Consumer Complaints

There are over 10902 complaints on file for TD BANK US HOLDING COMPANY. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-01.

Complaints Page 116


Ridley Park, PA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Banking errors
Complaint: T D Bank on XX/XX/18 had my account one pending for {$280.00} the next is was {$260.00} I had a check payable to XXXX XXXX XXXX for {$280.00} there was a deposit of {$300.00} showing when I left the bank the next hour it was {$260.00} then my account was drafted for {$35.00} then I call then the lady was rude on the phone after I ask all the questions to verify the account. Then I ask to speak to a manager and she got upset and lock my account. Call back and the bank said my account was lock. I went to a Branch to get it unlock which was time I had to do for no reason. Sat there for over 30 minutes to wait to be unlock. My account should had never been lock. T D Bank has bad service to the customers. I want my {$35.00} dollars back and I notice I pay some bills by Debit and it takes sometimes 5 to 6 days to clear.It makes no sense some one pays on a date and its 5 or 6 days later before the money is paid by T D Bank. I dont like how I was done considering the payment was pending.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Jamaica, NY

Closing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Company closed your account
Complaint: TD Bank XXXX N.Y. I was recently a victim of Identity Fraud and I was pre judged by that Branch manager and wasn't given any courtesy that the average customer with a simple checking account would've have gotten. I'm literally trying to keep everything together because the same people and or someone else has compromised my pre paid card as well. The police officers explained that TD is sending to may people to the station for police reports. I have way too much going on to get in depth but the way I was treated by that branch and the entire parties in this matter was extremely unethical.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Sangerville, ME

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Complaint: My account was compromised in XX/XX/XXXX. I filed a dispute and the bank found it in my favor. It took until XX/XX/XXXX to get all of the money back into my account. Once I got the money in my account I decided to close my account because this was the 3rd time my account was compromised with them. I had another checking account at another bank so I decided to transfer the money there. I went into the local TD Bank branch to close out my account and upon closing it out the teller handed me much more money than I anticipated having in my account. I told her that there must have been some kind of mistake because this is more money than I had in my account. She looked at the computer and told me that was how much was in my account. I told her that something was wrong. She called over a manager and the manager looked at it and confirmed that this was the correct amount in my account and if I wanted to close the account I would have to take it all, otherwise there would be money left in the account and it would not be able to close. I hesitantly took it all and left. When I got home I called the TD Bank customer service XXXX number and spoke to a gentleman ( I forgot his name. ) I told him what had happened, and asked him to please look at my account and see if she gave me too much money. He had told me everything looked good. I held onto it for about 3 months, just in case they asked to have it back. When XX/XX/XXXX came around and I didn't hear from anyone from the bank I figured I was mistaken, the bank was right and the amount of money given to me was indeed correct. I decided that after 3 months it was long enough for time to pass for them to retrieve it, so I spent it on things I needed. In XX/XX/XXXX I received an email statement from TD Bank letting me know my statement was available to view. In seeing this, I was confused because I had closed my account in XX/XX/XXXX. There should not be a statement. I downloaded the TD Bank app and to my surprise my old username and password was still active. When I logged in, I noticed that I had a - {$690.00} dollar balance. ( Give or take. ) I called the XXXX number and was advised that they showed someone who worked at the local branch had opened my account back up and were unsure why because no one notated my account. I went into the branch and was told that they reversed the money given to me because they gave me more than what I was owed. I told her that when I was standing in front of her she told me that was how much I had in my account and I couldn't close my account without taking it all. So I was technically forced in taking the money. She said she was sorry but I could come in and make payments on it if I didn't have enough to pay at once. At this point I was very angry and left. I came back and made a XXXX dollar payment on it because I didn't want it to go to collections. I am in the process of buying a house and I didn't want this affecting my credit. I explained that I can't keep leaving work or wasting my lunch break to make payments in the branch. She told me I can call the Recovery Department and make a payment with them. I called the Recovery Department on XX/XX/XXXX and spoke to XXXX - Agent ID # XXXX, he told me I couldn't make a payment with him because he doesn't take credit cards over the phone and I lost my temper and happened to swear. He then proceeded to lecture me on why I shouldn't swear and that he doesn't appreciate my attitude, and after after about a minute of him lecturing me and cutting me off, I hung up. I called back and spoke to XXXX - Agent ID # XXXX. She was very nice and explained that she couldn't take a payment over the phone if she wanted to because the account was still active. She told me if I couldn't pay the full balance that day they would send it to collections. She told me I would have to call the local bank branch and make arrangements with them. I then called the local branch and spoke to one of the managers, XXXX, who has always been less than kind with me. I explained what I was told and how I would have this balance go to collections if it wasn't paid off today and told her how it was the banks fault and not my own. I told her I was in the process of buying a house and that I do not want this on my credit, and that was why I was trying to make payments to keep it from affecting my credit. She very rudely and coldly told me that whether I make payments or pay the full balance it's still going to affect my credit. At that point I was so angry I told her to just send it to collections and that I'd fight it. She said in a very fake tone " Okay, thanks for calling ... '' And then hung up on me. The next day, Saturday XX/XX/XXXX, a supervisor called me back and was unable to help, I told her I wanted someone from corporate to call me. She told me she would have a supervisor call me from the corporate office. On XX/XX/XXXX I called and spoke to XXXX - Agent ID # XXXX, after no one called me, and I told her that I wanted someone from corporate to call me. She told me that she can't do that and that I would need to go into the branch and talk to them in person as she can't do anything with my account over the phone. I told her that I would not be going back into the local branch and I hung up. At this point I feel that I don't owe anything else to TD Bank, after all the many months of hassles I've been put through, the heightened anxiety and stress about how my credit being affected due to the lack of attention at the local bank branch, being told by a customer service supervisor ( XXXX ) that I clearly do not appreciate what TD Bank does for me, the many other agents who I have spoken to over the course of multiple months ( I do not have their names, ) being laughed at, hung up on, refused to be connected to supervisors or corporate ... I feel that I do not owe anything else to TD Bank. I would like for TD bank to remove this debt and negative reporting from my credit report, and I promise I will never set foot in their establishment again. I also have documents showing that I had a XXXX balance upon closing my account on XX/XX/XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Burlington, NC

Trouble using your card

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Credit card company won't increase or decrease your credit limit
Complaint: Made a pymt five days late as we have a family member hospitalized. Realized it and made the pymt immediately only to have our credit line reduced from {$7500.00} to {$2700.00} without warning. TD Bank listed two reasons on a letter dated XX/XX/18 that are completely untrue as to why the CL was reduced which are 1 ) you are not paying down your balance fast enough and 2 ) number of accts delinquent. We just used the card for the first time and have rec 'd only one statement and have made our pymt although it was five days late. How can this be legal to use false reasons to reduce our CL? Also, the is one old delinquent acct on the three bureaus just as it was when we were immediately approved for the card. When I tried to explain the above, no one wanted to hear it. How can this be legal to now use this as a basis for reducing the CL? Fortunately we are in the position to pay off what we owe and open a new acct to help offset our closing of this acct which we will do soon. We have abt $ XXXX available in unsecured credit and certainly don't have to be treated this way without so much as a phone call. Their customer service could care less. I'm assuming by the way TD Bank does business that they have never made a mistake or missed a pymt for a very legitimate reason, caught it and corrected it immediately. Please be careful using TD Bank and making a mistake. Our error cost us 85+ points in our credit scores overnight.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Matthews, NC

Problem when making payments

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Problem during payment process
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Sarasota, FL

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Complaint: I had an account with td bank they are saying I owe them XXXX in fees I had fraud reported it they closed my account and also I paid high fees the last year I had it which is XX/XX/XXXXto XX/XX/XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Overdraft, savings, or rewards features

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: Mobile or digital wallet

Complaint: i have made 1 purchase thst over drafted my account so then I replenished it and made another purchase knowing my balance was positive. Later a withdrawal fee hits after I make another purchase wich I had anticipated to be exact change so thst threw off my calculations. Everytime I made a purchase I looked at my online statement thst it was positive. Later they hit me with about 5 over draft fees when every transaction I made was on a positive balance. Only when they charged an over draft fee did it change the statute.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Winnsboro, LA

Improper use of your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Complaint: I have reached out to this Company numerous of times about the unauthorized inquiry. I have a freeze on all 3 credit bureaus. I have called the Agency and the credit bureau and each time I keep getting told to call back the other. I am in the process of purchasing a home and this has become frustrating. I am advised of my rights as a consumer and i have yet to get a solution. The inquiry was placed XX/XX/2017 2017
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Cashing a check
Complaint: In earlyXX/XX/XXXX, I made a car insurance payment of {$520.00} by check. I mailed the check from a blue postal box on the street. Approximately two weeks later, on XX/XX/XXXX, I got a notice from the insurance company saying I hadn't paid yet and they were mailing a cancellation notice. At first I assumed the problem was with the insurance company, because I checked my account and saw that the check had been cashed. But then, on XX/XX/XXXX, I clicked on the check image and saw that that, apart from my signature, which had been left intact, the check had someone else 's handwriting on it. The check had been made out to XXXX, but it was now made out to XXXX XXXX. The amount was the same as the original check -- {$520.00}. I went immediately to the local TD Bank office and explained the problem. The clerk who I spoke with looked at the image and shared my reaction -- the handwriting on the check was clearly not mine, and she pointed out that you could see where the check lines had been inadvertently whited out. She didn't know how to deal with check fraud except by calling the bank 's fraud department, which she only knew how to reach through the same XXXX number that customers dial. The wait time was very long -- 45 minutes. She finally found out that she'd have to prepare some paperwork and I would have to sign an affidavit. She asked me to come back the next morning to complete my part of the paperwork, which I did. She also put my existing checking account on some sort of dormant status out of a concern for its security and opened a new checking account for me. I went through the process of turning off all of my direct deposits and payments and setting them up on the new account. When I went back to sign the affidavit, I asked how long it generally takes for a problem like this to get resolved. She said she thought it should be sorted out within a few weeks at which point they could close the dormant account, which sounded reasonable to me. A month or so later I checked my accounts online and saw that several thousand dollars had been transferred from my dormant checking account to the new checking account. I was concerned because I hadn't authorized that, so I called TD Bank 's customer service line. They explained that the transfer had been initiated by the local branch, for some reason. While I was on the line I asked whether they could give me an update on the check fraud issue, as I'd heard nothing more about it and was still missing {$520.00} from my account. They put me through to the fraud department where I waited on hold for somewhere between 40 minutes and an hour. When I finally spoke to someone, they told me that the incident of fraud could take as long as 3 months to be resolved. That seemed like a long time to me, so I asked why and I was told something to the effect of " that's just how long it takes. '' I explained that the bank branch had told me to expect it to be resolved more quickly, and the response was, basically, " well, they're wrong. '' A couple of months later, nearing the outside limit of when the fraud department told me the issue would be resolved, I called again for an update. I was again on hold for a very long time ( as I have been every time I've called their customer line. ) This time the fraud specialist couldn't tell me much of anything or explain what might be going on, so I asked to talk to a manager, hoping to get more information. The manager was unpleasant and seemed to think that my request for an update after nearly three months was unreasonable. After more than an hour on the phone, I'd gotten nowhere. For the next two months after that I called every couple of weeks, hoping to find someone who could tell me what was going on. It began to be really frustrating. No one was ever able to give me a good time estimate, or tell me where my case was in the fraud resolution process, or explain why things were taking so long. At some point, after several calls like that, a fraud specialist told me that I shouldn't be trying to handle this problem through the fraud department at all, but would have to deal with it through my local branch office. That made me lose my mind a little, because I knew from experience that the local branch office would just call the same number that I had dialed. So I got discouraged and dropped it for a while, hoping it would just get resolved. Last month, onXX/XX/XXXX, I realized that it had been a full six months since I first reported the fraud problem and that I still didn't know whether it was any closer to being addressed. So I went to the local branch office and waited to talk to the manager, XXXX XXXX. I explained the situation to him. He looked me up in the system and could see when I'd made the initial complaint and that I'd checked on it a number of times, but he couldn't tell me anything more. He said it might be taking a long time because TD Bank might be waiting for the institution where the fraudulent check was cashed -- XXXX XXXX XXXX -- to reimburse them before reimbursing me, an explanation I'd never heard before. He said that to get an update, he'd have to call the fraud department, the same department I'd already spent hours calling with zero results except for a lot of wasted time and conflicting information. I told him that didn't make sense to me, because the last I'd heard from them, they couldn't resolve it and told me I would have to handle it through the local office. He said he was sorry but he had to call them and asked me to stay with him at his desk while he made that call. When the wait time was estimated at more than 30 minutes I said I had to get to work. He said that if I left he might not stay on hold, essentially threatening to not deal with the problem unless I stayed. I explained again that I'd already been through this process a lot and just didn't have time to be on hold for ages. He said okay, and that he would follow up with me. I gave him my number and he gave me his card. A week later, after hearing nothing from him, I sent an email reminding him of the issue. I didn't hear back. I went back to the bank in person, but he wasn't there. A week after my first email, I emailed again. It's now been a month since that XX/XX/XXXXvisit where I first met the bank manager, and I've still gotten no response. Today I decided to try to deal with the problem once and for all. I was on hold for more than 50 minutes before getting through to a fraud specialist named XXXX. I explained the situation and that it's now been seven months since the fraud was discovered and asked her if she could give me some kind of update. She said that the fraud department only create cases. She said there's no estimate as to when any investigation will be completed. She said she couldn't check on the status of the case, or even confirm that they'd received the signed affidavit I filled out 7 months ago, the document that was supposed to kickstart the fraud investigation in the first place. She said that instead of calling her, I should call the security department ( a department I've never heard of before ) and they should be able to tell me the status of things. She said she couldn't connect me, but she could give me a number. After so much time on hold, I was reluctant to get pushed off to someone else quickly, so I asked if I could speak to a manager. She went to find one but came back on the line saying that no one was available. I asked if she could have a manager call me back. She verified my phone number and said that she would escalate the issue to a manager given the amount of time that's passed since I reported the fraud. But she couldn't promise that anyone would call me. I called the security department at the number XXXX provided. The wait time was comparatively short. A sympathetic banking specialist named XXXX answered. I told her the story -- and also explained that I'm getting kind of desperate to get this sorted out because I'm XXXX and scheduled to XXXX XXXX on Monday, and I really don't want to have this problem hanging out there unresolved. She told me to hold while she reached out to a manager who might be able to give me more information. A few minutes later she got back on the line and told me that the manager said I should reach out to the fraud resolution department -- the exact department that I've been calling for months, and that had just told me to call the security department instead. I explained all of that, and XXXX was very nice but said she really didn't know what to tell me. She said she wished she could help, but she isn't the person who has the information to help me. She said she knows from experience how hard it is to get in touch with the fraud department, because she's had to go through the process of getting in touch with them herself. But she said calling them back was the only thing she could tell me to do, because that's what her manager told her. Basically, I have been in stuck in a dysfunctional bureaucratic loop for seven months now. I have spent probably 20 hours of my time trying to get this resolved and as far as I can tell, I am no closer to having it sorted out than I was in XX/XX/XXXX of last year. I feel like a hostage, which sounds crazy and melodramatic, I know, but I have spent so much time trying to work this out, and all I get is a run-around. It's the worst customer service I've ever experienced anywhere. All I want to do is cancel my accounts and get as far away from TD Bank as I can. But I don't want to let them walk away with my {$520.00}. Sticking with my resolution to try to get this worked out today, I followed XXXX XXXX instructions and called the fraud resolution department again. After another hour on hold, the same fraud resolution specialist that I'd spoken to earlier, XXXX, picked up again. I explained to her what had just happened. That I'd called the number she referred me to. That they'd referred me back to her. That I'd spent another hour on hold after already spending an hour waiting to talk to her the first time. I asked her to please put all of that in writing for her manager, because it's emblematic of what I've experience for the last seven months. I told her how frustrated I am to have spent two and a half precious hours of the little time I have remaining before I become XXXX XXXX trying to get answers from TD Bank, and I asked her to please convey that to her supervisor. She said she would. I have no faith that a resolution is coming any time soon.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Problem when making payments

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Problem during payment process
Complaint: TD Bank / XXXX XXXX XXXX store credit account The online account service offered for looking up account information online and making payments does not offer an option for setting up monthly ACH payments that are MORE than just the minimum amount. Many companies appear to leave out this service. There website allows for making payments for the 1- minimum monthly payment, 2- payment in full, or 3- " other '' ( amount of your choosing ). However, when you choose the option for an AUTOmatic payment to be deducted, suddenly the option for choosing " other '' or any payment amount of your choosing is not allowed. I feel that that many credit companies do this purposefully so that the borrower can not pay down the debt faster in a convenient way. I have come across many companies doing this and then consumers are forced to make the payments by other means than by using convenient electronic debit services. Since electronic payment services are the norm in these modern times ( and I have been doing electronic banking since 2005 ), it seems inappropriate to lure consumers to the convenience of monthly ACH payments when there is no option for paying your debt faster. Why not introduce regulations ( or perhaps you can inform me if regs exist ) such that if an institution makes ACH available, that the option for making more than the minimum payment BY MEANS OF ACH must also be made available. I would like to know, do you have a list of which banks currently provide the option for making more than the minimum payment BY MEANS OF ACH automatic debit. I would like to only use these banks, as necessary, for any large credit purchases.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Latta, SC

Problem with a purchase shown on your statement

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Bayville, NJ

Improper use of your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Reporting company used your report improperly
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lowell, MA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Problem using a debit or ATM card
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Three Bridges, NJ

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: My mortgage is with TD Bank since XX/XX/XXXX. I make mortgage payment s on time ; never late on a payment. The mortgage payment is $ XXXX/ month due as of the first of the month. I make a monthly payment of {$2200.00}. On XX/XX/XXXX ( business day of XX/XX/XXXX ), I went to TD bank branch located in XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, NJ, to make the mortgage payment due on XX/XX/XXXX. I told the teller that I need to pay my mortgage. Because TD Bank does not have a mortgage payment slip, I do have to complete one. The teller completed the transaction and gave me receipts which I can provide to you. I left the branch expecting everything is ok since I never had any issues paying mortgage in branches before. On XX/XX/XXXX, I went online to check my accounts and I noticed too much money in my overdraft protection account. I found out that the bank teller deposited the {$2200.00} in my overdraft protection account instead of the mortgage which surplused my overdraft protection account and made me late on the mortgage payment. I called the branch and spoke to a customer service representative who said she will contact the back office. I did follow up with the branch manager who assured me that she will take care of the issue and the mortgage payment will be posted to my mortgage account as of XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, the bank debited the {$2200.00} from the overdraft protection to credit my mortgage account. However the mortgage payment was posted XX/XX/XXXX instead of XX/XX/XXXX. I spoke with the branch customer service again to correct this error as I made the payment on XX/XX/XXXXand should be posted on that day. She said that I should not be upset about it because I get two weeks grace period anyway! I wasn't happy with her response and I asked to speak with her manager again. The branch manager claimed that she sent an email to the mortgage department to get this fixed. As of today, the mortgage is not posted on the date I made the payment and the branch manager is not getting back to me. I tried to contact the district manager, however, a branch employee refused to give me his/ her contact information.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Bay Head, NJ

Problems at the end of the loan or lease

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Unable to receive car title or other problem after the loan is paid off
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Oakland, CA

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Credit card debt

Debt was result of identity theft
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Black Horse, PA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response



Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Savings account

Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX I found a transaction in my savings account, dated XX/XX/XXXX, where XXXX did a trial debit of {$1600.00}. I immediately went to TD Bank in XXXX and filed a claim XXXX. The CSR said it was a debit fraud issue. It was actually an ACH issue I found out a week + later. Later that evening I found another trial dated XX/XX/XXXX. My account was then frozen and I could not access online banking. I was being told I had to agree to a verbal (? / used to be a written ) disclosure and the phone wait time in the branch is 2 hours. I have yet to get a response to my claim as to whether I am safe to use my accounts again. They have told me the funds were not taken since I reported the same day, but I have no update as to whom tried to take my money. Their voicemail is vague and I left 4 messages XXXX. I found out last Friday that they don't answer the phone. Then why was I given their # to call?? This operating procedure is unacceptable. I got the runaround from XX/XX/XXXX - XXXX. I could do no banking nor see if my remaining funds were in tact. Coincidentally, I just heard that my employer 's payroll person is being accused of stealing money from the company. Hence why I am concerned also about my remaining accounts.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Middletown, DE

Advertising and marketing, including promotional offers

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Didn't receive advertised or promotional terms
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Brewster, NY

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Camden, NJ

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fee problem
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Improper use of your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Complaint: went to XXXX XXXX to purchase a pick up and they made 8 hard inquiries on my credit.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lakewood, NJ

Struggling to pay mortgage

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Branchburg, NJ

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Grosse Ile, MI

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: My XXXX credit card was used fraudulently in XX/XX/2015. I had no idea the card was used. By the time I found out, I paid the balance but XXXX put a 30-59 day late on my credit report.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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