There are over 2336 complaints on file for Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (FNIS). Dated between 2019-12-15 and 2012-10-31.
Brooklyn, NY
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Complaint: On a previously submitted case, ChexSystems indicated that they removed any negative information related to me that was involved in my bankruptcy, however, I am still being declined due to information pertained in my ChexSystems file, which is still indicating previous relationships with other FI 's. They have not done anything to remedy this situation.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Atlanta, GA
Personal information incorrect
Complaint: In XXXX XXXX XXXX , I contacted ChexSystems via email to inform them that XXXX XXXX had incorrectly reported an address that I have never lived at or used. On XXXX XXXX XXXX , I received a written letter in response stating that since the address was submitted by a financial institution it was being retained in my file. Since the Federal Fa ir Credit Reporting Act requires them to correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete or unverifiable information within 30 days, ChexSystems is in violation of this law.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Aurora, CO
Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: My ChexSystems report shows that an inquiry initiated by consumer action occured on XXXX / XXXX / XXXX by XXXX XXXX on behalf of XXXX XXXX Now. I made no such inquiry. No money was taken but my concern is the use of my social security number for others to obtain payday loans.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Louisville, KY
Account information incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Madison Park, WA
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Aurora, CO
Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Information is incorrect
Complaint: I have contacted ChexSystems many times advising them of my bankruptcy and they are still continuing to report negative information about previous accounts including balances owed on those accounts whenever I attempt to open a bank account, so I am being declined. This is of course inaccurate since I have filed bankruptcy. I have also contacted them to request a copy of my report and they refuse to send it to me. This is harming me.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Public record information inaccurate
Complaint: ON XXXX / XXXX / XXXX XXXX Bank reported me to Chexsystems for suspected fraud activity and closed my bank account. About 8 months later due to moving, I had another bank account at another commercial bank that I decided to move to another bank so I closed the account and went to the new bank tried to open a checking account and Due to the ChexSystems report from XXXX Bank, I was unable to open a new checking account When I found out that XXXX placed me in the Chexsystems I contacted them via phone and paid them {$690.00} on XXXX / XXXX / XXXX that I did not know that I owed them and requested relief from the Chexsystems report. That XXXX never came. on XXXX / XXXX / XXXX I wrote them asking for the report to be deleted because XXXX Bank XXXX XXXX to Chexsystems the suspected Fraud was accurate and Verified it as accurate to my dispute with ChexSystems. on XXXX / XXXX / XXXX I have requested specific documentation of the alleged fraud how such fraud was committed, Documentation and proof of me doing suspected XXXX . Documentation of how such said suspected fraud was committed. I have also asked for XXXX Bank to give me XXXX Banks Chexsystems Reporting policies of how they report customers to Chexsystems and the procedures they must follow. To Date, I have gotten Nothing From XXXX Bank. It 's now XXXX / XXXX / XXXX and demand relief from XXXX Banks Report of me in Chexsystems.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Phila, PA
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Saint Paul, MN
Investigation took more than 30 days
Complaint: Chexsystems took longer that 45 days to reply to my dispute. Once I noticed them that they have to delete the information they sent a reply for the dispute in with the same information provided before. They set a deadline and missed it. Per their website : " your dispute will be considered as received on the following business day. If you provide additional information or documentation relevant to the dispute while the investigation is pending, the investigation time frame may be extended by up to 15 days to give the source sufficient time for review. Once it is completed, XXXX will notify you of the results of the investigation by mail at the address you provide ''. 30 days plus 15 additional days were also past they resonponed on XXXX XXXX I disputed in late XXXX XXXX when I placed a security freeze on my report. I received a confirmation of the freeze and my PIN on XXXX XXXX XXXX and never heard back until XXXX XXXX XXXX two days after I filed a dispute against them and their reporting. In their packet your information was included. I mentioned I am going to report this as well. They can not just help banks out, this is not fair. I can not open a chekcing account due to errors and {$0.00} balance bank account reporting on XXXX Reference : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Newnan, GA
Investigation took more than 30 days
Complaint: This is a direct reflection of me which was not done by me. I was not made aware of the fraud until my current bank advised me my account was closed again without warning due to reporting of fraud by ChexSyste ms & XXXX . This is p reventing me from communicating with other financial institutions.I 've advised XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX this was done by an ex who had access to all of my information/devices. He also was aware of personal information & passwords. I also filed police reports after the XXXX XXXX XXXX account closing on him that were not directly related to this issue but the nature is the same. He has a history of doing this to women & I have proof dated prior to me being made aware of the fraud reporting. I told the representative I spoke with I am not interested of filing a new police report months after the fact but I do have reports which show him doing these same thing with my account at another financial institution. I told them I would rather proceed with the information I have since I am no longer involved with this person and filing another report would cause another arrest warrant. Personally I 've been through enough financially, mentally & physically and would like to have this resolved asap. The investigation was opened XXXX with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and still has yet to be assigned to an investigator. My account was not closed with a negative balance and it has been verified that none of the signatures on the mobile deposit checks match eatchother or my signature. I do n't understand what the hold up is. First I was told 14-21 days now I 'm being told 60 days and was hung up on today after requesting to speak with a manager. Whoe ver noted my account from the check fraud department dated today XXXX was very rude & gave me general information without taking the time to even look into my file. If she had she would not have mentioned the need to review bank surveillance since they were mobile deposits.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
La Vernia, TX
Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX was disputed on XXXX / XXXX / XXXX with XXXX XXXX XXXX . Chex Systems has been disputed on XXXX / XXXX / XXXX . My daughter had a student account attached to my accounts with XXXX . She submitted a fraudulent check through the ATM. This is the only way a student account can do banking is through the ATM. When XXXX found the check to be fraudulent XXXX shut down all of our accounts INCLUDING my Husbands that had nothing to do with my daughter 's account. Attempted to resolve with XXXX and no luck. Attempted to resolve with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , Chex systems, and no luck. XXXX / XXXX / XXXX Today I have found that I can not open any accounts and have found myself without banking for businesses. Real Estate and Construction . I am not able to write checks to employees or conduct business. I am desperate to talk with someone to help the situation. Please help.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
La Vernia, TX
Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX was disputed on XX/XX/XXXX with XXXX XXXX XXXX . Chex Systems has been disputed on XX/XX/XXXX My daughter had a student account attached to my accounts with XXXX . She submitted a fraudulent check through the ATM. This is the only way a student account can do banking is through the ATM. When XXXX found the check to be fraudulent XXXX shut down all of our accounts INCLUDING my Husbands that had nothing to do with my daughter 's account. Attempted to resolve with XXXX and no luck. Attempted to resolve with XXXX XXXX XXXX , Chex systems, and no luck. XXXX Today I have found that I can not open any accounts and have found myself without banking for businesses. XXXX XXXX and XXXX . I am not able to write checks to employees or conduct business. I am desperate to talk with someone to help the situation as we will be going to collect federal assistance if I can not cash the checks. Please help.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Citrus Heights, CA
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Modesto, CA
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Atlanta, GA
Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: I have contacted XXXX XXXX , ChexSystems, XXXX XXXX XXXX about fraudulent information contained in my consumer file with ChexSystems. Several accounts were opened in my name using my correct personal information when I was the victim of identity theft. I have provided a copy of my police report, drivers license, and social security card to these business and made them fully aware that these accounts were not mine and they have refused to act in accordance with the laws that govern the reporting of such information. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , SC XXXX Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX S.C. XXXX Reported SSN : XXXX Account Number : XXXX Routing Number : XXXX Date Reported XX/XX/2016 Reported for NSF Closure Status : Unpaid Closure Status Date : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , AL XXXX Reported Name XXXX XXXX XXXX Reported Address XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , GA XXXX Reported SSN : XXXX Drivers License : ( Blank ) RTN : XXXX Account : XXXX Reported for NSF : Am ount : {$130.00} Paid in full settled I have properly notified all XXXX of these companies that these are not and were not my accounts and respectfully requested they remove this fraudulent information and they have refused to do so.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Atlanta, GA
Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: ChexSystems is reporting an account under my name, social security number, date of birth and drivers license that does not belong to me. I have contacted ChexSystems before and provided them a copy of my police report, drivers license and social security card, but they have refused to properly investigate this matter. All they have done was told me that they verified the information to be mine using my personal identification when I have plainly and clearly told them and provided proof that I was a victim of identity theft, and they have refused to act in accordance with the laws that govern reporting information against consumers. They are reporting the following information against me and it is not mine and as a result of identity theft XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , AL XXXX Reported Name XXXX XXXX Reported Address XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , GA XXXX Reported SSN : XXXX Drivers License : ( Blank ) RTN : XXXX Account : XXXX Reported for NSF : Amount : {$130.00} Paid in full settled This is not my account and I do not owe this and never did and I want this removed from my credit file
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Lewisville, TX
Information is not mine
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
So Effingham, NH
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Long Beach, CA
Reinserted previously deleted info
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Saint Paul, MN
Problem getting report or credit score
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Minneapolis, MN
Information is not mine
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mount Chase, ME
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Debt is not mine
Complaint: Debt collection compnay is : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX I was contacted by them via Phone, and also throug h US M ail. They are trying to collect a debt for {$15.00} plus {$30.00} Returned Chec k Services Charge f or a total amount of {$45.00}. When contacted by phone I would not give them any personal information. I also received in the mail a debt collection letter from this company. The debt is for the online XXXX XXXX XXXX . I contacted XXXX XXXX by phone and I do not have any debts due, and they told me they do not use a XXXX party services to collect their debts.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation