There are over 6379 complaints on file for UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2011-12-02.
Bank account or service - Checking account | 1068 |
Checking or savings account - Checking account | 1044 |
Credit card - | 909 |
Credit card or prepaid card - General-purpose credit card or charge card | 699 |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Credit reporting | 368 |
Bank account or service - Other bank product/service | 266 |
Mortgage - VA mortgage | 232 |
Vehicle loan or lease - Loan | 191 |
Consumer Loan - Vehicle loan | 186 |
Checking or savings account - Other banking product or service | 177 |
Mortgage - Conventional fixed mortgage | 126 |
Debt collection - Credit card debt | 108 |
Mortgage - Other mortgage | 100 |
Debt collection - Credit card | 89 |
Mortgage - Home equity loan or line of credit | 82 |
Mortgage - Conventional home mortgage | 75 |
Checking or savings account - Savings account | 74 |
Bank account or service - Savings account | 70 |
Consumer Loan - Installment loan | 51 |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Domestic (US) money transfer | 39 |
Debt collection - I do not know | 38 |
Bank account or service - (CD) Certificate of deposit | 32 |
Debt collection - Other debt | 29 |
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Personal line of credit | 28 |
Mortgage - Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC) | 28 |
Debt collection - Auto debt | 26 |
Debt collection - Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.) | 26 |
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Installment loan | 26 |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Mobile or digital wallet | 22 |
Checking or savings account - CD (Certificate of Deposit) | 21 |
Credit reporting - | 18 |
Money transfers - Domestic (US) money transfer | 17 |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Other personal consumer report | 14 |
Mortgage - Other type of mortgage | 13 |
Debt collection - Auto | 9 |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Traveler's check or cashier's check | 8 |
Money transfers - International money transfer | 7 |
Mortgage - Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) | 7 |
Debt collection - Mortgage | 7 |
Consumer Loan - Personal line of credit | 6 |
Sandy Hook, CT
Account information incorrect
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Shalimar, FL
Funds not handled or disbursed as instructed
Company Response: In progress
Moapa, NV
Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
Complaint: This account doesnt belong to me I already disputed it with a identity theft report which is on file for the account XXXX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Greenwood, CA
Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: I've been depositing my paycheck with the USAA Mobile App every month since XX/XX/2019. Deposits on payday are approximately {$6000.00}. Every time, there is a {$1000.00} hold of the the {$6000.00}. That is not the problem. On XX/XX/2019, I deposited my paycheck of {$6000.00}. A hold was placed on {$5500.00}. This hold has prevented me from paying rent and bills. I trusted the bank. They always held only {$1000.00}. I work for the XXXX of XXXX. My checks are not from an unknown source. I spoke with USAA Monday, XX/XX/2019 and escalated by call as high as I could go for all the representatives to tell me there is nothing they can do about it and the hold will be in place until XX/XX/XXXX. There was no information when I deposited that possibly this much money would be placed in a hold.
Is it true the bank can not remove the hold? Is it impossible?
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Sangerville, ME
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief
Moapa, NV
Debt was result of identity theft
Complaint: My identity was stolen .. and XXXX have my affidavit on file but will not remove a closed that is not authorized by me
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Van Nuys, CA
Problem accessing account
Company Response: In progress
Problem using a debit or ATM card
Complaint: This complaint stems from a previous claim regarding the mishandling of several fraudulent charges made using my debit card number ; a number that at the time of this complaint was supposed to have been CLOSED because of the previous fraudulent activity that had occurred in XXXX of this year. The institution if USAA bank. In total there were 4 charges that they tried to post in XXXX. One of those charges was honored by the bank even though I reported it as fraudulent since I didn't make the transaction. I have attached the letter from USAA that shows they gave me a permanent credit for {$26.00}, which was the amount of the one charge they initially let through. The letter stated that the temporary credit would now be made permanent. Now fast forward to XX/XX/XXXX, and in another attachment you will see four amounts for {$26.00}, which by the way, were submitted to my NEW debit card using the old number. USAA now not only honored the same exact transaction that they had said in the attached letter was fraudulent and would give me a permanent credit for, but an additional 3 more charges from the same merchant with similar numbers for the same {$26.00}. You can see clearly the first of the fraudulent merchant numbers on XX/XX/XXXX matches EXACTLY the merchant numbers on the letter from XXXX granting me the PERMANENT credit for that charge!
I called USAA as soon as I noticed their glaring oversight and was told they could NOT offer me a provisional credit for these charges even though they themselves stated quite clearly the charges were not only fraudulent, but had offered me a permanent credit for in the letter they send on XX/XX/XXXX. As of the submission of this complaint I am out {$100.00} since they won't reimburse me for charges that are at their own admission fraudulent. On the phone they were shocked at how a " closed card '' could still be used, but did not offer a provisional credit and have still not credited my account for these clearly fraudulent charges.
I have another unresolved complaint already in with the CFPB about another fraudulent charge made on the same day as the initial charges in XXXX for {$100.00} to a merchant called XXXX. At the time of that submission to CFPB USAA had suppressed the researcher 's investigation report, but with CFPB 's help they have put that report back on my account and it too is attached. In it you will see that transaction is also fraudulent since the : name doesn't match mine, the IP address for the transaction is also not local to my address, and no item was ever received, yet USAA reversed that provisional credit and has only indicated that they were still looking into it as was indicated to me in a voicemail left by a Mr. XXXX from the CEO 's office. I attempted on 4 separate occasions to call Mr. XXXX and left 3 messages asking him to return my call, but again, as of this submission I have yet to hear back from Mr. XXXX.
USAA says you are 100 % not liable for fraudulent charges. Not only is that not true, they don't adequately protect you by actually ensuring closed compromised cards can no longer debit your account, but when such oversight happens they do not credit you back the money they themselves have investigated and said where fraudulent.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with monetary relief
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Mccullers, NC
Problem during payment process
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Cherry Brook, MA
Company closed your account
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Atlanta, GA
Transaction was not authorized
Company Response: In progress
Magnolia, TX
Banking errors
Company Response: In progress
Harrisburg, VA
Company Response: In progress
Mccullers, NC
Problem during payment process
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Royal Palm Beach, FL
Company Response: In progress
Kingshill, VI
Complaint: On XX/XX/2019 XXXX was giving the seller trouble so as a result XXXX was used to send {$220.00} via the USAA app to XXXX XXXX. Im not sure if it was even sent to the right person because I never heard anything back after making the transfer. Eventually I realized it was a scam and quickly notified USAA the week of the XXXX. Today ( XX/XX/XXXX ), I was just notified by USAA that a refund cant be issued because I authorized the transaction. I am completely stressed because {$220.00} is not a small amount of money I struggle to make ends meet each day so this is a major stressor to me. Through all my years of banking Ive never been scammed. I usually extremely careful, but Im somewhat upset with USAA because being that they brand, provide and advertise the app, a lot of members put their trust in using XXXX, so incidents like this is frustrating and degrading to USAAs brand. USAA sets the bar high to prevent issues of such and its unfortunate that theyd even promote this untrusted app. Im very disappointed.Thank you
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: USAA manages my checking and investment accounts. 6 days XXXX XX/XX/2019 I requested a transfer of XXXX dollars from a mutual fund with USAA to my checking account with USAA. USAA at present has no record of the funds, can not find the funds and is stating it may be several weeks before the funds can be found.
I feel this is unacceptable and feel there may have been a theft of funds by the USAA employees.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Indian River Shores, FL
Unable to open an account
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Plano, TX
Company closed your account
Company Response: In progress
Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
Company Response: In progress
Lewisville, TX
Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: In progress
Orange, CA
Loan balance remaining after the vehicle is repossessed and sold
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Complaint: XXXX XX/XX/19 refuses to credit the duplicate charge
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Fayetteville, NC
Problem accessing account
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation