There are over 7700 complaints on file for BARCLAYS BANK DELAWARE. Dated between 2019-12-13 and 2011-12-01.
Kawaihae, HI
Problem with fees
Complaint: I previously opened Barclay Card Gold Luxury Card and XXXX XXXX credit card products during XXXX XXXX XXXX As part of the beginning of my banking relationship with Barclay Card , I chose to apply for servicemember benefits being offered. At the time, I was appreciative that Barclay Card was providing myself and other XXXX XXXX servicemembers with benefits that exceeded what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act requires. These benefits included, among other things, transaction and annual fee waivers and 0 % interest fees. When Barclay Card approved their benefits, they made it very clear through a letter mailed to my address that the benefits outlined would be afforded to me throughout the duration of my XXXX XXXX service. There was no such language in this correspondence that indicated that the benefits being extended would be rescinded at any time prior to my separation from the military. In XXXX of XXXX , Barclay Card delivered a letter to my residence stating that an annual fee waiver would no longer be extended to me, despite previous written correspondence to the contrary which indicated that an annual fee waiver would be provided for the duration of my time on XXXX XXXX . While I understand that Barclay Card i s stating that I am not covered under the XXXX since I opened the card after entering XXXX XXXX , I disagree with that premise for the change in terms. Barclay Card offered the servicemember benefits in excess of what the XXXX required and to members who had already been on XXXX XXXX service previously as a matter of company policy and not as a result of being compelled to do so under the XXXX . While I understand that company policies change according to the prerogative of the company, Barclay Card should have considered the verbiage of correspondence to customers prior to the policy change in determining how it would proceed with customers covered under prior policy. It seems that the termination of benefits offered to servicemembers under the previous company policy is in bad faith after review of the correspondence from Barclay Card and the associated policies, both past and present.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Complaint: Barclays bank has made excessive hard inquiries on my report which has had significant negative impact on my credit scores. I have repeatedly mentioned this to Barclay to no effect.On the Barclay site when you request a credit increase there is no indicator that a hard inquiry will be made at the time. I have attached a screen print of the hard inquiries showing on my credit report at XXXX XXXX as of XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Las Vegas, NV
Problem with fees
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Brookside, NJ
Problem with fees
Complaint: Barclaycard US sent m e blank checks that I can use to write myself a check to transfer a balance at a promotional rate. I wrote myself a check ( which was allowed per terms and conditi ons ). Two days later, I get a call from their security team asking numerous verification questions. I spend half an hour on the phone verifying myself, I am finally thanked by them and told that the check would be processed. A day later, I see that my bank is charging me back for the check ( meaning the check did not go through ). I then shockingly see th at BarclayCard US is chargin g me a " {$26.00} check return fee ''. My bank also charges a {$12.00} fee I call them on the phone, to get this resolved. The first customer service representative puts me on hold for 10 min utes then hangs up on me. The second customer service representative ( XXXX ) t ells me that the fee is irreversible and fails to provide a reason why. I ask to speak to supervisor and threaten to submit a complaint. XXXX , the supervisor finally gets on the phone and says that fee will be reversed because it should 've never been charged and reverses the fee. Barclay Card US also failed to process the balance transfer, honor the check or provide any explanation for why the check was rejected.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with monetary relief
Billing dispute for services
Complaint: I 've put various complaints in w ith Barclay regarding fraud committed by at the time my husband in which he had also taken XXXX other credit cards out under my name and each of those banks, did their investigations and found all credit cards taken out in my name to be fraud. Those credit cards are XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX , utility bills, gambling sites, and IRS. Also included was IRS and Mai l Fraud. This particular credit card company because bills were being sent to the address they have on file which was my current address is the reason they are not investigating this as fraud. My husband was XXXX I worked and he did n't work and was receiving all mail correspondences at this home. I 've never seen a bill or even knew he had used my ss number to take this card out. I received a letter from a XXXX XXXX - Customer Advocate Team in which I 've emailed him back on numerous occassions and he never responded to any of my emails including the police report filed, letters from other banks stating fraud was committed as well as filed numerous complaints. I have discussed this with my lawyer who has asked me to do a final contact to Barclays before I take other actions. After reviewing all the proof I 've collected to my lawyer, my lawyer stated I can receive serious damages for the credit issues my husband at the time has caused. There is a PFA against XXXX XXXX and I am prepared to work with Barclays to sign anything needed to clear me from this fraud. Please let me know
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Problem with fees
Complaint: I was in XXXX XXXX , XXXX from XX/XX/XXXX ; XXXX , XXXX from XX/XX/XXXX ; and again in XXXX XXXX from XX/XX/XXXX before returning to the USA ( XXXX , XXXX are a ). I also had a connecting flight in XXXX , XXXX . On XX/XX/XXXX I G ot back to the USA at XXXX and called my credit card company shortly after, because I got a text message saying that there was suspicious activity on my card. It was with my XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX MasterCard, which is powered by barclaycard. The agent from my credit card company that I spoke to went over the charges that looked suspicious and I knew they were n't mine, and they were marked fraudulent. There were XXXX fraudulent charges of {$340.00} made on my account on XX/XX/XXXX or XX/XX/XXXX and XXXX charges of {$180.00} made on XX/XX/XXXX . Not only were these XXXX fraudulent charges cash advances, but I 'never ' use or used my credit card to make cash advances. I was scammed by crooks. I could be wrong, but now I am thinking that this may be how these crooks were able to scam me ... On XX/XX/XXXX I went to the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and I made a purchase at the XXXX XXXX with my credit card and when I inserted my card into the chip terminal, it rejected my payment at first, so a person behind the counter said that I need to type in my pin, so I typed it on the key pad. Then I think they used a different machine the 2nd time and it accepted my payment. I believe that [ maybe ] my pin could have been stolen that way. Otherwise, in XXXX , I only used my card to get train tickets a couple times ; at the XXXX XXXX ; at the XXXX XXXX XXXX ; and a couple times at gift shops in XXXX XXXX XXXX . I never use my credit card to make cash advances, I only do " swipe '' transactions, and I would not have spent {$340.00} or {$180.00} in a single transaction, or multiple transactions in this case. I 'm a victim of credit card fraud and I should not have to pay an " extra '' {$1300.00} on my bill that I 'm not responsible for. So today on Thursda y, XX/XX/XXXX I got a letter from the fraud investigation department saying that their research has indicated that the transactions are valid. So as of now I 'm responsible for " fraudulent '' charges that were made on my card by someone else. I was then told to call the XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX and they could n't help me ; I was told to call the XXXX XXXX police and I was hung up on ; and I was also told to backtrack the merchants on my account where the fraudulent transactions were made, and the names are n't even showing, because they 're probably various ATMs. I also suffer from XXXX XXXX and I do n't make such a large income, so to pay a large amount " extra '' on my credit card is in no way fair. Thank you.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with monetary relief
Chattanooga, TN
Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
Complaint: Card was set up without my consent. My wife made payments but the card was never used by me or my family.
Date Opened: XXXX
Responsibility: XXXX XXXX Account Type: Revolving Account
Balance: XXXX
Date Updated: XXXX Last Payment Made: XXXX
Pay Status: >Charged Off< Terms: Paid Monthly
Date Closed: XXXX Page 3 of 52 Loan Type: CREDIT CARD High Balance: XXXX
Original ChargeOff: XXXX
Credit Limit: XXXX Past Due: XXXX
>Maximum Delinquency of 120 days in XXXX and in
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Chula Vista, CA
Didn't receive advertised or promotional terms
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Los Angeles, CA
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Didn't receive advertised or promotional terms
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Santa Ysabel, CA
Problem with fees
Complaint: Credit card is the Gold c ard fr om Barclay. i am a military member and the know this. when i signed up XXXX XXXX for the card it was a 0 % apr and the annual fee were waived for the duration that you are XXXX XXXX . this has since change and was done so in a way that does not seem sufficient or appropriate. prior to deployment ( XXXX XXXX ) the company changed the policy for new members but and informed me ( when i called to notify them that i would be deploying and using the card overseas ) that i was grandfathered in and had nothing to worry about. Barclay knows that i am on deployment since XXXX XXXX to present and that everything that i do is done online or via email. yet they decide to change there policy again and are no longer grandfathering the annual fee for members and provided a letter sent to my home address stating that XXXX XXXX my card with be charged the annual fee. since i received this information via my spouse, i immediately logged into the website, while on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and attempted to verify that this letter was official or a prank. i had no messages on the web site and no email had been sent to the email address on the account. still concerned that t his may become an issue for me, I called barclay as soon as i could which was in XXXX XXXX over a month later. they informed me that they had changed their policy and that was it, there is no way to get back. I believe that this company has used military member to get there card seen by the public. once they felt that there cards had received sufficient publicity they decided to changer there policy. this along with the fact that the only message received from the company about a major policy change was letter mailed to my address, seems fishy to me. i would assume that any well established company would at least post a message on your account and send you an email alerting you to the fact that " a major policy change had been placed into affect, please log on and check your messages and my effect your account ''. All they send out is a written letter to the address. i am not the only military member affected by this policy change. most were not even given as long as i was before they were to be charged. i have XXXX officers i deployed with who were only given less then 2 months by the time they received the notice. XXXX of them never saw the letter because he is single and does not have anyone read his mail while he is deployed. h e was forced to call the company and found out a few days before he was to be charged.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Columbus, OH
Complaint: I did a balance transfer fro m Barclays. I h ad the funds transferred to XXXX XXXX . I waited two weeks, but the funds never showed up in my account. I had called XXXX XXXX and they never seen those funds. I also called Barclays. I was told that the situation was going to be taken care of in sev eral weeks. I am angered about this situation because I have payments due soon and have to pay over 20 % plus interest, but no funds. XXXX / XXXX / 2017 FR ONT-END FEE $ XXXX XXXX ) XXXX / XXXX / 2017 XXXX XXXX XXXX $ XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX / XXXX / 2017 BALANCE TRANSFER FEE {$6.00} XXXX / XXXX / 2017 XXXX XXXX XXXX {$200.00} v/r XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
San Jacinto, CA
Confusing or misleading advertising about the credit card
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Finksburg, MD
Problem with fees
Complaint: I have an account with XXXX XXXX XXXX Credit Card. When I enrolled last year, the {$990.00} annual fee was waived. On XXXX XXXX XXXX I was charged a {$990.00} annual fee. I was not given notification that fees would be implemented, and I was under the impression that the fee would be waived as long as I was on XXXX XXXX status. I called the credit card company today, and they said they no longer waive the annual fee. I feel I should have been notified beforehand so I can financially prep. Being XXXX XXXX military, a {$990.00} annual fee is not affordable.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Hamburg, MN
Account status incorrect
Complaint: Credit card balance was paid in full in XXXX 2015, however on credit report still show as not paid.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Other problem
Complaint: Violation of Federal Credit Reporting Act : Denied Right to Receive Copy of Credit Report After Denial.
Fraud : Deliberate Policy designed to prevent access to pay bills Contract Fraud : Deliberate policy designed to get customers to miss out on offers included in a contract.
Issues relate to companywide policy, albeit one that would only affect a small ( likely 1-10 % ) p ercentage of customers and likely why they have n't had an issue with regulators yet. **Request for formal investigation by CFPB and not just a forwarding of complaint for company response. ** In recent call ( dated : XXXX 2017 ) with Barclays credit card services, it was made clear to me that Barclays has made a couple of policies that violate federal law.
Pertinent Facts 1 ) Barclays like almost all banks use a third party servi ce to verify identification for the purposes of identifying possible fraudulent activity. There is no issue with doing that, but all of those services ( XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX XXXX , etc. ) store information on American Citizens for financial transactions and therefore qualify under the Federal Credit Reporting Act.
2 ) One of the areas where Barclays will deploy questions from this service is when anyone uses their credit card balance transfer system. The credit reporting agency Barclays contracts for verification clearly had some incorrect information on me. That triggered a fraud block.
Fraud and Breach of Contract Agreements 1 ) Upon calling into Barclays the ban k required that I provide front and back copies of drivers license and social security card via regular mail to Barclays XXXX XXXX to release the account. Several attempts to get Barclays to agree to verbal verification by answering as many questions as needed were blocked by represen tatives. Attempts to get requested information to Barclays via other quicker or more secure methods such as fax, secure email, upload to secure system, etc. were turned away.
2 ) This act is a breach of contract of all Barclays c ard agreements as this removes access to their accounts for an unreasonable amount of time. This can trigger forced late payments by preventing access to pay accounts when needed. This can also prevent access to account for needed funds. Barclays should be able to conform to what is essentially the industry standard of same day verification in one form or another.
3 ) The only rational purpose for demanding an insecure slow mailing of document verification by Barclays is the deliberate attempt to cause cardholders to go past payment due dates while their accounts are restricted or go past promo periods on special offers that the customer took out the account to obtain. I f Barclays motivation for the documents was to prevent fraud and not to deliberately restrict accounts that Barclays would provide a more secure and quicker method of submitting requested documentation.
Violation of FCRA 1 ) During discussions with Barclays representatives and department supervisor, all individuals stated that it was against Barclays policy to provide the name of the third party credit reporting agency that supplies Barclays with its verification information. 2 ) Their companywide policy to deny cardholders and myself the name of the service prevents everyone from being able to request a copy of their credit report from that agency and correct errors on it su ch as : " Heigh on your Driver 's License '', " Previous Address 's '', " Date of Birth of F amily Member '', etc. Their failure to disclose their provider prevents consumers from exercising their right to challenge information in their credit reports which is a direct violation of the Federal Credit Reporting Act. 3 ) Failure to provide the name of the service providing the information also violates the FCRA with respect to the right to copy of a credit report after a denial of credit or any adverse action. Prevention from completing a credit transaction on the website is a denial of credit. Prevention from completing a balance transfer is a denial of credit. Prevent of accessing the website of a credit card and blocking the credit card in its entirely is a denial of credit. The reason for the denial is a vendor that is considered a Credit Reporting Agency under the FCRA therefore, they have to provide a copy or at least the name of the supplying organization so that consumers can correct incorrect information. I recorded the call. I can provide a copy to the CFPB on request if it helps in their investigation.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Scottsdale, AZ
Frequent or repeated calls
Complaint: Credit card company continues to call each hour after being sent bankruptcy filing information along with the fact that I told them that I can not accept calls at work.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Okc, OK
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Complaint: After receiving phone calls from numerous credit card companies/banks about charges and noticing some missing items at the end of XXXX , I went to check my accounts thoroughly and noticed fraudulent charges. My bank in Oklahoma was able to find a name of someone that did the charges and we filed a police report. It has been found that a person I may know has done this. There are actual cards missing. I have charges from Barclay from XXXX and charges from XXXX by Barclay from XXXX XXXX The credit card fraud team at Barclay has been very unwilling to work with me as a customer. Other credit card companies/banks have gone over backward to help me and provide steps to getting this taken care of. These other companies resolved issues already and helped me to file an identity theft report to credit bureaus. Barclaycard continues to beat around the bush and say they have not received my faxes. I have sen t four faxes over the last six weeks. They are switching my story around and saying a girlfriend stole from me. I did not have a girlfriend and stuff was stolen from my wallet. They continue to twist the story to make me feel like this is my fault. I call once a week and it is always the same response, " we have not received anything, call back next week. '' I recently spoke with a supervisor, who told me he would be calling the officer and never did. He tried to hassle me and put words in my mouth about the story, which was very frustrating. He also claimed they receive hundreds of faxes a day so he did not understand not getting mine. Once again, they tried to act like it was my fault they have not received the faxes when I have confirmations that they did. All of the representatives at Barclaycard try to intimidate me and make me feel like the whole situation is my fa ult. One r epresentative told me to mail in my police report but if they did not recieve it, they would try to dig up the faxes, insinuating they had the faxed police reports somewhere. On XXXX XXXX , they told me they have received an incident report, which is not a police report. It was a police report, it has a case number and details from the investigating officer. The officer working on my case tried to call them to explain it was a police report and they left him on hold for 45 minutes at the fraud department.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Winston Salem, NC
Problem with customer service
Complaint: On or about XXXX XXXX , XXXX , my credit card company lowered XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX my available balance from {$4500.00} to {$2400.00}, which is approximately the amount owed. I have used my credit card, well within the terms of our agreement, and I have made my recent financial decisions based on my credit line. This decision came without notice, and has now demolished my credit ratios, and ruined m y credit score . I have asked the company to please advise me of any appeals process. Thus far they have refused to reconsider this decision on the face, or otherwise advise me of any appeals process. They are being extremely unhelpful. I have a 100 % on time payment with this card, and with every other card, and with every other debt that I carry. I have a job, and I own a home, and XXXX cars. It 's not so much the money that I am concerned about, it 's that this malicious action has jeopardized my credit score, and therefore my financial well being and that of my family.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
El Toro, CA
Problem with fees
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with monetary relief
Joppa, MD
Charged too much interest
Complaint: I paid the complete balance due of {$240.00} on the date before it was due, XXXX . I now have a bill for {$3.00} when my balance should be XXXX . I filed a complaint previously about this credit card company, Case number : XXXX
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with monetary relief
Council, NC
Charged too much interest
Complaint: Re : Interest Charge and Interest Purchase charge and continuing charging an Interest Purchase on XXXX XXXX Th e Barclay Cr edit card seems to be a rip off ... I called them several times asking why are they charging the XXXX above charges every month. I can understand XXXX interest charge but they are charging an interest charge and an interest purchase charge every month when I have not made any purchases. On XXXX XXXX , XXXX , I spoke with a representative that stated they would remove the charges immediately. As of today, those charges continues to be charged to my account. I have attached a statement showing the charges I am referencing page XXXX Thanks Very Concern Customer
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Mountain View, CA
Problem with fees
Complaint: PLEASE DO NOT MARK AS DUPLICATE. This is my third complaint about an issue that was not resolve by the bank. Case # XXXX was marked as duplicate but it is NOT a duplicate. Please read the content and have the bank address my issues. Barclay closed my credit card without prior warning and wo n't give me a specific reason. This has caused a lot of inconvenience.I filed a complained already requesting a refund for the {$89.00} annual fee they charged but Barclay denied my request stating : " As stated in the terms of your Cardmember Agreement , we reserve the right to close your account at any time, without prior notification .... With respect to the {$89.00} annual fee, unfortunately, we are unable to issue credit since the request for account closure was not processed within 60 days of the fee billing date. " First of all, Barclay was the one that closed my account without warning and states they have the right to close account any time. The 60 days does n't even apply because I was given no choice with the account closure. How is this business practice fair to the consumer if a bank can just charge an annual fee for a card, collect money, and close accounts any time?
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Imperial Bch, CA
Didn't receive advertised or promotional terms
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Del Sur, CA
Confusing or misleading advertising about the credit card
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation