There are over 2557 complaints on file for HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK, THE. Dated between 2019-12-07 and 2012-01-25.
Dayton, OH
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Jefferson, WV
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Columbus, OH
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Kalamazoo, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Allendale, MI
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Natrona Hts, PA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Whipple, OH
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Orion Twp, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Canton, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: my bank is calling me day and night up to XXXX times a day. I am NOT behind on my mortgage. yet they harrass me on the tele. i am ill- i am XXXX they are disturbing my rest and making me ill with anxiety.
Company Response: Closed
Cleveland, OH
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Library, PA
Complaint: On XXXX XXXX, 2013, I went into my local Huntington Bank Branch to close my account. The banker told me he would be sad to see me go as a customer and asked why I wanted to close the accounts. I explained that I had accounts elsewhere and wanted to keep the accounts at XXXX bank. He then wrote me a check for the balance of my account and told me that the account would be closed. Without my knowledge or consent, an automatic payment came through on the account on XXXX XXXX, 2013 for {$14.00}. This re-opened the account and pulled money from a savings account that I had at the bank at the time. I was receiving my statements electronically and was denied access after I closed the account on XXXX/XXXX/13, so I did not see this happening and had no knowledge of the activity. I was not contacted or informed that my account was re-opened. I did not authorize these transactions or the re-opening of the account. Recently, I decided to close out the savings accounts that I had huntington bank. When I went into the branch, I was told that I had XXXX accounts and that other accounts were never closed. In speaking with XXXX XXXX from the branch, we discovered that a fraudulent ACH charge was occurring every month on the account that I closed on XXXX/XXXX/13. This forced the account back open without my consent or knowledge. I explained that I did not authorize any of this and had no knowledge of any of this happening. XXXX completed paperwork to have the money refunded since the account was opened with a fraudulent charge. Huntington determined that an error occurred but that they are only responsible to pay me back {$44.00} or three months worth of charges. They admit it 's an error but only want to refund a very small amount. If I had been notified that the account had been re-opened, none of this would have happened as I could have told them at that point it was fraud. I tried to resolve this with a customer service agent, XXXX. I explained that I was told the account was closed. I XXXX out the account. I was denied access online to the savings accounts. XXXX was rude and unkind and later XXXX from the branch helped me file a complaint against him through huntington.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: Hello, I purchased my car from XXXX XXXX via Huntington National Bank financing on XXXX XXXX, 2012. It has recently come to my attention that my interest rate was not a reflection of my credit score at the time of purchase but rather an unfair Increase in order to make a greater profit from me. As a woman, with very little knowledge and experience about car buying I feel taken advantage of from XXXX XXXX and Huntington Nation Bank.
At the time of purchase my credit score was about XXXX and my interest rate for this loan was quoted and charged at 9.50 % APR. I think this rate is too high for my credit score at the time and XXXX XXXX and Huntington National Bank used unfair credit practices towards me.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Taft, OH
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Natrona Hts, PA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Orion Twp, MI
Complaint: I was XXXX for half the month and there was a hole in my wallet come find out later and I know that y atm debit was in there too not even thinking but not memorizing it as it was a newer pin. I believe I lost it somewhere around the home possibly taking y dog for a walk. I used to carry a check book in my bank account and that most likely could of fell anywereas I do find it everywhere. I have not been able to drive a truck in a month because it is broken and I dont have the money to fix it. this banking manager said three days it would be on my account. I WANT MY MONEY I DESERVE FROM GETTING INJURED IN THE MILITARY
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Allegheny, PA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Booth, WV
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cleveland, OH
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: On or around the XX/XX/XXXX I opted for the verdraft protection, I have no I dea what I was thinking, Before I opted for the service I had no problems never a overdraft. Well low and behold the XX/XX/XXXX comes around and I have XXXX overdrafts, XXXX transactions was on the XX/XX/XXXX and cleared Another for the first and had cleared, I monitored my statement throughout all my deposits and transactions everything was good. I get the overdrafts the fifth and was told I had a XXXX grace period, well that didnt happen either. So here I am with XXXX overdrafts for XXXX that shouldnt happened in the first place, well they reembursed me for XXXX, and then turn around and put XXXX more on for XXXX each. Crazy I 'm so upset, The money was in there i monitor my account, they have manipulated my transactions to the point trying purposely to confuse and mislead. The XXXX shouldnt be on my statemen t and that caused XXXX more. I want the fees removed
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Flint, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: In XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I opened an account with Huntington National Bank. I requested an account that do not charge any fees. Banker XXXX XXXX assured me the account he opened for me had not management fees involved. They provided me with their " Huntington Plus Checking Account '' which is free of charge. Since opening the account until XXXX XXXX no fees were charged. In XXXX XXXX, they started charging {$15.00} for checking accounts. I have not noticed the charge until XXXX XXXX. My account was charged {$160.00} in fees during the period between XXXX and XXXX XXXX. I approached a banker with last name XXXX at the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX branch ( XXXX ). She refunded {$40.00} but she said she needed authorization to refund the remaining {$120.00}. Then she modified the account and the fee was waived since XXXX XXXX. In XXXX XXXX, I asked her what happened with the additional refund. She told me that since the claim was that old, she was able to refund only {$40.00}. I need your assistance in this claim. The bank has not honored its promise and without notice, it starting charging the fee which I did not authorized. My account No. XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Rock Cave, WV
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Complaint: I am owed a refund for a " Gap Insurance '' that was attached to my auto loan. I cancelled the policy in XX/XX/XXXX. The reimbursement process was that the dealership provide paperwork to the underwriter, the underwriter would issue a check for the unused portion of the policy to the lending institution, the lending institution would then forward that pro-rated refund to me. Steps A and B went quickly and smoothly. Step C ( delivery of my refund ) has been almost 3 months of aggravation in the form of unreturned phone calls, customer service reps with no backing from supervisors, XXXX checks " lost in the mail, '' and now, today a promise of a Thursday XX/XX/XXXX delivery to my work office via XXXX. If the situation had been reversed, I expect they would have garnished my wages by now!
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Indianapolis, IN
Company Response: Closed with explanation