Consumer Complaints

There are over 2172 complaints on file for RUSHMORE LOAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC. Dated between 2019-12-11 and 2012-10-01.

Complaints Page 21


Brentwood, NC

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Staten Island, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Simi Valley, CA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: My loan is currently serviced by XXXX XXXX. On or about XX/XX/XXXX, Rushmore received {$100000.00} from Keep Your Home California. The proceeded to misapply the funds, which has trapped me back into foreclosure. There is a foreclosure sale date set for XX/XX/XXXX. Listed below are my primary concerns. 1. The statement on XX/XX/XXXX shows a suspense balance of - {$53000.00}. I am assuming this is the surplus money from the XXXX payment from Keep Your Home California aka KYHC. Why did KYHC issue a check for such a large amount when account was around 48K past due? Did Rushmore make that demand? If so, that constitutes fraud on their part. KYHC is due to run dry of funds before the end of this yeartwo years before the designated end date of XX/XX/XXXX. The fraud links directly to a government entity, which means that False Claims Act Qui Tam applies. I SIGNED A DEED OF TRUST FOR XXXX, SO ULTIMATELY I WAS RIPPED OFF BY RUSHMORE.AGAIN! 2. Why is there a deferred principal balance of {$87000.00} listed on the payoff? 3. KYHC was applied a large part of the XXXX towards principal. KYHC is a program designed to assist unemployed home owners catch up and make regular monthly mortgage payments.not pay down principal.again The False Claims Act applies. 4. The loan never should have never been modified on XX/XX/XXXX, since it was current from the funds KYHC paid.THIS MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE! The only reason is was modified, was so that Rushmore could hide the excess money paid and reset the clock. They did not want the dirty accounting from the original loan lingering around.especially if they tried to sell the loan via portfolio to a new investor on XXXX XXXX. 5. The corporate advance fees listed below have extensive foreclosure fees, attorney fees and litigation fees that need to be accounted for. They need to show invoices from the alleged law firms that were paid.which they likely will not have. Breakdown of the corporate advance balances paid : {$200.00} FPIR ( FC PROP INPSPEC ) {$3300.00} FCST ( FORECLOSURE COSTS ) {$2600.00} FFEE ( FORECLOSURE FEES ) {$14000.00} LFEE ( LITIGATION FEES ) {$47.00} BCTC ( BK COURT COSTS ) {$36.00} BCST ( BK COSTS ) {$800.00} BATT ( BK ATTNY FEES )
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Closing on a mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: My loan was in foreclosure. I sold the house for more than I owed on the mortgage so my attorney obtained a payoff statement that was good through XX/XX/XXXX. We closed on the XX/XX/XXXX. My attorned wired the full payoff amount of {$400000.00} on XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX the buyer paid the school taxes. Rushmore also paid the school taxes on XX/XX/XXXX. At that point we were told by XXXX XXXX of Rushmore that I would be charged interest on the original amount of the loan until the money was returned to them from the Tax Collector. This process took a few weeks and we were notified in XX/XX/XXXX that we owed an additional {$2300.00} in interest. My attorney sent this money on XX/XX/XXXX via XXXX and it was verified that they received it on XX/XX/XXXX. Rushmore still has not recorded a discharge with the County Clerk 's office. I spoke with them today and they said that it should be done soon. It is my understanding that legally they are to record this within 30 days. My attorney is holding money in escrow until this happens and until that time I can not get my money from a closing that happened XX/XX/XXXX. In addition, I am out the {$2300.00} in interest they charged because the payoff amount was short the {$5500.00} that was definitely known to them before the payoff statement was given and not included in their payoff statement.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Newnan, GA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Main Office, VA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: My experiences with Rushmore Loan Management Services suggest that their automatic billing processes are prone to error and lack transparency. In XXXX of 2018 I changed the way I paid my mortgage from automatic payments initiated by my checking account to using Rushmore 's automated debits, which would automatically deduct my payment each month, and would automatically adjust when changes to my escrow payment required it. I'd forgotten to cancel the monthly payment initiated by my bank, so I made two payments in the month of XXXX. When I realized this, I contacted Rushmore and asked them to reassign the overpayment to my principal. On XX/XX/XXXX, I expected Rushmore to debit my account per my automatic payment agreement, but this did not happen. I was traveling abroad for much of XXXX, and did not realize this until XX/XX/XXXX. When I spoke with a Rushmore customer service agent, I was informed that my payment for XXXX was not made because the double payments for XXXX caused the account to register no balance due. I also learned that both payments from XXXX had been attributed to principal, so I was in default for XXXX as well as XXXX. Furthermore, my account was not debited as usual in XXXX since my account was in default. I incurred approximately {$110.00} in fees due to the missed payments. Rushmore encourages users to use auto draft payments : their website states : " Rushmore highly recommends setting up recurring auto draft payments, if your loan is eligible for the service. Signing up ensures you will avoid being late on your loan payment ''. I did this, and consistently had sufficient balance in my checking account to cover the drafts. Nevertheless, my account became overdue and I incurred fees and had negative impacts on my credit score. It also took some time and inconvenience to resolve the issue. Furthermore, I was not able to find any information on Rushmore 's website ( ) that showed the terms of my existing recurring bank draft agreement, nor did I receive any communications from them explaining that my bank draft would not go through as scheduled.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Memorial Square, GA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I have owned my condo for ten years now and faithfully paid expenses related to my home such as mortgage, property taxes, Homeowners Assoc Fees, and homeowners insurance policy. Last year, XX/XX/2017, my mortgage had a balloon payment become due and Lender stopped accepting my payments. I did not qualify for a refinance through an outside Lender source and found myself caught in between a rock and a hard place. Meanwhile, I had some medical expenses and fell deeper in financial hardship. Ultimately, I have been denied mortgage assistance until I consulted with a Foreclosure Prevention Advocate. The advocate and I contacted my Lender and I was advised that mortgage assistance is a possibility. However, there seems to be a question of whether the Lender has 37 days prior to the sale date to process my request. We are told it is up to the XXXX XXXX XXXX ( a XXXX XXXX Trust ) whether or not to postpone the sale.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Problem with personal statement of dispute
Complaint: I have submitted a complaint asking to correct misinformation. my mortgage original loan amount was $ XXXX the credit reporting agency has it at $ XXXX. i have pain down $ XXXX. TO THE TUNE OF NOW $ XXXX ( XXXX is non interest baring, deferred ). so the credit reporting agency is reporting approximately $ XXXX and a XXXX balloon and that is not correct, they are also reporting the origianl loan amount was $ XXXX approxiately - that is not correct it was $ XXXX. Its not that complicated XXXX had my loan and the original loan amount was $ XXXX then Rushmore changed it to inaccurate reflection. this problem is that it lowers my score because it looks like i have not paid down a loan that ive hade since XXXX and I did. ALSO why is Rushmore reporting payments for a time thety did not service my loan. they obtained servicing rights XX/XX/XXXX first payment date to Rushmore and months later they are reporting payments for XXXX and they have no idea that they can not report on servicing when they have not been assigned servicing rights. Also. how are the acting as a servicer of my loan when there NO original NOTE. Anywhere.. My understanding is that in order for a servicer to collect payments and service a loan there must be an Original note, not a copy of a note but the original note. I have research through much time and throughout the industry .... there is no original note. therefore collections of payments, collections, preforclosure, foreclosure if done is not in compliance. There is a very good reason why original not is required to protect mortgagor and Mortgagee. If original note is not held thean anyone that has the original note can collect of the full amount of that note. thats why the origianl note must be in place to collect and service mortgage payments. Or there is a flaw in securing a property. as I see it without haveing the original note ... these paymemts are being collected without merrit and possibly without Legal right ( without predjudice )
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I have reached out to you before regarding my never ending problems with Rushmore Mortgage. You told them to return {$8000.00}. They credited it and then increased my amounts again. The reinstatement amounts and the acceleration amounts are skyrocketing. I will attach proof. They are still REFUSING to accept my mortgage payments, and putting my house in foreclosure. This can not be legal, can it?!? Who can put an end to this? I am running out of options and time. They also broke into my house and winterized it and locked it. Unbelievable.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Villa Rica, GA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Dear Sir or Madam, I would like your help to prevent Rushmore Loan Management Services a Debt Collector company from using any dishonest tactics to take my home. They want to change my Monthly payment from {$470.00} to {$510.00} on XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, I received a letter from that debt collector that indicated there is a shortage of Mortgage escrow. '' According to them they indicated a projected low point of {$810.00}. " Under the Mortgage contract State or Federal law, the lowest monthly balance should not {$280.00}. '' The difference between the projected low point and the amount required is $ XXXX This is the shortage. '' When I called them I spoke to to Rep. Ms. XXXX ID # XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX I was told the reason my mortgage going up on XX/XX/XXXX is because my hazard Insurance went up to {$1600.00}. My previous Hazard Insurance was {$1400.00}. The difference was only {$220.00}. I called the XXXX XXXX to tell them that I was about to drop them because the Insurance went up. They brought down the payment to {$1100.00} They sent me a refund check for {$540.00}. They told me to cash the check and returned my personal check of {$540.00} to The Debt Collector Escrow Department. I faxed to # XXXX a copy of the check from XXXX XXXX and a letter indicated the check for {$540.00} was sent to adjust the Mortgage Escrow shortage, Now my Insurance is lower than last year from {$1400.00} to {$1100.00} which I was paying {$470.00}. I do not trust them because they sent me a letter as written acknowledgment of receipt of my correspondence received by their office on XX/XX/XXXX, XXXX without even mentioning the check of {$540.00} that was sent to them with my letter. They also have not cashed the check and requested 30 days for review. Please help me, as a XXXX Year old with a husband that suffers from XXXX I can't not afford my mortgage to go higher because I will not be able to afford it. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Superstition Mtn, AZ

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: I have been going back and forth for since the middle of XXXX with my past lender and my new lender. Rushmore Loan Management Loan services was my past lender and they transferred my Loan to XXXX XXXX. I made a big mistake. XXXX was supposed to take over my loan on XX/XX/XXXX. I did not receive anything right away from them. No notification from their end on where my new payments were going to go and whom to make them out to or my new loan #. As a result, I started to get a little nervous because I did not want my XXXX payment to be late ( I did not know that I would have 60-days as a result of my loan being transferred to get my payment in ). As a result, I do what I normally do. I send in a partial payment in early and another partial payment before the 15-day grace period ends. So, I sent Rushmore Loan Management Services {$420.00} on XX/XX/2018. I knew that Rushmore is responsible to transfer all payments over to the new lender, so I knew at least {$420.00} would be sent to XXXX from Rushmore Loan Management and when I heard from XXXX I would send the rest to them. Well, I waited and I did not receive a notice from XXXX. I got nervous again, so I sent another payment to my old lender to cover my XXXX 's payment. I did that through my online bill payment. My bank took the money out of my account on XX/XX/XXXX and paid it on the XXXX. I have proof of payment. In any case, I knew that any money sent to Rushmore that had to with my mortgage payment would have to be transferred to XXXX. Eventually, I got notice from XXXX that they would be taking care of my loan. Not thinking anything of it, since my mortgage payment that I sent to Rushmore should be sent to XXXX as a result of the transfer. However, this was not the case. I started getting phone calls from XXXX stating that they had not received all of my mortgage payment for XXXX and that I still owe them {$1300.00}. I called them and explained that I paid {$420.00} on the XXXX to Rushmore Loan Servicing and that I paid another {$1400.00} to Rushmore Loan Servicing on XX/XX/XXXX due to not having any contact with XXXX about the loan transfer. They said they never received that payment with the transfer. They have the {$420.00} from XXXX, XXXX in a suspense account. Low and behold I then call Rushmore Loan Management Servicing to find out what's going on. Customer service has been atrocious from both sites. Today, XX/XX/2018, I had the pleasure of speaking with XXXX, ID # XXXX, from Rushmore Loan Services. She was rude and condescending on the phone. She tried to talk down to me after I told her I have been going through this situation for over a month now. When asked to talk to a supervisor, she said that the supervisors weren't at work yet. Too make a long story short. Its going into XXXX and Neither institution seems to know where the portion of my loan payment has gone for the Month of XXXX. My bank said it went out and it was cashed. Rushmore accepted the money because it was never returned to my account. Rushmore is telling me that is not the case. I am sending a fax over today with the proof of payment from my bank. XXXX tells me I have until the XXXX to get my loan payment for XXXX or negative effects will occur. I am frustrated with both institutions. I filed a complaint already
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arlington, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Patterson, MD

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Complaint: Mortgage Servicers consider CFPB a joke. For years I have been filing about my mortgage fraud case and nothing matters. The mortgage company and now mortgage servicer have refused and returned my payments. XXXX XXXX XXXX is paying the legal fees for the mortgage servicer in order to avoid paying the title claim. This conflict of interest is ignored. Admitted forgeries, a judge ruled no ratified deed of trust and no ratified mortgage note and still no assistance from any organization matters. XXXX is the newest mortgage servicer has submitted the same deed of trust that was adjudicated as " Not Ratified '' as a means to collect a debt. XXXX also fraudulently put an assignment in the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Grover Beach, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Rushmore Loan Management Services assumed our home loan, and charged an Advance Adjust fee or {$76.00} without cause. No reason, just added $ to our principal balance.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Simi Valley, CA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: We received assistance for XXXX from Keep Youf home California in XX/XX/XXXX. Rushmore was unable to have our new payment amount solidified and did not have answers to any of my questions until around XX/XX/XXXX. They then informed me, yes informed me because I dont get any sort of monthly statement ever, that my payment which was barely decreased with that XXXX assistance would be dude XXXX, XXXX. Although we still didnt have any of the paperwork worked out. I was given a payment amount with no statement in XX/XX/XXXX. I asked and asked and begged for months to get a breakdown of how they XXXX was applied since my payment barely went down. I never got it besides a vague email From XXXX XXXX. NEver did I get that statement breakdown from Him Or anyone. Nor do I get monthly statements and I have no online access. And my point of contacts XXXX XXXX has not Returned my calls once. The arrears were In the XXXX I believe when they got that XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX. I was to start off fresh XXXX XXXX, with much lower payment and i never did find out how the excess funds were applied to the account. I preferred and asked for It to be to oncoming payments, However I didnt ever get answers, except for a vague email in XX/XX/XXXX. I always told XXXX that wasnt enough and we wanted the excess of almost 50,00 to be applied to future payments. Nothing ever happened despite My numerous requests. In XX/XX/XXXX I received a NOD for backed up Payments since XX/XX/XXXX. I just received a notice of foreclosure Sale for XX/XX/XXXX. Ever since I got the NOD in XXXX Ive been calling trying to work something out and get some answers as to how these Funds were applied from KYHC. To no avail. Ive also hasked for payoff for or reinstatement quotes with no response. These people are complete and corrupt criminals. They just want to scam people out of their homes.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Washington, DC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)

Complaint: My {$0.00} balance Home Equity Line of Credit was sold in XXXX, XXXX by XXXX XXXX to Rushmore Loan Management Services of XXXX, CA. I was never late with a payment and the loan was paid off in XXXX. I kept the line of credit open in case of future catastrophic financial needs. After reading online reviews of Rushmore ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) I decided to close the loan in XXXX, XXXX and contacted Rushmore. *Rushmore said I had a {$50.00} processing fee due and that I needed to pay the fee and send a separate letter to close the account ; the agent said the account could then be closed within 5 days. I paid {$50.00} by check ( which was cashed by Rushmore on XX/XX/XXXX ) and sent a certified return-receipt letter to close the account ; Rushmore signed acceptance of letter on XX/XX/XXXX. In XXXX I received a monthly {$0.00} balance statement showing the loan as still open. I called and was told I had been given incorrect information and that the agent would be sending me the appropriate paperwork to close the account. Rushmore did not send any paperwork. *In XXXX I got another open loan statement and called again. The agent I spoke with said he could see my prior two requests in his system but that both requests had been " rejected by the company '' - no communication to me nor recourse had been provided during the period from XXXX - XXXX. I asked to speak to a manager and was told that " all managers are in a meeting and unavailable ''. He said I could go online to initiate the closure process. With him on the phone I went online to my account, followed his instructions and explained to him that the menu option he told me to use was not on my drop-down list ( prior to retirement I worked in XXXX XXXX for 35 years and know how to maneuver through a website ). He said " oh ''. I was then told there is a lien on my house ( both the equity loan and my house are paid off ) and that I had to pay a " lien fee '' to get my account closed. The agent said that the fee was not a fee incurred from Rushmore but from the county in which I reside ( I live in the District of Columbia which is not a county ) .The agent said he was not permitted to reveal the fee to me over the phone but that paperwork would be to me no later than XX/XX/XXXX and that I would have until XX/XX/XXXX to pay the fee by certified check only ( which is, of course, untraceable after it leaves my hands so I would have no proof of payment ). However, no paperwork came on XX/XX/XXXX. When I called again I was told that paperwork would be to me no later than Monday, XX/XX/XXXX. *It is now XX/XX/XXXX ; since XXXX the only written communication I have had from Rushmore is the monthly {$0.00} open loan statement. I have consistently been given incorrect and misleading information. Rushmore will not close my loan nor will they provide me any process by which to do so. I am very concerned that Rushmore is accruing hidden fees. I am also very concerned that, should my account be compromised and funds stolen, I would have absolutely no recourse with Rushmore. I am very concerned that if I finally do get notified of a fee amount and send a certified check my loan will still not be closed and that I will have no proof of payment nor will " lien '' be removed. Finally, I am concerned that Rushmore could somehow negatively impact my sterling credit rating. I am a XXXX year old retired single woman who has worked very hard to attain a sense of security in my reclining years. I feel extremely vulnerable to Rushmore. I actually feel that I am being held hostage by this company who consistently gives me incorrect information and who refuses to close a loan on which there is {$0.00} balance. I have reported this to XXXX XXXX where the loan originated ; XXXX XXXX told me that after a loan is open XXXX years there are no associated fees with closing the loan. I have also contacted the DC Department of Aging Legal Services and will be contacting the DC Department of Insurance , Securities and Banking.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Discovery Bay, CA

Opening an account

Checking or savings account: Other banking product or service

Account opened as a result of fraud
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Fresno, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I was affected by hurricane Matthew, Irma, and Michael. While with the previous servicer XXXX during hurricane Irma I was placed on a disaster forbearance and protection. After the disaster I was in review for a loan modification and I was service transferred to Rushmore loans. On XXXX XXXX I submitted a loan modification application to Rushmore loans. We were then affected by Hurricane Michael and FEMA declared on XX/XX/2018. This disrupted my request for mortgage assistance. On XX/XX/2018 I sent a new application and at that time there was no foreclosure sale date. During the hurricane recovery I was dealing with health issues as I am a XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX veteran who did 2 XXXX in XXXX and sustained XXXX XXXX XXXX. By the time I was able to call back on XX/XX/18 Rushmore loans told me they were not going to review me due to the foreclosure sale date being set for XX/XX/18. I disagree for two reasons : First I should be on a hurricane relief status and have foreclosure protection for 90 days from the date of the disaster. Second there should be an exception for them to review what I sent since I was affected by the hurricane.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cordova, TN

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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