Consumer Complaints

There are over 9109 complaints on file for SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2012-02-28.

Complaints Page 140


Sewaren, NJ

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: Hi My name is XXXX. I am a XXXX year old senior citizen who has been trying to get help from lender to with hope that I am able to stay in my home for the last few years I am here on earth. This issue has gotten so bad with my lender trying to take my house that my niece and her family more in with me and reach out to get me help from a third party. At the time I hired the third party I had a sales date or XX/XX/XXXX 2017, they submitted an application on my behalf to my lender XX/XX/XXXX 2017 at which time I was sent a letter stating they had received my file, there was a second letter sent on the same day, saying my only option was to reinstate my loan or cash for keys. They told my third party that my file would not be review after it was received because of the sales date on my property of XX/XX/XXXX17. I live in New Jersey so I was able to get a 30 day postponement from the sheriff's department which give my lender the time they need to review my file. My sales date has been extended to XX/XX/XXXX 2017. My third party called XX/XX/XXXX17 to follow up on the status of my loan modification and my servicer said they were not able to review my file because of a 37 day rule set by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Please remember they have had my application since XX/XX/XXXX 2017, over 37 days now. My servicer said they sent me a letter on XX/XX/2017 saying they reviewed me for all options and the only option available to me is cash for keys because of your 37 day rule. Please help me! Don't let them steal my home. Thank you XXXX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: Our firm, XXXX XXXX, XXXX has been monitoring our client 's request for mortgage assistance to Select Portfolio Servicing , Inc. ( " SPS '' ) to ensure SPS 's compliance with Regulation X. For the past few months, our client has been trying to get his application reviewed by SPS. However, SPS has failed to act diligently in its review of his application and even failed to inform Plaintiff 's foreclosure counsel of the active status of the loss mitigation review, which ultimately led to Plaintiff pursuing and obtaining a foreclosure judgment against our client improperly. Our client submitted an application for mortgage assistance to SPS on XX/XX/XXXX via facsimile. The application package was also submitted to SPS via U.S. Certified Mail. On or around XX/XX/XXXX, SPS sent our client a request for additional documentation. Subsequently, all of the requested items were submitted in a timely manner via facsimile to SPS as directed. On XX/XX/XXXX, we called SPS and confirmed all of the documents were received and nothing further was needed. Then on XX/XX/XXXX, we called SPS again to determine the status of our client 's application. During this conversation, we were informed for the first time that additional information was still needed from the borrower. After conferring with our client, we provided the requested information to SPS over the telephone on XX/XX/XXXX and we were told the application would be promptly submitted to the underwriter for an evaluation. Despite being actively engaged in loss mitigation efforts with SPS for the past several months, counsel for Plaintiff in the foreclosure action ( i.e. XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX ) has been actively pursuing a foreclosure judgment against our client by means of a Motion for Summary Judgment, which is a clear violation of 12 CFR 1024.41 ( g ). Not only was Plaintiff 's counsel actively pursuing, but it was also successful in obtaining a foreclosure judgment against our client on XX/XX/XXXX. SPS did not conclude its evaluation of the borrower 's complete application for mortgage assistance until XX/XX/XXXX, and pursuant to the denial letter and applicable federal regulations ; he still has 30 days from that date to appeal the decision. Please note, we definitely intend to appeal the decision because there were several errors made by SPS in the calculation of our client 's income and the NPV data inputs but we will be addressing our appeal under separate cover. Due to the foregoing, Plaintiff 's counsel was prohibited from seeking a judgment against the borrower and was even required to take steps to request that the court not issue a judgment prior to the conclusion of the loss mitigation review, which it clearly did not. We believe SPS is responsible for directing the activities of foreclosure counsel and thus are fully responsible for the improper and actionable steps taken by XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX in connection with this matter.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Atl, GA

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Atl, GA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Tarzana, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: I opened an account with XXXX XXXX XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX .... made a final payment in XX/XX/XXXX .... the home was foreclosed on in XX/XX/XXXX. Why am I still receiving negative marks on my credit report in XX/XX/XXXX? I spoke with XXXX and they said they no longer had the loan and that Select portfolio took this loan over in XX/XX/XXXX. I would like this removed as it is well beyond the time limit. THANK YOU
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Greenwood, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: Select Portfolio Servicing sent me a repayment plan with outrageous terms in XX/XX/XXXX. They requested a monthly repayment of {$6600.00} per month for 12 months and a balloon payment at the 13th month for over {$40000.00}. This is extortion. They also provided NPV information with only XXXX items on it. The NPV had old financials from XX/XX/XXXX. They never contacted me to ask me if my income was still current. They also claim that both me and my ex-husband has the same XXXX credit score which is not true. They just pulled these numbers out of thin air and created some foolishness. They also are not compliant with the XX/XX/XXXX final settlement with XXXX and the Department of Justice. Even though that settlement agreement offers consumer relief SPS refuses to offer any consumer relief. They know their days of being in business are over. It seems as though they are trying to get as much money from homeowners as they can before they are forced to close their doors.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Atl, GA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Eden Prairie, MN

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Arden Hills, MN

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Wilmington, DE

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: I have a several complaints towards this company but this is the newest. I spoke with a " relationship manager '' at Select Portfolio Servicing. As instructed by the correspondence I received almost EVERY day and set up several monthly payments. I just received a check with a letter stating they wo n't accept a partial payment??? I then sent them a message to cancel the XX/XX/XXXX payment since they 're just going to return it. That was yesterday. Today the payment is attempting to come out of my bank account?? I do n't get it. It 's like one hand does n't know what the other is doing. I am also enclosing the fees they 've charged for supposed " home inspections, '' which I 've never witnessed anyone doing, only that a card was left on my door. This company does n't want to help at all! I 'm attaching one of the letters that have the so=called inspection fees. Why is there so many inspections? I 'm told it 's to make sure the house is occupied. The fact that we live here has NEVER been in dispute and has been confirmed many times with Select Portfolio so fees are wrong.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Tucson, AZ

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: I originally financed my single family owner occupied home thru XXXX XX/XX/XXXX. The current servicer Select Portfolio Servicing fraudulantly created an assigmnet and recorded it at my local town hall purporting to assign my loan into a RMBS with XXXX as trustee. I have a copy of the Pooling and Servicing ( PSA ) agreement for this RMBS. Some of the many problems are the RMBS closed in XXXX of XXXX ( per the PSA ), PSA states all loans would have to be securitize prior to the closing day in XXXX of XXXX plus 90 days, SPS assigned my mortagage into the trust in XXXX, SPS lacks authority to assign anything into the RMBS ( per the PSA ), this RMBS is governed by New York State Trust Law ( per PSA ). SPS has sceduled a foreclosure once or twice a year since XXXX, everytime they cancel it the day before the scheduled date. I have filled out 15+ HAMP Tier1 modification requests, the always need something, or dont qualify for this reason, I defaulted on this agreement, or whatever story they decide to tell on any given day. I am currently under review for a modification since XX/XX/XXXX, but they always need something new. So recently they sent me a letter stating I would hear something on the review shortyly and the day later I receive an intent to foreclose letter from XXXX and XXXX dated for XX/XX/XXXX I sent them a proof of debt letter asking all the same questions I have been asking regrding the validity of the assignment and trust purchasing my loan. They still have yet to reply. So as I sit here wondering who actually legally owns this loan and wait to hear back regarding a modification and proof of debt their duel tracking me towards foreclosure. Duel Tracking is also illegal, but yet they still do it and get away with it. I need help to save this home for my family of 5.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Bellefontaine, OH

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: Good afternoon, I 'm desperate to reach you regarding an issue with a mortgage bank who has been extremely predatory ... so much so, that I am on the cusp of losing my home. To make a long story short, my husband passed away after a XXXX year illness that took nearly everything from us. We were foreclosed upon, and thankfully XXXX from the XXXX saved our home. In the process though, our interest rate was elevated to nearly 10 %! My husband died XXXX years ago this coming XX/XX/XXXX, and I 've desperately tried to refinance, qualify for other financial programs to no avail. My credit was destroyed by delinquencies related to medical bills, medical treatment, bills going unpaid so we could purchase my husbands medication, travel cost out of state for his treatment, etc. I am unable to refinance because of my credit score. In XX/XX/XXXX I started the process with my bank to qualify for HARP ... I 've submitted the required documentation over XXXX times, by fax, certified mail, regular mail, and mostly - electronic upload directly to them. EVERY TIME, despite filling out this required paperwork ( XXXX sections ) with representatives of the company, who took pity on my situation after multiple uploads .... who assured me every I was dotted and every T was crossed ... .that there was " no way they can say you do n't have all the required documentation turned in '' ... THEY DID! For 14 months now I have called, faxed, uploaded, mailed, filled out, re-filled out, re-re-filled out, re-re-re-filled out forms, the same ones over and over and over and over again .... and 14 months later I have not had any success in qualifying, being approved, being helped, or reaching any relief for my family and I. I 'm paying nearly {$1900.00} a month for my house not including taxes and insurance! I owe more now than I did when my husband and I refinanced it 14 years ago! We 've owned our property since XX/XX/XXXX ... it 's all my children and I have left ... my husband and I worked so hard for what we have, and because of predatory lending/banks ... .I 'm about to lose it all! XX/XX/XXXX the HARP program ended .... I was no closer to being approved on XX/XX/XXXX than I was when I started the process in XX/XX/XXXX. Now into XX/XX/XXXX I 'm nowhere closer to ending this nightmare than I was in XX/XX/XXXX I 've had two relationship managers, the 2nd seems to be a little better than the first, but it still has not helped me. When I call his direct extension he has NEVER answered and he does not ( I 've been told multiple times ) have voicemail. On a request for a callback from him dated XX/XX/XXXX - I finally received a call back, NOT from him, but a representative who knew nothing more than I did ... on XX/XX/XXXX I 'm now desperately trying to qualify for the HAMP, but I 'm fearful that if this continues, I will be losing my home to foreclosure before that ever happens. It 's evident the bank DOES NOT want to help me, and I 've run out of options. I 'm raising my family alone, I 've tried everything I know to do to get this done and frankly, I 'm losing. I need help. Please, please tell me you know how to get this mortgage company to do what they 're morally, ethically and federally required to do. I 've about reached the end of my rope ... .. I ca n't take anymore struggle, stress and continued disappointment and worry. This is not the American Dream - it 's a nightmare. Thank you and Best Regards, XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Lincoln Heights, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Newport Beach, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Cleveland, OH

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Complaint: SPS ombudsman is refusing to give us a modification again after give us one!!!! XXXX is holder of our note and after govt fine they will still not help.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Billerica, MA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: I lost my job and fell behind on my mortgage payments
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Bohemia, NY

Settlement process and costs

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Newnan, GA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: Select Portfolios Servicing and XXXX Bank as trustee for the holders of the XXXX Mortgage Trust XX/XX/XXXX are attempting to foreclose on my property located at XXXX.The assignment that is being used was created and robo signed after the cut off date of the trust ; according to the pooling and servicing agreement filed with the S.E.C all mortgages were to be conveyed by XX/XX/XXXX. The assignment was also created, and notarized in Florida when the property is located in XXXX. I submitted two Qualified Written Request to select portfolios and neither of these documents have been addressed. SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING XXXX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Scottsdale, AZ

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: When I refinanced my home in 2006, the broker placed a {$2500.00} home insurance on my policy that I never agreed to. Eventually the loan was sold to XXXX XXXX XXXX and they contracted Select Portfolio Servicing to collect payments. In 10 years, {$25000.00} have been added to my loan in the form of forced hazard insurance on which I have to pay interest. Select Portfolio Servicing refused to cancel this insurance and I now have my home owner 's insurance which I paid myself to XXXX XXXX. Last year, Select Portfolio Servicing told me on the phone they would take it off, but I am still being charged for it. They have been found liable in the State of Florida ( XXXX Class Action ). Also, they do not respond to my mortgage modification application, except to place a door hanger on my door stating I am late on my payment and to contact them, plus sending a letter asking to cure the outstanding balance within 3 weeks or risk foreclosure. The amounts over the regular monthly payments do not get applied to the outstanding balance, but are put in an unapplied payment account, no doubt earning Select Portfolio Servicing interest.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Tarzana, CA

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: My mortgage loan was with XXXX but they sold it in XX/XX/2013, was told they sold it to XXXX then XXXX and now SPS. Nobody can prove or show me paper work that they own my mortage. I pay SPS every month but when I call to get any documents they never send them to me. I have requested the Doc 's numerous times, even tried online but it says I have to call. Nobody can prove they hold my note.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Town Center, NJ

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Lincoln Heights, CA

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response

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