Consumer Complaints

There are over 10902 complaints on file for TD BANK US HOLDING COMPANY. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-01.

Complaints Page 108


Groton, MA

Confusing or missing disclosures

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chicago, IL

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Port Richey, FL

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: I do not know

Debt was result of identity theft
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Problems at the end of the loan or lease

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Unable to receive car title or other problem after the loan is paid off
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Dania Beach, FL

Opening an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Didn't receive terms that were advertised
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Gloucester City, NJ

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Complaint: I am writing you today as an aggrieved man. TD Bank yet again has charged me a ridiculous amount of overdraft fees and stole my money, I know thats how banks make their money, but I do not appreciate being mistreated by this bank. I should have a balance of {$200.00} maybe a little more as my account balance as of today XX/XX/18. TD Bank charged me {$150.00} overdraft fee on top of another {$35.00} over draft fee. All this as they still process, my transactions making it appears they were on a different date then they were. My paycheck was deposited today XX/XX/18 and II was left with {$60.00} dollars out of {$540.00} because of TD banks horrible business practices. I called customer service and they said to me they cant get into my account because they are locked out. I cant even have a conversation with an agent about my account now? Why? Its getting to the point where I am going to end up taking my business elsewhere. I really do not want to and want to give TD Bank a chance to do right by one of its customers. I demand TD bank remove the extra overdraft fees immediately and restore my balance to {$200.00}!
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Jupiter, FL

Struggling to pay your bill

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Credit card company won't work with you while you're going through financial hardship
Complaint: TD Bank took my whole XXXX check which they claimed I owed them but they gave me no notice of the fact I was overdrawn in overdraft privileges and now my food stamps were cut and I can not afford to give the bank back XXXX as they caused this by sending my bank statement notices to XXXX XXXX XXXX my former lawyer. I told them tochangemy address XXXX XXXX XXXX but I was overdrawn and have these charges due to the bank notnotifyingmeproperly.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Foothill Ranch, CA

Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Complaint: I was a victim of identity theft due to the OPM breach while I was employed by the FBI. An account with XXXX was opened fraudulently and they sold this account to XXXX XXXX who placed this in collections on my credit report. I have sent my FTC identity theft affidavit, letter from OPM verifying what information was compromised, proof of my identity bearing my signature and a copy of the 605B statute to XXXX, XXXX and all three credit bureaus. I requested that XXXX provide me with proof that I have a contract bearing my signature that I owe them this debt on two occasions in writing. They have failed to provide me with anything bearing my signature. They sent me a statement/bill bearing an address that I have never lived. When they sold this debt to XXXX, I sent the identity theft documentation to all three credit bureaus and to XXXX directly. In a timely manner, XXXX immediately deleted the account from my reports as a collection. However, XXXX refuses to delete this charge off from my credit reports and is claiming this debt is valid despite having no proof of contract with my signature and despite the fact that they sold this debt to XXXX and no longer own this debt. They have claimed that my identity theft is invalid despite the documentation I have provided to them and that payments were made on this account but have provided no proof of any payment bearing my signature.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Frederick, MD

Problem with a purchase shown on your statement

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Wallington, NJ

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: TD Bank has harmed my credit after failing to inform me on account delinquencies on a pair of co-signed loans ( *details in TDdispute_letter attachment ). This has recently restricted my ability to apply for a mortgage, and will continue to impair my borrowing and employment opportunities as the accounts are currently set to remain on my credit for 5+ years. Even after promptly paying back the balances with interest, identifying the TD Bank errors that prevented notification, having a branch manager advocate on my behalf, and disputing the credit deficiencies with all 3 credit bureaus, TD Bank has not taken corrective action to remove negative information from my credit report ( *see dispute results in attachments Equifax , Transunion , and Experian ). As my actions and credit history clearly attest, I would never had allowed these delinquencies if I had any notification. In addition, failure to inform me of delinquency on 1 account ( XXXX ) concealed untrustworthy behavior of a babysitter working for my wife and me. The babysitter would later go on to make {$1000.00} of fraudulent charges on my credit card and steal cash from our home ( *see attachment PoliceReport1,2 ). What is worse, after this theft in XX/XX/XXXX, I inquired about the accounts in the XXXX XXXX XXXX TD Bank branch where the loans were made, and again I was not informed of the delinquencies. I was told only that the accounts were closed. When I finally discovered the delinquencies through a credit check for a mortgage in XX/XX/XXXX, I satisfied the balances within 1 day ( *see attachment TDPayoff_proof ). One of the co-signers had neglected a final payment that was not automatically withdrawn. He paid immediately when I called him. The other was with the babysitter who stole from us, and this one I paid off myself for {$4300.00}. At this time I discovered that TD Bank had recorded an incorrect address and birth date for me at the origination of the first loan and had not verified any of this for the second loan ( *see attachment TD Contact Info ). Instead of taking the address from my drivers license or from any application I would have filled out, TD Bank recorded my address as the same as the first co-borrower. I have never lived in that town or with the co-borrower. The incorrect birth date on record is also inexplicable. TD Bank has not provided me a copy of the loan applications for either loan or offered any explanation of these clear origination errors. XXXX XXXX, the TD Bank branch manager at XXXX XXXX location in XXXX helped me process payments. Seeing the errors in my account information, he filed a Consumer Credit Report Dispute Form ( *attachement TDdispute_letter ) on my behalf. This has apparently not had any effect on repairing my credit.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


La Mesa, CA

Problem when making payments

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

You never received your bill or did not know a payment was due
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lewisville, TX

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: I had a car financed with TD Financial from XX/XX/XXXX until it was recalled by the manufacturer XX/XX/XXXX. XXXX paid the remaining balance due at the time of the recall to the finance company during the first quarter of XX/XX/XXXX. The finance company now shows this amount as written off as bad debt on my credit report. They also report that six payments from XX/XX/XXXXto XX/XX/XXXX are charge offs on my account. We were informed not to make additional payments after XX/XX/XXXX. I have contacted TD Financial twice about this matter since XX/XX/XXXX and was told that they would correct this. As of XX/XX/XXXX this has not been done. I have copies of e-mails from XXXX reflecting the payments made.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Foothill Ranch, CA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Problem making or receiving payments
Complaint: Complaint : Summary : This is about an active business account in good standing that has is in a situation of fraud and being negative {$54000.00}. TD Bank is being negligent and delaying the process to recover the significant amount of funds that our business to continue operating. There is a detailed timeline below. We issued check # XXXX for {$54000.00} to one of our vendor XXXX XXXX, XXXX, but they did not receive the check. We believed it was due to a snowstorm that happened at that time so we issued another check # XXXX for the same amount. About a week later we discovered that both checks were cashed leaving our account negative about {$40000.00}. After investigation and getting copies of the cashed checks, we quickly saw that check # XXXX was intercepted, washed, and deposited to some other business 's account. The signature was wrong and the payee was different. We were in XXXX at the time so we quickly called TD Bank 's fraud department to update them on this matter, but over several phone calls and days of calling, they kept 1. pointing us to other departments 2. leaving us on hold for over 1.5 hours or 3. hanging up on us. After getting a hold of the fraud department and telling them the situation the first time, I learned shortly after I made a follow up call, that they made a mistake on taking the notes on which check had been washed. They told me that the case has been resolved and that the bank was already sending the money back. This was false because the bank was returning check # XXXX that bounced. After a few more calls they finally got the story straight and was working on getting the XXXX department to handle it. Every time I did call to make a follow up they kept emphasizing that this may take up to 90 days to resolve. After about 1.5 months of calling into the branch and to the fraud department someone was able to get the XXXX representative that was handling my case to give me a call. He called and told me that he had tried calling me several times and left messages, but this was the first time I had ever seen a missed call from his number and I had no voicemails. He requested more information and documents that I had provided to the fraud department via fax and certified mail from my attorney. He also emphasized that this may take up to 90 days after it has been over a month. I still emailed him everything that he asked for. A few weeks past and he doesn't respond so we send a letter demanding that they give us an update. He responds by saying that he is requesting again for the same documents that I had already sent him. Now about 2.5 months in I call XXXX to see if she has any updates. She has been following up with the account and sees that XXXX XXXX has no update on the claim. She tries to contact XXXX to see if there is an update and shortly after a new person has been assigned to my account, XXXX XXXX. She gives me his contact after she had spoken with him. She also says that he has tried to call me several times, again I had no missed calls or voicemails from XXXX. I call him multiple times starting the same day I got his contact. It always goes to voicemail where I leave him messages. I have not received a call back since. I follow up with XXXX and she says he has been responsive through emails. I tried sending him an email and the message got sent back. At this point it has already been 3 months, I have had to take out loans to keep my business afloat. This is really hurting my business as I don't have enough capital to pay my vendors. I have utilized my business relationships to their maximum with being lenient on payments etc. This bank seems like it is just taking advantage of their customer 's patience. Detailed Timeline : XX/XX/XXXX : We write check # XXXX to XXXX XXXX, XXXX for {$54000.00} XX/XX/XXXX : No updated on tracking for the check so we thought it might be lost or delayed in transit. XX/XX/XXXX : # XXXX was debited but we didn't know. This time we also knew that there was a snow storm in XX/XX/XXXX : XXXX confirms that there is a snowstorm so XXXX sent out # XXXX for {$54000.00} XX/XX/XXXX : # XXXX was deposited XX/XX/XXXX : XXXX XXXX XXXX is negative ~ {$40000.00}. XX/XX/XXXX XXXX ( 2 hours ) : - Talked to the fraud department and told her what happened with the checks and we confirmed that it was an intercepted check and that it was washed. We verified exactly which check because we went through the Payee 's name several times, and I confirmed with her I never wrote a check or had a vendor named XXXX XXXX XXXX. The girl on the phone walked me through the steps of what needs to be done : 1 ) Go into the branch and sign an affidavit stating that the check is fraudulent 2 ) Limited lockdown on the account 3 ) Go into the branch to initiate the creation of a new account and transfer all the funds over - I told her if it is possible for me to do all of this on the phone because I am in XXXX. She said not to worry about the funds because it looks like they already caught the check and the money is going back into the account already, but that we should still continue with the process of 2 ) and 3 ) which 1 hour later on the phone she said they could do by sending me the signature cards to open a new account. - she put me on hold for 1 hour ( total of 2 hours now ) and then the system hung up on me. XX/XX/XXXX : - I wanted to confirm that the funds were back in the account because I looked through my app and it had not returned yet. - I called the fraud department and waited for 1 hour then the system hung up on me - I called the regular customer service department