There are over 1360 complaints on file for AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE CORP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-08-24.
Eagle Creek, IN
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fresno, CA
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Fraudulent loan
Complaint: I applied for a car loan at XXXX XXXX XXXX dealer on XXXX XXXX 2017. They ran my credit and told me everything is good and I drove the car out of the lot. For 5 weeks they kept running my credit even though I had been approved for a loan with XXXX. They wanted to only go with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. This is a predatory lending practice. Therefore I could n't register my car in time, I could n't get a parking pass in my residence and my credit score kept going down. I have finally received a Bill from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. There is NO contract or initiation package included that confirms the terms and conditions of the loan. There is NO online customer support. They do NOT answer the phone they have enlisted in the bill and they expect me to pay them in 3 days. I can not pay a bill until I confirm it is a legitimate financing company with the terms that I signed the contract for. The dealer is not helpful at all either.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bridgeport, CT
Loan balance remaining after the vehicle is repossessed and sold
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Queens, NY
Problem with additional products or services purchased with the loan
Complaint: Lease through - American Honda Finance Corporation Dealership - XXXX XXXX DBA XXXX XXXX ( XXXX NJ ) XX/XX/XXXX - I went to the dealership with my Uncle and brother to lease a new XXXX XXXX XXXX model. I was not able to afford that model so I agreed to lease new XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX for only {$2000.00} with taxes and fees included. We also agreed to make the monthly payments of {$190.00} per month. I wanted the car on that date but was not able to get because I was informed the car needed to be cleaned and maintenance needed to be performed. The dealership requested I put down {$1000.00} as a security deposit which I did and then I was informed to come back on Monday to pick up the car.
XX/XX/XXXX - I went to the dealership at night to pick up the car and make the final deposit. The salesman informed me that I was supposed to watch a 90-minute video which would give me an overview of XXXX XXXX. The salesmen then brought to my lease contract which I did sign and then requested I make the final deposit. He then requests I see his finance manager who would give me an overview of the payments and sign more paperwork. The finance manager had me re-sign the contract and offered to me additional insurance options that I could add to my contract. I asked if I could have the ability to add these option on in the future and I was told no. I did agree to the additional options because I thought they would be beneficial. I did ask if I had to option to cancel and I was told that I could. I did also review the contract and saw there was a 30-day provision that I could cancel these extra options. After agreeing to the contract my final payment was {$270.00}. The salesman provided me the card key.
XX/XX/XXXX - I called numerous time to the finance manager throughout the day but I did not get a callback until XXXX at night where I told him I wanted to cancel the extra option and he agreed to email me the paper work.
XX/XX/XXXX - To follow up on our previous day conversation I emailed the finance manager that I was going to be canceling the extra dealer level options. He then sent me the cancellation paperwork and then informed me my payments would not change but would gradually shorten in term.
XX/XX/XXXX - I email the finance manager with the cancellation paperwork and questions why my payments would not be lowered if I am canceling the extra options.
XX/XX/XXXX - I get an email from the finance manager that he did receive the paperwork and wanted me to confirm if I wanted to cancel the extra options.
I responded to the email letting him know I do want to cancel and told I was very surprised that I was not informed this of this at our initial meeting. I also asked when my license plate would be arriving. He responded to me my plates are being processed. In my final communication.
XX/XX/XXXX - I submitted a complaint to Honda Customer Service about my experience through their website and still have not received anything yet.
XX/XX/XXXX - I called Honda Customer service at XXXX and spoke to service rep XXXX. I asked her if I would be able to lower my payments because I canceled the extra dealer level options. She informed me that I could not do it because I had not earned the options yet. I did not know what they meant but she told me that I would be essentially paying the {$270.00} per the contract and if I did cancel the dealer level options I would be credited the difference back to my contract at the end of the lease ( 36 months ). I informed her that I was not told that if I had canceled the dealer level options my payments would not be lowered. She told me she has been working there for 16 years and hears this issue come up all the time and dealers will not tell you this at all. She told me the only way to get this resolved is to re-do the contract which according to her the dealers do not want to do because they have already gotten paid and it would be too much work for them.
XX/XX/XXXX - I have not received any emails or calls from the finance manager.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Buena Park, CA
Problem with paying off the loan
Complaint: The Honda Financial Services has given me a loan on a very high interest 5.50 %, I have a excellent credit of XXXX, even after paying them every month from XXXX 2013, they have n't reduced my interest rate and have n't reduced the payment at all.
I have come to a point where I can not make the payments of the car anymore, I need the company officials to provide a solution.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
San Gabriel, CA
Problem with additional products or services purchased with the loan
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX Financed a used XXXX XXXX XXXX Sport from XXXX XXXX. We put down {$2000.00} as a down payment on the vehicle that was priced at {$19000.00} on XX/XX/XXXX.Prior to meeting with the finance department , we had instructed not to install the XXXX XXXX XXXX ( {$570.00} ), instead we cared more about the maintenance of the vehicle and opted for a service contract instead of the XXXX XXXX. We had signed a contract that day for 72 months, finance percentage of 19.15 %. Due to being an XXXX for XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX ) an XXXX discount was to be applied to the purchase of a vehicle ; which was never applied.
XX/XX/XXXX we came back to the dealership and without receiving any confirmation of the finance agreement nor the original copy of the finance contract ; we were persuaded to apply an additional {$500.00} to the vehicle, for a payment. The contract was then written up but the {$500.00} was applied towards our down payment and were told not to worry it still goes towards the car. The Finance Department added on four items to the list price of the vehicle : 1 ) XXXX {$990.00} 2 ) XXXX XXXX {$570.00} 3 ) XXXX XXXX ( Extended Warranty ) {$2000.00} 4 ) GAP {$850.00} This added to the total cost of vehicle plus tax, registration fees etc. equaled {$23000.00} for the final financed amount. First payment of {$540.00} was due XX/XX/XXXX, but we had waited to hear back from Honda Financial Services ( HFS ) regarding the XXXX discount ; ten days later they informed us there was n't an XXXX discount applied and they would remove the late fee charge of XXXX for the month of XX/XX/XXXX.
Additionally, the XXXX XXXX Device, which we said NO to, was still installed in the vehicle, except the wires that were connected were melting off, causing the wires to have a wet look and would hit the drivers left leg while driving, causing pain and distraction. Had taken the vehicle to another dealership to look at the security system and told to take it back and have it removed immediately but they could n't perform the removal. Took it back to the original dealership which did n't help the situation.
Paid {$540.00} XX/XX/XXXX payment and XX/XX/XXXX the vehicle was involved in a collision which was 100 % the other party 's fault deemed from a police report taken at the scene. The vehicle was deemed a total loss and our insurance company informed us and HFS of the fair value to be paid out for the vehicle.
Insurance Settlement Payment ( Principal ) {$18000.00} on XX/XX/XXXX GAP Paid ( Principal ) {$2400.00} Additional Supplemental Paid by GAP ( Principal ) {$680.00} on XX/XX/XXXX Thus far Principal amount paid from two payments and the above equal : {$21000.00} Leaving an additional amount of {$1800.00} for the principal amount HFS is claiming we still owe {$2700.00} and as of XX/XX/XXXX ; also reporting in XX/XX/XXXX 30 days late, XX/XX/XXXX 60 days late, XX/XX/XXXX 90 days late, with out any notice or communication that they were charging off the account.
The following additional services added on are as follows : Cancellation of XXXX XXXX : {$1600.00} XXXX X 81.81 % = {$1600.00} {$1600.00} - XXXX ( fee ) = {$1600.00} {$1600.00} ( XXXX refunded to us ) WAS NEVER REFLECTED AGAINST REMAINING BALANCE XXXX was n't cancelled but that amount was never applied towards the principal amount either. After multiple days and long hours on the phone or at the dealership, HFS, GAP and the Dealership are all pointing fingers at one another stating that area deals with the refunds, postings, etc. and to contact them, so on and so fourth.
During this procedure, we have been threatened that any missed payments will be reflected in our credit reports and will have an adverse affect. HFS representatives also acted rude with name calling, threatening tone of voice and failed to listen or help in any manner, as if we inconvenienced them.
As of XX/XX/XXXX this account was moved to a charge off reported on our credit reports without any written notice of additional debt, failure to report posted payments, failure to cancel and apply refunded amounts, applying payments incorrectly, while incurring late payment fees of XXXX four additional times.
If the payments were applied properly and all canceled services and additional accessories, which never worked, nor authorized because we did n't want them, then the account would have been paid off no later then XX/XX/XXXX or sooner.
Additionally, we went back to the same dealership and financed with HFS a New XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Beach Center, CA
Changes in terms mid-deal or after closing
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Broadway Manchester, CA
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Glendale, CA
Problem extending the lease
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Okc, OK
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Complaint: I received a promotional offer from XXXX XXXX to terminate my current lease by buying or leasing a new XXXX model. There were also several coupons for services to choose from if you took a XXXX for a test drive. On XX/XX/XXXX I went to Honda with the intention of purchasing a vehicle, but after the air conditioning didnt work on the test drive vehicle and a payment plan couldnt be agreed upon, I left in my current lease. Without my consent or knowledge, XXXX XXXX issued a hard pull on my credit which is effecting my credit score. As I did not initiate a new lease or purchase I dont see why they should have pulled my credit especially after the sales man assured me my interest rate would be low when I verbally told him my credit score.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bedford, TX
Billing problem
Complaint: I purchased a new Honda Civic from Honda Financial services because I was promised to get the rebate program they had going on, which they still currently offer, but refuse to apply to my statement. The rebate is the College Graduate rebate program that if you graduate within the next 6 months to 2 years from an accredited university they will apply a {$500.00} rebate to your owed financed balance. I only purchased the vehicle from them because I was promised to have this rebate applied as soon as I graduated. I then came back after I graduated and they refused to apply the rebate for me.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Warrenton, VA
Problem with fees charged
Complaint: This problem has been ongoing problem with Honda Financial service : I have received a letter in the beginning of the XX/XX/XXXX indicating that I have owe Honda Financial service amount of {$130.00} for the Vehicle tax for XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX for Honda Civic I have trade in at XXXX for new vehicle on XX/XX/XXXX and Honda received paid off amount of {$13000.00} on XX/XX/XXXX. ( see attachment ) I have called a Honda Financial Service on XX/XX/XXXX and spoke to representative XXXX ( wo n't provide the full name ) and received Case # XXXX : XXXX said he would put my account on HOLD until XXXX County refunds the Tax for Honda Civic, due to the fact that XXXX have paid in XX/XX/XXXX for the whole year 's Vehicle Tax : And advice to ignore the future invoice from Honda.
Its ' been over three months now, Honda still sending me a Letter indicating PAST Due and will effect my credit score ( threatening me ) and suggest of {$100.00} to compromise the case : I feel, Honda Financial service is trying to Scheme me of this TAX Bill.
I DO NOT OWN the vehicle from XX/XX/XXXX ( see attachments ) Plate and registration for the vehicle was returned on XX/XX/XXXX.
I even called the XXXX County Vehicle Tax department to find out, and they told me that they have return the Civic ' Tax for XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX portion to Honda already.
So, in this case, Honda should close my case and should not be sending me the LATE DUE letters. However, XXXX is still sending me the Late Due letters and I want this to be CLOSE ASAP. I do n't feel obligated to paid the Vehicle tax for the vehicle I do not have the ownership! Honda need to have better organized financial service group.
I wonder how much money they have collected this way and not returning the money back to the customer.
For two years of being loyal customer to Honda, ( no late payments etc ), I should n't be treated or threaten By XXXX in this matter.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Five Points, NC
Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: I have several hard inquires, in which I have never applied for these auto loans. I was not aware that someone used my social until I checked my credit score and seen XXXX inquires that I have n't applied for. XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX, American Honda, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Galena, OH
Account status incorrect
Complaint: I was astounded to find out there was a 30 day mark on my credit report recently for this auto loan. My ex husband has this vehicle and the account is paid on time every month. My ex husband traded this vehicle in for another one and this loan was to be paid off in full. He made all the payments on time, I am not sure why this is reporting a 30 day. I am asking to have the 30 days mark removed from my credit report as a courtsey due to you can see my excellent payment history. I am trying to buy a house and when this popped up, it is seriously impacting my credit and the ability to buy a house.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Euclid, OH
Billing problem
Complaint: I co-signed for my son 's Honda with Honda Financial services. His XX/XX/XXXX payment bounced. We were not notified until the account was past due. I immediately made the payment when I called Honda Financial services. My credit was compromised by 70 points.
It was irresponsible that I did not receive notifications of the bounced check. Honda would not take recourse for their actions. Honda does not notify the co-signer of bounced checks or payments that are going to be late yet they have no qualms in destroying the co-signers credit for one late payment since XX/XX/XXXX.
I want the late payment taken off my credit report or I will go to the news.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Herndon, VA
Account status incorrect
Complaint: I informed XXXX of an issue in which the individual granted POA abused it by opening numerous accounts and failing to return a vehicle under the XXXX. After speaking with the company and coming to an agreement that upon paying a balance they would remove the negative content since it was caused by someone other than myself. I informed them they failed to retrieve the vehicle over 6 months after being notified by myself that this individual still had it in their possession. I accepted some financial responsibility because I should have trusted someone more responsible. Nevertheless, I made the payment to XXXX and instead of removing the derogatory information, they sent me the attached notice saying the account was settled in full and then reported it to all credit agencies as settled for less than the amount. They went back on their word and because I put my trust in them I was not able to go on my military XXXX and my security clearance remains at risk.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Somers Point, NJ
You told them to stop contacting you, but they keep trying
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Three Bridges, NJ
Problem with additional products or services purchased with the loan
Complaint: Hi, This is regarding the XXXX XXXX wheel warranty. While financing my vehicle ( XXXX-2017 ), it was asked me to take extended warranty, Tire and wheel warranty and XXXX XXXX wheel warranty. Having no choice I agreed. After few months I requested to cancel my all warranties. After long follow up, the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX was able to cancel Extended warranty and tire and wheel warranty but not the XXXX XXXX Wheel warranty. I have been constantly following up with XXXX XXXX XXXX finance team. Even they are not able to produce any signed document in this regard and first they asked me to check with XXXX wheel directly. I called them and they denied that they do have any copy with my sign. At end the dealership agreed and confirmed that they got confirmation from XXXX company that my warranty has been cancelled and amount will be deposited in my loan account. After 2 and half months the amount is still not credited. I have following concerns ( 1 ) I think XXXX XXXX XXXX charged me extra without getting my signature on agreement and thats why no one has a copy of agreement of XXXX XXXX wheel warranty ( Including me ) ( 2 ) I think because of some financial glich the dealership is not able to tell me the truth and delaying the credit in my account
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Houston, TX
Problem with additional add-on products or services purchased with the loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bronx, NY
Fraudulent loan
Complaint: the car that was bought in american honda was NOT me.i never bought that XXXX XXXX XXXX nor did i ever apply for credit! PLEASE understand that i never gave anyone permission to buy any purchased or use my name for any reason at all! the service i reserved on behalf of american honda was truly disrespectful from the management team from from store XXXX XXXX XXXX n.j ... ive been seek for help and i feel like im in not getting no result! ive tired just about everthing please help me get some answer
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Phoenix, AZ
Contacted you after you asked them to stop
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Denied request to lower payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Albuquerque, NM
Account information incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation