Navient Solutions, LLC.

Consumer Complaints

There are over 31323 complaints on file for Navient Solutions, LLC.. Dated between 2019-12-15 and 2012-03-01.

Complaints Page 57


Fort Worth, TX

Threatened to contact someone or share information improperly

Debt collection: Private student loan debt

Contacted you after you asked them to stop
Complaint: Navient was advised not to call me at work because I was not allowed to receive calls. They were told this last year and it was recorded. On XX/XX/XXXX, they called me at work again and left a message.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ch Hgts, SC

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Montclair, NJ

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: Hello, I made a payment of {$740.00} on XX/XX/XXXX. I called on XX/XX/XXXX to have the payment directed to my Dept of Ed loan. I was in informed the first time that it would be done by XX/XX/XXXX. Since then, I have called multiple times including today XX/XX/XXXX and have been given a different date each time. I am super disappointed in how my payment is handled and due to the lackadaisical approach, the interest continuously increases. This money of {$740.00} I am expecting to go straight to my principal but with this incredibly long delay, I am unsure. I have already called four times to inquire about redirected payment and I am on week 3 of still waiting for that payment to be processed. All I keep getting is that it is in process and a different date for when it will be taken care of. Well guess what its NOT!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Took or threatened to take negative or legal action

Debt collection: Private student loan debt

Threatened or suggested your credit would be damaged
Complaint: NAVIENT continues to report negative delinquent account marks on my credit with student loan debt they sold to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, which I settled with and have been making on time monthly payments since XX/XX/2018. I settled {$66000.00} for {$15000.00}. I have the letter to prove it.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Grand Junction, CO

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Don't agree with the fees charged
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lithonia, GA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem with customer service
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Kildeer, IL

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Don't agree with the fees charged
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chicago, IL

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Complaint: I am currently receiving government assistance food benefits, health insurance, and cash benefits. Navient will not allow me to go into forbearance since I have used that all up. And they will not allow me to lower my payments below $ XXXX under the rate reduction program. I am currently unemployed and have no income coming in at the present moment. I spoke with Navient on two different occasions and only on the second try did they even offer rate reduction payment program. They were able to lower my monthly payments, however, I am still unable to afford the $ XXXX they offered me. I am currently XXXX, XXXX belly a lot, and its been hard finding a job in recent months.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Fort Lee, NJ

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem with customer service
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Garrett Park, MD

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: The problem I am having with Navient is that they are failing to correctly allocate payments to my student loan. I have three students loans with Navient ; a privet and two Federal that are consolidated. My problem is with the Federal loan. Since XXXX I have been doing over payments to the Federal loan portion that has the lowest outstanding principal. As of XXXX statement, my outstanding balance for the loan was {$2400.00}. After making the over payment for XXXX, when I verify the statement, the outstanding balance increased to {$4200.00}. I've called Navient several times ( XX/XX/2010, XXXX, and XX/XX/XXXX XXXX to get an explanation of what happen and to fix the problem. Their customer service people were not helpful. At least I found out that all the over payments I did, after been apply to the correct loan ( per my instructions in my profile setting ) where reverted and apply to the loan portion with the highest outstanding balance. I want for Navient to follow correctly my over payment instructions. I still have a long way to pay my student loans, I don't want to deal with Navient 's purposely confusing and misleading information. Their practice are deceptive at best and fraudulent at worst.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: On multiple days I received calls from Navient I was late on my payment due XX/XX/2019. According to my back statement Navient electronically cashed my check # XXXX for {$150.00} on XX/XX/2019. A call to customer service resulted in no assistance and a strong arm approach to make a new payment until the issue could be rectified. According to the rep the check was sent to the wrong address and not applied to my account, he further told me I had received a refund for the amount. Neither statement was true, my loan was paid 15 days early and not credited to my account.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bywood, PA

Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Pardeesville, PA

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't temporarily delay making payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lyndora, PA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem with customer service
Complaint: Navient, whom I don't know, have called many of my neighbors, who I barely know, asking them for contact information on me because they are trying to collect on a student loan. They leave the phone number XXXX for m neighbors to call them back with this information. They are basically telling strangers about my business that is none of their business. My student loans were never with a company called Navient.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ardmore, NC

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Tarzana, CA

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account status incorrect
Complaint: I had private loan with XXXX XXXX for 10k come due in XXXX. I made no payments. It was transferred to XXXX XXXXl and then XXXX XXXX. I still made no payments in XXXX I filed a chapter XXXX BK. this loan was included. The discharge was granted and XXXX XXXX nor any of the other listed companies objected to the court about the discharge. IN XXXX they transferred the loan to Navient and Navient claims I made a payment which I HAVE NOT- further California only allows 4 years for collections it is now 7 years and lastly even if loan with Navient they were also included in BK and never objected with the court. Their solution was to reduce balance owed to XXXX and now report the account as open and late- IT is not late it was discharged the statute of limitation for collections has run and their lying about me making any payments. THIS IS A VIOLATION OF FDCP. I want this removed and the account closed for this private loan.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Reynolds Station, KY

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Old information reappears or never goes away
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Eastchester, NY

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Other debt

Debt was already discharged in bankruptcy and is no longer owed
Complaint: File # XXXX Good Afternoon, I have been trying to reach someone who can help further investigate why i am being charged loans from 2004. First, the bank i banked with at the time does not exist anymore so i am not able to retract proof of the Paid amounts, which i have tried to explain to NAVIENT. I have asked multiple times, i have sent payments so that NAVIENT could stop sending me to collections, I have asked them to investigate. Some of the accounts do not belong to me at all. Just a big mess. Please further investigate that the information that i am being charged for is actually accurate information. Thanks. XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bowie, MD

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem with customer service
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Private student loan debt

Debt is not yours
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Main Office, VA

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't temporarily delay making payments
Complaint: I attended XXXX XXXX XXXX, while being a student there i feel i was forced into Private Loans at rates above 13 %. I have had employment struggles on and off ever sense i graduated in 2007. XXXX promised me that i could always get help with the lender as long as i talked to them. That Private and Federal Loans can always be put in Forbearance. Well years later and now major credit issues. My Navient Private Loans went default. During all this time and struggles i payed and caught back up when i got work, then behind when i didnt work, trying my hardest to stay current. During these last few months, talking to case workers and then managers. I find out that they could have helped me more, this is there words, but they have to wait till i am days away from loans going into Default. If they would have helped me like i thought they should, being student loans by the Gov i could have keep up with my loans better. I know that i would not be were im at right now if they would have offered me the same programs to help repayment, that they offered at the very end. Always telling me if you cant pay the whole amount, then you cant pay at all. It was all or none with them.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lewisville, TX

Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Complaint: I've already talked to the bureaus. They need this updated information to come from Navient. You didn't answer or address my question from my previous complaint. My question was the months you reported my account as CURRENT to the credit bureaus, were not really current. You were charging me late fees the entire time. They were delinquent. I haven't been current since the last time I made a payment in XXXX. Also, the information you provided to XXXX at consolidation is not the same as what you reported to the credit bureaus. Months you show I was in forbearance to the XXXX do not line up with the months you reported as in forbearance to the credit bureaus. Will you please re-read my complaint and answer my concerns? My concern is you reported me as current to the credit bureaus pretty much from XXXX which is allowing these accounts to sit on my credit report for 7 years from the date it was closed in XXXX. My argument is I haven't actually been current since XXXX which was the last payment I made. If I was actually current as you were reporting me to the bureaus each month, then why were late fees being accumulated during this time? My argument is that these account as a whole should be deleted from my credit report based on the fact I haven't made a payment ( been current ) in over 7 years. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Please re-read what I sent. Additionally, I'd like to receive all the documentation you have on my file for each occurrence I was granted forbearance.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Montevallo, AL

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: Navient is intentionally misallocating overpayments/payments to maintain maximum interest accruements on portions of a consolidated loan to prevent loan bearer from paying off the loan quicker. 1. On XX/XX/XXXX, Navient intentionally applied {$61.00} of an overpayment to the larger ( XXXX DL ) current balance loan, when allocation was supposed to go to the smaller current balance ( XXXX DL ) loan ( all accrued interest obligations on both portions were met ). 2. On XX/XX/XXXX, Navient intentionally split an overpayment applying {$77.00} towards the larger ( XXXX DL ) current balance loan with {$84.00} going to the smaller ( XXXX DL ) loan balance, when the total ( {$160.00} ) was supposed to go to the smaller loan balance ( all accrued interest obligations of both portions were met ). 3. In XX/XX/XXXX, Navient intentionally allocated overpayments in the amount of {$280.00} to interest on the larger ( XXXX DL ) loan and allocated overpayments in the amount of {$200.00} to interest on the smaller ( XXXX DL ) loan. A total of {$490.00} was applied to interest in the month of XXXX alone which is inconsistent with the interest estimator typical monthly payments ~ {$210.00} for both loans in interest accruements. This over-allocation of interest to both loans should have rather been applied to the principal balance on ANY loan, especially the smaller current balance loan as stated and requested ( interest obligations were met and paid. ) 4. In XX/XX/XXXX, Navient intentionally allocated overpayments in the amount of {$260.00} to interest on the larger ( XXXX DL ) loan and allocated overpayments in the amount of {$180.00} to interest on the smaller ( XXXX DL ) loan. A total of {$440.00} was applied to interest in the month of XXXX alone which is inconsistent with the interest estimator typical monthly payments ~ {$210.00} for both loans in interest accruements. This over-allocation of interest to both loans should have rather been applied to the principal balance on ANY loan, especially the smaller current balance loan as stated and requested ( interest obligations were met and paid. ) 5. In XX/XX/XXXX, Navient intentionally allocated overpayments in the amount of {$270.00} to interest on the larger ( XXXX DL ) loan and allocated overpayments in the amount of {$190.00} to interest on the smaller ( XXXX DL ) loan, which contrasts the ~ $ XXXX/month ( based on interest rate, which did not change ). A total of {$440.00} was applied to interest in the month of XXXX alone which is inconsistent with the interest estimator typical monthly payments ~ {$210.00} for both loans in interest accruements. This over-allocation of interest to both loans should have rather been applied to the principal balance on ANY/EITHER loan as state and requested ( interest obligations were met and paid. ) Examples of similar systematic misallocation activities continued on XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX ( 6 ), and throughout history of loans back to XXXX. Navient also steered me away from income-driven repayment plans and lured me into multiple forbearances and consolidating the loans which were clearly not in the best interest of the loan bearer. Consolidation of multiple loans went into effect XX/XX/XXXX and disbursement payment requirements starting in XXXX. IDR should/would have been the most beneficial and practical since XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: All payments were applied to interest only. While in forbearance, deferment, and income based repayment plans, I was charged exorbitant amounts of interest. I have been disputing and speaking with this company for years. I always get one answer ... we have reviewed your account and find it valid. We have the ability to legally enforce this loan. The amount of interest I have paid along with interest capitalization exceeds the amount of the loan. I have been unemployed and underemployed for the past 10 years. I am XXXX years old and do not see my way out of this. I do not know where to turn at this point. Can you help me?
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Toppenish, WA

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: To whom it may concern, Currently, I have eleven student loans. Two student loans are with Navient Corporation and are up to date. Nine are with the Department of Education and are in default status. More than three years ago my wife and I decided to consolidate our individual student loans. We both contacted Navient by phone and set up consolidation plans. All her loans were consolidated by Navient. Unknown to me, all eleven of my loans were not consolidated. Navient only took two of the loans, so the other nine sat at the Department of Education without my knowledge. I was under the impression from Navient that all eleven had been consolidated back in XXXX. We filed our XXXX taxes in XX/XX/XXXX. We were to receive a refund. In XX/XX/XXXX, I received a letter from the IRS stating that they had seized, treasury offset, my tax refund because I had student loans in default. I immediately called the Department of Education and I was forwarded to their collection company, Consumer Research. I found out, by phone and online that nine of my student loans were in default since XXXX, with a principle balance of approximately {$44000.00}. Added onto the principle balance an {$8000.00} service fee by Consumer research. A total of around {$52000.00} was due. Over the last three years, I was under the impression that I was either paying monthly payments on my student loans or when employment was part time, Navient suggested that I either defer or do a forbearance due to economic hardship. The remaining student loans at the Department of Education sat for more than three years went into default and there was no attempt to communicate that information to me by mail, email, or phone by the Department of Education for the past three years. When I spoke to a representative from Consumer Research, I was certified and then told that I have three options to settle my defaulted student loans. None of which I could afford, so I have been currently working with a company called XXXX XXXX to attempt to get my student loans out of default. The Navient Corporation is currently being sued by five plus states including Washington, who have alleged improper actions on behalf of student loan borrowers. I have recently contacted the Washington State Attorney Generals office and filed a complaint against Navient. For Misallocated payments Steered me toward multiple forbearances instead of income-driven repayment plans, and Provided unclear information about how to re-enroll in income-driven repayment plans Created obstacles to repayment by providing bad information Processed payment incorrectly Failed to act when I complained Harmed the credit of XXXX veterans, I am a XXXX XXXX veteran. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency has alleged Navient has systematically and illegally failed borrowers at every stage of repayment. Thank you for your time. I appreciate and am grateful for the opportunity to explain my student loan situation.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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