There are over 28887 complaints on file for OCWEN FINANCIAL CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-12-16 and 2011-12-07.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mount Ivy, NY
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Las Vegas, NV
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Las Vegas, NV
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Lenzburg, IL
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Byram, MS
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bronx, NY
Complaint: Good Morning, My name is XXXX XXXX, phone # XXXX, email-XXXX.
Ocwen Mortgage Loan # -XXXX and XXXX XXXX Loan # XXXX.
I am currently on XXXX XXXX with a fixed income. I have completed a Loan Modification with my previous mortgage company ( Ocwen Mortgage Services ) and a decision was made which I accepted due to not wanting to lose my house and also did not completely understand their terms and conditions. However, I was concerned with the huge difference with the mortgage principal and contacted Ocwen immediately. A representative told me to provide document indicating the difference. I was not able to locate the document immediately and when I did, Ocwen eventually sold my mortgage to XXXX XXXX XXXX effective onXX/XX/XXXX. I contacted XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX and provided them with the1098 tax form for the year XXXX that I received from Ocwen Mortgage Services. The XXXX tax form from Ocwen indicates- Principal balance {$270000.00} as of XX/XX/, while XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX indicates- {$400000.00}. The modification agreement also indicated-balloon payment in the year XXXX of {$290000.00}. There is also an adjustable rate.I have Attached copies of the Loan Modification documents that I requested and received from XXXX, the 1098 tax form for the year XXXX, XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX monthly statement, and the letter I wrote to XXXX regarding the huge difference in the Principal balance. Please help with this issue, this is all I have.
Thanking you in advance.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Account status incorrect
Complaint: Ocwen Account No. XXXX I recently pulled my credit report and discovered that my mortgage account with Ocwen is reporting my account as being adverse and delinquent when it is not.
According to Ocwen, they claim it is being reported accurately. However, when you look at my credit reports, the Ocwen account is being reported as delinquent every month by all of the credit bureaus, when it is not.
Ive repeatedly asked Ocwen to fix this problem by removing the wording in the remarks section. In the remarks section for each and every month, Ocwen writes, BANKRUPTCY DISMISSED. By making this adverse notation, it incorrectly appears that I am filing for bankruptcy each and every month, which is not the case. This adverse remark should not be appearing on my Ocwen account at all. They had nothing to do with any bankruptcy. It is also being reported as one month late when it is not. There should be no late reporting. Consequently, the Ocwen account is showing the account as delinquent when it is not.
I am requesting that Ocwen delete the remarks on my credit report immediately.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cataldo, ID
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX my sister died in a house fire that had a reverse mortgage from OCWEN and the house was a total loss. XXXX had taken {$38000.00} out of the {$100000.00} line of credit provided by OCWEN. I got a heloc loan against my home to allow me to pay off OCWEN through XXXX XXXX. When I called OCWEN on XX/XX/2019 to ask for the amount of the payoff and payee information for XXXX XXXX to send the check they told us that there is a " process '' to obtain that information which can take up to 90 days to provide and could not be provided to me at that time. They requested a copy of the will, death certificate, and change of address letter which I emailed them and faxed them that day. The next day, my friend and I called again on XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX PST and again were told it could take up to 30 days to get the payoff and payee information to us. My friend XXXX said " then since you won't provide us the address to send a check to, you must suspend any further interest charges at this time ''. She said, " NO, that's not how this works. We will continue to charge interest over the month. '' XXXX said that we want to know the payee information now so that we can at least pay off the amount due as of the last statement from XX/XX/XXXX to prevent interest accruing. She again stated " that's not how it works, you can't do that ''. He said we are recording the call and you are refusing to allow payment on the account. She said " no, I am not but we have a process and you have to follow it '', but still refused to provide payee information. After that, he told her that we are providing a recording of this call to our lawyer that afternoon, she then said " if you have your lawyer send us that payout request to the following email addresses, on business letterhead then we can get it to you in 7 days but you will still be charged the full month of XXXX for interest, etc. '' We have had our attorney XXXX XXXX send them the request for payoff information. In the meantime, over the weekend the next day, I received a letter dated XX/XX/XXXX ( same day of first contact in which they learned the house was burned ), stating that an unspecified inspection ( no detail of who did it or when it was done ) on the property was done and it was found " vacant and unsecured '' however the property was boarded up by XXXX the day following the fire being put out by the fire department and has been secured ever since so this is a false report. The letter goes on to say you must call us within 10 days of this letter to confirm security or we will secure it at your expense. We are still awaiting the payee information and are able to pay not only the amount we know is due but the next months charges in full at which point they can owe us a refund of any over payment. We have been asking who to pay and how much for over a week now but they refuse to provide that information while continuing to send threatening letters about foreclosure proceedings, and other harassing notifications. Please assist us in investigating them and forcing them to provide us the information we seek in order to get them paid and remove their lien holder status from the property so we can move forward with repairs. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We have all documents related, notices, and the recordings of conversations which can be provided to you upon request.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Plymouth, FL
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Spg Valley Lk, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hilltop Mall, CA
Account information incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
N San Juan, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mill Creek, IN
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Foothill Ranch, CA
Complaint: 1 ). Ocwen breached an existing 5 year loan modification payment plan without any warning or explanation - forcing me into foreclosure ; 2 ). Ocwen has " lost '' many of my submitted loan modification applications ; 3 ). Ocwen has denied / refused to accept my loan modification application saying " it's too late '' ; 4 ). Ocwen has placed " forced '' escrow accounts with respect to property insurance and taxes without my consent - forcing me into foreclosure ; 5 ). Ocwen has caused a wrongful foreclosure to be placed against my home where i have lived with my family for the past 19 years which has placed great emotional distress against myself and my family
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Dudley, MA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fayetteville, GA
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Account status incorrect
Complaint: I made my typical monthly payment to Ocwen on XX/XX/XXXX only to have it returned to me in XXXX. When I called to find out why they sent me a check for the same amount of XXXX they stated my loan was due to be paid off by XX/XX/XXXX which I was not aware of.
I asked them how this would impact my credit since I did make the payment and they said it most likely would show delinquent. I ended up wiring the payoff amount immediately after finding out it was due for XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. I just checked my credit history and it is showing delinquent for not only XXXX but for XXXX too. I have attached screenshots from XXXX to show payments were received and therefore should not be delinquent for both months.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
La Vernia, TX
Debt was already discharged in bankruptcy and is no longer owed
Complaint: I filed Chapter XXXX Bankruptcy in XXXX that's has been Discharged, in which I surrendered a residential property located at XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, WA XXXX back to Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. Ocwen Loan Servicing refuses to remove my name from the deed of the property. So the City Tax office still have me as the owner of the property and billing me for the up keep of this property.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Account information incorrect
Complaint: On my credit report a reported balance of {>= $1,000,000} was reported on XX/XX/2019 by Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC to the credit bureaus. The information is false. I never got a loan from Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Suffolk, VA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Yeagertown, PA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Carmel, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Simi Valley, CA
Complaint: XXXX XXXX first refinance and XX/XX/XXXX second refi by XXXX from XXXX Texas have caused me XXXX XXXX XXXX at the age of XXXX now by XXXX my deeds after they were notarized including but not limited to Grant deeds and trust deeds and they worked in concert with the banks and insurance companies. The notary XXXX XXXX confirmed this as well. I have all proof and certified stamped documents showing the fraud by all the attorneys involved down to the officer in control of currency that uncovered XXXX XXXX XXXX fraud and fraud upon the courts. There have been 2 Civil cases first was XXXX XXXX XXXX Civil case # XXXX and the second Civil case # XXXX where we had a XXXX dollar judgment in our favor that was awarded XX/XX/XXXX against XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. Upon prevailing one of the attorneys got an unlawful stipulation to set aside for good cause and we lost the judgment. First lawsuit will show conflict of interest showing their attorney was handling the case which we had an attorney already and had no written concent or prior discussion with my son. Forensic report I have in possession will show Security fraud and lenders not paid ( investors wallstreet not paid ). There are more provacle forms of fraude done by the banks in concert with title and attorneys etc.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Foothill Ranch, CA
Complaint: Ocwen Loan Servicing Suspended my XX/XX/XXXX Mortgage Payment, and refused to apply it toward my Account unless I sent {$77.00} additional funds to cover a shortage in Escrow. We had been disputing every Letter they sent us regarding Escrow, since Ocwen took over Servicing XX/XX/XXXX from XXXX XXXX XXXX. Their was no shortage in Escrow the balance prior to the {$77.00} was {$3300.00}. The tax amount due in XXXX, was {$2600.00}. The bottom of a letter dated XX/XX/XXXX, please note your monthly payment has changed to {$2500.00} ( From {$2400.00} > {$1900.00} interest & {$510.00} escrow previous amounts from XXXX ) effective XX/XX/XXXX further detail regarding reason for the change will be included in a separate letter. The Letter explaining the {$77.00} increase was never received, but the demand phone call was clear, send the {$77.00} or we don't apply the payment. 12 days later Ocwen Escrow Department wrote a check for {$5300.00} from my {$3400.00} balance escrow account, when only {$2600.00} was due. The other {$2600.00} due in XX/XX/XXXX. 15 days later Ocwen Escrow Department wrote a 2nd check from my - {$1900.00} escrow account this time for the correct amount {$2600.00} putting my escrow balance @ - {$4100.00}. They suspended my XX/XX/XXXX payment, and put me in Default.
Company Response: Closed with explanation