Consumer Complaints

There are over 10902 complaints on file for TD BANK US HOLDING COMPANY. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-01.

Complaints Page 197


Sandy Hook, CT

Trouble using your card

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Can't use card to make purchases
Complaint: TD Credit/ XXXX XXXX cancelled my credit without a call or anything. Then I paid what I owed them to attempt reinstatement and they declined to tell me why it was declined. These people need to be shut down these people destroyed my credit
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Beachmont, MA

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Bellaire, TX

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Credit card debt

Debt was paid
Complaint: I initially filed a complaint against TD B ank, USA and debt collector attorney 's office XXXX , XXXX , XXXX , XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , XXXX . for deceptive tactics to collect on bad debt.TD Bank USA responded stating that XXXX , XXXX , XXXX , XXXX XXXX XXXX was servicing the account. I was sued on this account an d TD Bank stated they wrote this account off. If this is true, they never sent me a XXXX to report on my taxes. I contacted the Internal Revenue Service and it was stated that they did not have one on file. This would mea n two things, TD Ba nk wrote it off on taxes and are trying to sue me for what they wrote off, which would be illegal, or they have sold this account. It has already been determined in the letter that they charged the account off o n XXXX XXXX , 201 6 wh ich was in the response Case # XXXX . The attorneys are claiming they are suing me on behalf of the company, and if that is the case, that means tha t TD Bank is violating tax laws with the IRS, however if they are no longer custodians of this accoun t and sold it, I need them to state that in a response that they sold this account to the law firm. If they do not respond that they sold this account I am asking that this information be sent to the Internal Revenue Service for investigation into tax fraud. Tax fraud occurs when an individual or business entity willfully and intentionally falsifies information on a tax return in order to limit the amount of tax liability. Tax fraud essentially entails cheating on a tax return in an attempt to avoid paying the entire tax obligation. Simply TD Bank ca n't sue me and charge off the account. The law firm filed a legal document bearing TD Bank as the plaintiff.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Menasha, WI

Problem with a purchase shown on your statement

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


El Paso, TX

Getting a credit card

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Card opened as result of identity theft or fraud
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Knoxville, TN

Improper use of your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Closing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Company closed your account
Complaint: After having a substantial relationship with TD Bank, I got a notice they have decided to close my account and gave me no reason whatsoever. I had one issue with a wire transfer which was refuse d and caused an issue on my account, while I was traveling for a family emergency. The signer on my account had his account effected and him being on my account effected my relationship Upon fixing the issue, I was told my accounts were to be closed including all of my lines of credit, business accounts and personal accounts. I am an ideal client and maintain substantial balances in the accounts and own and operate recognizable businesses. There was no reason whatsoever my accounts were closed. I had issues which were addressed and fixed the moment they were brought to my attention. I want to have my relationship back as this is the only bank which operates in all the states we do business.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


South Florida, FL

Applying for a mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Complaint: On behalf of my Client XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX I applied for an SBA guaranteed working capital loan. On no less than 7 occasions over the past four months the loan committee has requested additional information, which they already had. These people were too lazy to look for the info they already had. Additionally after two months they asked for cost of goods sold information when there is NO COST OF GOODS SOLD. This is a company that receives a commission for its sales to customers from a manufacturer. How stupid can these people be.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lakeland, FL

Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Norton, MA

Opening an account

Checking or savings account: Other banking product or service

Account opened as a result of fraud
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response



Problem with a lender or other company charging your account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Transaction was not authorized
Complaint: On XXXX XXXX , 2017, my d ebit card at TD Ban k was compromised, and XXXX ( a company I have never heard of or interacted with ) withdrew {$370.0 0} ( in XXXX separate charges, {$280.00} and {$83.0 0} ), causing me t o incur {$100.00} in overdraft fees. While the charges were pending, I went to my lo cal TD Ba nk branch and froze my card. I was told I could n't file a complaint until the charges were processed and my money was withdrawn. I waite d 24 hours to lose my money, and then returned to the bank. I filed a complaint with an employee that day at the local branch, or so I thought. Tod ay, XX/XX/XXXX , I emailed TD Customer service to see why this claim, said to only take 10 days, had not gone through. They reported, and the local branch corroborated, that no dispute had ever been filed. This is an egregious example of customer " service. '' As a struggling college student, losing all the money in my account has caused me to gre at stress and forc ed me to alter my lifestyle, eating less and spending nothing, and apparently, all for naught. This is a terrible example of banking and account security, and I fully expect to be compensated for my losses. Unless TD Bank makes a serious effort to rectify their mistakes, they will have lose a customer.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


New Sharon, ME

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


South Florida, FL

Problem with a company's investigation into an existing issue

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Other personal consumer report

Was not notified of investigation status or results
Complaint: My client, XXXX XXXX applied for an SBA guaranteed working capital loan to TD Bank, XXXX Florida Office, Loan Officer XXXX XXXX . The loan application was refused. I requested a letter providing the reasons for the denial. That request was made orally ore than 60 days ago. XXXX XXXX informed me that t he SBA lo an committee would provide the requested letter. That has not happened.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Medford, MA

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Credit card debt

Debt is not yours
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Boynton Beach, FL

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Plantsville, CT

Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fee problem
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Newark, NJ

Problems at the end of the loan or lease

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Unable to receive car title or other problem after the loan is paid off
Complaint: I have been trying to finish my XXXX months car payment, I called DT bank to give me the exact amount that I must pay. I have received abo ut 3 differe nt letters with different amount. I submitted a complaint to your office. I received a reply but did not answer the question I have been asking. Last week I received a letter from XXXX XXXX the Senior vice president with the exact amount to pay before XXXX / XXXX / XXXX . He also stated that if I do n't they will repossess my car for a {$350.00}. I called XXXX on XXXX , made payment. I called early this week asking for my car title I was told that the loan numb er I gave to t hem is not on record. I was asked to provide my social, I gave the women my social. After that she ask my name and address, I did just that. After that she than asked my birth date. I told her I will not. Due to identify thift. I also told her I was told by XXXX XXXX th at once I agree to sign up for a voice recognition I will not be asked to provide all my information. That also was a lie. So the women hanged up the phone. Today XXXX / XXXX / XXXX . I received a certified mail from TD sayi ng this is a last notice I must pay {$350.00}. If not they will repossess my vihecle. I also received another letter that I own {$190.00}. I paid TD bank more money for this used car. I want my car tit le. Life goes on I want to move on with my life.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Cashing a check
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


George School, PA

Problem with a purchase shown on your statement

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: My comp any has a Small Business Acc ount with TD Bank and I believe their banking practices are deceptive. Pag e ( 1 ) On X/XX/17 a deposit of {$1500.00} was put in the " CASH '' column and ALL the funds were shown as " Available '' in the " BALANCE COLUMN ''. Page ( 2 ) On the morning of X/XX/17 I personally cashed check # XXXX for {$500.00} at the TD branch in XXXX XXXX , FL and the teller never indicated the funds were not available. On X/XX/17 I logged on to my TD account and noted the overdraft of {$140.00} ( date X/XX/17 ) and my check # XXXX for {$500.00} clearing on X/XX/17 with a balance of {$740.00} ( balance was {$1200.00} BEFORE TD took the {$140.00} overdraft ). I called TD 's XXXX number on X/XX/17 a nd initially spoke with the first person that picked up, then after an extensive conversation was switched to a manager. I do not recall their names. I told the Manager I believed they way TD reports funds is a fraud and why do they not list all deposits ( except cash ) as " Pending ''. She gave me the 'typical ' answer about only giving {$100.00} credit and that all checks need a day or more to clear. I already knew that ... but if it had been a cash deposit funds would be available immediately. There were no 'brackets ' around the overdrawn items ... {$140.0 0} ( {$35.00} per item. ) Page ( 3 ) O n X/XX/17 ( my printout of X/X/17 ) the TD Manger agree d to refund the {$140.00} charge. Note that on X/XX/17 there was another deposit of {$1700.00} put in the " CREDIT '' column, but again it 's really not a full credit because the deposit was a check. However their printout shows that ALL of the funds were available. I believe this is a very deceptive practice on the part of TD Bank to print the fact that the funds are available when they are not. Any funds deposited, with the exception of cash, should be indicated as " PENDING '' and not make their clients guess when deposits will actually clear. Now I am forced to add up all of my charges and make sure something has been added to the " Todays ' Beginning Balance '' page. Each time my Manager deposits a check I now need to call him to see if it 's cash or a check. I do not operate in our XXXX office and my Manager many times is on a job and unable to take calls. How difficult can it be to say " PENDING '' ... in my opinion ... very deceptive and of course more funds for TD.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lewiston, NY

Fees or interest

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Problem with fees
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Complaint: I have use my TD Bank ( US ) count for over 10 years. I signed up so that TD Bank could not overdraft my account. Every ti me my account was overdrafted I called and corrected the situation which I found to be immoral A number of times. They honored me and replace the funds every time. Recently my account has been significantly lower than usual they have overdrafted me XXXX times in the last month. I have contacted them many times telling them to stop allowing my account to debited. They have not honored overdraft protection law. I was over drafted and not refunded XXXX $ on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX $ on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX $ on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX $ on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX $ on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX $ on XXXX XXXX XXXX Maintenance fee XXXX $ on XXXX XXXX XXXX from over drafting me I was over drafted and refunded XXXX $ on XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX $ on XXXX / XXXX / XXXX
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response



Closing on a mortgage

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Queens, NY

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Complaint: I noticed that my transactions were being reordered in the past two months ( XXXX and XXXX XXXX , as well as I was being charged RIDICULOUS overdraft fees. Not only are these overdraft fees charging me {$35.00} dollars for a {$2.00} charge that keeps being debited from my account just so the bank can charge me XXXX dollars again, then XXXX dollars, then {$100.00} and {$170.00} dollars in overdraft fees. TD bank has reordered my transactions to make it look like I did not have funds in my account in order to maximize their ability to charge me overdraft fees. For example, on a day where I was in overdraft by {$4.00}, I made a direct deposit of {$300.00} to get out of the overdraft. However, on my TD banking portal, it reordered my transactions to seem as though I still had a negative balance when I used my card after the deposit cleared the negative balance, and I was charged XXXX dollars in overdraft fees MULTIPLE times. These overdraft fees are not warranted given that they were " posted '' to my account during circumstances I knew I had funds in my account because I had made a deposit that same day, and were being posted about transactions that did not actually occur on those days. Even on days that I had made a deposit and was in the positive, I was still charged unfairly. In XXXX alone, banks took in over {$32.00} XXXX dollars in overdraft fees. Additionally, TD bank has been sued in the past over such overdraft fees and reordering transactions, but it is very apparent that this behavior is continuing. This is truly outrageous that TD is purposely reordering transactions and charging all of these overdraft fees without my consent and without even notifying me of being overdraft to begin with. There was not even ONE time I received a notice via phone nor mail about being in overdraft. Through my online banking portal, I sent a message to TD bank detailing my issue in XXXX , and they took a week to get back to me even though they guarantee a response within 48 hours. I called TD bank today, XXXX XXXX , to dispute these charges. I opened my bank account i XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , where there are several TD bank branches, but I currently attend college in XXXX Washington state, where there are XXXX TD bank branches. Thus, I did not have the accessibility of a branch to go in and talk to a representative. When I did call TD bank, a customer representative told me that out of the total {$940.00} dollars in multiple overdraft fees due to THEIR reordering of transactions and the system 's error, they would only refund me XXXX dollars. I was not able to ever use the money from my direct deposits since they were being funneled to the bank as profits via their overdraft fees.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response

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