Consumer Complaints

There are over 2172 complaints on file for RUSHMORE LOAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC. Dated between 2019-12-11 and 2012-10-01.

Complaints Page 17


Mesa, AZ

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Central Islip, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


N Monmouth, ME

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: I recently filed a complaint on XX/XX/19 with the CFPB ( complaint # XXXX ) which has been closed. I have attached a copy of my original complaint for your review. I do not consider this matter closed as the response from the company is not valid. To make a long story short, Rushmore Loan Management Services has refused to pay an incentive which was offered to me for completion of the Deed in Lieu process ( additional details can be found in my original complaint ). The response provided by Rushmore 's loss mitigation department was simply that it was a requirement of the offer that the house must be left in " broom swept clean '' condition. As part of my original complaint, I attached an email from my loss mitigation representative, which addressed this very matter before the process was completed. Upon receipt of the offer, I was concerned with this issue because I did not have the financial resources to clean the house. As you will see, she assures me that the offer is a " generic '' letter and that the investor has already agreed to accept the house " as-is '' and the condition of the home will not affect my ability to receive the incentive. She stated that the property had already been secured and this would not be an issue. I have again attached a copy of this email for your review. This process cost me time and money. Not only did I miss days at work to deal with issues at this property over the 6 years the banks dragged their feet even thinking about getting the title out of my name ; I also had to pay an attorney to review the paperwork they wanted me to sign. Given that I had already been through a bankruptcy, I had no financial reason to follow through with a deed in lieu. I simply wanted this to be over and was counting on these funds to make up for some of the financial burden I had incurred over the past 6 years. The practice of offering incentives to individuals that are obviously having financial difficulties and then attempting to create a " loophole '' not to pay them is clearly an " unfair and deceptive '' act or practice which falls under the scope of UDAAP. Rushmore should be held responsible for this practice.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bremen, GA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Katonah, NY

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: was contacted by Rushmore Loan service. regarding modification or short sale. XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX reached an agreement with the Department of Justice ( DOJ ) to address actions and practices relating to residential backed mortgages. when we contact Rushmore Loan Services, we were told to contact XXXX XXXX XXXX who never responds to out faxes, phone calls or emails. we have several good offers with cash buyers and pre-approved. we have submitted the short sale package with no response from the servicer.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Glenn Heights, TX

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bedford, TX

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)

Complaint: In XXXX of 2018 my HELOC loan was transferred from XXXX XXXX to Rushmore loan services. I have made my monthly payments through my bank bill payment system as I always have on time. In the month of XXXX the company decided to hold my payment, then I made my XXXX payment they held that payment as well. I called in XXXX when I realized my perfect credit score was affected by this company. Confused as I have made my monthly payments every month on time I call them. They then tell me my name was different, my address is different, then tell me they are holding my payments because it was not paid on-time in XXXX or XXXX plus I had to pay some inspection fee for someone coming out to my house. My bank shows this loan check to have been cut & cleared my bank account with XXXX XXXX. When I completed the paperwork with XXXX XXXX I've always used my current last name " XXXX '' because that's my drivers license legal name. Then I ask to speak to a supervisor to explain the issue they begin to tell me I can not speak with a supervisor I need to write a letter. I write the letter send it off & they still have not completed the investigation two months later. Then I look online for XXXX bill amount as my monthly fees have changed with Rushmore every single month but with XXXX XXXX it did not even though it was a Variable rate contract. The rep give me a different amount explaining because this month has less days I am charged more if the interest rate per my contract. This just does not make any sense to me at all. i have been a homeowner of two homes & have never been so wrongly treated as I have with XXXX loan services. It is not fair as a customer to pay for there mess ups. This company needs to be investigated & shut down for good!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Rushmore is charging my escrows for " personal insurance '' that they claim is due to a requirement that I provide " wind '' insurance. Previously, Rushmore made this claim on all 3 loans that they service for me. My insurance policy covers this type of damage and Rushmore removed these charges from 2 of my 3 loans. While preparing year for taxes, I realized that Rushmore was charging my escrows for their imposed additional insurance on this loan. I phoned Rushmore and gave all information and demand that charges be stopped and my money returned to my escrows. On XXXX-19, Rushmore AGAIN charged my escrows for their " personal insurance '' imposed fraudulently on my account.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Key Biscayne, FL

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I have sent several letters to inquire a refund for the illegal insurance charged to my escrow account. Rush more Loan Management Services, LLC charged my escrow account for insurance in the amount of my loan which is illegal. Insurance should be placed for replacement costs value. My Condo has had insurance all the time ( See Attachments ). This insurance is specific for the building and my unit number. It covers bare walls. Rushmore is inquiring about the insurance on the contents of my condo which is in a replacement cost value about {$7000.00}. They charged me 9 months of insurance on XX/XX/2018 for prior months. They haven't been specific about the coverage they were asking for. In their letters, no unit number was entered. My condo has had insurance which I paid and still pay so a refund needs to be applied. It is illegal to charge for insurance in the loan amount and get worse when the condo has been insured and the coverage they were asking for was very specific and not a lot in value
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Madison, TN

Took or threatened to take negative or legal action

Debt collection: Mortgage debt

Seized or attempted to seize your property
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Concord, NC

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Vista Alegre, PR

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cordova, TN

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX processed our request for mortgage modification XX/XX/2017. I received the Trial Modification agreement dated XX/XX/2017. My first trial payment was due XX/XX/2017 with XXXX XXXX XXXX. The three trial payments were made to XXXX XXXX XXXX. I received a letter from XXXX XXXX XXXX stating my mortgage servicing was transferred to Rushmore Loan Management after I made the 3rd payment.. I spoke with Rushmore customer service several times and they assured me my payment wasn't changing and they were processing the final modification documents. 2 weeks later I received a property foreclosure sale notice in the mail, I spoke with Rushmore customer service and they stated they were not going to honor the modification received from XXXX XXXX XXXX and that my payment had increased to approximately {$2200.00}, Rushmore continues to increase my mortgage payment. XXXX XXXX the relationship manager has been unwilling to correct this awful situation. I don't want to lose my home to foreclosure. I will resubmit my request for mortgage modification
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cordova, TN

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Discovery Bay, CA

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I have been trying to get this fixed along with other issues with this company. One issue is they first said I was pass due on my Loan. This has been fixed they misapplied a payment. Now I am dealing with the Escrow Account for my Property taxes. The Yearly Tax is {$2700.00} paid in two payments of {$1300.00} during the year. They have Twice this amount in Escrow I want a refund of the overage. They say I have to wait until XXXX when they do their audit. Meanwhile they are still taking money out for the escrow. I should not have to wait for them they have over charged me already. I can not talk to them directly they only take correspondence and take 30 days to reply. Under your section 1024.17 this is not right. Can you Help me
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Anaheim, CA

False statements or representation

Debt collection: Mortgage debt

Attempted to collect wrong amount
Complaint: Rushmore loan payments on my mortgage to XXXX XXXX Rushmore added their own insurance to my account. When it was sold to Rushmore by XXXX XXXX everything was to be the same well my payment went from XXXX to XXXX because this company tacked on a Hazard insurance of {$640.00} and I don't know who authorized it I did not. Looks like this is what kind of business they tend to run as the consumer we need to find a way to put the crooked business out of business account XXXX account XXXX XXXX XXXX I don't know why they also changed name when I have all proof of it with XXXX XXXX and The TIN # assigned by IRS
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: Hi, I am having a problem with RUSHMORE LOAN MANAGEMENT reporting my account late, if I am on a trial loan modification period. You shouldn't have been reported my account s being late. Borrowers who enter into the trial modification period should NOT be reported as late, according to servicer guidelines for XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, as well as other loans ( " non-GSE loans '' ) being modified by HAMP-participating servicers. With that being said XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX is being reported incorrectly. With that being said this account should be deleted ASAP. With this being said please delete this account from my credit report. I have the right for an accurate credit report under FCRA. On XXXX report you reporting my account was on time but XXXX and XXXX you report me as being late. that alone is a mistake you made it have to be deleted. see attachment.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: After recently purchasing a new home in XX/XX/XXXX, my mortgage was sold to another company sometime in XX/XX/XXXX. According to my closing documents, my first payment to the original lienholder was set for XX/XX/XXXX. I submitted the payment XX/XX/XXXX via Bill Pay at my banking institution. I'd set up for automatic bill pay for the next payment as well, due XX/XX/XXXX. This payment was drafted out of my account on XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, I received notice from the new lienholder, RUSHMORE MORTGAGE of the change in Mortgage company 's. I never received a notice from the previous ( original ) Company, XXXX XXXX. However, the XXXX payment had already been drafted out of my account on XX/XX/XXXX. I immediately called Rushmore to advise them and seek guidance. I was told " Not to worry, this happens all the time, you are given a grace period to resolve these issues ... '' Therefore, I did not attempt to cancel the payment with my bank. After XX/XX/XXXX, I recieved a call from Rushmore stating I was going to be marked as late for XX/XX/XXXX 's payment. I again told the representative that I'd made the payment to the prior company, XXXX and no funds had been returned to my account. The representative advised me they would launch a search into the missing payment. I attempted to contact XXXX and was told they did not have my account and funds would be returned or forwarded to the new lienholder. On or around XX/XX/XXXX, I received a call from the Debt Collection Department of Rushmore stating if I didn't make a payment for XX/XX/XXXX, my XXXX payment would not be accepted. I set up auto pay through XXXX 's website in XXXX, immediately after receiving the notice from them. I AGAIN told the representative what happened and that I didn't just have the funds to make payments I'd already made. She advised my to fax in my bank statements verifying payment made, I complied. She also stated if I submitted the XXXX payment it would go towards XXXX and once the investigation into XXXX was complete the funds would go towards XXXX 's payment, making the loan due XX/XX/XXXX and on time. I did as instructed. On or around XX/XX/XXXX, I received another call from Rushmore stating I was still delinquent. I again faxed in my bank Statements from the XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX payments and the cashed Bill Pay checked I'd received from my bank. On XX/XX/XXXX, I received notification that a negative action was taken on my credit by Rushmore stating that I was more than 30 days late for a payment. I have not had a late payment on my credit in more than 200 payments. This negative was contradictory of what I was originally told by Rushmore and the grace period to " work these things out ''. When I made that original call, I had time to cancel the payment, however was advised not to. Please assist in any way possible.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Aurora, CO

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hammond, LA

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Wesley Chapel, FL

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Syringa, VA

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Mortgage debt

Debt was already discharged in bankruptcy and is no longer owed
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Key Biscayne, FL

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC illegally charged an insurance coverage in my property taking more than {$1600.00} premium from my escrow account. There have been insurance coverages in XXXX and XXXX. The alleged to want HO6 coverage, which is basically content coverage that is no more than {$7000.00}. Rushmore certificate received a week ago states coverages for {$170000.00} insurable values. This amount is the loan amount. Insurance for replacement costs existed and exists in the property. HO6 only covers kitchen cabinetry and bedroom that in an 800 sqf condo is no more than {$7000.00}. Even charging for insurance more than replacement costs is illegal. Rushmore needs to refund the {$1600.00} premium illegally charged.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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