There are over 6379 complaints on file for UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2011-12-02.
Sanford, FL
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with monetary relief
Mesa, AZ
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with non-monetary relief
Las Vegas, NV
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Las Vegas, NV
Complaint: This company is cruel, USAA BANK, USAA CREDIT CARD, USAA XXXX not only owes XXXX myself so much money but time, loss of credit, loss of work, loss of so much. They know this, they have letters from state of CALIFRONIA and themselves stating they know they owe us but refuse to pay out, I want to discuss this, they are the most criminal lieing rat-tagged group I have ever dealt with they caused severe health, stress, and employement issues as well, and this call can be proved. they laugh, I have recently become so terrified by their lies and games, and its so obvious the things they owe. This company needs to be disbanded and all employees XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX and all the ceo 's and now XXXX need to never work in this industry again. I am in terror for their lies and insulin. Here is a brief description. Expect many more people to start filing : To whom it may concern, There is much more to this then I can write, I assure you we have witnesses to all events and claims we made with USAA BANK, CREDIT CARD, XXXX. Since XX/XX/XXXX I have put over XXXX hours of my life with all this starting with USAA BANK closing our bank account, and putting our credit card in collections, AFTER we not only proved to USAA that we were being idenity theft for several month stretch and finally someone came clean and we found the culprit, but USAA spent more time, lieing, denying then helping, and before this we paid our credit card on time paying more than owed monthly. And neither of us ever had any thing like idenity theft robbery or uncoathe banks like USAA before this. So it was a lot of learning and pain. We found out our banks were closed by trying to get gas, we were almost out and far from home. They also held on to our money for over a month. That was 4 years ago and started a ripple effect into our credit which swarms us today. There is so much more, so much more that my eyes roll, XXXX, yes XXXX robberies and XXXX car accidents, Usaa never paid the full amounts, the things they promised, and from the first robbery, I would have to say USAA caused these issues to, they made it easy for thieves, like in first robbery, and second, we had people WE DID NOT KNOW AT TIME point out the robbers, and XXXX times a XXXX XXXX CREDIT CARD was talken and used. Usaa owes for so many policy things, they have refused to take calls for last two years when I asked why our last property they said we were getting XXXX and they sent XXXX, I started calling from day one, they even refused to return calls when I tried to send in depreciation reciepts, they refused to pay out on wages on XXXX incidents, they refused to help get a car which they promised they would from their auto-circle program after WHAT WE SUSPECT THEM illegally totaling our car and we had to end up getting one whcih we had to pay over {$2500.00} down and over {$400.00} a month and over % 21 percent interest, all things that could been avoided like so many tens over other things in past years if Usaa stopped hording money and acually doing what they are suppose, they have even denounnced CALIFORNIA AUTO INSURANCE INVESTIGATION which they had previous agreed with on several things like my veneers and wages and other things hey were to pay out but flattly refused. There were beatings, XXXX and other hard core things USAA knew and didnt care. They opened up not only a credit worm hole, but they made it easy for thieves and caused us severe depressionXXXX for long times, where we have lost out on family events, vacations, work oppurtunities, marketing money, we have lost all our valuables all our personal, things, and when I approached USAA who I saw dragging their feet XX/XX/XXXX, with a 15 day demand letter, they rudely did not respond til well after 15 days and they still withholding HELP!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: USAA will not allow me full member access to my accounts saying that " Since I declared bankruptcy they ca n't collect debts ''. This is contrary to bankruptcy law, as my bankruptcy was finalized 3 years ago, and therefore I no longer owe them money. When I call to find out more and get more details and ask to speak to a supervisor in banking they put me on hold for XXXX minutes and then disconnect me. They only allow me mobile access, which does not allow access to my USAA accounts to change how I pay my bill and do other critical things.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Greenwood, CA
Complaint: Below is the information I sent to USAA 's CEO : Today is XXXX XXXX, 2015 and like many people, my rent is due. As I have done for the last 2 years, I deposit my girlfriends check for her half of the rent. Never does USAA put holds on my account especially not for such a small amount. I thought this may be related to USAA 's terrible security since my debit card information was recently stolen. I called and spoke to a worthless Executive Response member named XXXX. Upon telling me that he can not do anything for me, I asked to speak to a real manager in order to express my concerns and to help me with this pressing situation. After he told me there were NO MANAGERS AVAILABLE IN THE ENTIRE COMPANY, I told him I can hold for one until they are available. His response was simple " you can call back or I can discontinue the call. '' I was previously XXXX at XXXX XXXX and I have never seen this type of disgusting customer service ( if you can even call it that ). XXXX then disconnected the call on me after I had been trying to speak with someone for over XXXX minutes.
I have always liked USAA because of the great service you used to provide. I will be filing a complaint with the XXXX and will be searching online until I find the CEO 's email so I can explain the horrible people that are hanging up on people that need help. I will also be taking this to social media as well as posting this to as many consumer sites as possible. I truly feel that USAA does not care about their customers and apparently has no respect for anyone that needs help! I hope someone pulls the call and reviews the extremely poor service of your representatives.
I need my account fixed ASAP so I can pay my rent even though it is now late because of this company doing this to me.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Atlanta, GA
Complaint: Another consumer and I had a transfer with USAA. Where the other consumer transferred XXXX dollars from his account to mines and had me withdraw it and give it to him. Without me having any knowledge of me knowing that it was a scam. Then a few days later my account went into overdraft of XXXX dollars. USAA reported me to XXXX for mismanagement of my account.
I feel that this is unfair because USAA should have not let the transaction go through if the other consumer did not have the legitimate funds. I paid of the debt and i was still reported to XXXX. and as of right now i am not able to do business with any other banks. i would like this issue to be taking care of.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Coosada, AL
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Brookfield, WI
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: This is affidavit of the truth. My XXXX XXXX XXXX truck was illegally reposed XXXX/XXXX/XXXX from XXXX XXXX XXXX out of XXXX Alabama. This was my deceased husband truck who passed away XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. My XXXX year old daughter inherited my deceased husbands truck when he passed away. In XXXX I received the title and XXXX letters from USAA that truck was paid in full. USAA claims they have no documents on the truck and I have no contract it is a done deal. They stated I have to talk to XXXX and XXXX. They also stated I have a contract with these companies. I have asked for proof and sent XXXX certified and also a XXXX page fax. As of today XXXX/XXXX/XXXX no debt has been proven to me. My vehicle has been stolen from me and I do plan to go forward and sue and what I have learned XXXX companies are involved with this criminal matter. XXXX from XXXX stated they are going to auction my XXXX XXXX XXXX my property who I have the certificate of title and XXXX letters from the bank. This has done an emotional number on myself and my XXXX daughters. I do hope you look in to this and demand the auction to be stopped and my stolen property to be returned ASAP! I have also put a lien on this vehicle as I am the true and only owner. I have also been to the Probate office and they also stated I was the true and only owner per XXXX XXXX. It was also brought to my attention the title was transferred in to my name XXXX XXXX. I find this odd as I had this done when my husband passed away XXXX/XXXX/XXXX he was a veteran served his country and this is the thanks his family receives. I want my stolen property returned tomorrow. I also do n't recall giving permission to these copies to trademark my name or copyright. Please take care of My XXXX XXXX XXXX asap. If Securitisation is illegal under US legislation - primarily because it is fraudulent and causes specific violations of R.I.C.O., usury, Antitrust and bankruptcy laws. And it flies in the face of public policy in numerous ways, as is expounded in extensive detail in an analysis to be published in our journal Economic Intelligence Review XXXX ( XXXX ) with several pages of book, article and case references.
To begin with, securitisation violates US State usury legislation. Secondly, all 'true-sale ', 'disguised loan ' as well as 'assignment ' securitisations are essentially tax evasion schemes, and the penalties for tax evasion in the United States are excessively severe.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Ellenwood, GA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Denhart, IA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Glover, MO
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Little Rock, AR
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Spokane, WA
Complaint: I 'm the seller of a property. They buyer 's lender, USAA, chose to adopt a XXXX guideline before it was required causing a delay in the close on our house. This delay of just a couple days pushed out into the following month, costing me an extra month of interest and MI on my loan. Total cost to me is just over {$1300.00}.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Jupiter, FL
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Bel Alton, MD
Complaint: I am writing to inform you that USAA did not provide diligent to my checking account by allowing XXXX fraudulent checks by letting the theft withdraw {$14000.00} from our checking account within XXXX hours. The first check was deposit on XX/XX/XXXX, second and third check deposit XX/XX/XXXX in the total amount of {$14000.00} by POS and ATM withdrawals. This is my son account that my wife and I open when he was XXXX years old. I understand that I should have closed the account when he turns XXXX year olds. My son notifies me on XXXX XXXX that his account was overdrawn by {$14000.00}. I immediately called USAA and open a fraud claim. They told me it would take three business days and they would contact me. I called back on XX/XX/XXXX and they told me the fraud claim was close and we were in fault. I explain to them how could we be in fault if USAA allow the money to be withdrawn before the checks cleared. The representative which is a data call center that receives USAA calls could not explain the situation. I ask to speak to the fraud specialist that close my account and they stated I could not speak to them. They would give them my name and number and they will call me. We waited 10 days XXXX XXXX, XXXX, and called back because no one called us about the fraud claim. My wife and I went to the banking center to speak to person and they put us in a room and a live representative came on and we told her the history and she put another fraud claim in for us. We ask her how could & XXXX be withdrawn from a checking account over the weekend without the checks cleared the bank first. She gave me a shaky answer and I felt something was wrong. I hung us and proceed to go to XXXX XXXX XXXX and told the Bank Manager what happen and he stated it is no way {$14000.00} could have clear my account without those checks been cleared. He stated we would have release {$400.00} for immediately release, but no more until the checks clear. I went to XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and they both stated the same things that it would not be possible for an individual to without {$14000.00} in XXXX hours without the checks first have cleared the bank. I ask XXXX Manager ( XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) XXXX ) to call because we were a member of XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. She told me must have misunderstood what was happen because she stated that USAA could not possible allow {$14000.00} to be withdrawn from our account within XXXX hours. She called and got the same run around that I receive and could not believe it. XXXX XXXX asks to speak to the Fraud Department and was told no because they could not transfer anyone to the fraud department. On the same day they withdrew {$14000.00} from XXXX different accounts to satisfy my son account. I immediately mailed a letter to USAA to voice my concerns and to gets some answer about counterfeit checks and why all the money was release for the theft to withdraw from the account. Why the fraud department did not alert me or my wife if they could not get in touch with my son. They held us liable, but gave us no opportunity to stop the illegal transactions. We are a retired military family and {$14000.00} might not sound like a lot for USAA, but it was our life saving. I did not work for 23 years for XXXX who I though was an advocator for the military families is just like the rest and prey off our service to this county. I have read the countless letters on the internet about what USAA has done to other military service members and I am for a loss of words. Please help us recoup our monies from USAA because they never responded to our letter and now they will not speak to us about the matter. Thank you for your time and patience concerning this matter.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Kansas City, KS
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Kansas City, KS
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Tarzana, CA
Complaint: I 'm really sick and tired of getting checks ALWAYS being placed on hold from USAA bank. Every single deposit gets placed on hold for a minimum of 7 business days. This past phone call in the attached recording you will see I tried getting a partial lift on funds {$300.00} out of {$1000.00} lifted 1 day early so that I could go to XXXX XXXX to pick up medication I need to survive.
USAA chose not to accommodate the situation which I explained, was a medical emergency.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Midland, MI
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Thomaston, GA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Baltimore, MD
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Newnan, GA
Complaint: On XXXX occasions, an individual named XXXX XXXX XXXX, withdrew over {$2900.00} from our USAA savings account, into his XXXX XXXX investment account. We contacted the FBI, Federal Trade Commission, and our local police department. They are helping with the situation. But, both USAA and XXXX XXXX has been uncooperative with investigating how an unauthorized funds can be wired from our account. We have the name, and the last four digits of his account with XXXX XXXX, XXXX. We informed the XXXX XXXX personnel, XXXX XXXX, of this information and the was extremely unprofessional, and rude. When we told her of the information from our account on the individual, she said they could not find the individual due to the size of the bank. As a Retired XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, Media outlets would contact me requesting information on a soldier with limited information. The XXXX being much larger than XXXX XXXX, never caused me problems locating the individual, whether they were in the United States or in the theater of operation. I know that with a full name and the last four of an account number, a database can initiate a query and locate this person. XXXX XXXX would not attempt to assist.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Bath, SC
Talked to a third party about my debt
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation