There are over 9109 complaints on file for SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2012-02-28.
Complaint: The lender failed to provide the required notice of additional required documents within five ( 5 ) business days in violation of Regulation X, 12 C.F.R. 1024.41 ( b ) ( 2 ) ( B ). the lender has also not allowed the clients counsel to assist the client in retaining the home
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Ocean City, MD
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I am seeking a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure. I began the process in XXXX XXXX, and all documents were submitted and accepted by the mortgage servicer. In late XXXX XXXX I was informed the request had been conditionally approved. For the past five months I have received letters from the servicer stating they are actively working on my account and I should have answer within fifteen business days. The letters usually arrived every three or four weeks. I received a letter from the servicer dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX stating my request for a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure resolution was denied. I believe the servicer unnecessarily delayed a final decision until after the Home Affordable Foreclosure alternatives ended XXXX XXXX, XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Newnan, GA
Complaint: The lender is in violation of RESPA due to not postponing the FC sale set for XXXX/XXXX/17 - as of XXXX/XXXX/17 the lender deemed the package complete and are not requesting any docs for the review - Sale should have been postponed around XXXX/XXXX/17 when they stated the package was complete.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Easton, CT
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Etiwanda, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Coconut Grove, FL
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Nantucket, MA
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Oxford, GA
Complaint: I filed for Bankruptcy Protection and the bank still foreclosed on my home!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Long Beach, CA
Complaint: XXXX HAS INSTRUCTED A 3RD PARTY TO PUBLISH A DEBT THAT IS NOT LEGALLY OWED. This is a Violation of the FDCPA and contempt of Court of the Federal BK Discharge. That XXXX has instructed a 3rd Party to POST ONTO MY DOOR THAT I OWED MONEY OF {$650000.00} when I do not. They have caused to tarnish my reputation, Cause Slander to my Title and this is libelous. They had instructed an Auction Company named as Quality Loan Servicing to Publish this Debt as owed - They instructed XXXX as Attorney 's to Publish a Debt that they knew was no longer considered as owed given the discharge. Then on top of this - during a work out request had wrong figures from prior - during an open dispute acknowledged the dispute ; moved to set a Sale Date by Posting NEW FIGURES AS CLAIMED AS OWED. This is not true this is illegal collection practices. There is an open CFPB Complaint at this time on XXXX for having not credited principal payments made prior to this entire fiasco with XXXX. XXXX has an open dispute since XX/XX/2017 and however during this open dispute since prior to this date - XXXX went behind my back to file a Sale Date AND POST AND PUBLISH FIGURES THAT I DO NOT LEGALLY OWE AND WRONG FIGURES from priorly been claimed pre-bk. That this is tarnishing my reputation and against the FDCPA given that IF they are claiming a power of Sale then they can not make up numbers being owed that are not owed. They can not claim ANY Debt is owed and Can not continue to harm me in this false and illegal claim that violates the discharged figures. This is absolutely causing harm to my well being and has caused immense harm. The unfair business practices are non stop. XXXX failed to provide my mailing to the 3rd party so that this caused the posting to be published in a XXXX page separately posted to further cause embarrassment and ridicule. Posting a Sale and making False Claims. This caused the 3rd party to PUBLISH INTO THE XXXX NEWSPAPER THAT EXACTLY WHERE MY CLIENTS ARE LOCATED. THIS IS RUINING MY BUSINESS PROSPECTS AND FURTHER PUBLISHING A DEBT CLEARLY NOT OWED.
This firm has been non stop burying me in paperwork. IN the meantime - The Debt being published claims I owe : {$650000.00} when I dont legally owe this. This is Illegal to publish this as a debt owed. These are slanderous and libelous acts to cause harassment. Their has been no good faith efforts by XXXX NOR XXXX. This has been extensively cruel, abusive and illegal. The facts remain that this shoddy servicing has only caused harm to my property, my property rights, interfered with income and reputation on every scale. During an open review they posted and published this and have continued to act in deceptive ways to cause me harm to my well being.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Everett, WA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Panama City, FL
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Ocklawaha, FL
Complaint: I received a Loan Modification from XXXX on my home in Georgia in XX/XX/XXXX. XXXX transferred my loan To Select Portfolio Servicing but my modification was not transferred. I was in bankruptcy at the time and the judge had to approve my modification and he did. SPS offered me the opportunity to get a modification in XX/XX/XXXX. I sent SPS a copy of my modification in return they sent me a letter stating that I withdrew my account from the modification process. I did not. I would like for SPS to acknowledge my modification because it is valid.
Thank you.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I have already filed several complaints with your agency, all of which end up being closed by the perpetrators indicating that they believe they have abided by the law while the truth is every piece of documentation I have contradicts this notion. Previous complaints have dealt with my reasonable attempt to modify my mortgage over the course 2.5 years in which the mortgage servicer " has played games '' rather than make any good-faith attempt at modification. Recently, after contacting their top compliance officer, I was able to get a " trial modification '' which expressed no clear terms on what benefit I would receive participating in such a program. Therefore I was forced to pass on such a modification. I have been given no reason to believe by the servicer that they or anyone that they are affiliated with has an association with my mortgage. After formally sending for RESPA request with over XXXX questions, the servicer has not provided any substantive answers. Further, my independent research has shown that the servicer has engaged in fraud to attempt to deprive me of my home and profit not only from the bailout money already provided to them, however also additionally profiting by giving fraudulent modification terms to me in an attempt to collect money while their intent is to attempt foreclosure. In researching at the County recorder 's office, I have found over the course of the past several years multiple fraudulent documents filed, in which each of the documents has additional fraudulent acts including forgery ; misrepresentation, and additional acts too numerous to name in this complaint. I have learned that the " pass-through account '' that the servicer has attributed their standing to does not contain my mortgage. I have issued a demand letter to the servicer and have received no response despite the fact that I am highly concerned about a very clouded title. The servicer did however send me a payoff statement which I believe was a further attempt at intimidation to ultimately deprive me of my home. I have substantial equity in my home and an inability to make any move on it as due to the fraud perpetrated by the servicer has clouded the title. I have demanded that the servicer provide me something that proves a non-fraudulent chain of title providing that standing and they are either incapable or unwilling to do so. Again this is only one aspect of many many complaints of illegal activity on the part of this company which has been publicly scrutinized before and forced to close under the name of XXXX. They then reemerged under The name Select Portfolio Services and they are engaging in the same activities that cause their legal troubles under the former corporate name. I will of course file a wrongful foreclosure lawsuit if they should continue these illegal attempts at depriving me of my home, however more importantly I am seeking a way to remove the cloud of title.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Tewksbury, MA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Coalinga, CA
Complaint: Select Servicing is showing me as three months late in the last two years, I have NOT been late and they refuse to correct it.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
El Sobrante, CA
Complaint: I have had a mortgage with XXXX and with SPS Loan Servicing Inc since XX/XX/XXXX
I had a complaint which I submitted to CFPB in XX/XX/XXXX which was never resolved.
I signed a Mortgage Modification with XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX and then subsequently with SPS Loan Servicing in XX/XX/XXXX. I have stated to the mortgage holders that my signing modification documents would not alter my claim against XXXX and this claim was initiated before I signed any modification agreement with XXXX and subsequently SPS.
I am disputing any arrearages that SPS is now claiming from me because they have not addressed my past claim against XXXX. Please see enclosed letter dated XX/XX/XXXX wherein I have stated that XXXX capitalized our mortgage balance by {$170000.00} since XX/XX/XXXX which outlines the basis of my claim. My past claim number with CFPB was XXXX and it was not resolved with XXXX. I have substantiated these amounts with bank statements and escrow statements from XXXX and submitted them to XXXX. It was my understanding that XXXX submitted the documents to SPS when SPS assumed loan servicing of my loan in XX/XX/XXXX. According to my records, XXXX and SPS owed my mortgage account the amount of {$100000.00} for capitalization of erroneous amounts from payments not credited, excessive interest charged, and excessive escrow charges to the account.
I have another dispute with SPS in that they have sent me a Cancellation of Debt Notice for {$210000.00} for the year XX/XX/XXXX. I have received a letter from SPS regarding XXXX on my loan for which I did not qualify and for which SPS granted the amount of {$71000.00} and not {$210000.00}. I have requested them to correct the debt forgiveness amount and so far I have no cooperation from them.
Please see enclosed documents substantiating my claim against SPS.
They have been submitted to your office in the form of a scan.
I am requesting SPS to immediately correct the debt forgiveness form and to credit my mortgage account with the amount I am claiming since XX/XX/XXXX when I first contacted XXXX regarding this matter. My former CFPB claim number was # XXXX.
Respectfully submitted, XXXX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Okc, OK
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Ernul, NC
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Greenwood, CA
Complaint: On XX/XX/2016, at XXXX p.m. I submitted a Request for Mortgage Assistance to Select Portfolio Servicing for a HAMP Tier II loan modification. To date I have not received any correspondence from SPS regarding the status of my loan modification. For over 3 months, my loan application was not processed in a timely manner, if at all. This is a direct violation of the Federal Mortgage Servicing, National Mortgage Settlement and a direct violation of the California Homeowners Bill Of Rights. I was not given due process as my application was never reviewed and the results were never communicated to me.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: We requested mortgage assistance that would decrease our monthly payments and remove our delinquency ( such as a modification ), instead we were offered a repayment plan that doubled our monthly payment of {$1300.00} to {$2700.00} and had a balloon payment of {$13000.00} at the end of twelve months. We are having financial hardships and have had since XX/XX/XXXX when my husband lost his job because of the global financial crisis of XX/XX/XXXX. We have been going back and forth with Select Portfolio Servicing since to receive an affordable house payment. They did lower our payment from over {$2200.00} ( more than our income ) to {$1300.00}. Even though they lowered our payment, the new payment had a debt-to-income ratio of 70 %, leaving us without enough money to our bills. For over eight years we had built up debt to friends, family and neighbors that loaned us money and have struggled to repay the loans. Our mortgage servicer SPS has continually told us that there are investor restrictions preventing them from giving us an adequate loss mitigation program. We have read the pool servicing agreement and do not see this restriction. They also had claimed to participate in HAMP but treated all our HAMP applications as a non-government request and have not acknowledged that our request were HAMP. They also claim that there are investor restrictions against a HAMP loan as well. We submitted XXXX HAMP applications at the end of XXXX and were turned down on both. We are very tired of this ten year run around and wish to resolve our problems without losing our home.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Foothill Ranch, CA
Complaint: I have attempted to save my home from foreclosure for the past 3 years : I have {$200000.00} to pay towards my mortgage and I am getting no where with Select Portfolio Servicing : They say my investor XXXX does not participate in modification but I find information that states that they do : I just want to save my home.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Greenwood, CA
Complaint: On XX/XX/2010 I sent SPS a letter and a copy of my XXXX orders to XXXX requesting assistance under the SCRA. My interest rate with SPS was 6 3/4 of a percent and they reduced my interest rate down to a mere 6 %. This was not in the spirit of the program. A reduction of {$90.00} a month is not helpful for someone leaving a XXXX figure a year career in the civilian world to earn approximately $ XXXX a year by being recalled to XXXX. Most XXXX I knew received interest rates down to 2 % and I think that is respectable. To add insult to injury I never got a {$90.00} reduction to this date almost 7 years later.
SPS failed to recalculate my payments to reflect the reduced interest rate. I never received the second portion of the SCRA, which calls for diminished monthly payments based upon the interest rate reduction. It appears to me that SPS gave me a portion of the loan interest rate savings because the interest-bearing principal was {$460000.00} and then there was a deferred principal of {$210000.00}. This is not consistent with 50 USC app section 527. To date I have not ever been given any reprise from SPS under the Service Members Civil Relief program. They sent me a letter stating that they did give me some reprise but the numbers do n't add up. They have sent me 3 sets of financials over the last 3 months and there simply is not a reduction of {$90.00} anywhere to be seen. If they give me a reduction why ca n't they prove it? Where is it? Did it go to the wrong account? These are just a few questions SPS should answer!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Yeagertown, PA
Complaint: In XX/XX/XXXX, I refinanced my mortgage with XXXX for XXXX. On or about the end of XX/XX/XXXX, we fell delinquent on our mortgage. My wife and I applied for assistance with the State of Pennsylvania, our application was approved and XXXX brought our mortgage current. At the time, we signed a note for approximately {$28000.00} ( which I am currently repaying ) and it is my understanding that this brought my mortgage fully current and my balance with XXXX was now {$220000.00}. Within 30 - 60 days of bringing my mortgage current, the loan was sold to Select Portfolio. Soon after Select received my mortgage, my mortgage was current but they contacted me to tell me that it was their policy that my property taxes and homeowners insurance would need to be escrowed. My wife and I were fine for several years, I was not delinquent but I am not sure that an escrow account was established as there was no change in my payment. In XX/XX/XXXX, my daughter passed away. I was on a fixed income and I was responsible for yet another funeral and I decided to contact the mortgage company to see if there was anything I could do to reduce my payment. Over the phone, the specialist was able to reduce my mortgage to {$230.00} from {$1500.00}. That is the amount that we began to pay on or about XX/XX/XXXX. I was under the impression that Select had established an escrow account and this was my payment. My wife died in XX/XX/XXXX, in XX/XX/XXXX, I received a notice that Select Portfolio needed to modify my mortgage because the escrow account was behind XXXX dollars. This was the first I knew that the escrow was behind. The balance of my mortgage went from {$220000.00} to {$250000.00}. They did help me modify the mortgage and my principal and interest payment is now {$330.00} and the escrow was approximately {$400.00} bringing my payment to approximately {$740.00}. I did not understand why my mortgage payment steadily increased though apparently it is the result of my escrow continually increasing. My question is how is my mortgage balance increasing when I am making my payments. In XX/XX/XXXX I received a call from a company called XXXX FL XXXX. According to a gentleman named XXXX, they had evidence my mortgage company Select Portfolio was mishandling my account and that if I could pay a fee of {$1500.00}, I would have the deed to my home free and clear. I was able to pay them {$400.00}, but they could not help me if I did n't pay the rest of the funds. I sent them my statements from both XXXX & SPS for that time period. Is it possible that there is a violation? I have not heard from XXXX since that time. I really just want to understand what has happened and if the balance of my mortgage is correct.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation