letter I received from Selene Finance on XXXX XXXX, XXXX, was filled inaccurate statements and information amounting to the same answers from previous phone conversations with Selene Finance. Which maintain they had paid the premiums and policy was in effect. Which is false and inaccurate, Selene Finance has never produced payments totaling {$1400.00} nor has Selene Finance produced a document stating insurance was enforced from XXXX XXXX, XXXX - XXXX XXXX, XXXX. Yet Selene Finance continues to act in a fraudulent manner in refuse to pay my claim of {$14000.00} without any reasonable or proven cause not to pay my claim.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Simi Valley, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Seneca, SC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: My mortgage was transferred from XXXX XXXX XXXX to a firm, unnamed, serviced by Selene Finance, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX, XXXX. During the handover of my mortgage to Selene, either XXXX did not hand over the credit for the XXXX 2015 payment I made, or Selene received it and did not credit it to my account. For almost nine months, while I have made monthly mortgage payments, XXXX has keep my account as " past due '' because of this error, and has threatened to put my home into foreclosure. As a result, my credit remains damaged, on an on-going basis.
In addition, Selene held onto the escrow funds from XXXX despite numerous attempts by XXXX XXXX to get the portion for homeowners insurance. At one point, my home was uninsured as a result for one month. I had to pay the premium out-of-pocket rather than Selene paying the escrow. It was not until months later that Selene released the funds to XXXX XXXX and we received a refund, but the damage to our budget and credit was already done.
I am trying to refinance so that I can pay a tax lien on my home and take out money for my daughter 's XXXX care, but with the continuing " 30 day past due '' status and threat of foreclosure, I can not get refinancing.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mahwah, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: We are filing a consumer complaint against our mortgage servicer Selene Finance ( SF ) due to payment misapplication and unclear escrow charges and fees. Our loan was approved to make payments in the amount of {$1000.00}, however in the interim our loan was sold and or transferred to SF from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX prior to the loan modification being made final. While completing trial payments for our approved loan modification with XXXX starting on XXXX XXXX, XXXX, our loan was sold before we could complete the entire process. Our loan was sold to SF, on XXXX XXXX, XXXX while still making trial payments from XXXX XXXX, XXXX accounting ledger is extremely distorted because of the loan being transferred prior to the permanent loan modification being granted. We have requested accounting ledgers from XXXX which cover the payment history from XXXX XXXX, XXXX and have yet to receive them. SF, claims that my loan is due for 10 months of payments which is excessive as well as inaccurate on multiple accounts. Recently SF, agents XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX, were just as confused as we are as to how the loans payments were calculated in fact. XXXX advised us that the first payment that was received from us after the transfer from XXXX was complete, was made for {$1000.00} on XXXX XXXX, XXXX and applied toward my XXXX XXXX, XXXX payment, which is completely erroneous. Below are the only accounting statements which we have to consider for XXXX records, these statements are also distorted and unclear as to how XXXX derives to reflect preposterous amounts : XXXX NOTICE DATED XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX. PAYMENT AMOUNT OF {$1200.00} AFTER APPLYING PAYMENT AMOUNT DUE IS {$10000.00}. XXXX NOTICE DATED XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX AMOUNT OF {$1200.00} AFTER APPLYING PAYMENT AMOUNT DUE IS {$9300.00}. XXXX NOTICE DATED XXXX XXXX, XXXX YOUR PAYMENT AMOUNT OF {$1200.00} AFTER APPLYING PAYMENT AMOUNT DUE IS {$10000.00}. XXXX STATEMENT DATED XXXX XXXX, XXXX SHOW TOTAL AMOUNT DUE LESS THAN 1 MONTH LATER THE AMOUNT OWING GOES TO $ XXXX*INCREASING BALANCE BY {$2500.00} IN LESS THAN 1 MONTH PRIOR TO TRANSFER Furthermore, we were forced to reapply for another modification once our loan was transferred to SF.
They stated that we needed to reapply because they had records indicating that XXXX, informed their office 's that we had requested to cancel our loan modification which was dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX. This information is also incorrect because why would we make all of the trial payments of {$1000.00}, if we had no intentions to complete the plan? In fact SF, shows record that we continued making payments of {$1000.00} even after the transfer was complete, it simply makes no sense.
Once we were forced to reapply for a new modification with SF, they approved us for payments that were virtually the same as what XXXX, had done for our family. However, SF back dated their offer to reflect payments made to them in the amount of {$1000.00} dating back to XXXX XXXX, XXXX during the time XXXX serviced the loan. How was XXXX, able to account for payments made under a XXXX loan modification on XXXX XXXX, XXXX, when they did n't take over the loan until XXXX XXXX, XXXX? These underwriting errors along with the distorted accounting for escrow and late fees, raise major concerns as to whether or not our loan is being properly managed. Furthermore it makes it next to impossible to determine how far behind our loan actually is. As an attempt to try and make sense of our loans fees and charges we filed a qualified written request ( QWR ) with SF on XXXX XXXX, XXXX, immediately after on a notice dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX, initiated a notice of default and intent to accelerate our loan into foreclosure rather than simply respond with a clear explanation. We feel that they would rather foreclose on our home rather than have to explain themselves.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Edenton, NC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Colts Neck, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Augusta, GA
Complaint: I wish to submit a formal complaint against my lender Selene Finance XXXX. They have been a pure nightmare for me and my family since XXXX XXXX XXXX transferred my loan to them in 2013. The customer service representatives are not very helpful at all and they tend to practice lying about mailing out any information requested by me, the homeowner. I have called numerous times in regards to my loan modification process. I was misrepresented as to the timeframe of when I needed to start the loan modification process. They have intentionally not been applying my mortgage payments in a timely matter which has further placed them in a suspense account, so that I can incur late fees. They also intentionally do not send updated information to their Bankruptcy Legal department reflecting that my account is current and up to date. They have even gone as far to send back electronic checks that have already been deposited yet I have not been given credit for, nor have the money been redeposit into my bank account. I feel that I am currently being force into foreclosure. I wish to save my home, because I have a son about to go off to college and XXXX little girls under the age XXXX.I appreciate your response to this matter and resolution.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Tucson, AZ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cocoa, FL
Complaint: My wife is XXXX and I am XXXX years old ; we are forced to leave our home by XXXX XXXX, XXXX. The finance company that bought the mortgage has refused to refinance our mortgage ; they mislead us and dragged us along since XX/XX/XXXX. We have been requesting them to refinance the mortgage at the current market price since XX/XX/XXXX ; they played us and kept on asking us to provide paperwork package, we have done what they asked for approximately XXXX times and every time they led us to believe that they will refinance if we submit the paperwork. The only response we got from them, every time we submitted, is that the paperwork is not complete. They never said what was missing regardless to our repeated inquiry of what was missing - they never answer that. They asked us to resubmit again and again, but to no benefit. And now we are going to be on the street ( literally on the street ). My wife and I have always been hardworking couple and we are still working till now. Please allow me to emphasize once more, my wife is XXXX and I am XXXX. We both in good health. We bring in sufficient income to be able to keep our home if they give us our right to refinance the mortgage at the current market price.
So please we need help ASAP - we will be thrown out of our home by XXXX XXXX, XXXX.
We solicited legal assistance from an attorney, who also saw no reason for the finance company ( the mortgage holder ) not to refinance the loan and keep us in our home, which we lived in since XXXX.
We urge your help ASAP - Please .. Please .. Please.
Thank You,
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: Back in XXXX my home was burglarized and caught fire. We lost everything that was in the home except for the clothing that we took on an overnight trip with us out of town. We was put up in a hotel for almost 2 mths and during that time we was only given {$2500.00} from our insurance company until they finished there investigation ( which took 6mths ). During that time our funding was limited therefore we had to use some those advance funds from the insurance company to purchase clothing, appliances, personal items, Rx medications, formula, bottles, XXXX, an apartment, school books and etc. During this time Selene expected us to continue to pay on a structure that was NON-habitable. We were not able to pay on that structure, repurchase items that were lost and for new housing. So our insurance company sent a letter to Selene Finance and they accepted the settlement amount from the insurance company for {$83000.00} in which they cashed and they signed and agreed. However we were still receiving statements and the mortgage was being reported late for years after that settlement was accepted. Not only that but once we were able to get a home through a XXXX, the monies for the land value depreciation of {$31000.00} in which they would not release there name from off of it after they cashed the settlement checks about 2 yrs earlier and we ended up having to turn it over to them. Now they still reported our home as a foreclosure. We did the DIL in which they stated that the Loan has been XXXX out however they are still stating that we owe them. We do not know what we owe them additionally to this date and why? We do not understand why they took the {$31.00} check when it was not there 's after they agreed upon the settlement check. We do not know why they still reported it and caused the credit ratings to be in shambles for years. Since we were n't able to abide by the agreement upon the XXXX the home we moved in was sold because of the funds from the {$31000.00} check was no longer available. Now we are trying to move forward with purchasing a home and we have requested that they provide us with ALL documentation regarding the XXXX documents that we signed and they signed and agreed upon and they have been very rude about providing it. We have emailed them several times, we have called several times. We keep receiving the same correspondents but nothing else. Can you please assist because I am ready to move forward legally because they have stolen from me, ruined my credit for years, and now presently hindering me from purchasing a new home for my family in which I have lost earnest money because they have failed to supply me with the documentation that I needed.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Federal Way, WA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Lexington, KY
Company Response: Closed with explanation