Navient Solutions, LLC.

Consumer Complaints

There are over 31323 complaints on file for Navient Solutions, LLC.. Dated between 2019-12-15 and 2012-03-01.

Complaints Page 114



Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: I had problems making payments on time and getting correct information about additional repayment plan options. Hi, I need help urgently. Ive was with Sallie Mae prior to XXXX and Navient since about XXXX. Ive worked full-time for a non-profit since XX/XX/XXXX. Ive had major difficulties with Navient since my loans were switched to Navient in or around XXXX to XXXX. My question : Why did they not immediately advise me to switch to a direct loan and/or Public Service Loan Program back in XXXX? Although they have documented over 60 on-time IBR payments on time since XXXX I was originally setup prior for IBR prior to XXXX, however, Navient made several critical processing errors in subsequent years, I believe in order to revoke and extend my IBR plan beyond the 20 to 25 years as required in order to apply for forgiveness. Even after many phone calls explaining to them that I had submitted my IBR request in XXXX of the prior year, when renewal was scheduled for XXXX the following year, they not only did not process my paperwork on time, which caused in accurate bank transfer collection but also caused inaccurate reporting of on time payments. These one-time charged were in amounts of over {$500.00} and over {$1600.00}. They didnt even send me an email prior to sending the payment requests? Their incompetence and I believe fraudulent activity, not only caused me be farther behind payments on my IBR program, they also flat out lied to me when I asked them if there was another payment program relating to my employment with a non-profit 501 ( c ) 3. They said I did not qualify without even directing me to the proper federal government website in order to confirm what they were saying. They also didnt even consider asking me for my employers non-profit status and/or contact information to verify the status of my employment. Im under the assumption that there are recorded phone messages that will corroborate these statements as I had spent many hours on the phone with Navient arguing as to why my annual IBR applications were delayed by over 3-months on several different occasions/years. I really need advice on how to proceed and how to find a suitable way to correct these violations to my rights. Im also, is in the process of working with Docusign to apply for a Direct consolidation loan in order to qualify for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program requiring 120 months of on time payments, however I dont know if hey will advise me on my rights to obtain retroactive IBR payment credits that can be applied to a Direct Public Serice Loan Forgiveness program, as Navient is an official government approved loan servicing provider. Navient has documented over 60 on-time payments, however I believe the number should have been much higher, closer to between 90 & 100 payments. Sincerely, XXXX XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Francisco, CA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: Navient is calling mulultiple times.a day. When I speak with them they rush me off the phone or force me into forbearance. Loans have Tripled since I took them out and the interest is crippling.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Rocky Ridge, MD

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arlington, VA

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: I was placed into a ( Navient ) payment plan I believe during XX/XX/XXXX and payments were made of {$130.00} from that point up until today. However, during XX/XX/XXXX i received a phone call stating that the program that i agreed to was not the right one any longer so I had to complete the over the phone process again and agree to terms. I then received a phone call in XX/XX/XXXX stating that the program was not the correct program again and I had to do the entire agreement over the phone again. In XX/XX/XXXX I received another phone call stating that I was not in the correct program although payments were still being automatically taken out of my account. I was apprehensive about these phone calls as it seemed every month i was getting a call stating that it was the wrong program, so I waited to see if another payment was going to be drafted as it in fact was. I believed that since payments were coming out, that I was still in the program and i did not receive anything in writing stating otherwise. I then finally received a letter in the mail in XX/XX/XXXX stating that I was now in default and the balance was due of XXXX. The entire time payments were being made and I agreed to the program they advised me on. I don't think it is fair and practical to call three months straight saying I was in the wrong program although i agreed to the terms and made payments. I need help getting out of the default status and I believe the burden should be on them as they gave me wrong advice and stated that I was in a program for repayment. Thank you! I plan to call again to try and resolve this, however, they are not being as understanding as they should.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Queens, NY

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: My loan servicer is Navient. I'm currently enrolled in an income based repayment plan, the status of which should have lasted until XX/XX/2019. I usually file renewal paperwork in the summer. For some reason, the payments due for half of my loans randomly increased in XXXX. The total overall increase is exactly {$100.00}. Last month I was supposed to pay a minimum payment total of XXXX. This month, I supposedly owe XXXX. When I called today ( XX/XX/2019 at XXXX XXXX E. ) to ask why, the customer service representative had no idea what to tell me. She tried to suggest that something may have changed with my private loan. But I was looking at a print out of each individual loan payment, and my private loan was not the issue. Half of my student loans ( 4 direct federal loans and 2 stafford loans ) increased. I've provided screen shots as attachments below. One screen shot from XXXX where my payments were correct. And one from XXXX where they're randomly {$100.00} higher. I'm not sure what the customer service rep was looking at to indicate that this change would have had anything to do with my private loan. But just guessing about it was not helpful and could actually have been harmful to someone who didn't know any better. Her Navient customer service ID was XXXX. We ended the call with her saying she put in a research request to see why the payments would have changed. I requested to speak to a supervisor, but she denied my request. In the meantime, they put my account on a courtesy hold because my payment is due at the end of the month ( in three days ). But no one can explain why my payments increased in the middle of the income based repayment plan cycle This isn't the first time my payments have changed for suspicious reasons. It always seems to get sorted out, but only after a few weeks and many hours on the phone pushing for real answers and not uninformed guesses. I've started taking screenshots of my online navient account because the payments change so frequently and usually in error. And I want to be able to prove what's happening to me.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: I started working for a public service organization in XXXX, 2011. I called Sallie Mae to make sure my loans would qualify for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. They told me that my loans would qualify, and that there was nothing else I needed to do besides stay current on my monthly payments for 120 months. It turns out that was misleading information, which came to my attention more than 3 years later. I moved my loans at that point to Fed Loans, so now they do qualify. I am still extremely upset about what Sallie Mae did in this instance. I am requesting a remedy from them, or to get credit for the 36 ( plus ) payments that should have counted towards the 120 needed for loan forgiveness. Please help, or direct me to any appropriate place to resolve this matter. Thank you! XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arroyo Seco, NM

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: I have been making monthly payments since XXXX and have proof of same. Navient is claiming that I have not made a payment since XX/XX/XXXX despite the fact that I have not missed a single payment from XXXX XXXX-present ( and have even directed Navient to apply additional funds to certain loans ). I have confirmation emails and proof of withdrawal of funds from my bank account. I have tried calling multiple times and can not connect to a representative - on three separate occasions Navient disconnected me from the call. This in unacceptable.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: They took my refund due to my student loans but I applyed for IDBR and it was approved on XX/XX/2018 so I thought that my loans were out of default and I am applying for a hardship because me and my XXXX children are being evicted, I have a shut off on my water and my d.p.l is about to be shut off. And I am no longer employed
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: My name is XXXX XXXX and I am one of the millions of people that Navient has taken advantage of. When I was XXXX and fresh out of high school they used my fathers income to take my loans out. Now after college, I don't make nearly as much as my dad does because he was there for almost 25 years at that point. I am going broke trying to make my payments. I do not want to go defer/fb because what if I need that for an emergency. I have tried and called so many times to have someone help me and no one ever does. I cant afford to live or enjoy anything because my private student loans take up all of my brain power and my paycheck. Please help.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Fresno, CA

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Memphis, TN

Getting a loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Fraudulent loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ny City, NY

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Need information about your loan balance or loan terms
Complaint: Greetings Sir or Madam, I am writing about a student loan that I paid off in 2013, but is still appearing on my credit report. When I went to the XXXX XXXX of New York, I took out loans with Sallie Mae/Navient. After leaving school I consolidated those loans and made a bulk payment of XXXX from my XXXX account on XX/XX/2013 ( It shows up as XXXX Student loan payment '' ). When I made this payment I did receive confirmation that my student loan debt was paid off as well. I have not received phone calls about account issues and my phone number has never changed. My credit report shows all of the Sallie Mae/Navient accounts as closed, but there is only one balance as still unpaid and the account name is " U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ''. Recently I had {$7000.00} taken from my federal tax returns by the IRS/Dept of Ed ( which has never happened before ) I assume? I am currently trying to find information, but it is very difficult to get in touch with the Department of Ed, as well as Sallie Mae/Navient.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Fremont, CA

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Federal student loan debt

Debt was paid
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Liverpool, TX

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: I have been put in deferment or forebearance several times since starting my loan. I have been told over and over by Navient customer service that it is a better way to go while waiting for my bankruptcy to discharge the loans and now I have a bigger amount of interest to pay as its acrued and the discharges have not been done. Below you will see the bankruptcy discharge as well as the original amount did the loans and all the interest added over the years.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Allenwood, NJ

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: I completed the repayment of my loan via monthly payments in XXXX. In XXXX, I was contacted via email that there was still a small amount due as a final payment, I paid ~ {$40.00} dollars and received a letter that my debt was repaid. In XXXX, Navient contacted me claiming that I owed ~ {$2100.00}. I advised them that I had repaid the loan in XXXX and sent a copy of the letter. They called me again and they could not match the account closure letter to the final payment. The customer service person advised me it was my responsibility to provide proof. I again sent the letter. Another contact, and " maybe this is for a different loan '', but I only had one loan. I again sent a copy of the letter to a manager via email while on the call. He acknowledged that he could see the monthly payments, and the final payment in XXXX, but there were no details in the system to confirm that I closed the account. The loan has now moved around to three other servicers. They contact me, I send the letter. No contact for 3 months, then another servicer contacts me. I send the letter again. Next servicer.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Library, PA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: I have had a loan with a principal balance of {$64000.00} since 2013. It is now over {$70000.00} due to accrued interest. Interest has been a nightmare for me and I am sure plenty of other students. I was tipped early on to pay attention to interest and pay it down while in school, and I did so. I even paid some of the smaller school loans off in full before my loan went into effect in 2013. From the get-go, I have always been on an income based plan. At that time, there was no way I could afford rent, utilities, daycare, etc. along with a $ 700+ school loan payment each month. When I was first applying for the income based plan, I spoke to a representative about it in general. He explained to me that the payments are lowered but only low enough to cover interest. As such, I was always under the impression that the payments were only as low as the interest that accrues each month. Otherwise, what's the point? I do not like to let interest accrue. I do not want to risk having any accrued interest capitalized. I would not have agreed to this if I knew better. I feel I was misguided. Anyway, I started the plan. I set myself up for automatic payments. I went on with life until I felt I could start paying down my loan. After some time, I noticed the balance on my loan jumped from XXXX to over 70k. How did my balance increase after I have been making payments on it regularly? I called to question it and learned that it is due to {$6000.00} of accrued interest! My payments are less than the amount of interest accrued each month, so it has been racking up without my knowing. Who knows if it has even been capitalized. I keep trying to find documentation to figure out so, but I can't find anything to help me much. The rep says it isn't capitalized. So here I am ... ready to try to tackle some of my principal, and I can't, because I have a ton of accrued interest to work on before I can even touch principal. I feel helpless. What's the point of having an income based or other plan when you are struggling financially? All you are doing is paying and/or accruing interest ... never touching your principal. I thought the income based plan lowered payments yet still applied to a portion of principal and interest in a pro-rated fashion to what the regular payment amount would be. This is not helping us!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Dayton, OH

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: I had apply for the income base repayment plan and was approved fro this type of loans but this year XXXX XXXX XXXX took my refund with out even talking to me about how i want to repay the loan or when can i start making payment and i really do need my refund i am homeless and was counting on that refund to found some were to stay
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Jackson, TN

Incorrect information on your report

Student loan: Private student loan

Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Damascus, PA

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Mia Shores, FL

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem with customer service
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


La Vernia, TX

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: I consolidate my loans in the amount of {$42000.00} principal and {$4700.00} interest equaling {$47000.00}. However Navient says I owe {$51000.00}. I am not sure how it got to that much. Also my monthly payments only go to the interest at this rate I will never be able to pay them off. I have sent a email asking about my payments and balance consolidated. I got an generic email back that did not answer my questions. I have tried to call several times and remain on hold forever and never getting someone on the phone. I would like to know where the extra {$4000.00} came from and how come none of my monthly payments go toward my principal and I am getting no answers from Navient.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Seneca, SC

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: Starting on XX/XX/2016 I started the process of Disputing debt being reported by Dept of EDXXXXNavient who was reporting ( 7 ) accounts to my credit reports, all the same, account number but different amounts totaling {$94000.00}. I first sent a letter XX/XX/2016, XX/XX/2016 to Dept of ED/Navient and again on XX/XX/2016 to all 3 credit reporting agencies XXXX, XXXX and XXXX. I explained these accounts did not belong to me and were unverifiable. Additionally, all accounts did not meet the Metro 2 compliance requirements for reporting accurate data. I included the FTC Advisory Opinion to XXXX ( XXXX ). In sum, it is our view that a CRA that always scrambles or truncates account ( or social security ) numbers does not technically comply with Section 609 because it does not provide accurate ( and perhaps not clear ) disclosure of all information in the file. They basically state that by not reporting the entire account number, they are not reporting 100 % accurate information as required by section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I provided copies of my ( 14 ) different letters addressing each line item on my credit bureaus and copies of signature required service via XXXX along with evidence that both the FCRA and FDCPA were both violated by not addressing the dispute in accordance and within the allowed 30 days. I referenced the following, " I am maintaining a careful record of my communications with you for the purpose of filing a complaint with the FTC and the Attorney Generals office, should you continue in your non-compliance of federal laws under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. I further remind you that you may be liable for your willful non-compliance, as per FDCPA 807. False or misleading representations [ 15 USC 1962e ] As you have now violated federal law, by not properly investigating within the required timeframe, and I have evidence of such, via certified mail receipts, you must now remove the item. Any other action ( or in-action ) on your behalf will result in a small claims action against your company. ''
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Stamford, CT

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Niverville, NY

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Point Arena Air Force Statio, CA

Incorrect information on your report

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: I have three school loans taken out one that happens to be in XXXX ( XXXX paid and XXXX balance ) before I was even born. Then the other two on my credit report were in XX/XX/XXXX ( 1= {$3000.00}, the 2nd= {$3100.00}, both closed. But was told that they're the same one. But on my credit report it states that there different. ) I also tried to dispute those two that I never did those that I fully believe my ex-husband XXXX XXXX whom I divorced in XXXX and have a five-year XXXX XXXX against until XXXX that he committed fraud against me. I sent in document stating my case. Nothing was done and now I was garnished my XXXX taxes ( {$3.00}, XXXX ) which I was trying to use to support my XXXX kids and move out of California with and now I can no longer do. Can you please help? Not only am I financially struggling but I was also trying to fix my credit for a better future for my family and I and I am at a total loss at what to do now and nowhere to turn for help. I can't even afford a lawyer so whatever you guys can do for me would be greatly appreciated.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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