told them that my account had a fraud charge, so they sent me to the fraud department again, waited 30 minutes and system hung up on me. - I called again to regular customer service and I couldn't verify the correct information so they locked me out of the account and told me I had to go into the branch and verify myself. I told them that's impossible bc I am in XXXX and I live in California is there another way to do this. She said no. I got upset and told them they have the worst customer service and then she hung up on me. - I called customer service again to talk to a supervisor to tell them its urgent that they help me because I have a fraudulent charge of {$54000.00} on my business account and I need the funds. She said sorry only fraud department can help you with that. I said I have waited on the phone multiple times for 1-2 hours every time the system hung up on me. When I did have someone on the phone she put me on hold for 1 hour and never came back. I asked her if she thought that was ok. She said no. I asked her if she could do anything to help me. She said no and hung up on me. - I tried calling the fraud department again waited for 20 minutes and quit trying. XX/XX/XXXX - I tried calling the fraud department and quit after waiting for 30 minutes. XXXX - I waited for them to open at XXXX EST and got a hold of someone - This girl confirmed that the previous representative made mistake noting that # XXXX was the fraudulent check even though I confirmed with the previous girl that The XXXX XXXX XXXX check number # XXXX was the fraudulent one. - She added the notes in and made the correction. She confirmed then that the funds HAVE NOT been returned because it was # XXXX that was returned due to insufficient funds. - She told me I had to go to the brand to do the steps above. I told her I can't due to being in XXXX. She said the only way is to mail me the affidavit and signature cards to the mailing address on file. I said ok I'll do that. - I asked her if we will get our money back and when. She said money will 100 % come back, but it could take up to several months and it depends on when they get the affidavits so they could start the investigation. - I asked her to make a note on my account to recover the funds ASAP because the business needs to expense the money. - She told me since the account is on lockdown I will need to notify them of any outgoing payments. - I told her that we will issue checks : # XXXX - {$40000.00} - XXXX XXXX XXXX. # XXXX - {$5600.00} - XXXX XXXX XXXX We received the documents sent to the store. These documents they requested we fill out and mail back from them via mail or fax. XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX sends the all the documents including Affidavit and all the documents that TD Bank requested. XX/XX/XXXX Called to check on the status of the case. No information and notes that it could take up to several months to collect the money. Told them to clear checks : # XXXX : {$780.00} to XXXX XXXX # XXXX : {$5600.00} to XXXX XXXX XXXX Called to Check on the status of the case. No information and notes that it could take up to several months to collect the money. Told them to clear checks : # XXXX : {$620.00} ( This was the wrong amount by me but will adjust on ) # XXXX : {$780.00} to XXXX XXXX was actually written XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX Call into the branch to speak with branch manager XXXX XXXX to see if he could give me an update. He tried calling and came back after a few minutes and said he cant get a hold of them and that he would continue to call until he got a hold of them and then call me when he does. He doesnt call back. XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX from TD Bank from the XXXX department calls me by phone to request me to sign the affidavit form again because the copy they received is illegible. He says that he has tried to contact me several times with no answer. This is the first time I have ever heard from him. Maybe it was the call from the branch that got XXXX to call? I complained to him about the situation and said that I have been patient and I expect this to be resolved asap because it's a large amount of money. He told me that it could take up to several months to get the money and told me that usually overestimate the time to collect the funds so that they could under delivery on the actual time they said. He said he wanted a copy of the carbon copy in addition to the documents that I had already sent. I confirmed with him that I had sent these documents to the TD Bank HQ at XXXX XXXX, TD bank Branch attn to both branch managers XXXX and XXXX, and faxed it ( I have fax confirmation ). This is what he emails me shortly after the conversation : I respond in an email with all the documents that he requested. XX/XX/XXXX Called to Check on the status of the case. No information XXXX tried to cash the check but TDBank held it because I told them the wrong amount. So I updated them with the correct information and told them to release the check # XXXX for {$780.00} to XXXX XXXX. XX/XX/XXXX We send an email to XXXX stating that we are upset and demand a proper update. XX/XX/XXXX called the branch spoke with assistant manager XXXX. She looked at the notes on the account and said that there are no notes from XXXX XXXX. I told her that I have already spoken XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX and sent them all the documents that they needed and already have. I sent her the email chain and asked her to follow up. XX/XX/XXXX XXXX Some number XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Told me to call XX/XX/XXXX Called XXXX and XXXX to follow up Tuesday morning XXXX was assigned to the account because Arkeem was not being responsive so XXXX who is higher up was assigned. They said he tried contacting me on Tuesday but I have no call record or voicemail XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX tried calling no answer. Left a voicemail XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX tried calling no answer. Left a voicemail XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX : tried calling no answer. Left a voicemail XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX tried calling no answer. Left a voicemail. XX/XX/XXXX Sent an email and it was bounced back. Called XXXX to see if she had any updates and asked her to CC me on an email to XXXX. Never got an email from XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Far Rockaway, NY

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Old information reappears or never goes away
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Coral Springs, FL

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Other banking product or service

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response



Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Problem with personal statement of dispute
Complaint: I had an account with XXXX, I have had their XXXX card since XX/XX/XXXX. Never missed a payment, XX/XX/XXXX I went into their mobile app, to change notifications from paper statements to paperless and text alerts letting me know 10 days before its due. XXXX of XX/XX/XXXX I checked my fico score which I get free with my XXXX card. Seeing it dropped from XXXX to XXXX I was shocked! Called XXXX up immediately the associate said Most definitely I can see where youre notification settings did not take on our sitde, and must be a glitch in the XXXX app, they told me that if it went to my credit bureaus they would call them right up and they would have the credit agencies delete it from my report. That was XX/XX/XXXX I asked them to please send me a letter verifying the conversation that we had, they said woulomsil me out a letter never received anything waited a couple weeks, called them back now theyre saying they have no idea what Im talking about its going to be reported as the 30 day late no matter what I do. There must be something that can be done me as a consumer it seems that I have no rights the credit bureaus are coming down on XXXX side without even listening to anything I have to say I had them put a consumer statement on my credit report however there is one credit bureau that said we can see that you Have a excellent history of repaying so we will delete it off your credit report. The other bureaus XXXX, XXXX, XXXX will not delete it. Can you please advise me?
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Eddyville, NY

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Problem using a debit or ATM card
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Hayfield, VA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Other banking product or service

Problem accessing account
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Seneca, SC

Opening an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Didn't receive terms that were advertised
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I received a promotional mailer for TD Bank at our house address. It required a minimal amount of money direct deposited to a new TD checking account in order to receive {$300.00}. My wife and I went into the TD Bank XXXX, SC location on XXXX XXXX. and met with the ( branch manager? ) XXXX. We brought the promotional flyer in and setup our Checking and Savings accounts accordingly. We exceeded the minimum monthly direct deposit for many months. Around XX/XX/XXXX I stopped in the bank ( XXXX location ) and spoke with XXXX - who confirmed that we had met all the eligibility requirements, but were now just waiting for the credit - and that it could take some time. I accepted that as an answer and moved on. On XX/XX/2018 I called the XXXX branch and requested information about where the credit is - since enough time has passed for TD Bank to honor their end of the deal. I was told I would receive a call back - which never happened. I called today ( XX/XX/XXXX ) and spoke with XXXX XXXX - who could not provide any information about where my credit was or what was going on. I insisted that I speak with someone else and got a different number which led me to XXXX ( XXXX, SC office ). She informed me that she had looked into this matter and had attempted to call me at the end of XX/XX/XXXX. She told me she left a message, but I have not received any proactive communication from TD Bank regarding this situation. The bank has my email address on file, but I never received an email. They also have my correct physical address on file, but I never received a letter. XXXX also informed me that " the customer did not receive a mailer '' was the response she received from TD Bank research department. This SHOULD have been something caught when we opened the account in-branch ( with the flyer in hand ) for this specific reason. I requested to escalate this higher and XXXX gave me the number to XXXX XXXX. I called him and he is not available. I have several other local bank accounts and this bank is the worst. They are slow, have terrible customer service, don't call you back - and nobody seems to know what is going on. My wife and I signed up as NEW TD BANK CUSTOMERS just because of this bait and switch offer that they are not wanting to honor. On XX/XX/XXXX I read this complaint to XXXX in order to verify that all of this information provided in this complaint is as accurate as possible.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arvada, CO

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account status incorrect
Complaint: I made all my payments on time using the companies website but one month i got notice 30 days later that they never received the payment and that a 30 day late payment was on my history. This was not my fault because their website showed that they received the payment.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


N Palm Beach, FL

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


New Brunswick, NJ

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Banking errors
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fee problem
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Great Neck, NY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: TD bank posted late fee on my account despite mailing payment in on time. I am never late. As soon as I saw the late fee I made a payment directly at the branch on XXXX XXXX in XXXX. I called and they refused to reverse the late fee. This all happened today - XX/XX/2018. I am concerned they are holding payments and not posting them to force consumers to accrue late fees. Given my impeccable payment history, I am disgusted that they would not waive the late fee.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Unable to get your credit report or credit score

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Other problem getting your report or credit score
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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