There are over 2601 complaints on file for Comerica. Dated between 2019-11-29 and 2011-12-13.
Meade, KS
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Sarasota, FL
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Colfax, IN
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Hawthorne, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Columbus, OH
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Lincoln, NE
Complaint: ( NOTE : I am currently in XXXX, on an extended tour of XXXX XXXX and have been out here for 4 years. During that time I have used the card referenced below with very few problems ).
* On XXXX XXXX my XXXX from XXXX was Credited with my Social Security Pension of {$1400.00} but I was unable to Access the funds because the ATM directed me to the Issuing Bank ( Comerica ).
* After answering their questions and confirming that I was the Cardholder I was informed by their helpdesk that the problem would be resolved after XXXX the next day. It wa n't so I called back.
* The second time I was informed, by the Helpdesk, that there had " been many problems with the ATM 's '' and it may take some time to resolve. In the meanwhile, they suggested, I could use the card in stores and go to a Bank to get a Cash Advance if needed.
* I made a couple of purchases in stores and - because my XXXX Visa was about to expire and I had to leave the country to renew it - on the XXXX I went to a Bank to make a cash advance withdrawal of {$570.00} then again, on the XXXX, another Cash Advance for {$290.00} " Just in case ''. ( The odd numbers are accounted for by the exchange rate of XXXX for XXXX XXXX, which is the currency I withdrew the money in - XXXX and XXXX respectivly ) On the XXXX XXXX I traveled to XXXX XXXX in XXXX and booked into a hotel using my card. I stayed for 2 nights but when I attempted to use the card to pay for the stay on XXXX XXXX, it was declined!
Since my balance was for more than {$1400.00}, and the two cash advances plus my purchases at stores totaled around {$900.00} there should have been more than {$500.00} still in the account, more than enough to pay for the Hotel. at $ XXXX. *Estimates are because fees for International transactions are not included.
* I did manage to get through to my account at their Web Site where I saw that the advances had been debited as " Pending Payments '' on the XXXX and XXXX, but that on the XXXX there had been a " Debit Adjustment '' of a further {$570.00}, which had put my account into an overdraft situation.
* I again attempted to call the help desk but was now faced with a difficult problem. I had paid a months rent for my apartment in XXXX and left some cash there as is my practice when travelling, and had taken only enough for the journey and the first couple of days food. Intending to get more cash on XXXX if needed. Since I could no longer use the card I could not stay on XXXX, but had barely enough cash to pay for the return to my apartment. I struck a deal with the hotel to pay the outstanding amount as soon as possible and signed various documents confirming that promise.
*When I got back to my apartment on XXXX XXXX and logged on to the website I saw that there had been a SECOND " Debit Adjustment '' of {$290.00} on XXXX XXXX, putting my account into a negative {$380.00}! ( The difference between " Pending Transaction '' amounts and " Debit Adjustment '' amounts can be accounted for by the difference in exchange rate for the relevant dates ) * Numerous attempts to contact the help desk and numerous dropped calls, dead batteries and expired minutes over the next few days convinced me that I had to call on a land line, which I finally accomplished today, XXXX XXXX.
* Today I was informed that Cash Advances trigger a 10 Day " Hold '' on the account for the transaction amounts. When I asked if the transaction had been completed at both ends I was informed that it had been BUT THE HOLD WOULD STILL REMAIN ON THE ACCOUNT FOR THE FULL 10 DAYS! Even so, it would not have put me into overdraft had the second " CREDIT ADJUSTMENTS '' not been debited to my account!
Since the first transaction was on XXXX the XXXX, and today is XXXX XXXX the first hold should have already expired - BUT IS STILL IN PLACE - EVEN THOUGH THE TRANSACTIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AT BOTH ENDS!
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fort Wolters, TX
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Hartsville, PA
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Boston, MA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Phila, PA
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Syracuse, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Houston, TX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Williamston, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Houston, TX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mill Creek, IN
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Coatesville, PA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Sacramento, CA
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Biscayne Park, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fairview, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Humble, TX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Oak Grove, MO
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Anaheim, CA
Complaint: Money was STOLEN from my account and my dispute was denied. I was told to find and go after the thief myself. Who is now an EX XXXX employee. My card was input manually 9 times total, all separate transactions, in the time span of 2 hours, for a total of {$1100.00} stolen. My card was ran until declined because they withdrew ALL of my funds. Now Direct Express/Comerica refuse to do the lawful thing and their suggestion is to contact the THIEF?
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Methuen, MA
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Salisbury, MD
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Bohemia, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation