There are over 6379 complaints on file for UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2011-12-02.
Complaint: I will begin with the fact that USAA is well known for manipulating their customers accounts. If you make a deposit or withdrawal they will move the dates in order for them to collect more fees. I actually have proof of this happening in my account. The most recent occurrence of my account being manipulated was on XXXX/XXXX/2015. I made an immediate withdrawal of {$1800.00} from a local branch which USAA partners with to obtain a cashier 's check in the entire amount withdrawn, similar to an ATM withdrawal but due to the amount it needs to be completed this way per USAA. However, my USAA account statement shows the withdrawal was made on XXXX/XXXX/2015 which is a significant deficit of days and cashiers checks are immediate. I kept all receipts of withdrawals to prove this. I also paid a bill which cleared after a deposit I made in the morning of the XXXX XXXX only to have it magically appear before the deposit, even though it was n't made until after the deposit was made. My next instance happened on XXXX/XXXX/2015 when I deposited via my phone a US Postal money order in the amount of {$310.00} in the morning at approximately XXXX XXXX it was later that day after my deposit which is immediate when made from the mobile device that one of my auto drafts for billing cleared. Once again my account was manipulated and my deposit was moved to after the ACH draft attempted to clear as to make it appear that no funds were available at that time so USAA in turn could charge me an overdraft fee. Then when my check which was written out to my housekeeper in the amount of {$85.00} cleared they once again manipulated my account and charged me not once but twice overdraft fees when you can clearly see on my account statement there were funds available and the check itself did clear the first time. When I spoke with a customer service rep, they told me they could not fix it because it was their computer who processes and they can only see the process. Now, if it is my money and I can see that enough is there to clear any debits or checks they can not do things behind the scenes in order to make more money. I am in the process of changing banks and I want the FTC to look into USAA and their practices as I am not the only service member who has experienced this. I want those fee 's refunded as there was money in my account and I also want their " system '' to reflect actual dates and times of transactions accurately. Again I have proof of all that I have alleged and would be more than happy to hand it over to anyone who wishes to see it. I want to ensure this stops happening to those of us that serve. Thank you
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Newnan, GA
Complaint: They have made many erroneous statement in their response to the breach of security allowing unauthorized wire transfer They have yet to answer question given to them based on the Consumer Bill of Rights, the EFT Act, their own WUD, and their security measures intended to protect their military family consumers. In their response, they are accepting no liability, and denied ever telling us that we shared accounting number and USAA membership number. USAA responded that the unauthorized transactions did not occur because of their error and that the Automated Clearing House ( ACH ) transactions were originated by an external bank listing the correct USAA routing number and a valid USAA account number. It was XXXX XXXX of the Fraud Department, who told us, XXXX membership number was identical to our account number. We were told our account number, is identical to his USAA membership number. Each time we concluded a call with USAA, my notes on the calls were placed on the Consumer Finance Bureau complaint review update. They stated that his use of our account number, and routing number is what allowed him to gain access to our savings account. But, at USAA and other banking institutions, according to EFT Act and the Consumer Bill of Rights, it 's their responsibility to have additional security measures to prevent identity theft. It 's evident after each call made to, or from USAA about our identity theft, my notes of the conversation is countered with various banking laws. This causes USAA to change the reason for the error. The fact still remains that the day we contacted them of the theft, it should have immediately should have initiated an investigation. Ten day later, we, the consumer should have received in writing what happened, followed by two days for the FSB to rectify the situation. None of this happened. We were consistently told that these mistakes happen all the time. They have also used Account Clearing House ( ACH ) and Electronic Funds Transfer ( EFT ) interchangeably, and told us yesterday they are the same. I have educated myself on banking laws, and know while the results are the same, wire transfer, the process is different. EFT mainly deals with transferring money from XXXX account to another in an electronic way, while ACH Automatic Clearing House helps transfer funds between accounts and different banking institutions. As I have written in previous updates Automatic Clearing House ( ACH ) is used when people get deposits directly into their account, for example, from their employer. ACH is a means for Bank to Bank wire transfers. No fee is taken for receiving the deposits, while some banks charge for EFT. On the other hand, when funds are withdrawn or pulled from the account, this can be done through Electronic Funds Transfer. The Electronic Funds Transfer comes into effect when paying bills or purchases with a credit or debit card. When we first noted the theft, the withdrawal of the funds was noted as a debit. XXXX XXXX XXXX debited funds via EFT, while USAA returned the funds via ACH. USAA FSB states the transfer was via ACH, I can accept that, a Direct Deposit or Direct Payment transaction using the ACH Network was initiated, using our routing and account number, from an originating institution. The originating Depository Financial institution ( ODFI ), in this case is XXXX XXXX, entered the ACH entry at the request of the Originator. The ODFI collects payments from consumers and transmits them in batches at regular, predetermined intervals to an ACH Operator. What should have been seen by USAA FSB, and verified, is the security protocols that protects their consumers from such illegal transfers. The names on the accounts were different, this should have initiated a closer look for a search of an authorization for wire transfers signed by the FSB account holder.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I am a USAA debit card customer. Recently, my debit account number was hacked, so the bank replaced my card with a new card. In the meantime, XXXX payees reported that they had not received their monthly payment. Payee A contacted me by email and I resolved the problem by giving them the new card number. Payee B contacted me by email and then sent an email saying that they had resolved the problem by charging my new debit card. I never gave anyone at Payee B or USAA permission to debit my new debit card account.
USSA has reversed my charges and given me a new debit card. But there is no explanation for why the bank or the XXXX network allowed payee B to be payed with my new card. Finding out what I know has wasted hours of my time. It 's worse than dealing with a car dealer!!
This is a form of customer harassment. Why do banks get away with this?
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Boerne, TX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Falmouth Foreside, ME
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Complaint: I spoke to XXXX at the ceo 's office of usaa about my complaint that was previously filed and they did state that they were in the wrong. they stated their 3rd party company who set up the payments never hit the process button to begin the repayment schedule. They advised to me that they would remove the late fees attached to the account, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, and as well update the credit reporting agencies that the delinquencies were to be updated and removed, and leave me with an outstanding principal balance they are demanding I pay to the account. I asked why it is I have to pay the remaining after being caused grief from this company, they could not answer this question other than by stating I owe the balance and they will not pardon or dismiss anything and that they will just close the account. I told her that I do not wish to have the account closed with a remaining balance and the only way I would close the account is if there is a XXXX balance being reported. Usaa seemed to not care that the last 60 days have caused other financial problems with my credit and that they caused me severe harm to my credit report. They are still stating to have the balance paid off or they will reflect that I have not paid and basically that I am a debtor to them. I told XXXX that I felt insulted by this resolution as its not just about their money at this point, its also about the fact my credit has been effected negatively and has caused grief with other finance companies I am CURRENT with. I told her that I would need to think about paying them any more money as they have had other accounts with me that they also treated me poorly on. XXXX left the conversation as the fees will be removed, and the credit will be updated, but as far as pardoning my balance she is still claiming I have to pay off the remaining portion. I feel at this time, this company is just trying to under cut things and are trying to get me to just feel happy for a day and pay this so they can be done with me as well. I told XXXX she is just trying to keep things happy for the bank and that her resolution does not fix the problem here, all she said was that she was sorry grief happened and that there would be internal coaching done to make sure things like this do n't happen again, which did not make me feel well in the least knowing that my account was the first that has been handled the way that it has been. It is disgusting this company acts this way demanding there be a payment placed to the account when they failed to process the first payment as it was. I asked how I am supposed to feel comfortable with my own bank account now, knowing that the person who set up the payments, did n't complete his job, and may now still have access to my personal information. She asked I review my bank account, I told her I live where there is none, she then stated oh well just check your statements when they are mailed to you. What happens if there is money taken before I get my statement and my account ends up in the negative, she had no response other than to pay usaa, and that she assured me the representative would n't have my personal information.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with non-monetary relief
Five Points, NC
Complaint: On XXXX I called USAA Savings BankWhere I have a checking account to inquire about my account and why it was overdrawn. With no help or resolution on XXXX diffrent times I asked to speak with a supervisor finally I did. He was rude and I had to ask what his position with the bank because when the call was transfered. He just said hello how can I help you. I asked could he help gi over my transactions. He said you should know didnt you swipe your debit card. I told him was XXXX the mosr unprofessional people I had ever spoke with. He kept mocking me and would say he doesnt understand my question and he doesnt know how to help. I ended the call. About XXXX hrs later I went to go login to my account I was locked out so I called the number it instructed me to.
The representive asked did I forget my pin zi said no. So she reset it. Then I asked who locked me out of my account online she said she didnt know and she would transfer me to the main customer service line. I did speak with a knowledgeable rep we went over all my transactions and posting dates. Just like a senior rep was aware I get paid weekly. I was informed my account had been reviewed for fraud but then it was competed. And she said someone put my account in a credit only ststus. She said when I get paid it should clear. She said my account was fine. On XXXX I logged into my account to see a pending/hold on my current balance. So I called in and was told my account is going to be closed and no explanation to why. So I explained to the rep I get paid every week. She said well I will get a check in 10 dsys when my deposit comes in. I explained to her I have XXXX small children. I hadnt done anything wrong is to why I cant access my money when I get paid. I asked to speak to a Supervisor he was polite but still of no help. He said my account was under review and until it is complete I have to wait. I asked why I never had any disputes or reported fraud. I get a simple pay direct deposited in my account each week.
Its now Thursday and Im not allowed to simply withdraw XXXX the deposit amount was XXXX but USAA took the XXXX but still refuses to give me my money.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I have XXXX daughters that have checking accounts with my same bank. I opened up these accounts for them, so my wife and I were on their accounts. Back in XXXX 2015, my XXXX daughter put her account into the negative. The bank informed me that I was also liable for the negative balance. I thought that when my daughter turned XXXX, we would be taken off from the account as primaries. Considering the circumstances, I paid the negative balance and removed myself and my wife off of the account. Also, just in case I removed us from my XXXX daughter 's account. Now, we go to XXXX XXXX and I find out my XXXX went into the negative. The bank called me to inform me and apparently my wife and I never were removed from either XXXX of the XXXX daugther 's accounts. So, I have talked to XXXX different people from XXXX different departments and they all say there is no proof that I wanted to remove us from the accounts. So, I am liable to pay the negative balance once again.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Oxford, GA
Debt is not mine
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Fleming, GA
Complaint: We received a modification in XX/XX/XXXX 2014. I was laid off of my Job XX/XX/XXXX of the same year. We applied for another modification Through our servicer USAA. We were denied and then appealed it because of missing information ( copy inclosed ). We were told that per VA guidelines we are only allowed XXXX modification every 3 years and only XXXX during the life of the loan. Please assist us with this. Thank you
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Federal Way, WA
Complaint: USAA Federal Savings Bank fails to mail home equity loan bills in a timely manner, leaving customers with insufficient time to make payment. As printed, the bills provide 25 days before they are past due but the company consistently waits 6 days before postmarking the bills so consumers have just 25 days - 6 days delay - 3 days mailing time = 16 days from receipt of bill to have payment processed by USAA. Then the company shortens the time even farther, because unlike the rest of the USAA organization, USAA Federal Savings Bank refuses to join the online bill pay systems that most customers use today, so any customer who pays via mobile or online banking faces an additional 8 day wait for payments to clear ( instead of the 1 day wait customers expect ), leaving consumers with just 8 days to pay their bill ( or 13 days for consumers who physically mail checks ). I have spoken with multiple representatives of the company about this issue without success and am filing this complaint because those representatives have made it clear they have no internal complaints handling process through which customers can pursue resolution to problems like this without going through external channels like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Elmwood Park, IL
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Jerome, IL
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Phoenix, AZ
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Hoard, TX
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Billerica, MA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Stilesville, IN
Complaint: My bank account was tied to my XXXX. My XXXX was hacked. We watched it as it happened, quickly contacted both XXXX and USAA. XXXX was able to place a stop and lock the account. USAA swore there was a stop payment in place. Two days later, {$610.00} clears our account from the fraudulent activity on XXXX. XXXX different USAA reps gave conflicting information. I was told we could have the money back in 3-5 business days. My husband was told several weeks. I was also guaranteed no checks were pending. Turns out my rent check was, I transferred funds to cover it after the fraud but USAA had already returned it, causing me more trouble. There was never a stop payment put on my account. Ever. This is ridiculous. And now I have to wait weeks to get that money back because they lied. Now I 've got to pay over {$100.00} extra to my landlord and look bad because USAA failed me. I was ASSURED that a stop payment was in place and not a dime would come out. Now I 'm left stranded and sinking because they lied, and are dragging their feet.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Albuquerque, NM
Complaint: In the past couple of years I 've tried to obtain a credit card through my bank, USAA in XXXX XXXX, and have had auto insurance there since serving XXXX in the military during the early XXXX. I 've had XXXX secured loans in recent years with USAA and paid them both off on time, never late. The bank has denied me a credit card XXXX in the past two or three years, the last time only recently. Also it denied another secured loan, even though at the same time my bank in XXXX not only offered an unsecured loan of {$10000.00}, but also granted a credit card now with a {$6000.00} limit. This is all within the past two or three years.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Chicago, IL
Talked to a third party about my debt
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Sanders, KY
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with non-monetary relief
Complaint: Yesterday, I tried to use my ATM card but the ATM told me my card was restricted and it refused to provide me with any cash. I then called my bank to figure out what was going on. I spoke with a representative who told me a fraud alert was posted to my account and I needed to speak with the security department. At no time prior to this phone call did my bank alert me to any possible fraud or that it was taking action in response to what it viewed to be possible fraudulent activity. I then spoke with the security department and verified for it that all recent charges were authorized by me and done by me. I was then assured that my card was cleared and I would be able to use it immediately.
I then went back to the ATM and attempted to use my card again. The ATM again told me that my card was restricted and it refused to perform any transactions with it. I then called my bank again and asked why, after I had just called and been assured that my card was fine and would work, my card was still not working. The first person I spoke with told me that the " back room '' was reviewing my account and I would be unable to use my card or access the account to which it was linked for the next two business days. She told me that she could not provide me with any information about what was being looked at, who directed this review, and why I was never informed of it prior to it occurring. I then requested to speak with someone in the department responsible for the review and she told me that was impossible and I needed to wait for them to contact me. Finding her responses unacceptable, I requested to speak with a supervisor.
XXXX next spoke with me and represented herself as a supervisor. I explained what had happened and requested that whatever actions were being taken in my account be immediately discontinued and that I be provided access to my money. She repeated the same assertions as the prior representative and told me that there was nothing that I could do and she refused to give me any information about why this was happening or how I could get more information or get the process to stop. When I told her that the ATM card and the account to which it is linked is my only source of cash and waiting two business days means that I would be without cash for the entire weekend, her uncaring and inconsiderate response was that I could use XXXX of my credit cards over the weekend. Despite my informing her that I had no desire to use a credit card and incur finance charges for things that I would normally pay for with cash, she refused to do anything further and told me that I agreed to have this type of thing done when I signed my account " agreement '' when I opened my account. I assured her that I did no such thing and she could not or would not tell me what I agreed to despite repeated requests to cite to me what she believed I agreed to when I opened my account.
As of today, I still have had no one from the bank contact me about what it is currently doing, have had no follow-up to my calls from the bank, and am as in the dark now as I was yesterday as to what is being done with my card and my account. The bank has unilaterally taken this action without my consent or authorization and has now refused to provide me with any information about what it is doing despite my repeated objections and protests to its actions.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief
Lewiston, NY
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with non-monetary relief
Carson City, NV
Complaint: I am only allowed to have mobile access to my accounts with USAA. I am not allowed to have the access to the member benefits of a USAA member because I have a Charge Off Foreclosure. I requested XXXX modifications with them prior to and after my retirement from the military. They told me that I make to much and am not behind so I do not qualify for modification. Then after retirement I filed for modification and they told me I was not delinquent so I went delinquent on my payments and then refiled modification and was told I do not make enough money and I was delinquent on my account and do not qualify for modification. Now after auction, foreclosure and charge off 5 years after the fact there is no set time frame for them to punish me and not allow me the privilege and benefits of membership that others get. I was told today that they do not have a set time frame in writing.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
N San Juan, CA
Complaint: USAA has limited, basically blocked my access to their institution because of a credit card charge off, due to a divorce. I have many other accounts with them however I can not access all features of them due to this XXXX charge off. I pay my bills on time and the only negative thing is this credit card. I have since closed my checking and savings accounts with them, but have maintained all insurances with them. I have called USAA multiple times trying to access my information and they have refused to help me in this. Their only excuse is because of I have a credit card in bad standing with them, they have blocked my online and mobile access, and it is not possible to reinstate it until the credit card is back in good standing. This is humiliating, and a punishment from a bank. Absolutely ridiculous treatment to their military/veteran customers. We sacrifice and they discriminate. How is this even legal to do?
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Elmwood Park, IL
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with non-monetary relief