There are over 6379 complaints on file for UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2011-12-02.
Odell, OR
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Yonkers, NY
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Boston, MA
Complaint: In XXXX my husband received an offer from USAA for 0 % interest for 17 months on balance. We are USAA members -- and have several insurance products through the company -- I was able to join USAA through my husband. I clicked on the link and started to apply. The application did n't state the balance transfer at 0 % so I emailed through our member account and received an email back addressed to me that that was the offer that I had. When I got the card before the balance transfer I called and confirmed over the phone that it was indeed 0 % interest for 17 months. So I did the balance transfer which included a processing fee of XXXX. When I received the bill it had an interest rate of 17.90 percent on balance transfer and a charge of XXXX. Despite confirming in writing and over the phone that that was the offer I had -- USAA now says that the offer was only good for my husband and not me. I plan to transfer the balance out, cancel the card and all other products I have through the company, and had asked for the fee and the interest to be reimbursed. I had only applied for the card for the 0 % interest offer and would like to be reimbursed for the fee and the interest because that is not what I was told via email and phone that I would have for an interest rate. I 've spent several hours on the phone and no one is willing to help me. This is the email I received from them initially confirming the offer : Dear XXXX XXXX, I received your message about an offer that you received, and I will be more than happy to look into this for you.
If you accept the credit card, you will get 0.00 % until XX/XX/XXXX on purchases, balance transfers, and convenience checks.
Balance Transfers are considered a Cash Advance.
Interest Charged on Cash Advances - A cash advance accrues interest from the date the transaction is posted until the date the advance is paid in full. Your first statement shows the posting of the cash advance and the finance charge assessed from the posting date to the statement closing date. Subsequent statements will reflect the finance charge from the statement due date to the date the cash advance is paid in full. Convenience checks, ATM transactions, balance transfers, and overdraft transactions accrue interest daily.
Since the interest is 0.00 % until XX/XX/XXXX, you will not have any interest until after that for the remaining balance. Each balance transfer and convenience check has a transaction fee up to 3 %.
We value your business and the opportunity to serve all your financial needs.
Thank you, XXXX XXXXUSAAUSAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates.
Message History Expand/Collapse From : XXXX XXXX XXXX Date/Time : Tue XXXX XXXX XXXX CDT XX/XX/XXXXMessageWe received an email stating we could open a USAA Preferred Cash Rewards World MasterCard credit card and have zero interest on balance transfers until XX/XX/XXXX. However, in the online application it says there is no grace period for balance transfers. We 'd only like to apply if there is no interest on balance transfer for that duration. Is there something else I need to do online to access this offer? XXXX
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with monetary relief
Cedar Mill, OR
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Oaklevel, VA
Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX based in XXXX SC has been making charges on our credit card. We filed a dispute with credit card holder - USAA. Nothing was done.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Grosse Ile, MI
Complaint: Last year my husband received orders to move to another state. I decided to use the SCRA and submitted the documentation a few months after moving. USAA, a company dedicated to serving service members " noble mission of service '' refuses to apply the Service member Civil Relief Act to my credit card account because I took my husband 's name off the account my a few months prior to submitting the request. My husband was on the account the entire time the debt of the card was incurred and therefore the debt is jointly ours. We are legal residents Maryland and although Maryland is not a community property state it is an equitable property state. So regardless, we are married, it 's a joint debt. I requested review all the way up to the highest level explaining everything and each time they denied the request to apply the SCRA and reduce our interest rate. Almost a XXXX later, I was told to add my husband back on the account and re-submit the request. The representative told me to do this, but then it was still denied, saying he was added after he went on XXXX. The Servicemember Civil Relief Act 527 section 207 a ( 1 ) of the statue, " An obligation or liability bearing interest at a rate in excess of 6 percent per year that is incurred by a service member, OR the service member and the service member 's spouse jointly. It does not say, with both name on the account at the time of request. All of my other creditors applied the interest rate reduction and most of those, my husband was never on the account. I find this unacceptable and I am certain a case can be made that USAA is in violation and is failing to apply the SCRA in accordance to the statue.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Hoard, TX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Fayetteville, GA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Oro Valley, AZ
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: XXXX garnished my account and stated that if I did not pay {$2900.00}, they would keep my account locked. The amount previously stated was more than half of my account. I agreed to pay so that my account could be released and I could use the remainder of my money to buy food and other required things for my children and household.
When they garnished my wages, I was unable to pay my rent and bills. My landlord contacted my Commander at my work. Now, I am facing disciplinary actions at my job and possible eviction, as I have been late on my rent before due to financial issues.
I was attempting to pay off my debt with XXXX XXXX previously and agreed on a settlement of {$3600.00}. I paid {$1800.00} in XXXX and because of financial hardships was unable to pay the rest. My intentions were to continue paying off my debt once my situation improved. I was going to begin making payments again in XXXX as things were looking better financially.
XXXX contacted the finance department to have my wages garnished and sent paper work to my commander about my debt. This caused me undue embarrassment and interfered with my work. They harassed me at work.
When I attempted to gain access to my USAA account on XXXX XXXX 2015, it was locked due to a garnishment placed there XXXX. There was a note on my account stating that I should call an Attorney, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. I contacted him and he stated that he can not release my account until I call the creditor, XXXX and come to some agreement with them about making payments.
I called XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) and she told me that I violated the original agreement by not continuing the payment so now I would have to pay half of the original debt ( {$5800.00} ). I told her that I could not afford to do that because I would n't be able to pay my rent and other expenses. She stated that if I did not pay the {$2900.00}, they would continue to hold my account and I would n't have access to it.
I felt like I had no other choice. I needed groceries for my household and I had to pay child care and other acute expenses so under duress, I reluctantly agreed to sign a garnishment disposition authorizing the bank to release the money.
After paying XXXX the money, my account was released. I did not have enough money after that to pay for all my required living expenses. I could not afford my rent or bills. I used the remainder of the money in my account to purchase needed food, pay for child care and other immediate necessities. Because I did not pay my rent, the landlord went to my Commander and filed a complaint against me for not paying my rent. I have to face possible disciplinary actions at this time and I am under extreme pressures from everyone, due to the domino effect of this garnishment.
I am requesting an investigation into this situation as I do not understand how the Soldiers and Sailors act did not protect me and how a lawyer, working for USAA " assisted '' my creditor in getting money from my account by providing them with information about my account and making it easy for them to extort money from me.
I am XXXX undergoing immense stress due to this situation. I intend to settle all of my debts. I am a divorced mother of XXXX XXXX XXXX ) and had been experiencing back-to-back financial crisis and this situation set me back even further. I would like to know what my options are in this situation. I believe that the USAA lawyer and the XXXX XXXX representative were both wrong in how my case was handled.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Indianapolis, IN
Complaint: I have been a member with USAA for over 10 years and have had their checking product for years along with renter 's insurance and a credit card. Recently, after years of being able to transfer funds with immediate credit, they have arbitrarily started imposing an absurd 5-day business day hold on transfers from accounts I 've made for years ( from payment for my job ) while immediately withdrawing the funds from the other account. They offer no justification for this and no answers. It 's obvious this is a scheme to maximize profit from my overdraft credit line in my case and in others to accumulate NSF fees. The customer service can not explain this new arbitrary policy at all and is very rude about it. No other bank does this and when they impose a hold, the policy is fully disclosed and explained. I do n't think a hold policy that is not fully transparent and consistent is in compliance with regulations and can be manipulated and abused at will to increase profits, which is what is being done here. Regardless, transfers should n't take 5 days to complete as the banking system has vastly improved in speed since the XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Five Points, NC
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: Dear Sir or Madam : I am writing to file a complaint against USAA following their handling of a dispute of a billing error in the amount of {$1300.00} XXXX on my USAA XXXX XXXX account. The amount is inaccurate because, while I have never disputed purchasing the items from merchant XXXX XXXX XXXX, I do dispute the amount the merchant charged for the items.
My wife and I purchased XXXX gold-plated pendants approximately the size of a dime. The total amount for XXXX pendants was supposed to be approximately {$130.00} XXXX. When we checked our bank statement a few days following the purchase, we noticed that the merchant charged {$1300.00} XXXX for the purchase. USAA emailed us after freezing our account because they noticed suspicious activity that did n't fit our purchasing history. After our account was frozen I immediately reached out to USAA for assistance and asked if we should return the items to avoid any issues. While we were promised a response within 24 hours, we did n't hear back from them.
As a result, I looked into the matter on our own and, after further review, I think the salesperson at the checkout counter did n't type in the exchange rate correctly ( I believe she left out a zero ). I think this happened because the woman at the counter was using a calculator to do the math. On XXXX/XXXX/15 XXXX exchange rate was XXXX. I believe the approximate amount of our purchase was supposed to be {$130.00} XXXX. If you do the conversion correctly for {$130.00} XXXX it is : XXXX XXXX x XXXX = {$130.00} XXXX. However, it looks like they left out a zero - XXXX XXXX XXXX x XXXX = {$1300.00} XXXX XXXX. Accordingly, I believe the {$1300.00} XXXX charge is due to this miscalculation ( $ XXXX = XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX is the approximate total I remember for these XXXX pieces ). I 've attached a copy of the XXXX exchange rate on XXXX/XXXX/15, as well as a copy of the receipt from this transaction.
If one were to examine my credit history, a purchase in the amount of more than {$1300.00} USD is completely out of the ordinary for my jewelry spending as I only spent {$1100.00} XXXX on my wife 's wedding band and would never purchase gold-plated pendants for such an astronomical price.
After more than two months of contacting USAA for assistance with this dispute and receiving conflicting information during each conversation ( including contacting USAA while I was XXXX asking if I should return the items to avoid any issues ), USAA has informed me that the charge was valid and only gave me a copy of the receipt from the transaction. USAA never addressed my dispute, which was the amount charged - I told USAA that I did purchase jewelry from this merchant and am happy to pay the correct amount, but that the amount the merchant charged is incorrect. Furthermore, the receipt does n't indicate the XXXX equivalent and the merchant never offered to provide the total XXXX. Had I seen the XXXX amount on this receipt I definitely would not have agreed to the charges and would have noticed the salesperson 's error ; however, while dealing with an unfamiliar foreign currency I did n't notice this gross mistake. In addition, the merchant removed the tags from the jewelry and kept them, so we have no way to prove the accurate cost of the jewelry. However, we did pull the price for similar items from their website - gold-plated pendants - and the prices were between $ XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX ; XXXX XXXX ). As you can see, they are not worth {$1300.00}.
I am requesting that the error be corrected, that any finance and other charges related to the disputed amount be credited as well, and that I receive an accurate statement.
Sincerely, XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Barrett Parkway, GA
Company Response: Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint Closed with explanation
Jacksonville, FL
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Arlington, VA
Complaint: USAA Bank has very poor customer service and a serious lack of communication with their customers.
I have been unemployed and unable to find a job for almost two years now and surviving on what little income I have, which I have told the bank many many times. They claim they will assist customers who are going through times of hardship, but they do not really care about their customers at all. I had a personal loan with them which they decided to close without even notifying me that I had past due payments. I understand that, and I am paying it so it will be done with, but lack of communication with customers is wrong, very wrong.
Just when things were being straightened out with them, I received a letter from them stating that they had closed my credit card account, ( which is paid up to date ) because of the consumer loan that they never warned me about.
Funny thing is I have been emailing with XXXX of the bank executives and he never once mentioned they were closing my credit card account.
It is so wrong for a bank to treat long time customers, especially ones who have served their country by either being a XXXX for the XXXX.
USAA Bank claims that they honor and appreciate those who have served their country but if you are going through financial hardship they refuse to do that and work with you, instead they treat you like dirt.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
San Antonio, TX
Complaint: I purchased a car earlier this year, using USAA as my finance company. I was given a 13 % interest rate for the loan. They explained this was because I had quite a bit of outstanding debt on my credit report. I was told that if I took care of these debts, I could refinance at a significantly lower rate. In turn, I sold my motorcycle and other items to pay these debts off. At the time I purchased this vehicle, I was just a couple months away from deploying overseas. They told me if I send a copy of my orders, they would lower the rate for the time I would be gone. After sending the orders, they denied lowering my rate, stating that it does not apply to me. After paying off my outstanding debts, and trading in XXXX other cars for XXXX, I greatly reduced my monthly payments and obligations. I then attempted to refinance the vehicle to get that better interest rate. They then offered me a new rate that was still over 12 %. This was not helpful, and has put me in a bad place. I purchased this vehicle at a high rate under the impression that I would be able to afford it after a very short time. If they would be willing to do as promised, I would be saving between $ XXXX $ XXXX. My wife and I will be moving in XXXX of 2016 to a new duty station. We will be losing over $ 1,000/month due to lower housing allowances at our new location. We are trying to save and continue to not incur additional debt in preparation for this move. I am worried that if we are not able to have a decent rate on this loan, I will end up defaulting on it, and letting it to into repossession.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Bel Alton, MD
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Oakland, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Houston, TX
Complaint: XX/XX/2015, my house XXXX flooded. When I received the disbursements from the insurance company, I sent the checks with copies of the Proof of Loss and the contractor 's estimate to USAA XXXX our mortgage company ) and waited for the check.
On Friday, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I called and asked the status of the first disbursement for the contractor and was told that my information has been received and input on XXXX XXXX, and it would take 5-7 business days to send the check.
I called back Friday, XXXX XXXX, XXXX and was told the 5-7 business days was for processing time and that the check would be mailed in 24-48 hours.
I called back on Wednesday, XXXX XXXX, XXXX and was told my packet was missing the Proof of Loss from the insurance company and the contractor 's estimate and that nothing could be done until they were received. I was given an email address to send electronic copies to and sent that email XXXX.
I called back Thursday, XXXX XXXX, XXXX and was told that it would take 24-48 hours to input the documents and that the check would be sent after that.
I called back Monday, XXXX XXXX, XXXX and was told everything was cleared and that the check would be going out.
I called back Tuesday, XXXX XXXX, XXXX to insure the check had been mailed and was told it had just been released and would be mailed on Thursday, XXXX XXXX.
I called back Thursday, XXXX XXXX XXXX and was told that my file was missing the contractor 's estimate. I asked to speak with a supervisor who looked in my file and said she saw something from the contractor that said how much the repairs were going to cost.
Regardless of whether the contractor 's estimate is actually in their possession XXXX the number she quoted off it made it clear it is XXXX, the fact that they have repeatedly told me that the check is going to mail soon and then continually delaying the process is entirely unacceptable. Losing paperwork on multiple occasions smacks of willful negligence. USAA purports to serve service members and veterans, that I and my family has been treated so poorly is beyond my comprehension.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Hanover, OH
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Maclean, VA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Chestnut Hill, CT
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Lowell, AR
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Keyport, WA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation