There are over 6379 complaints on file for UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2011-12-02.
Bohemia, NY
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Warrenton, VA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Oxford, GA
Complaint: There was fraud on my account which was unauthorized and my bank will not provide me with a refund.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Vernon Hill, VA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Las Vegas, NV
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Asheville, NC
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with monetary relief
Newnan, GA
Complaint: The response from USAA Financial Savings Bank ( FSB ) in response to the unauthorized debit from my savings account, and transferred to another FSB member 's XXXX XXXX investment account is incorrect. FSB was contacted by me on XXXX XXXX 2015 referencing the unauthorized withdrawal on XXXX XXXX 2015, and later that day same day I identified XXXX additional unauthorized withdrawals to the same investment account on, XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX 2015. I made numerous calls that day, and was repeatedly told, " I am sorry but we can not refund beyond 90 days. '' It was later I was told the XXXX does not got beyond 60 days. I also contacted the FSB multiple times between the dates of XXXX-XX/XX/2015 asking for assurance that no more unauthorized withdrawals would be made from my saving account ending in XXXX. I 'm pleased to know that all conversations between me and the FSB are recorded, they will attest to the truth of what I am saying. If there it was stated that the FSB was uncooperative, I would restate that remark to say unresponsive. All calls were made by me to the FSB. I never received any calls from the FSB. Each call the representative would make an incorrect statement, and I would get a different person each time. I have never received a point of contact. The incorrect statements of USAA FSB policies, and my situation could be due to calls being answered by subcontractors lacking adequate knowledge and training. I was told that would prevent further withdrawals. When I asked about the investigation into how another FSB member could withdraw funds from my saving account, I was told there was no investigation. When banks receives a complaint of fraud or theft, they are obligated to investigate the complaint and respond with a report within XXXX working days. I asked if I could be transferred to the fraud department. The Fraud Department stated their was no investigation because the Written Statement of Unauthorized Debit form ( WSUD ) I submitted on XXXX XXXX 2015, was canceled by the FSB. The day I completed the XXXX, I uploaded it to my XXXX, it was returned back to me the same evening, and the decision was made not to investigate the theft from my savings account. On XXXX XXXX, 2015 at XXXX., I spoke with XXXX XXXX who stated the mistake is the FSB and offered to return all three withdrawals taken by XXXX XXXX. He stated that the error was on USAA FSB. In speaking with XXXX XXXX XXXX, I found out that the individual, XXXX XXXX XXXX, is a USAA FSB consume, and that my account numbers are similar. I told XXXX XXXX that each call I have made to the FSB, I have been told I can not receive my money that was taken with my approval beyond 60 days. The funds taken with the FSB approval was my Social Security XXXX Insurance back pay, and transferred into another FSB member 's outside investment account with XXXX XXXX. The Social Security I receive is affected by my limited income and unemployability. Anyone with income or resources above the SSI income and resource limits are not eligible for the need-based XXXX program, like the one I receive. Should the Social Security Administration take note that my benefits provided for my XXXX, is being transferred to an investment account, I could lose my benefits. The next day, I received a call from XXXX XXXX at approximat4elyXXXX. XXXX XXXX spoke about the XXXX agreement however, XXXX XXXX went into details about how long she been in the banking business and this situation occurs frequently. She remarked that obviously XXXX XXXX was not monitoring his account like me. I quickly told XXXX XXXX that I was the victim, not XXXX XXXX, who has been taking our funds. I received an agreement from XXXX XXXX about being a victim. I was told I would receive an update, but I have not heard from her.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Stockbridge, GA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Lewiston, NY
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Columbia, SC
Complaint: I opened a checking account for my son before leaving for college, for the purpose of transferring funds as needed. XX/XX/XXXX he 's doing his XXXX out of state. The problem is this institution has very limited branches. When my son received his first check I instructed him on where to go to deposit his payroll, to our surprise they held a portion until a week later. We called the bank for explanations, with the understanding that was handed over along with the advice of making more deposits the better. Next pay period same thing happened, once again we called got different advice and spoke with supervisor, she advice he go somewhere else to cash it, meanwhile I 'm here home borrowing money getting money orders going to XXXX to deposit into my acct. and transfer into his. 3rd time he cashed it and he then went out purchased a money order and went out the way to find a XXXX to deposit into his acct. so that it can be transferred back over to my acct. THEY HELD THAT AS WELL! Made a call again new advice. HELP PLEASE!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Washington, DC
Complaint: This is a general complaint that I would love to see CFPB take up. I find it outrageous that credit card companies often do NOT show us our running balance on our credit cards. I just called USAA because the numbers were n't adding up and even the friendly guy who answered had to calculate all my expenses one by one because he could not see the running balance. It 's 2015, there 's no reason these banks can not keep a running balance. This only increases the chances for manipulation and is a complete lack of transparency. I think we should make it ILLEGAL for credit card companies to not show the running balance. Thank you!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Florence, SC
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Forest Hill, VA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Kansas City, MO
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Dallas, TX
Complaint: My husband noticed XXXX dollars was withdrawn from my checking account through my debit card but my ATM card was not stolen. I had it on my person, but I never made these withdrawals. It was XXXX increments of {$600.00} for a total of XXXX. It was XXXX different locations of ATM machines in our same town of XXXX, TX.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Kansas City, MO
Complaint: I am filing a complaint against USAA Federal Savings Bank. On the morning of XXXX, I looked into my online banking and noticed I have XXXX unauthorized transactions on my account # XXXX. The XXXX transactions are {$1000.00} and {$990.00}. I called the bank right away around XXXX XXXX at the same date to report this. On XXXX when I got more detail about the transactions I called XXXX because the money were sent to someone named XXXX XXXX at XXXX. XXXX 's fraud department manager XXXX was able to find the transactions and found XXXX XXXX ' XXXX account was involved with fraudulent activities. Here is the direct quote from his letter to USAA ( I also can provide the whole letter if needed ) '' We investigated the transactions and found that the transactions were initiated by someone who had access to XXXX XXXX 's online banking. The XXXX Account that received these funds has been confirmed to be engaged in malicious activity, resulting in a permanent restriction of our services to them. I can also confirm that there are no apparent ties in between XXXX XXXX and the XXXX Account Holder that received these funds, meaning that it is highly unlikely this is a case of collusion. '' However, USAA called me back eventually and told me this is a scam. And if they ca n't retrieve money from XXXX, we were held liable for the loss. They said I am liable because I authorized these transactions. I asked how you can show I authorized the transactions such as which device they were initiated from but they could n't provide me with an answer. So I was accused of stealing money from my own account and they ca n't provide me any proof. Thus they used this to deny to reimburse me back. I request an appeal but they said the case was already reviewed twice and they refused to look into again. Therefore I am bringing this to legal actions. I feel this is the only resort left to get my money back.
I am also filing wrongful accusation, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and incompetence against USAA based on the grounds below : 1 ) USAA accused me I was trying to scam money from my own account but at the same time they refused to show me any proof. ( Phone conversations happened XXXX around XXXX ). 2 ) USAA would n't do anything to stop further loss when I reported the unauthorized transactions. I have to request to transfer the money out and block my online access so the criminal ca n't continue to access my account. And they still keep my account 3 ) The investigation was not done thoroughly. They never contacted me or XXXX for any questions during the investigation. I contacted XXXX myself and they pin pointed the fraudulent activities. I also confirmed with XXXX that USAA never contacted them in regard of this. I was called XXXX ( XXXX ) by investigator XXXX from USAA saying that she just started the investigation and she left that day around XXXX. The next business day around XXXX in the morning she called me and saying the investigation was done and I was liable. They also told me they were trying to retrieve money from XXXX but nothing was done. The bank 's mobile app had security flaws and I believe this could cause someone stole my information and money without my acknowledgment. I have detailed proof on this and I can show upon further request. I reported this problem to USAA and they told me they were going to look into it but I never hear anything back after that. 4 ) Each time I called USAA I got transferred at least XXXX XXXX XXXX times and I still ca n't reach to the right person. The reps on the phone were contradicting each other each time I called. They also told me I should get a result with in 48hours but I was called the XXXX time after 53 hours that they just started the investigation. When I asked to speak to a supervisors then they just hang up on me every time.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Killeen, TX
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Cincinnati, OH
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with monetary relief
Arco, CA
Complaint: I filed a dispute with my credit card at XXXX and they " lost '' it saying i " lost '' my rights. Then I got a phone call saying since they found it, they would be re-asserting the dispute process. I got my money back and confirmation in writing that the final dispute had been decided in my favor back in XXXX. Then, in XXXX they are saying they are going back on their initial decision, but I was already told since they lost the initial dispute and we were still in the time frame and the merchant did not respond that the money was mine permanently. At this late date saying they went back on their final decision seems suspect -- -the letter dated XXXX XXXX, is more than two months after the final chargeback was made. It is an illegal abuse of th dispute process. The doctor lied about me and said my dispute was illegal, which is n't true. He made up something in his head that should not affect your decision. To go back on your initial decision and then hold me responsible over XXXX months later. XXXX has repeatedly lost my disputes and they admittedly lost this one as well. However, the final chargeback was issued already. This is an illegal use of the dispute process. I do not owe the {$1000.00}.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with monetary relief
Waupun, WI
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief
Sacramento, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Quartzsite, AZ
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Complaint: Conituous calls to collect debt that is over card limit? I am current on payments and have NEVER been late for tha past ten years. But they call from " Collections '' asking how I can resovle my debt. I ask am I late? Did I miss a payment? The answer is no " But '' its over the limit and want to know if i want to make a plan or arrangements to get the amount below the allowed credit limit?
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Charlotte, NC
Complaint: i received an email offer from USAA that stated if I setup direct deposit of XXXXand it totals XXXX or more o would receive a XXXX cash incentive XXXX. I accepted the offer prior to the deadline but it would not work correctly on the website. XXXX I called and spoke with several representatives and was told that there were issuew with the website. So I explained to the rep what I called for and I was INFORMED THAT DUE TO ME ALREADY HAVING A SAVING ACCT with them that I do not need to setup a new checking acct I can setup my direct deposit to my current savings acct and I would qualify. The rep assisted me in setting up the direct deposit. I called back a few days later and spoke with a rep and they confirmed that everything was setup correct and I am qualified for the incentive. When I did not see the deposit at the time I was informed it would be in my acct I called the bank that then I was told I do not qualify for the XXXX incentative.
I have spoke with over XXXX representatives about this issue and no one wants to honr that I was given incorrect information and that they should honor what was told to me. I asked the representative can they pull up the recorded phone conversations and all of them stated that they have no way of retrieving the conversation. I am not the only customer with this issue of being told incorrect information. If you look at there XXXX Service Board there are other individuals that are upset about being given incorrect information and not receiving there XXXX dollar incentive as promised
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Kansas City, MO
Complaint: I have XXXX unauthorized transactions for about {$2000.00} taken from my account and here is what happened so far. 1. Usaa would n't do anything to stop further loss after I reported it. The second transaction was still pending and they did n't stop it. They even would n't freeze my account and the perpetrator could continue transferring money out of my account. I ended up transferring what left to other account so I do n't lose more money. 2 XXXX Their system has security flaws. Logging on the phone app wo n't give you any notification. After I changed my password I can still log in on my phone by just entering the pin. They even did n't ask for the new password! I called and they opened an XXXX ticket. Also if you use a smart phone, use the smart phone 's web browser and log in to usaa and it would n't give you any notification for logging into a new device.3 ) they violated federal regulations their own banking agreement. My money was sent to XXXX and I called XXXX myself to look in the transactions since usaa wo n't do anything for me. XXXX was being very helpful and they pin pointed they are fraudulent transactions and they ve sent the findings to usaa. However either I or XXXX can even get a hold my investigator. It took me about 2 hours today just to get hold her voice mail! However I also talked to a senior rep today and she told me even it is fraudulent charges they wo n't reimburse me if they ca n't get the money from XXXX and it is my loss. After consulting my lawyer, he told me usaa has to pay me back if I reported the unauthorized transactions within 2 days and I am liable for {$50.00} the most under federal regulations XXXX and electronic fund transfer act. I reported the next day when the transactions happened. I also found the same policy written on their own banking policy page XXXX under " unauthorized transactions '' and I have talked to at least XXXX different XXXX from USAA and nobody ever told me anything about it. 4 it takes forever to talk to the right person and even you did it is the voice mail. My phone calls with usaa has been at least one hour each time and got transferred at least 5 times. At this point I think this is intentional so I will give up fighting to get my money back. 5. They contradicted themselves each time I called. I was told first within 48 hours I will have a result. But after 53 hours the investigator told me it just hit her desk. I got called saying the case was closed within one hour after that. But I also got told the case is still under investigation from other rep. At this point I really do n't know what 's going on and I do n't think they would do anything to refund my money. 6 ). the investigator finally called me and told me itis fraud and they ca n't get my money back until they get money from XXXX. And so far I do n't see they have done anything to retrieve the money from XXXX either. This is a violation of # 3 again- as long as the transactions are unauthorized and I reported within 2 days they ca n't hold me liable for more than {$50.00}. They also told me because I had to change my online password a week ago before this happened, then itis my fault. I simply forgot my password and I had to reset it but the bank said because of this and that 's why my account got hacked. And that 's why they refuse to reimburse me. For one they had no proof these XXXX events are related ; second even it is true, they ca n't refuse to pay me back under regulation XXXX I guess I can never reset my password then. I think their system has security flaws which I can prove a few and then the hackers got into it but then I am to blame for the loss ( because I have money in my account? ). 7 ) I am so fed up on all this and they are just playing the phone games with me now- either got hold forever or transferred to voicemail. I want other consumers to learn from my experience.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Dover, NH
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation