There are over 1991 complaints on file for SLM CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-11-26 and 2012-03-06.
Bethany, IN
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Castle Rock, CO
Can't get flexible payment options
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Walthill, NE
Trouble with how payments are handled
Complaint: I 've had XXXX private student loans through Sallie Mae since XX/XX/2011, and had my checking account linked to my Sallie Mae account for automatic withdrawal each month. Sallie Mae 's system, however, refused to charge my bank account each month and therefore by the time I noticed my payment was late, Sallie Mae forced me to pay late fees each time. When I would call Sallie Mae 's customer service to speak with a representative, I was either hung up on multiple times or transferred to incorrect departments.
When my income dropped drastically, I was forced into forbearance instead of adjusting my month payments. Even when I did pay the {$100.00} forbearance fee, I was called daily by their collections line stating that my payments were late.
I feel like Sallie Mae has failed me at every step of the way. They were never willing to work with my situation and made my jump through unnecessary hoops to even begin problem solving.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Trouble with how payments are handled
Complaint: I had co-signed for my grandson for a XXXX student loan thru SallieMae and had payment arrangements of {$100.00} a month which was automatically taken out of my checking account. I then closed my bank account. My grandson was going to take over the payment arrangements so he mailed in a new automatic debit authorization form with his bank information but the payments were never withdrawn. We remailed the forms many times and also faxed in the forms many times and even uploaded the form on the SallieMae website but the payments were never withdrawn. SallieMae kept calling us saying they never received the payments but could never tell us why the payments were n't being withdrawn from his bank account. We would list his checking account information and his debit card information on the automatic debit form. SallieMae wanted us to give the banking information over the phone but I did n't feel comfortable doing that when we had already mailed, faxed and uploaded the automatic debit authorization form numerous times. SallieMae then referred our account to a collection bureau by the name of XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. I do not feel this is fair when we were trying to make the payments. I do not want my nor my grandsons credit wrecked over this.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Bellingham, WA
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Complaint: I am the co-signer on my daughter 's student loan with Sallie Mae. She applied for the loan to attend XXXX University. While there, it became necessary for her to transfer to XXXX University in XXXX, WA because of the rising costs of attending XXXX. She was supposed to have a two-year grace period after she graduated, which occurred last XXXX. SM made a mistake in the process, and told her that her grace period had expired!! Since then they have been constantly harrassing both of us. The payments they want are way beyond our ability to pay. She is a XXXX in WA. SM and XXXX are demanding {$1500.00} per month. We have repeatedly tried to work out a reasonable rate of payment but they have refused to do so. This has severely impacted my credit, it went from XXXX to XXXX in less than a month. In addition, they have called my cell phone even after being told to stop. Also, my work phone. I am ready to provide more detailed information, this is just a synopsis of what we have been going through since last XXXX 2016. We are willing to pay the debt, we just want something that resembles a manageable amount.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Wallington, NJ
Don't agree with fees charged
Complaint: I have been paying SallieMae ever since my forbearance ended in XX/XX/XXXX. It started out with {$720.00} from XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX
In XX/XX/XXXX, I successfully paid off XXXX of my XXXX loans. That brought my new monthly payment down to {$670.00}. As a result, I began paying this {$670.00} in XX/XX/XXXX.
Never has Sallie Mae put in any hidden fees I knew nothing about. Never have they adjusted anything.
Then in XX/XX/XXXX, I saw that i had to pay XXXX, I did n't look into it, I figured that it was n't a big difference from {$670.00}. I continued paying this new {$670.00} from XX/XX/XXXX, when it began, to XX/XX/XXXX.
On XX/XX/XXXX, it raised to {$680.00}. I paid it and now i see it again, {$680.00} for XX/XX/XXXX. I am worried that it will raise again. So i decided to check over my online statements, I had no late fees and NO explanations in the calculation.
I decided to call and inquire. I ended up speaking to a rep named XXXX at XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX and he said " based on the economy, your loan interest can increase ''.
Now, I do n't trust SallieMae, it is bad enough that I pay as much as I do and I can not do anything about it. But I would like further investigation. The last thing I need is to get screwed over by these criminals. I do not see why I have to pay for the economy. As far as I know, the economy fluctuates as it always does. My payments have never ever decreased, but all of a sudden they increase it. This simply does not sit well with me.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Santa Barbara, CA
Can't get flexible payment options
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Arlington, TN
Don't agree with fees charged
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Kingstree, SC
Received bad information about my loan
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Norwalk, CA
Received bad information about my loan
Complaint: After graduating from a four year college, my students loans with Sallie Mae were deferred for 6 months. After the deferment ended, I was told over the phone with a Sallie Mae representative that if I could not afford my payment I should put my loan into forbearance. I had not yet paid any of my loan at that point, and did not know I could make smaller payments that would not affect me as seriously. I put my loan into forbearance 3 times following that conversation, until I realized what a huge effect it had on my interest. I am now in debt more than ever and feel like I will never get out.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Albany, NY
Having problems with customer service
Complaint: Sallie Mae does n't provide a form XXXX for student loan interest.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Don't agree with fees charged
Complaint: I took out loans through Sallie Mae between XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX totaling around XXXX dollars. I graduated in XXXX XXXX, jobless, and soon started receiving harassing phone calls from Sallie Mae ( Upwards of 3x a day ). Sallie Mae also called many other associates of mine - from my neighbors to my sisters. I tried to reason with Sallie Mae multiple times during the time of my unemployment ( XXXX XXXX - XXXX XXXX ) and was told that all XXXX of my loans could be deferred for 3 months at XXXX dollars a piece, which surpassed the amount for my student loan payments. Being without a job, I could n't pay anything. I now owe XXXX to Sallie Mae ( XXXX more than I originally borrowed ) and my student loans have been transferred to a collection agency ( XXXX XXXX. XXXX took over my loans in XXXX of XXXX and have added XXXX dollars in fees over the course of XXXX months. They even went as far as to tell me they would repossess my mother 's house.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Can't get flexible payment options
Complaint: While in XXXX college I decided to move on an pursue a degree at a XXXX college and decided to look out of state. After applying and getting into XXXX XXXX XXXX, I worried about the cost of attendance and wondered how I could pay for this. My parents who at the time were supporting XXXX children with only XXXX income decided to send me to college, but looked into federal loan options to help me. After finding out that the federal loan system would give me less the a fraction of the tuition ( even though my parents did not make sufficient enough money to support our family and send me to school ) so I had no choice but to look into private loans. I was completely incompetent with regards to any financial literacy and Sallie Mae took direct advantage of that by assuring me and my parents that the loan would be easily repayable and that there were repayment options. They also denied my parents as co-signers and made me look to other immediate family. Now after graduation I am in over XXXX dollars of debt with over XXXX in interest because of the ridiculous rates and I only make about XXXX of the total in salary every year. I also have XXXX in federal debts and have filed for repayment programs to assist me in this crisis. Looking back on the experience, I was persuaded into accepting a ridiculous loan that in the end was a terrible investment because the education I received was EXTREMELY poor for the cost. I would have never even considered this loan had I had not been to young and nave to realize what a dangerous mistake this was, but the company took complete advantage of the fact that the material was so new and confusing. Terrible education should not cost that of a mortgage and because of this reality the education system has truly failed students looking for a better future.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Grimsley, TN
Can't temporarily postpone payments
Complaint: I have XXXX Sallie Mae loans. I just finished school in XXXX and now they are constantly wanting money. They told me they do not have the same plans as Federal Student Loans. I do not have a job, yet. Usually, they wait 6 months after school. Sallie Mae did not even wait a month. Then, they made me pay late payments when I do not have a job. They told me they had no income driven plans. So, now I have to do forbearance with a rate of interest 10.25 % which is ridiculous. I have XXXX Sallie Mae loans when I looked at the total interest, I nearly passed out. On XXXX loans, they want to charge me XXXX dollars. The total I took out together was XXXX dollars ... XXXX is interest is highway robbery.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Arco, CA
Having problems with customer service
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I was granted a request for a Graduated Repayment Period on a Sallie Mae student loan. I was sent a document outlining the repayment schedule for this program, in which I would pay interest on the loan but not the principle. On XX/XX/XXXX I was charged both interest and principle on this loan through an auto-debit transaction. On XX/XX/XXXX I called Sallie Mae to inquire about the status of this loan, at which point they acknowledge that I was owed a refund. The refund was not issued. On XX/XX/XXXX I called Sallie Mae to inquire about the status of this loan, at which point they acknowledged that I was owed a refund. The refund was not issued until XX/XX/XXXX, at which point my account was shown as past due for the amount refunded to me. On XX/XX/XXXX I called Sallie Mae and spoke with a manager who assured me that the owning balance would be removed and the problem would be remedied. On XX/XX/XXXX I received an email saying that my account was past due for the amount of the refund. On XXXX I called Sallie Mae and spoke with a manger ( XXXX ) who told me my account was past due for the amount of the refund. Sallie Mae is making unauthorized withdrawals from its borrow 's account. These withdrawals are in excess of the amounts specified in its lending agreements about Graduated Repayment Programs. When a refund is sought out, the refund amount is then held against the borrower as a past due payment. Despite frequent and persistent efforts to resolve the issue - and open acknowledgement on Sallie Mae 's part that the account has been drawn down in error and no amount is owing - the issue has not been resolved and stands to negatively effect the borrower 's credit.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Belleville, IL
Trouble with how payments are handled
Company Response: Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint Closed with explanation
Chester, NY
Keep getting calls about my loan
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Complaint: My grand daughter and her father asked me to sign for her student loan a private loan with Sallie Mae and another with XXXX student loans and her father was going to repay the loans when he retired but instead he died XX/XX/XXXX. I am now responsible for the mortgage which he used to pay ( in my name also ) and I suffer from XXXX XXXX and I am XXXX years old. I contacted both XXXX and Sallie Mae since as of now the loan is 30 days past due and neither will waive me because they claim only the " borrower '' can be waived due to XXXX., Sallie mae said I should pay {$150.00} by XX/XX/XXXX to defer the loan until XX/XX/XXXX as a hardship but XXXX has to call for this arrangement to be for more than XX/XX/XXXX. If she does not call it goes back up to {$970.00} per month for a {$72000.00} loan and the XXXX with XXXX is {$69000.00}. I have had no contact with my grand daughter since May and she is contesting her father 's will in court currently. I doubt that I will be able to get her to call Sallie Mae so attempting to get a lower payment seems like a moot point. I believe I will have to see a bankruptcy attorney but my understanding is this would only be a temporary relief. Sallie Mae calls my home phone every 30 minutes and says then ca n't stop this procedure. My grand daughter has not made any payments at all and I ca n't pay the mortgage without my other son 's help so I do n't know what I can do to fix this.My grand daughter did all this on her lap top I never got a copy of either contract and I just asked them to send me a copy in the mail.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Pikeville, NC
Can't temporarily postpone payments
Complaint: Unfortunately, I had to get a student loan through Sallie Mae to help with the XXXX of school. I graduated in XXXX 2016 and have yet to get employment even though I am actively looking daily. My 6 month deferment was up in XXXX, but did not receive billing until XXXX ; thus putting the account already a month behind. Payment was made in XXXX and a payment was made prior this month. The last 3 days, they have called multiple times a day to me and my mom who cosigned leaving messages. It is near to impossible to get them on the phone. Last month I spoke to them and explained I do not have a job yet and I do not have the money to make the payments right now and asked for a deferment or forbearance. I was told the only thing they could offer was a 16 day deferment. I knew this was incorrect, but did not go against them at that time and a payment was made. Well even though a payment was made last week, they are calling my mom and me multiple times a day even though I have explained the situation. They have offered no assistance even though they state if you have difficulties making payments they will be glad to help you. This organization is the worst and causing me even more XXXX on top of not having a job already. They do not care!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Can't get flexible payment options
Complaint: I have used Sallie Mae for my Private student loans since XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX. After I received my degrees. I started to try and repay the loans, But was told by Sallie Mae that they did not have an income based repayment program. I was told that i must go into forbearance and pay XXXX dollars a month to place the loans into forbearance. When i told them that i had no means to be able to make the payments they continued to make me defer on the loans. In XX/XX/XXXX I joined the Military, and with the military all they were able to do is allow me to have loan forgiveness until XX/XX/XXXX where i will continue to have to make payments on the loans. I notified them that even with the military paychecks i will not be able to afford the monthly payments that they require. I have been having constant issues with trying to be able to work with them on how to pay off the loans. I have no other options, and saw articles about CFPB pursuing Sallie Mae about reasons that i have had to deal with. I am hoping to be able to get some answers. I have talked to multiple employees and managers at sallie mae, they have even told me to ignore the collection calls from their company and just keep paying for forbearance. The calls were so consistent that i was receiving a call from them everyday for weeks. i continued to answer and explain the situation to a new employee daily. I have also spoken to managers at Sallie Mae and they told me that i have no other option but to continue to not pay on the loans. These forbearance payments that i was making also do not go towards my loans interests. My Loans continued to gain interest even though i was paying XXXX a month for the forbearance. i have no other options and this company has continued to work with me, and make a plan that works for both of us. Also I have loans with this company for my XXXX through XXXX College.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Complaint: I have had issues with XXXX/Sallie Mae assisting me with trying to repay my loans. When I was not enrolled in school, my loans went into repayment. I told the representative that I could not afford that monthly payment and was there a way to lower my payment. I was told that I did n't have any options other than the monthly payment given or to file a forbearance which is only allowed for a few times during the life of the loan so I did n't want to actually use my forbearance time. Then I was told it would affect my credit if I did not. So it was as if I was forced to use the forbearance time. So I reluctantly agreed to do it because my profression is XXXX so I having negative items on my credit is not an option and could cause me to lose my license. After telling the representative, yes, then she tells me there is a fee to process it and hold it so it does n't delinquent report to the credit report until they get the Forbearance complete. The fee was {$170.00} based on the number of loans I had at that time. Since I did n't want to continue to use my forbearance time because if that 's the only option I have, I need to use it when I really have no option. So I enrolled in a part time in an online problem. Then I get a call from them saying I was due again for {$700.00} and something on my account. I had n't received a notice saying I was back in repayment. I called them once more and told them I was now enrolled in school. They directed me to a form to have my school to complete saying I 'm enrolled in school. My school completed it and faxed the form back to number stated on the the form. I continued to get calls and finally got a representative on the phone. I told the representative that I had my school to fax them the in school form as directed. The representative then tells me, " it 's not our responsibility to check the fax for your forms. Hold on while I go look. '' She comes back on the phone and says, ok we have it and will get the forms processed. I told her thanks and asked her " do you all have any income based repayment plans now? '' She tells me, " umm, that depends. Since you 're in school do n't worry about it. After you get out of school we can discuss what your options are. ''. I feel that I should have more options than forbearance or harming my credit if I can not afford my monthly payments. Why should I fear a program that was intended to help me?
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Bethlehem, GA
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Complaint: I have XXXX separate loans through Sallie Mae since the year XXXX in attempts to get through tuition costs at my University. I have since graduated from my University with a XXXX and currently have a full time job. For a year after graduating ( in XXXX XXXX ) I was on a " graduate repayment plan '' which caused my payments to be lower and affordable. This XXXX my loan repayments have gone up to $ XXXX/month which I have called multiple ( 10+ ) times in attempts to get lowered as I currently do not make enough at my full time job to afford that much in student loans as well as all of my other bills. The people at Sallie Mae have given me and my cosigners the run around every time we call. I have even tried to explain my income and expenses and my cosigners tried to explain why they were unable to help me, but they did n't care. They 've been hassling myself and my cosigners with 3-6+ calls a day even though I paid {$220.00} out of the {$380.00} on my loans which is all I can afford. Their only " options '' for me are to either put my loans in forbearance which will put me right back in the same situation I am in now just a year later, or for my cosigners to pay what I can not to make my monthly payments be the entire amount. Regardless of the fact my cosigners are unable to help with the amount Sallie Mae is asking and should n't have to as I can make payments as long as the amount is lowered. I 'm willing to pay less for longer ( which ultimately results in higher interest payments from me, but it 's what I need to do at the moment ) and they said that was unacceptable and I did n't have an option in not paying the total amount they were asking unless I took forbearance. I 'm not trying to skip out on my payments, as I 'm currently still paying what I can and up until the payments got raised I was making every payment in full on time every month. But they refuse to work with me so I can have lower affordable payments and as a result, myself and my cosigners are getting harassed, I 'm getting threatened with collections and delinquency and the possibility of ruining not only my credit but the credit of my cosigners.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Nicholasville, KY
Can't get flexible payment options
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Key Biscayne, FL
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Complaint: I graduated in XX/XX/XXXX. After my graduation, I was given the 6 months grace period, but I was apart of an XXXX program, so my loans were put into forbearance. Because of this I have used up all of my forbearance time. I was out of work from XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX. They were not willing to work with me then. I had no choice but to put my loans back in forbearance, month after month. My monthly obligation to XXXX/Navient is about {$1400.00}. I currently receive $ XXXX monthly after taxes from my job. XXXX/Navient has not been willing to work with me. They have been more concerned about getting the full amount and will not accept a portion that I can afford. I do not have a problem with paying XXXX/Navient. What I do have a problem with is them not willing to work with me and not being understanding of my situation.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Trouble with how payments are handled
Complaint: I enrolled in student loan thru sallie mae in XX/XX/2014 When my loan came due it was very difficult to understand how to enroll in my repayments options ( income driven vs normal ) as well as enrolling the proper account to use in the repayment.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation