Consumer Complaints

There are over 2172 complaints on file for RUSHMORE LOAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC. Dated between 2019-12-11 and 2012-10-01.

Complaints Page 19


Key Biscayne, FL

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Council, NC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: We purchased a home on XX/XX/XXXX with XXXX XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX we received a letter stating the loan had been transferred to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , XXXX. stating our payment was {$720.00}. On XX/XX/XXXX, we received a statement that our loan was transferred to Rushmore Loan Management Services stating our loan payment was {$780.00}. Due to the holidays, I called Rushmore Loan Management Service on XX/XX/XXXX, I was advised by XXXX that the escrow was incorrect and to wait until it was corrected before making payment. It showed homeowners and taxes were the same amount in escrow. He advised that I should get notifications by mail when it was corrected. The next day, I received a collection call. I explained escrow problem and was told to call back in 10 days. Again, the next day, we received a collection call. On XX/XX/XXXX, I called Rushmore Loan again spoke to XXXX, I was advised it was corrected but not corrected in there system and to call back on XX/XX/XXXX. After that, we have received numerous collection calls. This is not our mistake. I would refinance if I could afford it. This is harassment to us. Not fair that they made the mistake but we have to take there harassment. They to tell us we are on robot calls and until we pay it will continue. I have asked to speak to a supervisor but never available and never calls back. Look at the attachments below. It would be nice to know who is the correct mortgage company. I only know know due to several phone calls.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Federal Way, WA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I refinanced my mortgage and paid it off in full on XX/XX/2018. Rushmore Loan Management is the servicer, and did not apply the payoff until XX/XX/2018, which is also the day they collected an additional biweekly payment on my loan of {$1500.00} Post final payoff value in XX/XX/XXXX, Rushmore collected another biweekly payment in XX/XX/XXXX for {$1500.00}. That makes two {$1500.00} payments + the extra amount they quoted to the Title company to " ensure the amount is fully paid '' which together all three of these is now {$4900.00}. I called them on XX/XX/XXXX or so to find out when I can expect to receive my {$4900.00} refund and was told that their company " policy '' is to wait a full 20 business days, or rather ONE FULL MONTH to begin processing my refund. I can not believe that is legal to just sit on my {$5000.00} for a month before doing anything after they already acknowledge that the mortgage is fully paid and they have my money sitting in a suspense account and they placed the overpayment into an Escrow account. The sum of the two is the {$4900.00}. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Oxford, GA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: We Got approved for a loan modification with XXXX XXXX services on XX/XX/XXXX We made our trial payments Starting XX/XX/XXXX till XX/XX/XXXX And XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Never sent the permanent contract on how much our mortgage would be on XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX sold our loan to Rushmore. So we ask Rushmore if they could honor what XXXX Gave us and they said NO we will have to fill out for a new loan modification and we did and have been denied twice please help us we do not want to lose our home but they are not trying to work with us at all
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Traverse City, MI

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Grover Beach, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Rushmore Loan Management Services Consumer Affairs Department Attn : Request for Information XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX CA XXXX XX/XX/XXXX RE : Loan # XXXX To Whom It May Concern, Rushmore Loan Management is not abiding by the terms of our loan. They have committed an error and have fraudulently attempted to increase the payment of the modified loan. The loan is in the name of my ex-husband, XXXX XXXX XXXX, however I am the one who lives in the home and makes the monthly payment, I am also authorized on the account. In XXXX of XX/XX/XXXX, we were awarded a loan modification with our previous lender, XXXX XXXX XXXX. The modification note is included with this letter. The modification is for a 60-month term, which includes fixed monthly, interest only payments for 60 straight months. The modification includes impounds for property taxes, which are collected at a lesser amount than the actual property taxes. The difference between the amount of the property taxes and what was collected by XXXX and now Rushmore accumulates into an escrow account, as per the terms of the loan, which will become a balloon payment added to the principle of the loan at the end of the 60-month modification term. This was explained to us at great length before accepting the loan modification. We are just over 2 years into the loan modification. Unfortunately, shortly after Rushmore Loan Management took over the servicing of the loan, they did an escrow analysis and determined that the payment needed to increase by nearly {$600.00} per month to cover the negative amount accumulating in the escrow account from the property taxes. I have been told that Rushmore has a rule that when the escrow account totals more than {$10000.00} they will adjust the payment. This is where the error comes in. The terms of the Loan modification call for the deferred amount, the property taxes, to accumulate in the escrow account. Rushmore must honor the terms of the loan. The terms of the modification supersede any rules or preferences that Rushmore has prior to servicing the loan. This escrow analysis was conducted around XXXX of XX/XX/XXXX by Rushmore, as a result, Rushmore incorrectly has tried to increase the payment. The new payment was slated to start on XX/XX/XXXX. This however is incorrect and is in direct conflict with the terms of the loan. I have had hundreds of calls with Rushmore Loan Management since XX/XX/XXXX to try to resolve this matter. I was told in XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX by several representatives of the Loss Mitigation Department for Rushmore that the internal Consumer Affairs department would investigate the matter. After long last, I was assured that the Consumer Affairs Department have acknowledged the error and that they would be correcting it. I have asked for full names and contact numbers and was told that they could not be given out. I have asked for something in writing to confirm that this will be fixed and was told that also could not be provided at this time, but that it would be eventually when the matter has been corrected. In the meantime, I have received foreclosure notices from Rushmore, my ex-husband and I get daily phone calls from Rushmore. The representatives in the Loss Mitigation department that have been helpful to me have informed me that they have updated the notes to reflect that the error is being corrected, I have been told to just be patient. I have been instructed to simply advise Rushmore representatives who call to read the notes and they do and thats the end of the phone call. Much time has passed with no concrete resolution to this problem. I have been told many times that my account rep is Mr. XXXX XXXX, I have asked to speak to him and was told that he would call me back. He has never called me back. Numerous account reps say they will transfer my call to him, only to come back on the line and tell me that he is unavailable. I have received delinquent payment notices from XXXX XXXX that have a phone number, I have tried calling it and nothing happens, the phone does not even ring. I am pretty sure XXXX XXXX does not exist. I continue to speak to people in Rushmores Loss Mitigation department who have assured me that this is definitely Rushmores error and it will be fixed. When asked what I do in the meantime, I am told just keep making my regular monthly payment of {$2300.00}, which I have continued to do on time. The problem is when I make my regular payment, Rushmores computers determine it is not the full amount since the records still incorrectly show that they want to collect the higher amount of {$2900.00}. So, when I send my payment in, it is put aside, perhaps in another escrow account, until the next months payment comes in and then the previous months payment is considered paid. Meanwhile, I get daily calls claiming that I have not made my mortgage payment or that the payment is late. My ex-husbands credit is taking a beating and he is getting very irate over this whole ordeal. To be 100 % clear, I have never had a late payment on this loan! I have continued to make my regular monthly payment as advised by Rushmores representatives. I have been assured by Rushmores Loss Mitigation Department, that the Consumer Affairs Department has conducted an investigation in to the matter and that they have determined that they were in error in attempting to increase the payment in XXXX of XX/XX/XXXX. I have been told that the payments will all be corrected as well as my ex-husbands credit and the payments will return to the original modified amount of {$2300.00}. At this time, the matter has still not been resolved and the frustration is mounting. This has caused a massive amount of XXXX and XXXX both in my life, my childrens lives and the life of my ex-husband. I was completely remiss in believing the previous representatives that have assured me that this would be corrected. I was originally told to send in a copy of my Modification Agreement, I faxed about 25 copies to many different departments at Rushmore Loan Servicing, because I know how these things go. I was told they only received one copy. When the copy was looked over, I was told that Rushmore was not aware of this Modification Agreement. I was told an investigation would be opened and a decision would be made. I called daily for a one-month period until I could get an answer as I have been a nervous wreck about this, especially after receiving foreclosure notices from Rushmore. At long last, I was told by no less than 3 agents in the Loss Mitigation department that it was positively determined to be an error and I was assured that it would be corrected. I was told to continue to make my regular monthly payment of {$2300.00} and assured that everything would be corrected including XXXX credit. I was told that Rushmore would make sure that all lates were removed and that they would do whatever was necessary to make things right. When asked for proof or a timeframe, I was told that they could not give me a timeframe but that when it was all done, I would receive a letter to that affect. Not much of a guarantee, but it was all I was offered, I was also told that all the notes in the file would reflect the correction being made. I have called many times since then, usually the customer services representatives do not want to transfer me to the Loss Mitigation department, however, when they do, the same information has been relayed to me. I am told to be patient and to continue making my regular monthly payment of {$2300.00}. I am always assured that this will be corrected soon. This has helped me to relax a bit and try to convince my ex-husband to relax as well. More than 6 months have gone by and it does not seem like anyone is doing anything about this matter. I continue to receive default and late payment notices from Rushmore as well as phone calls. Today, I asked again to be transferred to the Loss Mitigation Department after I was called by a Rushmore Rep. After speaking with a rep for some time, she informed a supervisor, who then took my call. The supervisor was named XXXX, like everyone else, he refused to give a last name or contact information. XXXX seemed to be completely in the dark and said the notes were not complete, the results of the Consumer Affairs Investigation was not clear and went back to the original escrow analysis done in XXXX of XX/XX/XXXXand said that is why the payments have increased. After all my hundreds of hours on the phone with representatives from Rushmore, and assurances that this would be corrected soon, we are now back at square one. I can not even articulate the frustration! As a result of XXXX calling Rushmores Irvine office an inquiry was opened on XX/XX/XXXX, a letter was sent via XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX letter attached. In the letter Rushmore states that inquiry is under review and we will have a response within the next 30 days, today is XX/XX/XXXX, no response has been sent. I am writing this letter to have the Rushmore Loan Management Consumer Affairs Department once again look over the Modification Agreement and see that the terms of the loan call for FIXED monthly payment for 60 months. The only way that the payments can change during the 60-month period are if escrow items ( primarily taxes and insurance ) increase or decrease. This has not happened and if the property taxes increased it would be very nominal, say {$5.00} a month. XXXX at your Loss Mitigation department did not understand the Modification Agreement and simply kept telling me that it was due to the escrow analysis back in XXXX of XX/XX/XXXX, again, this takes us all back to square one, which is a huge waste of time. XXXX suggested that I write this letter to your department and he said that Rushmore can even contact the lender that wrote the modification agreement, XXXX XXXX XXXX to ask them what they intended by this modification. My current modification is for a 4 % interest only loan, my previous loan was a 4 % interest only loan, the only difference is this property tax deferred amount. Outside of the lesser amount collected for property taxes and the balloon escrow payment at the end of the 60-month modification term, this loan is the same loan that I had previously. Admittedly, this loan will create a major problem for me at the end of the 60 months, but at the time that it was offered to us in XX/XX/XXXXof XX/XX/XXXX, it was the only offer on the table. I was assured outside of a small property tax increase, that my payments would remain fixed for 60 months guaranteed. Simply put, Rushmore Loan Servicing is not honoring the terms of the loan. I would prefer not to hire an attorney ; however, I have consulted with one. I also plan to file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I humbly ask that Rushmore resolve this matter once and for all. I also ask that Rushmore remove the inaccurate late payment reporting for XXXX XXXX XXXX and that the phone calls and threating letters from Rushmore Loan Management Servicing cease. This has caused a huge financial hardship and has also caused a tremendous amount of unnecessary stress and angst. Once this matter is resolved it is my hope that Rushmore will permanently modify this loan to something that will be more agreeable so that this will never happen again and to make amends for this injustice. Please contact me with any information or with any questions at ( XXXX ) XXXX or email, XXXX. Thank you for your consideration, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Key Biscayne, FL

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Loan servicer improperly charged insurance premium for a HO6 content coverage in my escrow account without proper notice. Charged premium at will before the notification was sent to mortgagor. Charged {$1600.00} in premium at once. When Mortgagor was notified, place the coverage and they still alleged that the charges were for back premiums. The actual insurance policy for the Condominium covers amounts enough for the money owed for the loan. Although Mortgagee was requiring these are additional amounts, mortgagor placed coverage for a year at a fraction of cost Mortgagee charged for the same coverage and in addition to the amount due on the mortgage. Mortgagor never received a certificate of insurance for what mortgagor was charged. These charges were illegal.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Vicksburg, MI

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Complaint: My ex-wife XXXX XXXX took out a loan on a home I own at XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX and although I've been talking with Rushmore loans in CA when I found out they foreclosed on her since XXXX of last year, it's only this week they actually got me paperwork. That foreclosure was filed against her, but did not include me as the owner of the home. I live in my deceased parents home at XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX and have just found out as of XX/XX/XXXX that my mother had a mortgage against the house I was unwaware of that has caused a foreclosure, but have not had enough notice to secure funding. I was not contacted prior to XX/XX/XXXX regarding this foreclosure, nor did I receive any prior notifications.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Wdbg, VA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Warwick, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chester, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Syringa, VA

Closing on a mortgage

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)

Complaint: XXXX ACCT # : XXXX RUSHMORE LOAN MGT SERVICES LLC I have been trying to close this acct for 4 months, receive the Lein, and have the HELOC reported as Paid in Full to the credit bureaus. The attempts have been made verbally, faxed in and submitted their Equity Line of Credit Change Form 3 Times having written 3rd Request in Red on the last form submitted. I called the company on XX/XX/XXXX and s/w a HELOC customer service rep and repeated the above scenario. I told the Rep that if the HELOC was not closed, I would report it to the CFPB. The Rep stated he s/w the Payoff Dept and I would received the cancelled Lein advising the closed HELOC within 3 - 5 Business days. As of yet, I have not received anything other then another letter requesting I once again, complete the Equity Line of Credit Change Request Form. Per the attached, you will see a Zero Balance and Credit of {$75.00}. The credit was to be applied against their {$74.00} Recording Fee. The funds were submitted to Rushmore via Bank check ( XX/XX/XXXX ). I have never received such poor customer service and the run around in trying to get this reported as Paid in Full.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Brooklyn, MN

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Atl, GA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Beaver Creek, OH

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Holmes Center, IL

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ehrhardt, SC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX I I had to fill a application for special assessment as legal residence. XX/XX/XXXX I did that and XXXX. County mailed me a check for Back Taxes paid I called Rishmore I gave them permission to draft out the check from XXXX County to pay back escrow account my check amount was XXXX confirmation # for payment is XXXX. I talked to. A person named XXXX would not give me last name told me to send this year tax assessment and they will fix the monthly payments.the tax payments were XXXX last year. and now XXXX are XXXX On XX/XX/XXXX they applied it to house payment. I called them again. And they said they had not filed it right and once more tried to put it in as a house payment. They have not fixed this problem and I keep asking for a supervisor and I get no supervisor. I have no clue what my monthly payment should be. the actual payment was XXXX and they can not give me a reason to try to. Charge me XXXX. The taxes are less they have said it's a mistake on their part. And they would expedite this Asap. I CALLED again they told me they put it in a house payment I dont have to pay till XXXX. I told them Again stop putting my escrow in the principle payment. Again I was told they would expedite it immediately .they gave me false address to mail tax bill. And gave me a name XXXX phone XXXX. If you call. XXXX 's not there. Please help me. No one in that company will update the monthly payment correctly and want to force me to pay a higher monthly payment. I can not afford a higher payment. And I even had A mortgage broker to talk on a 3 way call to explain the issues and they never corrected it and continue convey to me it's their fault.but no resolution.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Garrett Park, MD

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: Beginning in XX/XX/2018, I have contacted Rushmore Loan Management Services 12 times, asking them to remove my Mortgage Insurance from my payment. At my home 's current value, I am well below 78 % LTV. Rushmore keeps sending me notices that I am above 78 % because they are assuming my home 's value is the loan amount from my refinance 7 years ago. Each time I have contacted them, I have requested they appraise the home or re-evaluate the value to bring it up to date. I have also sent them the state tax assessment which shows a higher value. I was told I can not speak directly to anyone in their MI or Escrow department. This is costing me over {$100.00} every month that they refuse to make the change.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bohemia, NY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Blackbird, DE

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Rushmore management 's response to me is a non-response just like the previous ones. This case is NOT closed. Rushmore has one of the worst reports by consumers. There are 1700 complaints on this very site about Rushmore. Their concerns and complaints are very similar to mine. Rushmore is not explaining how come they jacked up the monthly payments from XXXX to XXXX dollars. The escrow and insurance can not jump up by XXXX dollars. I have paid them in order to comply but from XX/XX/XXXX and now XX/XX/XXXX I have paid XXXX dollars that it is not even showing. When I called their number it says you owe XXXX dollars!!!!! That is a big LIE. I also paid more than 3300 do VA Dept of Taxation so in fact they are double charging me. I am asking for a supervisor or someone high up to CALLL me. When you call you usually get to talk to someone in the XXXX. I have also requested to know who their investor is. They have not provided that information. I am demanding what I have demanded before. Nothing is changed and their reply is a Non-reply. My house is mine and their way of charging a homeowner who is struggling to keep her only asset is deplorable and unconscious. I am demanding a reply. This company can not overcharge people and then expect no complaints.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Atlanta Naval Air Station, GA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Macon, GA

Closing on a mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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