There are over 1675 complaints on file for Selene Finance LP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-05-23.
Washington, DC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: A foreclosure Lawsuit was filed against the Borrower on or About XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX. The Borrower was defaulted from her loan because of several mistakes made by her servicers during various transfers of her loan to XXXX another.
As a result of their mistakes they stopped accepting her payments and defaulted her. On or about XXXX of XX/XX/XXXX, The Borrower was granted a loan modification trial period by XXXX XXXX following a complaint to the CFPB.
Immediately upon granting The Borrower a loan modification, XXXX XXXX sold her loan to Selene Finance. Because of the transfer, approximately two months passed before The Borrower was able to make loan modification payments.
On or about XXXX of XX/XX/XXXX, The Borrower completed her trial payments. In XXXX of XX/XX/XXXX Selene Finance mailed out the final modification packet, and The Borrower immediately signed it and returned it. ( See attached correspondence and loan mod documents ).
The Default is resolved and settled. The Borrower has continued making regular payments on her loan, and the foreclosure case should be dropped. There is no longer any default. However, Selene Finance has failed to instruct its counsel to dismiss the foreclosure case, and has instructed them to proceed with the litigation. ( see attached documents ).
Trial is scheduled for XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/2015. While Selene finance has outstanding customer service, their legal department is sluggish and takes months at a time to update their files, complete documents, or instruct their attorneys.
The Borrower is in her mid XXXX and suffers from XXXX. She is undergoing a lot of stress and fears that the Court will take away her home despite her settlement with Selene Finance.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Milwaukee, WI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: My husband passed away XX/XX/XXXX and I need to refinance the house to get a lower interest rate and his name off of the loan. In XX/XX/XXXX I requested a copy of the agreement. I followed up on many of occasions and was told that the is no law that regulates the time line for this request and they would get to it. I finally received it in XX/XX/XXXX Then I got all my ducks in row to refinance and began working with my leader. We have requested the payoff on XX/XX/XXXX and to this day the payoff has not been sent to us. I have talked to them many times only to be told oh we faxed that yesterday but they have no receipt of the fax and neither my lender or myself have received this fax. I am at my wits end. The loan company is Selene Finance XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Dallas, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cane Creek, AR
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Sm, KS
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Commerce, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Waynesville, MO
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Avondale, MD
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cutler Bay, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Sebring, FL
Complaint: Servicer will not record loan modification documents with county clerk. Documents were executed on XXXX/XXXX/2015. I have told many times by the servicer the documents had been sent to county recorder on the same date ( XXXX/XXXX/2015 ). I have went to recorder 's office and called repeatedly, they have no record of receiving documents. Loan mod is not legal if not recorded. It has been over two months, there is no reason this should not have been completed in a timely manner.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Albuquerque, NM
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Gastonia, NC
Complaint: We 've been modified for a loan at XXXX XXXX XXXX, after they approved the modification. They sold it Selene finance, and they ask me to pay XXXX trial payment which I did, they said give the another month to finalize the loan, but they have n't done anything. They keep on telling me next month, it has now been six months since they gave me the final modification.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Commerce, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
So Effingham, NH
Complaint: We are trying to close a new Mortgage we have applied for.
We were notified by our current lender, XXXX XXXX I had a Foreclosure showing with Selene Finance LP, they were perplexed as we had no late payments.
I called Selene Finance that evening, spoke with a woman whom I did n't keep the name of unfortunately. I explained there was a Foreclosure showing on my credit, reported by them. She said " OH this is a mistake, we last reported it XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. She went onto say, correct no late pays and could see the lump sum paid they had asked for '' I said I needed a letter stating this right away for our current lender. I also need this fixed on my credit report.
She told me it would take 4 weeks for us to receive the correction letter.
I explained I could n't wait 4 weeks, we need to close our new Mortgage Loan. She informed me, no, there is no other option it takes 4 weeks. She admitted it has been their mistake but that 's it -4 weeks. I waited 4 weeks, putting our Mortgage Loan Closing with XXXX XXXX on hold, 5 weeks has now come and gone, still no letter, call or email from Selene Finance LP.
We called Selene Finance back this afternoon XXXX XXXX, XXXX. I and my wife, XXXX XXXX spoke with a Supervisor at approx. XXXX, her name is XXXX. She too acknowledged the reporting was incorrect. She said they have filed a " dispute '' with the Credit Bureau. I said there is NO dispute, you admit your are reporting in error. She said yes, but we have to classify it and that is the only way we have to classify it.
I informed her, we waited their 4 weeks. It is now 5 weeks! XXXX confirmed nothing was sent to us since our first call. She said she will contact their " VP Department '' to work on this. Maybe by end of week I would hear. I told her if I did n't have something emailed to me immediately, I was reporting her to the SC Banking XXXX. She then proceeded to inform me, well it will takes time, the VP Dept. is in Florida!
This not only has held up this mortgage closing, it has also negatively affected XXXX 's Credit Score greatly. We have never come close to a Foreclosure. Even in times when we were upside down in properties, we kept out payments current, did n't file Bankruptcy or have properties Foreclosed like many other Property Owners whom did n't want to take the negative hit.
Now Selene Finance LP feel they have no responsibility to us to quickly and accurately resolve this? This has cost XXXX his credit score of over a XXXX point drop from 21/2 years ago. It will keep his score low for years to come even with a note on his credit file. Total Negligence on Selene 's part with no urgency to right their mistake. Neither person I spoke with is really willing to go beyond to resolve this immediately.
It was the final straw when my wife asked XXXX " When I would be called back with the outcome of contacting the VP Department and the resolution ''. XXXX informed me, " We do n't ' call people back, your welcome to call again and check on it ''. - Called again today XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, told they have submitted a " Dispute '' on our credit file with them, that is it.
We said there is no DISPUTE, you told us it is being reported in error. Now they are saying the VP has to call us back about this. 6 Weeks later and nothing on their end done to resolve this. Countless hours on our end and we get the same story from them.
I told them, they are required by law to remove this from all credit files. No they ca n't do it we have to speak to the Vice President of Slene Finance. They have been reporting this yearly now for almost 3 years, my husbands credit score has dropped XXXX points due to this and we almost lost our current Mortgage being approved over this.
We were never late with even 1 payment on this mortgage.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Centerville Branch, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Atlanta, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Ridley Park, PA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Lithonia, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hartford, AR
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Milton, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Savannah, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation