There are over 9109 complaints on file for SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2012-02-28.
Hollywood, FL
Not given enough info to verify debt
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Castaic, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
San Jacinto, CA
Complaint: My servicer, Select Portfolio Servicing ( SPS ), has made major errors in the following areas : XXXX. SPS mailed my trial modification to a strange company and did not use my address. XXXX. I became aware of my approval for a trial modification in XXXX and the XXXX payment was XXXX XXXX. XXXX. SPS has grossly inflated my income. All these errors were made in an attempt by SPS to cause a deliberate default on the trial modification. SPS prefers to profit from foreclosures. See attached - SPS mailed an approval to XXXX at an address that is not mine. I have never conducted business with XXXX. SPS informed me of my approval in XXXX and told me my XXXX payment was due XXXX XXXX. Finally, my pay stubs are attached. SPS falsely claims I make {$9300.00} per month. It is blatantly clear that they have confused my file with another. I have additional income with a rental property. This income becomes a wash when using the 75 % underwriting standard. My income was inflated by a XXXX dollars each month.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Clayton, MO
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Stevenson, MD
Complaint: Had to retired from federal job due to XXXX problems current loan is with SPS as the servicer. This loan was a XXXX subprime loan generated before 2009 that XXXX had dump to SPS. We applied for HAMP due to financial loss of income and property value is XXXX and mortgage is for XXXX so under HAMP my understanding is Principal Reduction would be included. SPS and Investor approved a trial mod but not principal reduction need to know what they do n't comply with the HAMP rules. The account number XXXX for this mortgage. The HAMP modification does not help without a principal reduction. I have contact a lawyer to work with me and SPS on this matter.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief
Key Biscayne, FL
Complaint: Select Porfolio Servicing continues to leave notes outside my door. I would like it to stop
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Charlotte, NC
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX my father in law passed away, leaving his home to his daughter, my wife, XXXX XXXX XXXX. we have been working with our attorney, estate attorney, about giving the house back to the lender, Select Portfolio Services, which was serviced by XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, with no results.
as of XX/XX/XXXX there has been no filing of public record, as far as foreclosure, since the mortgage hasnt been paid since the death of XXXX XXXX, father in law.
We ( XXXX and myself ) went to the property, yesterday, XX/XX/XXXX to finish clearing out the property and cut the yard and noticed the locks had been changed and a lock box placed on the front door with a notice from XXXX XXXX, stating the lender had requested them to secure the property.
after obtaining entry to the property, we also noticed personal belongings had been removed from the property and the property had been " trashed '' inside, as if who changed the locks had been looking for valuables.
we contacted the XXXX XXXX police, in which they filed a criminal complaint for Breaking and entering. when XXXX XXXX was notified, all they would say is the lender ( Select Portfolio Services ) had given them authorization to enter the property and secure the property.
this is a violation of our rights, seeing the lender has not filed any type of foreclosure paperwork.
we are requesting the CFPB get involved so this will not occur again.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Arco, CA
Complaint: Select Portfolio Servicing ( SPS ) is refusing to apply payments me and my husband made when we individually filed bankruptcy. Attached are XXXX payment abstracts from the Bankruptcy Trustee for me and my husband. Please note, not only was XXXX paid but also XXXX XXXX. I was not able to find either of these payments posted or applied to my account on the summary provided by SPS. Therefore, SPS has engaged in coercive and deceptive collection practices by falsely claiming that certain amounts are due, misapplying my mortgage payments, improper calculation of interest, and has failed to credit payments properly which are in clear violation of the Federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ( RESPA ). Also, note other payments were not sent because XXXX/XXXX rejected them but kept XXXX and held it in suspense as documented on the summary provided by SPS.
As a result of refusing to accept and accurately apply payments, they are attempting to foreclose on our property.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Bloomfield, NJ
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Miami, FL
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief
Complaint: XXXX of our mortgages got transferred over ( again ) to a company called Select Portfolio Services. My husband submitted multiple documents to try and get a loan modification for lower payment. We ended up with a slightly higher payment. In addition, they now require us to pay homeowners insurance and real estate taxes as part of our payment. This is an additional {$300.00} per month. We are still, however, required to pay our insurance to our current insurer as well as our taxes as we usually do. This double payment on both accounts has made us unable to keep up with our mortgage. We were about 4 months behind until we borrowed money. We could afford the regular mortgage payment with no problem, but paying taxes and insurance twice is putting us behind. No one at SPS can give us any answers. We 've been paying this for quite some time.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I previously complained about my mortgage company taking a couple of years to decide on a modification for my mortgage. ( I never asked for a modification). I had asked for a payment plan to get current on my mortgage. They told me that the payment plan was approved(it was recorded). They then told me a couple of months later after waiting for payment plan details, that they were considering me for a modification that I didn't want. I already had a modification. They said I had to go through with the modification process anyway, and I could not make any payments on the mortgage unless I paid the entire amount due. If I could pay the entire amount due, I wouldn't have asked for a payment plan. After the modification was denied the balance due was huge. This is all documented in my last complaint. I did hear from the mortgage company, and they did nothing for me which was what I expected. I have since made a payment to them in the amount of $XXXX. This has brought my mortgage current according to Select Portfolio Servicing. After making about XXXX mortgage payments, I received a letter that told me my escrow is short by $XXXX and they were putting my mortgage payment up by $XXXX monthly. They gave me less than a month to come up with this amount of money. Of course that didn't happen so now I must pay $XXXX more a month on my payment. I have asked them more than once to show me where my almost $XXXX payment was applied and I still don't know. They sent me a payment history that did not show the entire amount being applied. I also do not understand how they can tell me the amount I owe to bring the mortgage current and then tell me I'm $XXXX short on my escrow. I believed that the large payment would also bring the escrow current since the escrow is part of my payment. This company keeps XXXX me over time after time. I do not have a lot of money, but I'm not giving them my house, which is what they want. I think they should not be able to advertise that they have products to help people who are having problems making their mortgage payments. They have done nothing to help me. They have lied to me more than once. When I call them to ask for help to understand my bill, the customer service people can't even explain where my payment went. I just got off the phone with them, XX/XX/2015-XXXX(has been recorded)The person I spoke with had no idea how to help me. She is sending me info in the mail to show me where my money went. Since I have asked for this before and didn't get what I needed, I'm not expecting to get this resolved. I work very hard for my money, and I don't throw it away. I know I'm just one of many people they deal with, but I should matter.
I would like to go back and pay the previous mortgage payment of $XXXX. They told me that is what my payment would be after I made a $XXXX payment. If my escrow was going to be short and my payment $XXXX more a month, they should have known this at the time that they told me what to pay to bring this current. They shouldn't be able to expect me to pay $XXXX in one month. The extra $XXXX I'm now paying is causing me a lot of stress, and health issues. I will probably have to get a part time job. They care nothing about the customer. Thank you.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Cheverly, MD
Complaint: Synopsis:
Select Portfolio Services (SPS) attorneys, a 3rd party Mortgage Servicer acting on behalf of my mortgager, XXXX who purchased the loan from my original mortgager, XXXX foreclosed on my home on XX/XX/XXXX without legal notice or timely contact while I thought I was in the midst of a short-sale agreement.
Current status:
As of XX/XX/XXXX the home is vacant and unsold. It is under the control and possession of SPS's foreclosure attorney, XXXX XXXX has stripped me of my rights to the property or any ability to perform an orderly short sale.
On XX/XX/XXXX I notified SPS that due to ongoing financial distress and the unsafe structural state of the home, for which I had no funds to repair, for the safety of my family I would need to vacate and short sale the property.
I was behind on the mortgage due to a loss of employment and care and XXXX medical expenses XXXX. Financial programs were nonviable, however I specifically expressed to SPS I was not interested in a deed-in-lieu or cash for keys programs.
SPS's agents told to me that no foreclosure sale date was established and the property was in pre-foreclosure status, but they would notify me (or my agent) of any change.
It was at this time I gave SPS the name, phone number, and contact information of my Real Estate agent along with 3rd party consent for 1-year. Initial contact information from the original XXXX loan documents were available to SPS who also had my current phone number, prior phone number (still working), an email address, and my new mailing address. I willingly provided all information in good faith. SPS was sent some initial documentation as I waited for next steps and guidance from their relationship counselor.
Discovery of Sale:
3 months passed and in XX/XX/XXXX I placed a call SPS for follow-up. It was at this time SPS's agent told me on XX/XX/XXXX XXXX had foreclosed on the home. I was shocked and incensed. At no time did I receive a notice or document from XXXX SPS, XXXX that the home had a foreclosure date. Moreover, I had just spoken with SPS on the XX/XX/XXXX and they said no date was established.
SPS claimed they overnighted documents informing me of the impending sales date. A check of their system during the call verified they were returned as undelievable. SPS sent the courier to the vacant property address, not my mailing address. No further attempt was made to check their records, contact XXXX or contact my agent.
SPS claims that their system did not have my mailing address or any short sale documents, but that claim does not stand up as SPS and XXXX had sent prior correspondence to my mailing address. Moreover, there were XXXX loans on the property. XXXX were underwritten and held by XXXX. In XX/XX/XXXX XXXX released the lien on the XXXX mortgage and sent notice of such to my correct mailing address (See attached) validating the fact that they had correct address information.
When faced with this fact SPS's response was, "Well, we tried to call you." When I asked for which relationship manager or attorney tried to contact me, they deflected and said they did not have that information. In searching my phone records from XX/XX/XXXX - XX/XX/XXXX their attempt was an autodialer system which made a limited number of calls but hung up and left no message informing me to call them back or that there was a foreclosure date was set. Their law firm also made no attempt to contact me. Certainly this is not an acceptable means of notification in a transaction of this type especially when all parties had several means to make contact including but not limited to, my email address, my agent's information, a live call, and my proper mailing address
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Falmouth, VA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Forest Hill, VA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Falmouth, VA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Winton, CA
Complaint: Our loan was with XXXX Mortgage - did n't verify income - loan agent told me to use any $ $ - after a couple of months - I could see loan it a " BAD LOAN '' tried to refinance but home was n't worth as much as the what we owed on loan. Sold to XXXX - Then to XXXX -In the middle of working with XXXX - loan was sold again - SPS is now the collection service company - I was told XXXX XXXX now owns the loan!
I have been working with SPS since 2011 to get a loan modification - principal reduction - Well, I have gotten so many different stories as to what can be done or not done!
We are trying again!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief
Compton, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Chestertown, MD
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Okc, OK
Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX I was able to do a home loanmodification that the Presidentput in place. My home loan is servicedwith Select Portfolio Servicing companyI have made my payments on time every month since XX/XX/XXXX except XXXX timein XX/XX/XXXX I wrote my mortgage check out ofthe wrong checking account and caused alate payment on my credit.
For the last five years I have been working to pay offeverything on my credit report and have gonefrom a low XXXX credit score to XXXX-XXXX now.
I wanted to get an even lowerinterest rate because shortly after Select Porfolio Modified mymortgage payment to an affordable payment, they raised my paymentthree months later to an un-affordable rate, after they had takenthe incentive from the government for my loan modification.
So I found out about the HARP program and how you could check withyour mortgage company to see if they offer the programand could get you a lower interest rate.
I called Select Portfolio Servicing and asked who myMortgagee was and the person that answered stated that they could not tellme over the phone and that they would mail me the name of my Mortgagee.
They sent me a letter and I have it and advised me my mortgageewas XXXX XXXX. They did not provide a phone number for me to callXXXX. I was advised by Select Portfolio Servicing thatI could not contact them and that I would haveto contact Select Portfolio Servicing if I wanted or needed any king ofassistance in regards to my home loan.
I went ahead and googled XXXX in NY and someoneanswers and connects me to a recording when I asked for someone in the mortgage dept.
I called and I called to reach someone with this XXXX XXXX.
I then applied with XXXX XXXX for the HARP program and theyadvised me that my home was in foreclosure.
I applied with my local bank XXXX XXXX XXXX, and they advised me thatmy credit report shows my home is in foreclosure.
I asked XXXX XXXX XXXX Loan Officer, where are they gettingthis information from because I am looking at my credit reportI pulled last week and it shows I have not been late XXXX timesince XX/XX/XXXX but in XX/XX/XXXX for writing the payment from thewrong checking account and I have proof of that.
I would like to be contacted about what action that I can take against XXXX XXXX.
They are purposely filing mis-information to these credit bureaureport. The banks co-CEO and CEO have recently resigned for putting people inforeclose who should have never been in foreclosure. Please contact me aboutthis matter asap, as I need to get my home refinance at an affordable rate.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Kirkland, WA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Fountain Valley, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Fremont, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Kendall, FL
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief
Santa Fe, NM
Complaint: This is the XXXX complaint I have filed against Select Portfolio Servicing. I filed a modification request five years ago before SPS became the loan servicer. After I 'd submitted documentation repeatedly over that period, SPS stopped acknowledging my counsel and mailed me directly an offer, which I never received. When they notified my counsel that the offer was expired ( even though they claimed they were not authorized to speak with my counsel ), SPS refused to extend the time to permit me to accept the offer.
Accordingly, I submitted a complete new modification application, XXXX on XXXX XXXX, 2015 and again on XXXX XXXX, 2015 and XXXX XXXX, 2015. SPS 's response was form letters directing me to file the forms I had just filed. Finally, on XXXX XXXX, 2015 and XXXX XXXX, 2015, SPS acknowledged receiving correspondence and information though the form letters do n't identify specifically what they received. Though my counsel has repeatedly asked SPS to call him if additional documentation is required, they refuse to do this. Instead, SPS continues to send form letters requesting me to send documents I have already, and repeatedly, transmitted to them, through my legal counsel.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation