There are over 2557 complaints on file for HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK, THE. Dated between 2019-12-07 and 2012-01-25.
Gr Blanc, MI
Funds not handled or disbursed as instructed
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Harsens Is, MI
Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I deposited a check for {$1500.00} to Huntington Bank. The check was drawn on a local bank and was for reimbursement of expenses. The company writing the check is a local insurance company that is publicly traded on the XXXX. My personal checking account with Huntington has been established for approximately 2 years and has not been overdrawn. I also have a savings account and my loan with Huntington is paid on time.
On XXXX I got an email saying there was a deposit hold. I was not given access to the first {$100.00} or {$200.00} of the check. Then on XXXX I got a letter stating the deposit hold would be until XXXX/XXXX/XXXX so the bank could review the check. In total this is a hold of XXXX business days however Huntington is open 7 days per week so its actually XXXX.
On XXXX I called my local banker in XXXX Michigan XXXX XXXX. She was unavailable but a teller supervisor I spoke with at the branch said Regulation CC only applied to local banks and credit unions. She also was unable to release any of the funds and said that payments issued by insurance companies are usually subject to holds. I did look through my records and checks issued in XXXX and XXXX from the same company were not subject to any holds I have been unable to pay bills or conduct normal banking activities this month. Considering my bank branch, home and the headquarters of the insurance company are within XXXX blocks of each other, the hold seems arbitrary and unreasonable. I believe Huntington Bank violated Regulation CC and ask that this matter be looked into.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hazel Green, AL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Westfield Ctr, OH
Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Complaint: With the following statement and attached documents I want to show an error in the Outstanding Principal Balance of my mortgage loan.
My original loan mortgage amount is {$160000.00}. As for ( XX/XX/XXXX), I made a total of 14 regular monthly mortgage loan payments. The regular monthly payment amount ranged from XXXX XXXX, and the regular monthly amount applied towards the Principal Balance ranged from {$270.00} to XXXX ( {$270.00} average ). If we keep it simple, 14 payments at {$270.00} equals a total of {$3800.00} that should have been applied towards my Principal Balance. Therefore, my outstanding Loan Principal should be of approx. {$150000.00} and NOT of {$150000.00} as it shows in my last loan statement ( XXXXXX/XX/XXXX ).
The origin of this error is a cascade of miss-adjustments done by Huntington Bank in XXXXXX/XX/XXXX to reverse an automatic regular payment done from my Asterisk Free Huntington Checking account towards the Principal of my loan on XX/XX/XXXX.
I used to pay ( XX/XX/XXXXto XX/XX/XXXX) up front monthly regular payments with personal checks as shown in Transaction History attached document. I was not aware that Huntington Bank set up automatic payments from my free asterisk checking account until I received a notification of Not Sufficient Funds ( NSF ) in XX/XX/XXXX. At that moment, I requested a reversal of {$1000.00} to my checking account and to suspend automatic payments from my Huntington Free Asterisk Checking Account in order to avoid double monthly payments ( Personal checks and Huntington Checking Account ) This statement and the documentation provided ( Loan Payments -Transaction History MSU-FCU, Asterisk Account History ) with this letter should clarify this issue. I demand an immediate action to correct my principal balance : a reimbursement of approx. {$780.00} towards the Principal Balance of my mortgage loan.
After all it has been 1 year since I brought this problem to the attention of Huntington Bank and despite my efforts, it has not been solved yet.
I would like a detailed explanation from Huntington Bank Thank you for your understanding
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Dearborn, MI
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Saline, MI
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Chicago, IL
Transaction was not authorized
Complaint: On like over six days, ago I had cash of hundred dollars in my checking account.with the newly Huntington Bank this banks filled with scams etc, and basically allowed my account to be reason during thee, unlawful merger scheme, dissolution from first merit to the new bank etal.i had money nominal in there n it vanished..when it was XXXX XXXX XXXX..I went to bank over a week at best fro today made to open again with at least $ XXXXi used $ XXXX.this banks already wrongfully dishonoring transactions too.during me trying to shop with bait n switch Sierra trading post '' coat..they claimed yesterday in a email they shipped it, then a illegal emailed it was rejected, Huntington allowed funds to vanish immediately so all that pending shtt with all the banks is fraud. By bank n MERCHANT claimed nonverified '' originally '' but it was matching address which is lies by XXXX on call Huntington claiming give it hr, or so when I called I 'm n and claimed '' she did the scam about it 'll falloff '' I 'm so sick of these merchants n banks n fraud committed by them on purpose to defraud and conspire vs people.XXXX, XXXX XXXX let me get robbed by online money transfers to people. N jail " nonmatchi ng '' to card over 7000 $ so I know what banks do.point is they XXXX!! MY LIFE AND MY SHOPPING EXPERIENCE I WANT HUNTINGTON INVESTIGATED SHUTDOWN! " ITS ALWAYS BS, IT WAS WITH XXXX XXXX.i ts like this when cash is deposited it should be immediately available for any all transactions if they want pain I can bring federal suits to show my power and knowledge in the bank world of calling banks out on things unlawful, practices PROHIBITTED.younknoe it 's like XXXX XXXX XXXX out of XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX " ( stay purported that you had a line of credit loan attached in your account, by which at any time u can use XXXX $ long as u pay on it I WAs, DID, EACHTIME, and the XXXX $ dont go beneath zero, i made one report n XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX '' threatened me intimidated vs me, harrassed me, even during the FDIC, fraud, corrupt, kickback scam investigation by a XXXX XXXX XXXX lady XXXX XXXX (? ) N Kansas deTh to heXXXX XXXX XXXX whole case for me but it did n't stop the harassing the threats of XXXX '' stating '' u reporting us to feds I 'm closing your account out for it falsifying records n computer facts systems yet, thee, XXXX XXXX location I went often knew the truth.he was LIEING, she allowed it I suffered immensely, XXXX even get my ssassicheck, couldnt shop, remt a car nothing had a XXXX as Disabled bank denied loan D.E.S.S.TOYEDDS WRONGFULLY MY CREDIT BROKE EACH 1692 USC,42,1509 TITLE STATUTE THAT EXIST CAUSING HARM TO XXXX LIKE XXXX , EXACTLY MAKING ME MOOVE IN FEAR'N CGANGE ACCOUNTS TO MUCH, ) ) IM STILL SUFFERING A RESULT OF IT APPEALING, XXXX TESTING IT ETC, N NOW THIS._XXXX XXXX GUILTY OF XXXX ACTS VS XXXX ON LOANS DIFFERENT THAN XXXX XXXX, AN XXXX XXXX TOO WHOM GAVE ME CREDIT WITHOUT SCRUTINIES HATE DISCRIMINATION .N MY SCORES ALMOST XXXX..
Anyhow if I do n't get that jacket I 'm gon na sue .if this happens a wrongful dishonor during ABY PERIOD I GOT MONEY N BANK N ITS REJEctED TO BE USES ILL SUE .I 'll report n take action as It 's my cash I can use it via '' my debit card anytime I it?!! last night I am entered a {$100.00} plus hadXXXX $ in there with XXXX $ missing in cyber space if I learn it 's gone I 'll sue n cone right back to cfpb free from cyber space.y the merchants credit process server must be like XXXX XXXX DBA , undisclosinglyee, as footlocker online did something with chase label soft hit rejection claims it 's " pending '' bank to uses wrongfully illegally the customer as a XXXX XXXX @ @ @! It aught be fines for this n a Written explanationXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, sent over six dishonest LIEING, fraudulent emails about wats going on about the shipping of a order they emailed me a receipt it was good n went thru transaction yet dishonest fraud, vs them action should be taken too.i rest if this happens again I 'll be back
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Account opened as a result of fraud
Complaint: My identity has been stolen and someone had my SSN. They opened a savings and checking account in my name online on XX/XX/XXXX. We found out about it and closed the account XX/XX/XXXX and told the them they need to block anyone else from opening any more account in my name. Well, another account ( savings and checking ) was opened with huntington bank XX/XX/XXXX. Now we have to file police report and go through the whole process again.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Meskegon, MI
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Manhattan, NY
Transaction was not authorized
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Etna, PA
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hainesville, IL
Banking errors
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Complaint: I obtained my annual credit report XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. Upon reviewing I noticed I have XXXX inquiries that are affecting my score. I have been car shopping for the past few years but never would have thought this information would have been shared with whomever they wanted ... ... ... I will list these below. I first called XXXX today XXXX/XXXX/XXXX who gave me the protocol to request to have these inquiries removed. I then attempted to call the next group of creditors that had access some how to my report, XXXX-store cards?? I called and spoke with a rep who failed to tell me I was speaking with the fraud department. After speaking with her I explained why I was calling. All I requested per XXXX was an inquiry deletion letter. She proceeded to repeat to me all she could do is file an investigation for identity theft, that is the only way for these inquiries to be removed. She stated I would need to contact the credit bureau for further information as that is all that they could do. I then asked her if she could give me a date as to how long this would affect me and all she kept repeating was sorry we do not have a time frame to again call the credit bureau. I then again called XXXX and this time spoke with a supervisor and he repeated the same protocol. I explained I am aware but what am I suppose to do now ... ... .he stated to obtain a police report for proof they could not give me the inquiry deletion letter and submit this to them to then be reviewed to see what they could do???? I believe this is unnecessary as I am trying to buy a house and I can not even get the first group of inquiries deletion process started as no one neither the company nor the credit bureau can help me!!!!! How can any of which hold my information but not assist me? PLEASE HELP! XXXX XXXX XXXX?
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Birch Run, MI
Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Complaint: I was charged 3 overdraft fees of XXXX dollars each by my bank Huntington. When the transactions are placed in the chronological order of the transaction being placed then my checking account was in fact not overdrawn at any time and the account was a positive amount.
Huntington bank refunded me XXXX dollars of the XXXX dollars I was charged.
I am asking for the remaining XXXX dollars to be refunded to my account since my account was never overdrawn and positive. ' I have enclosed the screen shot with the accounting showing the correct chronological order of transactions and the corresponding balance.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Detroit, MI
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Blue Ash, OH
Problem with personal statement of dispute
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Lansing, MI
Billing problem
Complaint: OnXX/XX/XXXX, I authorized a payment of {$420.00} to be debited from my checking account at Huntington Bank for my car loan on XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, I transferred {$300.00} from my checking account to this installment loan account, with the understanding that I would only have to pay another {$120.00}. on XX/XX/XXXX, I discovered that my checking account was overdrawn by {$420.00} or so. I contacted my bank and was told that I would need to speak with someone in Collections on Monday XX/XX/XXXX. I spoke with two or three Customer Service Representatives on XX/XX/XXXX, and they all concluded that I would have had to contact my bank prior to XX/XX/XXXX to stop the automatic payment, because their system recognized the {$300.00} that I transferred over as an additional payment, and the {$420.00} payment had already posted. My problem is that I did not have an additional {$420.00} available in this account when this payment posted, and they are saying that they will not refund the money. I am unemployed at the moment and have rent due this week. I have already faced eviction due to the same issue XXXX weeks ago.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Mount Holly, OH
Problem using a debit or ATM card
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX, I reported my debit card missing. After reviewing my account I discovered that there was an ATM withdrawal for {$300.00} that I did not make or authorize. I disputed the transaction, and after numerous phone calls I was told that the dispute was denied. I was not given any reason, on the phone or in writing. I disputed it again. After another 10 days and more pone calls, I was told they denied it again, because there was a charge made to XXXX, for {$3.00} onXX/XX/XXXX that was authorized. I went to my local branch and disputed the transaction again through the branch manager. I explained to her that the XXXX transaction was as follows : On XX/XX/XXXX I rented the movie, where I had to swipe my card, but not charged untilXX/XX/XXXX after the movie was returned. This is how XXXX works, so you get charged for the amount of days you have the movie. I was charged for 2 days because the movie was returned after XXXX XXXX. I forwarded the email from XXXX, stating the day the movie was rented, to the branch manager and she forwarded it to the " department ''. Again, after more phone calls, and no one ever lets me speak to the people who make these decisions, my claim was denied. I have been on the phone for hours at a time, submitted paperwork, emails, and never once does anyone ever know what is going on or do they ever let me speak to someone in the research department to try to resolve this in the proper manner. If someone from the " department '' would talk to me, maybe I can provide them with more clarity to resolve this. I can forward you the email as well, but I have no way to attach it below.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Beverly Hills, WV
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Centerville, OH
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Arsenal, PA
Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: On XXXXXXX, i made a mobile deposit check # XXXX, Amount {$1500.00}. This check was from the president of our company, it was a XXXX check which is local and the funds were available. ( I am the controller of the company as well ). I received an email from XXXX Bank that the deposit was on hold until XXXXXXX, with no reason or explanation. I called the XXXX number and they could not tell me why it was on hold, she noted maybe they tried to pull the funds and they were not available. ( i highly doubt that was the case, he runs a XXXX M dollar company ). I asked if they contacted XXXX to confirm the check was okay to process, they claim they can not do that. I then asked to speak to a manager, and was transferred to a supervisor, whom i gave her the number for XXXX and asked her to call to verify the funds and remove the hold. She advised me that they cant remove a hold, no matter what, there is nothing i can do. My mortgage is now 2 weeks late and i am receiving late fees. All due to them putting the deposit on hold.
I am very unhappy with this and find it hard to believe that once a hold is put on a deposit it ca n't be removed. Ever!. That does not make sense to me. and they did not give me a viable reason and noone was able to assist. I will NEVER use Huntington Bank and i feel they should reimburse me for all late fees, finance charges and time that i have spent during work on the phone with them.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Complaint: I have a credit card with Huntington National Bank that was recently purchased from XXXX XXXX XXXX. During that transition, there were charges and payments made on that account which were not made by me running the total up to {$58000.00}. I disputed these charges with Huntington and 3 days later they sent me a letter saying they could not verify those were not made by me. I asked them to be re-investugsted which they refused. Now I have a balance of XXXX on a credit card that the limit was XXXX and they are reporting me 90 days behind on payments. I have attempted to get statements from them but they have restricted my online access so I can not see the statements or what was charged. This is ruining my credit. This account was open for almost 2 years with no issues and Hintingting takes over and now there are issues. They told me that there are payments made online through a XXXX account that were returned, I have never had a XXXX checking account. I want those charges removed from my account that were not made by me and my payment status updated.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bartlett, IL
Unable to receive car title or other problem after the loan is paid off
Company Response: Closed with explanation