There are over 2557 complaints on file for HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK, THE. Dated between 2019-12-07 and 2012-01-25.
Charleston, SC
Complaint: Over the past month I have talked to multiple people at the bank and they made many promises to me to get it fixed and Huntington National Back has not fixed my credit limit. I owe {$0.00} my total credit limit is {$32000.00}. Bit my avsilible credit shows $ XXXX less than XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Euclid, OH
Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX someone attempted to deposit a fraudulent mobile check into my account. I was not aware of the situation until Wednesday, XX/XX/XXXX as I was checking my account on my mobile app because I was due a payroll deposit of {$260.00} from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. I was not able to check my account. I kept getting an error message. I went into the Bank at XXXX XXXX, in XXXX XXXX that same day. They told me that there was a {$820.00} check deposited to my account that looked fraudulent so a hold was put on my account. The banker was speaking with a department on behalf to find out what was going on and basically a hold was put on the account to investigate. Days went on and I kept calling customer service and going into the bank to find out what was going on. On XX/XX/XXXX I called customer service and was informed that outside of the hold on my personal checking checking account the joint account I was on, which is my son 's account, was overdrafted. I was not aware of the prior to calling. So they took the balance of my account for {$51.00} and change and put toward his account. The whole time the only way of knowing what the balance was in my account was through the daily alerts sent to my email because of this hold. Not one time has any representative called me from Huntington Bank to first of all discuss the fraudulent check that happened on XX/XX/XXXX and the steps that were being taken. Instead they returned the check which I agree with and charged me {$10.00} for returning it. I do n't agree with that. Someone tried to scammed me and I have to pay for it? I went into the bank again on XX/XX/XXXX because I had a payroll to enter in my account for {$290.00} and I was told the hold would be removed on XX/XX/XXXX. I went into the bank on XX/XX/XXXX and the {$290.00} was no longer in the account and no trace of it. I was told the deposit was rejected and sent back and then I was told the hold would be removed on XX/XX/XXXX. I went into the bank on XX/XX/XXXX and the deposit of {$290.00} was back in my account and I and was told the systems was down and that they would call me when the system was back up after they spoke to someone about the arrangements that were made to take care of the joint account on XX/XX/XXXX. The branch called me on XX/XX/XXXX and I went back to get my deposit and was told it was on hold until the joint account balance was paid. I left the bank and called customer service and spoke to someone in the collections department and they read my payment arrangements for the joint account to be paid on the XX/XX/XXXX. The representative told me that they ca n't hold my funds if I have a payment arrangement. She then sent me to a customer service supervisor. The supervisor called the holding department to find out what was going on. She came back to the phone to tell me that the account is still on hold because they are investigating deposits coming in the account so at this point on XX/XX/XXXX I still ca n't get my payroll from the account. I have no way of knowing what is going on unless I call. Not ONE TIME have I received a from a Huntington Bank official or customer service representative about the scam matter and procedures that were being taken nor have I received any type letter other than a copy of the fraudulent check and a memo stating that I will be charged. I am the one who was scammed but yet am being treated like criminal. I am very disappointed in how I have been handled with this incident. As of XX/XX/XXXX I still have not been contacted.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Complaint: Huntington National Bank did a hard inquiry on XXXX / XXXX /2017 without my permission! I have not personally requested for any loans or credit from them. I am a victim of identity theft and currently have identity theft alerts on all my credit reports. This additional unwarranted and unauthorized inquiry is causing damages beyond their knowledge! I want to know who personally requested my private information so that I can have law enforcement take proper actions. I am tired of being abused in this manner.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Pigeon, WV
Transaction was not authorized
Complaint: On XXXX / XXXX /17 Huntington National Bank involuntarily offset my account in the amount of {$550.00}. The problem I have with this is I spoke with a member of the Huntington National Bank customer service the week prior regarding the debt they took my money to pay. A phone call the representative I spoke with on XXXX / XXXX /17 verified through their records. A customer service representative was supposed to contact me between XXXX / XXXX /17 & XXXX / XXXX /17 to set up a payment arrangement for this debt. Instead of calling me back to set up this payment arrangement, they decided to clear out my bank account instead without my knowledge. This left me with a {$0.00} balance, checks out for bills I had paid, and stuck in another state with no way home. As a courtesy, they refunded {$100.00} because I called them extremely upset that I was stuck somewhere else with my daughter and was unable to get home because they took every penny I had. I contacted them on two separate occasions after this explaining the situation and how I spoke with someone regarding setting up payments. They would not work with me at all. I went into a local branch and spoke with them about the situation and the man was very rude, stating the bank is not going to refund my money just because I ca n't manage my finances. I received a letter stating they had done this because they had contacted me by mail several times regarding the account that needed paid, but that letter was the first one I ever received from the bank. They also informed me they would refund a return check fee due to a check being returned because they took all my money. When I called back to get this refund, they had no intention of refunding it until I stated I was filing a complaint with the CFPB. I have been banking with this bank for several years and was very disappointed by the way this was handled.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Canal Whchstr, OH
Transaction was not authorized
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Sylvania Township, OH
Problem making or receiving payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Barb, OH
Problem with balance transfer
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Information is incorrect
Complaint: I had a checking account with Huntington bank, I then closed it because the website was not user friendly. The account was closed per my request. They reported that the account is closed for cause ( The account is closed because the account was not handled in a manner consistent with bank policy ) in the XXXX warning report. This inaccurate information was used against me from another bank. The bankviolates the FCRA. Below is the report from XXXX XXXX. <P/>Consumer ID : XXXX Bank Name : HUNTINGTON BANK - OH Bank Routing # : XXXX Account # : XXXX Open Date : XX/XX/XXXX Close Date : XX/XX/XXXX Current Account Status : Closed For Cause Previous Account Status : Present Date of Last Status Change : XX/XX/XXXX Name : XXXX, XXXX,, Address : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, MI XXXX SSN : XXXX Date of Birth : XX/XX/XXXX Email Addresses : XXXXXXXXXXXX Thank you
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Westfield Ctr, OH
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Complaint: My bank is being slow to send information to XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Orion Twp, MI
Problem with convenience check
Complaint: This is to add to me previous complaint case # XXXX : in that complaint the primary issue was refusal to honor a Balance transfer/convenience check. <P/>Since, Huntington bank has again refused to honor a balance transfer/convenience check. This time it was to payback a loan I had to borrow to cover the previous balance transfer check Huntington wrongfully dishonored. Further, the check was written to a Business who 's account is with Huntington bank and they have been with Huntington for decades with millions yearly. TO add to this reckless and deliberate violation of our contract agreement. The owner deposited the check at the branch and informed the teller he personally knows me. Regardless, Huntington Bank did not honor the check and it has caused irreparable damages to myself and my daughter. My daughter does business with the owners of XXXX XXXX, however as a result of Huntington Banks wrongful dishonor of the check written to XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX contacted my daughter angrily, saying he did n't need to deal with these issue that compromises reputation and cancelled and further business relationships. My daughter is absolutely crushed. her company, XXXX XXXX XXXX generated XXXX XXXX- {$40.00} XXXX a year from the owner including one of the biggest events she manages for XXXX XXXX `` XXXX XXXX XXXX '' which she has already been working and organizing for months, all has been lost. Additionally, I have discussed possible action with my attorney ( have yet to hire him for this case ) he did some research into Huntington Bank 's contract and consumer statement. As a result I can know definitely say Huntington has violated the contract with me in numerous ways. For example, nowhere and I mean without doubt, there is nothing in the contract which states I must have a verbal conversation with anyone form Huntington. I have provided Huntington numerous ways to contact me, email, USPS, fed ex, or Huntington 's own secure messaging platform. Huntington is attempting to dictate they must have a verbal conversation with me over the phone. However, her is the true problem Hunting now has. I am XXXX XXXX with a XXXX XXXX and I can provide medical records to ascertain that fact. Growing up in XXXX as a child I came down with an XXXX XXXX that was never treated properly, as a result I have XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. I used a XXXX XXXX years ago, but these XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. Therefore I stop using it. I manage with the XXXX XXXX I have left in face to face conversations, but rarely have telephone conversations. I mainly use texting and email. I believe thats all I need to say for now, just want a record of this because my daighte3r is researching a possible Class Action. Apparently this is not an isolated issue with Huntington and from my conversation with her, ( by text ) if she can make her case for a class action her lawyer will take it on.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Worcester, MA
Reporting company used your report improperly
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Milwaukee, WI
Reporting company used your report improperly
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Northville, MI
Billing problem
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Nyc, NY
Complaint: I inquired about a studio apartment rental in downtown XXXX listed on XXXX. It did n't have the usual scam signs and seemed legitimate. Friends agreed it seemed ok. I was asked to secure my rental with a {$500.00} security deposit, the month 's rent of {$1400.00} and a cleaning fee of {$100.00}. I was sent a lease to sign and the above bank info to send the money. Then they barely responded to my emails as my arrival drew closer. This concenened me as I prepared my departure from the East Coast, headed to XXXX. When I arrived, no one showed up at the apartment and have not heard a word since. I called the XXXX police who referred me to this sight. I have contacted XXXX and " prohibited '' the post. The man 's name was XXXX XXXX XXXX and his email was XXXX His phone number was XXXX. Posting : XXXX XXXX XXXX I have also since been texted by this person and was advised to block them which I did.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cleveland, OH
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Blue Ash, OH
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Colliers, WV
Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Girard, OH
Cashing a check
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Natrona Hts, PA
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Ferndale, NY
Loan balance remaining after the vehicle is repossessed and sold
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Orion Twp, MI
Problem with balance transfer
Complaint: I have a Voice credit card through Huntington Bank, they mailed balance transfer checks to my address on file With a promotion of 0 % interest for 12 months. I used this for this first time on XX/XX/XXXX for $ XXXX- Huntington did honor it but it seemed to cause concern because since I have continually received calls from fraud prevention during my working hours to verify transactions. Huntington has been informed I am unable to take or make personal calls while at work. Therefore to set the record straight and make sure there is complete clarity and transparency, I want to inform Huntington bank that I have viewed all my transactions up to XX/XX/XXXX including the following pending transactions ; -XX/XX/XXXX. XXXX - XX/XX/XXXX Balance transfer for {$1800.00} These are all authorized transaction. Did I make myself clear enough..? Let me reiterate ; All transactions currently or pending as of XX/XX/XXXX are authorized by me. If Huntington is reckless enough to deny that balance transfer, it will cause be harm and it would be a violation of our contract. A reminder that this is a contract of Adhesion, meaning I have had no say to the terms, Huntington created these terms therefore If Huntington violates those said terms I could and likely would claim an Anticipatory Repudiation of the contract. <P/>Further, I have informed Huntington Bank that it has always been my policy for all correspondence to be done in a way that both sides has a written or recorded record to insure accuracy and since Huntington refuses to provide me with a copy of recording. I insisted all communication can be done via any written method ; Email, USPS, even Huntington 's own internal Chat system or message platform. However and somewhat incredibly Huntington seems to refuse to allow me with any documented record of any correspondence. From past experiences only entities with something to hide or knowingly violate agreements take that stance. XXXX XXXX is a great example ... <P/>With that said, I find it very strange and an admission of guilt that Huntington bank is again providing a written document of correspondence. If Huntington Bank has any further questions they have my email address if they want to do this via Phone then we can set up a conference call with my attorney
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Galena, OH
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Clinton Township, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Black Horse, OH
Billing problem
Company Response: Closed with explanation