Consumer Complaints

There are over 2172 complaints on file for RUSHMORE LOAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC. Dated between 2019-12-11 and 2012-10-01.

Complaints Page 32


Blackbird, DE

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I bought my house in 2003 for XXXX. I put XXXX as the downpayment. My loan was with XXXX After more than 12 years paying them, on time, my loan went up. For months I tried to negotiate the loan ( trying to bring the principal down ) because it just went up. I sent them all the letters they requested. Months and months passed and they made all kinds of excuses. Then they sold the loan. I tried to get a loan modification through HUD and a lawyer. The loan modification I got has horrible terms. After paying more than 300K to the various companies, I still owe XXXX plus some late fees!!!! That is not just outrageous but unethical and perhaps illegal. I have been paying XXXX to Rushmore who bought my loan from a horrible company called XXXX which is now being sued. I have never been late in payment but my principal does not go down. Now they have raised the monthly fee to XXXX which they say it is for back taxes. I did not agree to this as coming up with XXXX dollars a month is a lot of money. I would like to pay the same amount and I would like them to reduce the balance. Why should they be making XXXX percent profit and the homeowner NOTHING. I want them to reply and to come up with a resolution that is beneficial to me and not just to them. I also pay for insurance and HOA which means I can't come up with XXXX extra a month. I would like CFPB to negotiate a better loan with them. I want to own a brick in my houseXXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Sacramento, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bellmawr, NJ

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Mount Vernon, IN

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Clayton, MO

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: My complaint is about a transfer of loan servicing. My mortgage loan is transferred to Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC effective XX/XX/2018. l mailed the payment due in the same amount due from my previous servicer. I just received a letter telling me the payment amount has been increased and Rushmore did not explain why the payment is increased. It is impossible to speak with the servicer via telephone because they say they can not find my account. It is not possible to make a sign-in account on their Internet site because a message appears that says my information does not match my account. I am using the same information that I received in correspondence from Rushmore. I did some Internet searches and discovered a litany of abuses by this servicer, one being the obstruction and/or refusal to accept payments. So my situation is that I mailed them a payment and now Rushmore says the new payment amount is higher and I don't know how to solve the problem. I do not have the ability to accept their phone calls, yet they say that my account can not be available to me unless I talk to them on a phone call which they originate. The requirement for me to be accessible via a telephone call originated by Rushmore is obstruction of account access and other options that are available i.e. electronic, are also denied access. It should not be this difficult to obtain information and make payments. I suspect it is intentional obstruction.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Jupiter, FL

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Rushmore Loan Management Services is the lender. I have a fixed BK XXXX Federal Court Ordered payment, Case # XXXX with a rate of 5 %, 25 year, PB {$100000.00} onXX/XX/XXXX. I have been paying P & I of {$500.00} since the Federal Court Order for the 5 years, and 2 years after the discharge my P & I of {$500.00} to continue thru 25 years until paid per the Court Order. Rushmore increased my payment of to {$800.00} to include real estate taxes afterXX/XX/XXXX, and then told me inXX/XX/XXXX my P & I was increasing up to {$590.00} telling me it was amortized incorrectly, I let them know they could not do that, they agreed to look into it and then I would continually get letters telling me I was in default, but when I called they said just ignore, they can't stop the letters, they are looking into it. I called my BK Attorney XXXX XXXX, she said I am not allowed to pay a payment other than the Federal court ordered amount, except for real estate tax escrow, if increases ; she said the lender can not change Court Ordered P & I of {$500.00}, they had 5 years during the plan, and before the discharge, and have accepted the Court Ordered payment another 2 years after. My annual Real Estate taxes for XXXX is approx {$3800.00} /12 months should be XXXX and tax increase is more than it should be at {$410.00}, raising my total payment to {$1000.00}. Rushmore is sending me threatening letters now telling me I am in default after they told me they are trying to resolve the mix up, but tonight I received another letter telling me I am in default of my mortgage. P & I should be {$500.00} and real estate tax portion should be {$310.00} for a total of {$840.00}. I agreed to their increase up to {$890.00} and have been paying that amount assuming the difference was for the tax increase, but they said the difference is in the P & I, but they also increased my real estate taxes way over my XXXX real estate tax bill. ( copy enclosed )
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Andrews, NC

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: We had to file a chapter XXXX in XXXX due to unemployment. After filing the chapter XXXX, both my husband and I found steady employment. Since the filing, our mortgage was sold from XXXX to Rushmore Loan Management Services. We received the notification from XXXX about the sale, but never anything from Rushmore. I sent in the first payment to Rushmore, from the information received by XXXX. I never received anything from Rushmore after that payment was made. I ceased payments, and sent a letter requesting to know if they still service my mortgage. No response from Rushmore. XX/XX/XXXX we receive a notification of foreclosure from them. I contacted my attorney for the chapter XXXX, who in turn contacted Rushmore 's attorney. A stipulation was agreed upon and filed XX/XX/XXXX. Since the stipulation, we have been making the monthly payments. On XX/XX/XXXX, we received a notification of default. Rushmore was claiming that no payment had been made since the stipulation. I sent copies of my cancelled checks to my attorney, who forwarded them on to their attorney. Today, XX/XX/XXXX I received notification from my attorney that Rushmore is still claiming that we are in default, after seeing the cancelled checks. They are now looking for an ungodly figure to be paid by Friday, XX/XX/XXXX. XXXX, or they will file the notice of default. They have been strong-arming even though they are in the wrong, just to get more money. I feel this is a very fraudulent act on their part and need to be put out of business. We are not the only ones who have been affected by Rushmore this way. I have attached a copy of the stipulation, XXXX XXXX XXXX complaints and reviews, the notice of default, and emails from my attorney.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: The amount of payments that have been credited to my account are inaccurate I have repeatedly requested documented details regarding the loan and have received nothing
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Eastchester, NY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I have been trying to resolve payments issues with my Loan Service Co, by I have not gotten a response. Here is my last communication with Rushmore : XXXX XXXX XXXX To : XXXX XXXX Cc : XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX Hello, I have been trying to get a response regarding the rejection of a payments send on XX/XX/XXXX in the amount of {$10000.00}. I never heard from you or other Rushmore Loan Management employees regarding my request. I have requested repeatedly from XXXX XXXX, but he has gone into silent mode now, perhaps with the intention that all be be forgotten on my side. Additionally, Rushmore Loan Services keeps adding late fees to my account, continues reporting me and my wife to the credit bureaus for nonpayment, and is still adding taxes and insurance to the bill at a time when I have sent proof of payment of Real Estate Taxes. Specifically, although I made another payment in the amount of {$10000.00} on XX/XX/XXXX that is not reflected in the mortgage statement thereby my bill for the month of XX/XX/XXXX amounts, incorrectly though, to {$12000.00} with late fees totaling {$180.00}. After I failed in my repeated attempts to reach XXXX XXXX, who did not respond to my calls, in my last conversation with you, you personally to remove late fees and resolve other issues related to my account. Please respond to me request and resolve the billing issues. I have attached two documents with this email showing payment in my side and a bill that does not reflect my payments Regards, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX NY XXXX T. XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Fort Lauderdale, FL

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: Rushmore Loan MGMT SER reported on my Credit report ( see XXXX report attached ) and it does not belong to me. I requested a thorough fraud investigation by XXXX and they changed the status of payment as " Paid '' but I want it removed from my report. Also, " Your Statement '' section is incorrect.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Jose, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: My mortgage used to be with XXXX. They sold it to Rushmore Loan Management Services last XXXX. I received a letter from Rushmore in XXXX or XXXX saying they needed proof of current hazard insurance. I received another letter from them in XXXX saying they needed the proof or they were going to buy insurance and charge me for it. I got the proof from my home owners association and submitted it online. I received an email saying it had been accepted. Two days ago, XX/XX/XXXX, I got a final notice letter from them saying they've already bought the insurance and I have to pay them for it. How is it a final notice if they've already bought the insurance? I called them yesterday and was told that what I submitted online was not sufficient. They want my unit number on the master policy. I tried to explain to the woman I spoke to that it's a master policy, it covers every unit in the complex. That didn't work. So I'm having to jump through hoops with my associations insurance broker to get this taken care of. I think their request is ridiculous and unreasonable. And I think it's a way for them to charge me for insurance I don't need. I feel like I should get an attorney because I can almost guarantee you they're going to want me to pay for their insurance. What a scam. They also wanted my personal homeowners policy. Why do they need that? Please read the reviews on XXXX for this company. Clearly there is something very wrong going on there. I shouldn't have to refinance my mortgage loan because of a crooked mortgage company. And I will not pay for their stupid insurance.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Berthoud, CO

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: The mortgage servicer has not paid my county property taxes. I pay my escrow account for the servicer to pay my taxes. I have been in contact with the servicer since my first delinquent tax notice in XX/XX/2018 and I still have a delinquent bill despite being told the taxes have been paid..
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Dunnellon, FL

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Stone Mountain, GA

Written notification about debt

Debt collection: Mortgage debt

Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


East Vineland, NJ

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: I have owned my home in New Jersey for 15 years and live there with my mother, aunt and live in girlfriend along with XXXX children. I have an FHA mortgage loan that is being serviced by Rushmore Loan Management and I am filing a complaint about the way they have handled my loan. I have been trying for months to get them to review me for homeowner assistance programs that are offered by HUD but have been unable to make any progress. I am transferred from one department to another, documents are lost and misplaced and I am given a boatload of different excuses. This has gotten serious, because now Rushmore has scheduled a foreclosure sale date. I am in a much better place financially and deserve the chance to be considered for these government programs but feel that Rushmore is blocking me from consideration. My trouble began in XX/XX/XXXX/XX/XX/XXXX when my now ex-wife and I were going through a divorce. As the divorce became contentious and expensive mortgage payments were missed. We were able to work out an agreement with HUD and Rushmore to get the loan restructured at that time. However, the new payment was based on the income of myself and my ex-wife and the payment only decreased {$100.00}. This new payment was not sustainable as at that time my ex-wife had moved out and was no longer contributing. I continued making the modified payment as long as I could until it was impossible and began trying to reach out to Rushmore to see if we could be considered for a more affordable alternative. I was trying to resolve the matter with Rushmore in XX/XX/XXXX when I defaulted but was unable to gain access to my account because my ex had added a password that I was not aware of. As a result I could not get information from their agents or access our payment history online. Once I finally got their agents to engage I was told I needed the finalized divorce decree to proceed. The divorce was still in process so that took me some time. However, once this was all straightened out I have been going back and forth with Rushmore and their agents for months without any type of tangible progress. My financial situation has improved significantly -- I am working as a XXXX XXXX while going to school full time -- my mother lives here and contributes her SSI and my Aunt lives here and pays rent and also my live in girlfriend pays rent as well. There are 4 adults and XXXX kids in our home and all of the adults are helping out with the expenses. We have sufficient income to afford a reasonable payment. The problem is that Rushmore has denied us access to government and internal programs that we should qualify for. There are government backed homeowner assistance programs for HUD loans such as modification, partial claim, special forbearance as well as repayment plans that we should be considered for. I have spent the last several months trying to get Rushmore to conduct such a review of our current financial information, but have been denied access by their agents. Now Rushmore has scheduled a foreclosure sale date in XXXX even though I have the means to resolve this matter. Please investigate Rushmore and their unethical business practices.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Houston, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Rushmore Loan Management Services has continued to give me conflicting stories on why an analysis of my escrow account has increased my monthly payment. Additionally, Rushmore failed to have the proper documentation on file causing my taxes to go delinquent. They stated to me that they had the wrong parcel number causing my taxes to go delinquent. Rushmore failed to notify me of their errors verbally or written and in the meanwhile, I've received dozens of letters from private organizations offering to help me with delinquent taxes. In talking with Rushmore, they are blaming XXXX XXXX XXXX and not taking ownership. After speaking with a lady named XXXX on XX/XX/2018 and not receiving a call as agreed upon on XX/XX/2018 or a letter in the mail, I spoke with a lady named XXXX who informed me my monthly payment was going to go up 41 % based on Rushmore mistakes. This is unacceptable and I should not have to bear the mistakes Rushmore has made. This is totally unacceptable and Rushmore should be held accountable for very, very shady business and ethical practices.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Grosse Ile, MI

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)

Complaint: My second mortgage transferred to Rushmore loan management service after it was being handled by XXXX XXXX XXXX. Rushmore mortgage got the account after XXXX XXXX failed to address the escrow issue with the loan. I have had Homeowners insurance since i have owned the house 11 years ago. i have sent to XXXX XXXX proof of having homeowners insurance for the last 6 years. Now Rushmore Loan Management services is trying to do the same thing and collect unverified or paid homeowners insurance on the property that they expect me to pay twice for. These practices have prevented me from making the accurate payment and they still working on collecting bogus money they never paid for. I am attaching the coverage on the house since XX/XX/2012. There should not be any late charges to my loan and there should be any owed homeowners insurance that i have to pay. The current company is trying to be me in default again and not even checking their records for accuracy. There is no proof on the service 's end to show i owed or didn't have insurance coverage since the current and previous servicer had handled my mortgage. There should be no reason that Rushmore loan management services charging me for escrow and putting in default on my loan because of escrow i had already paid and had coverage on my home.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Elgin, IL

Closing on a mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Odell, OR

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: regarding forced placed Flood insurance. I purchased flood insurance and obtained verification from FEMA my structure is not in a flood zone.I and the insurance company has sent this documentation in 12 or so times. I have called every month for the past 7 months. Lender who lost my documentation the first 5 times now state my 3rd party verification is not sufficient to remove the forced place insurance. they have acknowledge i have flood insurance in place but the zone and type of coverage does not satisfy their requirement. I have reviewed my documentation with the front end persons and a manager but the persons making the decision are not satisfied. I have not been provided any documentation disputing my documentation provided by XXXX XXXX XXXX, through XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, on Department of Homeland Security FEMA document. i believe this process is not representative and believe it is an unfair additional monthly and annual cost.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Timely Response


South Florida, FL

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I would like to file a complaint against my mortgage company Rushmore Loan Management for practicing unfair, deceptive and abusive acts today against myself. On Friday, XX/XX/XXXX I contacted Rushmore to advise I had received an insurance claim check in the amount of {$13000.00} to replace my roof which sustained significant damage during hurricane Irma on XX/XX/XXXX. I spoke to XXXX in the Loss Draft department who reviewed my loan and explained the required steps to have the check endorsed. She requested all the details of the claim which included date of damage, estimate of damage and net payment amount. Based on the amount of the check under {$20000.00} she provided the following steps to have the check endorsed and returned to me : 1. Mail the check to the Loss Draft Department at XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX. NE XXXX 2. Include all estimate pages from the insurance company 3. Copy of adjuster 's damage estimate report 4. Claims check unsigned 5. No inspection required due to the amount of the loss 6. Upon receipt of these documents, the Loss Draft department had 48 hours to mail the check back to me either regular mail or in a prepaid priority package On that same day I mailed copies of all required documents, the unsigned claims check and a USPS prepaid priority envelope addressed to me. The envelope was received in the Loss Draft office on Monday, XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX. TodayXX/XX/XXXX at XXXX I received a voicemail on my cell phone from the Loss Draft department requesting a call back to discuss my property claim. At XXXX I called the Loss Draft department and spoke with a rep named XXXX who reviewed my file and stated after reviewing my file it was decided that they could not endorse my check because my account is past due. I was appalled by the false statement because my mortgage is current with the next payment due XX/XX/XXXX. She went on to say I need to speak with the Customer Service department regarding that. I asked why would I speak with the Customer Service department when she should see in their records that I am due for XX/XX/XXXX and she in the department who makes the decision to endorse my check. I requested to speak with a manager and while holding I was disconnected. I called back 10 minutes later requesting a manager, I was connected to a lady name XXXX who claimed to be a supervisor and refused to provide her last name or ID. She claimed she is the only person there by that name. She stated that the claims check was already returned to me unendorsed because I needed to return the check to them endorsed by me along with the completed claims package she will email me because my account was past due at the time of the claim on XX/XX/XXXX. This claim package would include another set of ridiculous requirements in order for them to issue another check to me and the contractors. As well as my account would have to be monitored due to its status when the damage occurred. I requested their policy that states the loan had to be current at the time of damage and she stated I would have to contact customer service. Again that made no sense if they are the department that makes the decision. After insisting she then claimed this was stipulated in the claims package she would email me. I explained I have been appealing this claim with the insurance company to replace my entire roof since XX/XX/XXXX and now finally was approved and received the check. This ridiculous request will further delay the repair of my roof and the internal damage sustained. The next hurricane season begins in six weeks and my roof is in no state to sustain another hurricane. She didn't care and said that is the procedure. Upon receipt and review of the claims package ( attached to this complaint ), it clearly does not make any reference to the false statement that the loan must have been current at the time of the loss. " It states if your loan is delinquent, the reimbursement funds will be released to you and the contractor ''. I reiterate, my loan is not delinquent. As per page 4, of their process guidelines scenario 2, if the loan is current proceeds will be issued payable to borrower sent via regular mail unless prepaid envelope enclosed. As per screenshots from my online mortgage account, my account is current with payment dueXX/XX/XXXX. The only thing that is reflect outstanding are late fees incurred in the past as a result of a loan modification three years ago granted by the previous loan company, Beneficial who sold this loan to Rushmore Loan. However, these late fees according to the modification agreement do not constitute my account being late and also evidenced by the attached XXXX payment history being reported by Rushmore. I also have an ongoing complaint with Rushmore who continue reporting an inaccurate balance on my credit bureau reports, I have disputed this twice with the bureaus and twice they have successfully corrected the balance. Yet Rushmore continues to report an inaccurate balance ( screenshots attached ). This has caused me much frustration and emotional stress as it has already taken me four months appealing this with my insurance company to finally be approved and have a check in hand. To then be abused on the phone by telling me I am late on my mortgage payment then changing their story to state my loan was past due at the time of the loss. Prior to Hurricane Irma 's impact, we were threaten by previous hurricane and then another possibly hitting us after hurricane Irma. I was not focusing on paying my mortgage payment, instead I was focused on securing my property and evacuating my family to XXXX to safety. Upon my return home, I contacted Rushmore for a forbearance assistance which was granted by the government and I kept all requested payments arrangements there after ( evidenced also attached ).
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chesterfield, MI

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Eastchester, NY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Hello The loan servicing company is rejecting my mortgage payments. I have been in contact via the mortgage specialists XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX. So far I have no response why the loan service co is not accepting my payments, although in the last payment I have overpaid the loan servicing company. Sent an email to XXXX XXXX Received no response. Sent another one and XXXX XXXX referred me to XXXX XXXX. No response. Here is the last email. XXXX XXXX <XXXX> To : XXXX XXXX Cc : XXXX XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX Please provide customer with response. Thank you, XXXX XXXX XXXX is not providing a response. He is on a mission to bankrupt me. He is delaying his response on purpose so that my payments are late. He asked me to send a little over {$6000.00}. I sent over 10000 and he did not accept my payment. Here is the bank proof that I have sent the moeny. Dear XXXX XXXX : We sent this payment, but your payee rejected it and your bill hasnt been paid. Payment to Rushmore Loan Management Service from account XXXX for {$1500.00}, to be delivered by XX/XX/2018 XXXX. Please make sure you've entered all of the payees information correctly. If you make changes, you can try to send the payment again. If everything looks right, please contact your payee. If you use personal financial management software, such as XXXX ( R ) or XXXX XXXX ( R ), please look at your payment details for the most up-to-date information. Have questions? We offer many answers, and other ways to reach us, at XXXX. Please don't reply to this automatically generated email. We know you have a choice of banks. Thanks for choosing ours. Sincerely, Your Online Banking Team
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Eastchester, NY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: XXXX XXXX is not accepting my payments. They are trying to force to foreclose on the house. Here is the message from XXXX Dear XXXX XXXX : The payee returned the online bill payment described below : Payment to Rushmore Loan Management Service from account XXXX for {$10000.00}, to be delivered by XX/XX/2018 XXXX. If you'd like to continue making payments to this payee, please go to the Bill Payment section to make sure your payee and payment information is correct. Once you've made any necessary corrections, you can reschedule your payment. If you use personal financial management software, such as XXXX, please make sure the details for your payee and your payment are correct within the software. Have questions? We offer many answers, and other ways to reach us, at XXXX. Please do not reply to this automatically generated email. We know you have a choice of banks. Thanks for choosing ours. Sincerely, Online Banking Team Can you please help me out to solve the problem
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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