Navient Solutions, LLC.

Consumer Complaints

There are over 31323 complaints on file for Navient Solutions, LLC.. Dated between 2019-12-15 and 2012-03-01.

Complaints Page 187



Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't temporarily delay making payments
Complaint: I took out a student loan primarily using my relatives credit for the amount of XXXX dollars for the XXXX acedemic year. The issue is that I accidentally selected the option that does not defer the payments for the loan and now I have a XXXX bill every month which I can not afford so a few times I had to pay late. I have called them many times, but their general response is ask your brother for money. This is an issue however because first of all its my loan which is meant to be paid by me, there is only so many times I can ask for money, and second of all he has his own bills and expenses. I need a solution to this because right now I am scraping every cent I have to pay for that, and am left with nothing.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Bernardino, CA

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: i was supposed to be enrolled in the income based driven repayment plan which was set at XXXX dollars.It was then removed for whatever reason and i called in and spoke with a representative around XXXX or XXXX letting them know that i would be enrolled in school as a full time student, so what process did i need to take to get the in school deferred plan. i was told it would update automatically in the system but if i could inform my school officials to update it immediately that would also help. i spoke to my school officials in XXXX and they also stated it was automatic and it would update my first day of class. since then i have still been receiving loan docs for payments from navient, even though i am in school. i spoke with a representative today ( XX/XX/18 ) his name was XXXX and he said they still could not see anything in their system.This is actually the second time this has happened where i was supposed to have an in school deferred loan and it was not placed by navient. it is destroying my credit because they have it on there showing late and it has been on my credit even when i am supposed to be in deferred status
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Weston, CT

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Need information about your loan balance or loan terms
Complaint: Navient Account # XXXX has 7 loan numbers loan numbers on which I have been making payments for ~2 years. The balances are now HIGHER than they were when I started. Navient can not explain this other than to provide me their formula which apparently would have me paying them forever.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cheverly, MD

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: To whom it may concern, I was approved for a loan with Sallie Mae ( Now Navient ) for a Private signature loan with a repayment plan including full principal and interest that was disbursed on XX/XX/XXXX The original principal amount for that loan was {$10000.00} at a now 9.000 % interest rate which is utterly ridiculous. It is now XX/XX/XXXX and my balance is only XXXX! Over the past 10 years ive only paid XXXX of that loan due to the interest rate and fees. Also may I add that i also have two additional Stafford loans 1-02 stafford Subsidized Loan that was disbursed on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX in the amount of {$2600.00} with a fixed interest rate of 6.8 %. as well as a 1-03 stafford subsidized loan that was disbursed on XX/XX/XXXX in the amount of {$570.00} with a fixed interest rate of 6.8 %. Both of these stafford loans took 10 years to pay off and were offically paid off with end dates of XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. To add two more layers to this Navient nightmare The person who's name is on my loan as primary has been deceased since XX/XX/XXXX. Also the college that atteded where i received my loan for is XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) - XXXX, Maryland in which the entire company closed all of their schools across the United States in XX/XX/XXXX. In which after all schools were closed XXXX XXXX was hit with thousands of lawsuits from students claiming that the college and its parent company are running a high-pressure sales racket cleverly disguised as higher ed. In a nutshell all campuses closed due to low enrollment levels and financial viability. With all that being said I feel my Loan should be forgiven and zero 'd out due to the mere fact that i can not afford to continue to pay this loan until my payoff estimate year of XXXX with a XXXX interest rate that ive Navient multiple times about with no resolve. The loan is also in a Deceased persons name. I have sent multiple copies of the death certificate to no avail and have yet to receive any help regarding what can be done with that. Lastly the loan is in a schools name who is no longer in business and I can not use my certificate in the field that i received the certification in because the employers do not recognize that school as accredited.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Kansas City, MO

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem with customer service
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Threatened to contact someone or share information improperly

Debt collection: I do not know

Talked to a third-party about your debt
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: I was a XXXX XXXX XXXX for 12 years ( XXXX XXXX ), employed full-time by XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX in Maryland. At the start of my tenure back in XXXX, I was pressured by many financial institutions to consolidate my loans because I was told it would bring down my monthly payments, put all of my debt into one place, and make my life easier. I was also told that this wouldnt affect any future XXXX or public service loan forgiveness programs that were being created in Congress in the mid XXXX, and I was informed that this wouldnt affect the category or status of my loans, or loan type. So I consolidated some of my loans on XX/XX/XXXX with XXXX Bank, and in XXXX Navient became my new servicer. The original consolidated amount was {$21000.00}. I also consolidated another set of loans in XXXX from my grad schools years, and these were serviced first by XXXX XXXX and now XXXX XXXX XXXX. The first consolidation with Navient still has a balance of around {$13000.00}, but my loan through XXXX XXXX XXXX is nearly paid off ( one payment of {$130.00} remains ). Im writing a letter of complaint primarily about Navient, the company facing many accusations and a potential class action lawsuit currently, but also XXXX Bank, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, and the non-transparent consolidation process I was pressured into entering in XXXX. In XXXX, before moving overseas to XXXX where I currently live and while still employed by XXXX XXXX, I applied for Public School Loan Forgiveness ( PSLF ) and XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ), thinking my application would be accepted because of my more than 120 consecutive payments while working at a qualifying XXXX XXXX. But both of my applications were rejected by XXXX XXXX XXXX ( for PSLF ) and Navient ( for XXXX ). I never received detailed letters or documents explaining why I was rejected, and when requesting information ( especially from Navient ) it has been incredibly difficult to secure documents or clear, unequivocal reasoning. Recently I reached out to both of these servicers over the phone to get answers and this is what I was told after piecing together information from more than ten hours of stressful conversations with representatives and supervisors on the phone. ( It was impossible to get through to managers for some reason they were never available ) : XXXX XXXX XXXX informed me that the reason my direct consolidated loans didnt qualify for PSLF is because back in XX/XX/XXXX, my automatic payment was only processed for {$63.00} instead of XXXX. When I explained that my account was always set up to process these payments automatically and it wasnt my problem that there was a computer glitch with removing a XXXX from the payment, I was told that the payment wasnt satisfied in full and they couldnt do anything about this issue. When I asked if they could review this problem I was told it would take 70-90 days for a manager to process this audit and get back to me about the investigation. To me, this seems very dubious and quite laughable : XXXX XXXX holding up the processing of a PSLF application of a qualifying XXXX. There was a clear error online in the processing that had nothing to do with an unwillingness to hand over an extra XXXX. This amount was for consolidated direct loans. Navient, on the other hand, gave me two contradictory reasons for my XXXX application being denied. First, I was told that my type of loan, a FFELP, didnt qualify for XXXX forgiveness. Then, this explanation was reversed by different representatives and I was told my underlying loan ( a XXXX portion I had already paid off ) that was woven into the consolidation in XXXX prevented me from qualifying for the program. When I asked to get details about this, Navient couldnt provide them after being put on hold countless times. When I asked to be sent this information, I was told a PDF file would be sent with a history of my loan prior to XXXX when it was with XXXX Bank servicing. After three weeks, I hadnt received an email. When I called back, I was informed that the document was sent, and a rep walked me through their online system to locate it on my account for over an hour. After we couldnt find it in my email or on my Navient account online ( via the message inbox with requested documents ), I was informed that it would actually be sent to my Hungarian address as a hard copy. So after one month of trying to figure out why I was rejected for the program, Navient still cant explain why or give me the requested material to document this decision for me. Navient has failed to provide me with the documentation about my records at XXXX Bank and details about my underlying loans before XXXX that were the source of the rejection. Whats more frustrating is that as a student Im just trying to locate the paper trail of my original loans, their types, their consolidation history, and what went wrong to prevent me from qualifying for two programs that loan counselors, government officials at XXXX, reps in my public school system, and reps at the loan servicing companies told me I would easily qualify for. Ive become one of the tens of thousands of XXXX across this country who stay in this often thankless XXXX profession with the hope that a small fraction of their loans will be forgiven after 10 years and 120 consecutive payments, only to discover that all the programs are fraudulent or at least set up in a way to minimize chances of applications being approved. For example, until these conversations and investigative research, I had no idea that my consolidated loans under Navient were FFELP ( I thought they were classified as federal direct loans ). Whats worse is that these Direct loans were converted into commercial loans, and this is the underlying reason why I dont qualify currently for XXXX. Ironically, if I had not consolidated and if these direct loans had not been converted to commercial loans or if the XXXX loans had not been rolled in, based on my understanding of the facts I would have qualified in XXXX for the XXXX and PSLF programs when I applied. If the consolidated loan had remained a direct loan and not been converted into a FFELP, up to {$170000.00} of my remaining balance at Navient would have been forgiven without question through the PSLF instead of the XXXX ( only up to {$5000.00} could have been forgiven under this program ). I feel that the whole system and the servicers ( XXXX Bank, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, and Navient ) were not transparent with me about these conditions. In XXXX when Bush and Obama administrations approved these programs ( which would take effect in XXXX ), it wasnt clearly explained to me by any of the servicers that my loans would no longer qualify unless I changed by consolidation type. This should have been clearly articulated, but it wasnt, unfortunately. XXXX and other public servants shouldnt be subjected to navigating such a mess of a labyrinth when theyre trying to apply for programs they should qualify for after years of service. The process should be clear, automatic, and painless for these public servants whove given so much to society with modest salaries. So here I am, a XXXX who worked for 12 years in the public school system, and I qualify for none of the federal loan forgiveness programs that were designed to help me financially after years of service, all because of these servicers not being transparent and clear about the consolidation process. I have decided to write the CFPB to express my concern about these servicers, in particular Navient. It would be great if you could help me out with these issues, and get me in touch with anyone leading the charge against Navient now in the class action lawsuit. If what Ive read online is correct, I believe that CFPB has filed numerous cases against Navient recently for reasons similar to my complaints. Thanks for your time and for looking into my case.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Tucker, GA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Clayton, MO

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: In late XX/XX/XXXX I called into Dept of ED/Navient customer service line and requested to have my account put into a deference. At which time the woman I was speaking to informed me that it would not be an issue and everything was good to go. So until three days ago when i acquired a copy of my transunion credit report and saw that I had 5 late payments reported for the month of XX/XX/XXXX because I have 5 different student loans. This had immediately dropped my score down over 40 points!!! So i called Navient and tried to explain the issue and the representative just kept insisting that I was at fault because they reached out multiple times and were unable to reach me but when I asked what email address they had he gave me one that wasn't even mine!!! So i politely told him the correct address and then he stated there was no recourse for me to appeal. I'm just dumbfounded at the negligence and unbelievable arrogance that these people seemed to act towards me with.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lafayette Hl, PA

Took or threatened to take negative or legal action

Debt collection: Private student loan debt

Threatened or suggested your credit would be damaged
Complaint: I would like to address an issue that my son and I are having concerning his student loans through Navient ( formerly known as Sallie Mae ). He attended the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Pennsylvania. I cosigned 2 private loans for him. After that, I was not able to cosign for anymore loans because I had cosigned for other student loans for my daughter and step daughter. My son tried to quit college twice because he didnt have the funds to continue. The XXXX XXXX approached him and made it possible for him to keep going and obtain his XXXX XXXX. I did make some payments directly to the school during that time and also took out a XXXX XXXX loan. The problem came when he was hit with over {$160000.00} in student loan debt, both private and federal after graduation. He did obtain a XXXX XXXX degree. I tried to work out payment arrangements with Navient because the payments were over {$1100.00} a month. They were nasty and totally unreasonable to work with. They had me in tears more than once. They told me that it wasnt their problem how he paid his rent and car insurance. I started making {$800.00} payments to Navient for approximately 2 or more years and my son paid the difference. During this time, my son and I, again, requested getting our payments reduced. He was employed as a XXXX XXXX making {$30000.00} a year. He couldnt live on that and have this hanging over his head. They came up with a reasonable payment that we were satisfied with and at the last minute, they told us that the manager wouldnt sign off on the payment plan. Well, my job situation changed drastically. My husband and I both lost our jobs ( we worked for the same company ). We were given a severance package and continued to use our money along with our XXXX to continue making payments. I got a job through a temp agency making a measly {$12.00} per hour. My husband at the time was still unemployed. Again, my son and I called Navient to see if they could work with us. I let them know we could no longer make the payments. They did the exact same thing.they said they could lower the payments and in the end, the manager would not sign off on it! We tried to contact the XXXX XXXX and learned they closed their doors because of student loan fraud. We were desperate, we got an attorney involved to see if he could talk to Navient. They would not negotiate anything with him. In the meantime, the loans have been turned over to collection. We have not been contacted by the collection agency as of yet, so I reached out to XXXX XXXX XXXX and they are referring the case over to an attorney. We have since learned that the Attorney Generals office in Pennsylvania has filed complaints against Navient and the XXXX XXXX both for student loan fraud and various other unethical behavior. We are currently filing complaints with the Attorney Generals office as well. I have cosigned for my daughters school loans with Navient, which I am currently helping her to repay. The loans are in good standing. Her debt was $ XXXX out of college. I cosigned for my step daughters school loan for 1 year of college also with Navient. We are repaying that $ XXXX loan as well and its in good standing. I have a XXXX XXXX with Navient for my sons schooling that Ive been paying on for almost 10 years and is in good standing. That was $ XXXX. So, we are willing to pay our share for my sons education, but at a reasonable amount with reasonable payments. First of all, Navient and the XXXX XXXX knew full well that my son could never be able to repay these kind of loans. This is a noose around his neck for the rest of his life. His job is unstable and his marriage is on the brink of divorce and hes only XXXX years old. Im almost XXXX years old and I will do what I can to help pay off some of the debt, but if my health fails 10 years from now, then what? I will never be able to retire and thats finebut as a mother, I want my son to have a chance to live his life without this burden. Im a desperate Mom asking for you and your staff to intervene on our behalf. Could you please do what you can to reduce some of his debt and accumulating high interest were facing? I have enclosed a snap shot of my Navient account showing current balances as well as my son. The amounts are staggering as youll see. Anything you can do at all would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate your time in reading this letter. I know were not alone. There is a real student loan crisis in this Country. Something needs to be done for these kids coming out of college facing the same thing that were facing.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Phila, PA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Fishers, IN

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Don't agree with the fees charged
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: Navient has not been forthcoming with the best repayment plan options for myself and my consolidation options when I have reached out to them via chat or via telephone several times since I went into repayment in XXXX. Navient has mislead me into >5 years of making higher monthly payments and having higher interest on my loans by their misguidance of my repayment options and withholding information about possibility of federal consolidation. Per current lawsuits Navient is facing, these actions seems to have been intentional misguidance by Navient per upper management to their face to face client support. Navient never once discussed with me that federal loan consolidation may be the best option for my repayment plan. I did not know this was an option until I met with a student loan agent XX/XX/XXXX. Further, I am also skeptical at how they are calculating my monthly payment amount as it is significantly different in percentage of AGI above the poverty line from my wife 's monthly payment of federal loans which is serviced by XXXX. ( Both my wife and myself are on PAYE program and file taxes 'married filed jointly ' ). I will have to do further independent research to verify how they are possibly miscalculating my monthly payment. It appears Navient has had a corporate structure to misguide students on repayment options that are in the best financial interests of Navient and not of the students and thus breaching their obligations for which the US Government contracted with them.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Diego, CA

Getting a loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Fraudulent loan
Complaint: I co-signed for one $ XXXX total education loan thru Sallie Mae / Navient. After signing for one loan the company issued two loans, one for $ XXXX and a second for $ XXXX, under two different loan numbers totalling $ XXXX. The primary borrower has since made over $ XXXX in combined principal reduction payments which should have relieved me from the original co-signer responsibility. However since they issued two separate accounts, they billed and credited the second account enough to close it first, leaving the me as the original co-signer holding the bag on the extra un-disclosed amount. I have made several calls to Navient filing complaints about the second loan amount and the double accounting problem. They refuse to acknowledge any problem.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Wilson, CT

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem with customer service
Complaint: Navient emails me to tell me to go login to their website. You can not reply to the email, and the website says ACCOUNT DISABLED. Click here to Contact Us. The Contact Us link goes to a Error - Page not Found on their website. If you do a XXXX search for Contact Us Navient, it sends you to a page on Navient that says LOG IN TO CONTACT US, you click that and attempt to login, it says ACCOUNT DISABLED. Do you see the endless LOOP here???????????????
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Tulsa, OK

Took or threatened to take negative or legal action

Debt collection: Federal student loan debt

Threatened to sue you for very old debt
Complaint: My name is XXXX XXXX and I have a complaint against XXXX XXXX XXXX and Navient student loans. I may have a complaint against XXXX XXXX as well, since it appears they are all 3 of five companies that are all the same company and/or interconnected to each other, as I will explain. In the XX/XX/XXXX I was holding at one credit hour to graduate as the university XXXX XXXX had some unethical things. So, I went on a hardship deferment with XXXX XXXX. I followed proper procedure and updated my new address with them, here in XXXX and with Before I had moved I called fafsa to verity my lender or if there were any other lenders that I may have not been aware of, as I was unsure when I would graduate given all that happened at XXXX. However, they told me that there was only one, being XXXX XXXX. I mention this for a reason as you will soon see. So, I did my hardship deferment with them and moved to XXXX Oklahoma, XX/XX/XXXX. Around XX/XX/XXXX, I started receiving calls from XXXX XXXX XXXX informing that they had a loan of mine in default. They told me they were a combination of 3 small loans totaling something over about {$4000.00} which has gone up a bit now because of their charges. I had no idea how tis even occurred. However, they told me I was in default. I asked them who the lender was because I was already on a hardship deferement with XXXX XXXX and was told by fafsa they were my only lender, and they told me it was Navient. So, I contacted fafsa again ( XXXX XXXX ) to verify this information and they told me, yes there were smaller loans from Navient in default. I told the lady that I called them the summer before I moved, to make sure all was well and informed her the information I was given. She just told me to call XXXX XXXX and tell them that there was no prior information given up until now, and ask for a deferment given my situation. I called XXXX XXXX XXXX back and asked about my options, and they told me about a 9-month rehabilitation program in which the payments would be XXXX dollars a month because of my financial situation. They told me if I made all the payments on time that I could request a letter for Title 20 to get back in school and was told after 9 months that my loans would be sent to a new lender. So, recently probably around XX/XX/XXXX they sent my loans out and was out of rehab program. I asked where they sent my loans and they could not tell me, and told me to call fafsa and inquire where my loans were sent. Then I received a letter from XXXX XXXX saying Congratulations on completing your 9 month rehabilitation program. This made me more confused as I was on a hardship deferment with them and currently on a in-school deferment with them, and they hold most of my loan. So, I could not figure out why my main servicer was sending me this because why or if would they sell a smaller amount of my loans to Navient, not telling me, and they knowingly knew I was on a hardship deferment with them at that time. This made no sense, so from researching it appears that XXXX XXXX may be one of the sister companies with them, but being the same. So, how can they do that? This seems deliberate, immoral and unprofessional. However, at that time ( after completing their rehab ), I did call, but fafsa still was only showing Navient and they could not provide information at that time. About a few weeks later I received a letter from XXXX informing they had my loans, so I set up a in-school deferment with them since I had restarted school. Also, when I called fafsa to inquire where the loans from Navient went, I also asked them repeatedly if there were any other smaller loans out there with other lenders, in which I may not be aware of and they told me no. The reason for this was when this all happened with Navient, I was so confused to how and why this happened, when a major portion of loans is held by XXXX XXXX and I was completely caught off guard with what happened, so I wanted to make sure nothing was missed and they told me, that there were only two showing. They told me that there was a way to check online now and to see as well, they were the only two showing at that time, during that phone call. So, I checked, and that appeared to be accurate. Now, about a few weeks ago, a lady called me from XXXX XXXX XXXX and said something about me owing money to them. I told them that I just got out of default and those smaller loans had been sent to XXXX, and I told her that I had called them a couple times to inquire where this was sent and told her that, she needed to check her information as I was dealing with XXXX in which I had a in-school deferment with and she said she would wait to see if their database just had not been updated, and would call me back in a couple weeks. So, just recently a XXXX from XXXX XXXX XXXX called me and said that I owed them money. I told him the same thing that I told the girl. I told him this did not make any sense and inquired more. He told me that they had a loan and the amount owed was about {$1600.00} and I asked who this was with because I had not idea what he was referencing, and he told me it was with the Illinois Student commission. Then he asked me if my address was on XXXX XXXX. I said, You know where I live because I just got out of default and just completed that rehab program with them. Then I asked when was this sent to them and He told me in XX/XX/XXXX and then he switched up and said, It came in of XX/XX/XXXX, but we just got it fairly recently. His story changed. So, I said that I would contact fafsa and asked them what was going on. He told me, that there was no need for me to do that and I should just call that Illinois student commission number he gave, but I called fafsa anyways. I spoken to an agent, on a three way call with Ms. XXXX XXXX and we asked who was the financial company of this commission and she said it was Navient. XXXX then asked, So, the person who sent this to XXXX is Naveint. The representative said yes, it was Navient and she verified the loan servicers was Navient, they just put a different name on it, but still Navient. So, yesterday I called XXXX back again and told them that, this made no sense, since they called me originally back in XX/XX/XXXXand placed me on their rehab program. I told them as well, I knew it was Navient as I talked to fafsa and he did not deny this, after I said it three times because initially he tried to act XXXX, but then acknowledged it. Then he said, well we got this inXX/XX/XXXX, but it just came in. I told him that they called me back in XX/XX/XXXX and told me that they loans they were presenting to me, smaller loans, were what was placed in default by Navient and the rehab program was coving these smaller loans. I told him that XX/XX/XXXX is after XX/XX/XXXX, so they knew this already, the first time they contacted. Why did Navient hold back a smaller portion to only put me back in default? I told him that it did not make any sense. He said, well me technically only received it around XXXX. I told him that even in XX/XX/XXXX, which is still after the initial time he said Navient sent it, and that I was still in their rehab program making payments and became eligible for Title 20 to return to school 6 months after making payments. I asked, why did they not say anything then? Why would Navient hold back a small portion, only to put me back in default, once getting out? Why would they hold 3 smaller loans and sent this to XXXX after being out of default. While they were holding another smaller loan and they presented this AFTER I was out of default, and after the other was sent to XXXX. They had this, before they ever called me in XXXX, per what they have said, so they knew. So, this is deliberate. I would like to request that they are contacted and that if this is something actually owed, as I question this at this point too, being they are so dishonest. But, if true, they need to place this with XXXX because they withheld knowing, per what they have said and they literally waiting, until I was back in school, and I was out of deault, only to put me back in. Given the dates of the event, this was deliberate. Also, I do not understand how XXXX XXXX sent me the, Congrats letter being out of default, when they hold a huge portion of my loans. I was on a hardship deferment with them, they knew my information, and they knew my situation. So, if they are a sister partner with these companies as it appears to be so, given what I have found through research. Then I believe there is liability on XXXX XXXX end as well. Please look into this matter because it does appear there are 5 companies that appear to be interconnected to one another, XXXX XXXX, Navient, and XXXX XXXX XXXX, and two others. This seems like a very twisted and corrupt thing to do. I am a single mother to XXXX children who have special needs and XXXX XXXX knew this. How can people be so evil? Please help me rectify this situation and hold them accountable, for those who are involved in this malice. Also, when placing categories for this claim. They definition was not exact, so I filled in the bubble to the best I could in regard to complaint. However, I am not back in default and I am already back in school, so this is problematic and yes, XXXX told me they can come after any wages and any tax returns. I explained my situation and even after confronting them with knowing they are in the wrong and that they are with Navient, they did nothing to resolve the issue.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Longmont, CO

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't temporarily delay making payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hilo, HI

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Northside, NC

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Keep getting calls about your loan
Complaint: Approximately, XXXX-XXXX of 2018, I began receiving telephone calls from Navient regarding student loans in my name. The loans were previously in deferment or forbearance. However, I was forced out of the graduate program for which I obtained the loans. While a graduate student, I was XXXX harassed by a male professor and forced to leave the program when I complained to another male professor. Now, I am being forced to pay more than {$1000.00} a month repayment for the {$100000.00} balance. Outside of winning a XXXX dollar lottery, there is no way in my lifetime that I can pay this loan. I am not wealthy and can not borrow money from anyone to make this payment. The telephone calls from Navient are harassing and occur on a daily basis, several times a day, even at my place of business. I have never given Navient permission to call my cell phone incessantly or my place of employment. I have asked Navient customer service to cease and desist from calling my cell, home and work phone. However the calls continue.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Allen Park, MI

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Don't agree with the fees charged
Complaint: My two private student loans are at 11.75 % and they will not give me the promised discounts with auto draft and their reason is i just don't qualify. These loans from Navient are impossible to pay off! I have tried to talk with them and reason with them and no help.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Jupiter, FL

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Don't agree with the fees charged
Complaint: my student loan amount keeps increasing every month. I ask and they told me that my school did not report correctly the information to the loan servicer, and they adding more money for that. They change the interest rate and increases the amount that I have to pay again. I request Information regarding the reporting problem and they fail to provide me with the information. I need your help in solving the problem since the money going up and up.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Birch Run, MI

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: many times, during my repayment i qualified for financial hardship. I was constantly steered away from that to a forbearance. Which has exploded my loans because of interest
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bigmount, PA

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't temporarily delay making payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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