There are over 1991 complaints on file for SLM CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-11-26 and 2012-03-06.
Trouble with how payments are handled
Complaint: My daughter attempted to pay off her student loan on XXXX/XXXX/2015 using the " current amount '' on the Sallie Mae website. The account has a daily accrual rate but nowhere on the payment site ( i took screenshots ) does it state that this is really not the " current amount ''. We later found from " escalation department supervisor - XXXX '' that the " current amount '' is simply the last statement balance amount.
To complicate matters, Sallie Mae, withdrew the amount out of the wrong account which of course created insufficient funds fees and of course more accrued daily interest.
The possibility of selecting the wrong account was entertained by Sallie Mae. However, paying off your student loan is a huge accomplishment and my daughter and her mother worked together to celebrate this event. The account had been auto debiting from her personal checking account for months and when the payment was made the computer automatically selected the correct primary account ( the one it had been automatically using ) and they happily typed in the full amount, " current amount '' and pressed pay and confirm.
Although the amount of interest is not even close to the payoff amount, it is still her hard earned money ( plus {$30.00} ISF charged to her mother and I ) plus an additional {$45.00} in accrued interest.
After 4 phone calls the problem is still not corrected, her loan still not paid, due to Sallie Mae waiting to receive notification from our bank that the money was not in the account they tried to debit before they can do anything. I am simply wondering, as of XXXX/XXXX/2015 how many kids this has happened to and how much extra money Sallie Mae has collected when the consumer gets frustrated and just gives up.
The consumer of Sallie Mae is encouraged to use auto debit ( website ) however this access method is not accurate and misleading. Consumer beware!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Belle Haven, VA
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Complaint: I tried calling the lender 2 times and those representatives were rude. I tried to explain that my husband is sick and in the process of filling for XXXX with the help of his doctors. I am working XXXX jobs and am not able to make the current payments to the lender so I called to find out about forbearance or deferment or possibly reducing the payments until I can get more money to pay. The representatives refused to help and suggested other parties pay the loan, this is uncalled for because it is my loan to pay. The XXXX gentlemen I talked to was polite and able to help a little. If the company is unwilling to work with me to reduce payments or help with deferment or forbearance, I am going to need to look into loan forgiveness or possibly filling bankruptcy with my husband once his XXXX is approved. The company is in the practice of predatory lending and has been under investigation for such things, this is a perfect example of this conduct.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Bolen Town, SC
Need information about my balance/terms
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Apple River, IL
Debt is not mine
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Frequent or repeated calls
Complaint: Keep calling and they have been told that I am the co-signer and can not pay this loan repeated times and that they need to quit calling and that I am an XXXX year old man living on Social Security. It is affecting my health. Just keep calling and harassing me and telling me that they are going to file a law suit.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Springfield, MO
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Complaint: My daughter and I borrowed money from Sallie Mae to cover tuition for XXXX semesters at the University XXXX. The checks were written to the University and endorsed by my daughter. XXXX of these loans are now being handled by XXXX, which I do n't totally understand. We are trying to consolidate these loans and hopefully negotiate a lower interest rate. There are institutions that are willing to help but claim that if the loans do not show up in the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) they can not help us. I do not understand how money that was borrowed from the Federal Government and used strictly for tuition is not considered a Federal Student Loan.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Greensburg, KS
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Algiers, LA
Can't get flexible payment options
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Duncanville, TX
Trouble with how payments are handled
Company Response: Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding Closed with explanation
Clayton, MO
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Complaint: I owe approximately {$160000.00} in student loans, both public and private. {$100000.00} of which I owe to SallieMae. They place my monthly payments at {$1300.00}. I have recently started a new full time position at a South Carolina state university. I make {$36000.00} annual. However, due to high income tax and mandatory healthcare ( I have the absolute minimum coverage that meets the Affordable Care Act ), I take home {$1000.00} twice a month. That means that just my SallieMae payments are more than half of income and if I made just my SallieMae payments ( not including my federal loans which are on an IBRP of {$69.00} per month ) I would have {$760.00} left to cover all living expenses. I have a 9 year old car, I have the minimum allowed car insurance, minimum cell phone plan, and currently do n't pay rent because I am living on a friend 's couch because I had to go 6 weeks without a paycheck after moving XXXX miles for this new job. SallieMae will only offer a forbearance at a fee of {$150.00} ( I have XXXX loans total ), which I can not pay. I will not in the foreseeable future ever be able to make these payments, but SallieMae does not offer to make an adjustment at all ( though I have read on blogs that if you run out of forbearance and still can not make payments, call the right number and speak to the right person this mythical experience could happen ). Some of my loans have a cosigner. My cosigner also can not make these payments as they care for XXXX-XXXX elderly family members who live in the home. I previously filed a complaint because after I paid for my forebearance " good faith fee, '' I continued to get collections calls for two weeks. The issue was resolved by an escalation team member who finally listened to me when I said that they had not connected my XXXX and XXXX loans, so I was still receiving calls about my XXXX loans, though all of them should have been placed in forebearance.
I am simply seeking a solution that does not require me to file bankruptcy and destroy my credit. I am hard working ( I am currently seeking freelance work to boost my income just to cover my daily living expenses like food, rent, and gas ), responsible, and profession, but I am being treated like I am a criminal and delinquent. I was duped by SallieMae when our relationship started and it made it appear that repayment would be based on how much money I made after graduating ( at that time, I am unsure if they are still, SallieMae loans were marketing alongside federal loans that are possible to go on an IBRP ). I would love to make my payments and avoid all of this, but the American economy did not provide the incredible job opportunities that we were told we would have going into college. I just need a manageable way to repay my debt, and I wanted to see if there was a way before contacting an attorney.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Largo, FL
Can't temporarily postpone payments
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Jupiter, FL
Qualify for a better loan than offered
Complaint: XXXX UNIVERSITY my loan rate is XXXX percent variable..I think that is excessive to the point of criminal and they gave me variable instead of fixed so you know in the years to come with rates having to move up I will get killed ... ....
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Houston, TX
Received bad information about my loan
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Glendale, CO
Keep getting calls about my loan
Complaint: They auto dial me to call them at least 3 times a day! I have called and tried to get assistance on how to apply for a deferment on payments as I had a baby with health issues and they wont tell me the information unless my account is according to the people i spoke to, extremely in default. I call and talk to someone and that same day I got more than one auto dial call telling me to call about my loan. Today XX/XX/XXXX, I have had 3 auto dials already between XXXX XXXX my time and XXXX XXXX. so 3 calls in under 4 hours. They are trying to get me to go delinquent and be extremely delinquent ON PURPOSE while harassing me and not helping me or answering my questions on how to get help when i call. They have given my grandmother who co signed some impression they are going to be able to come and TAKE HER HOUSE AWAY!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Three Bridges, NJ
Keep getting calls about my loan
Complaint: I am the co-signer on XXXX student loans with Sallie Mae. The terms and conditions of the loans I have taken state that any payment received will be first applied to satisfy the minimum due amount for all loans, and any excess amount will be applied to the loan with the highest interest rate. I have sent a letter to Sallie Mae with the same instructions, and asked them to keep it on file.
For the past XXXX payment cycles since taking the XXXX loan, Sallie Mae has not followed these terms. Instead, they apply full amount to XXXX loan, and let the other loan go into arrears. In addition, they initiate an automated calling prompt to my home phone, my cell phone, and the student borrower 's cell phone, in escalating frequency. These have continued even after I have had numerous telephone calls and assurances that this issue is in the process of being resolved. I am left to assume that Sallie Mae is unable or unwilling to change their processes without intervention from their regulating authority.
I consider these unwarranted auto-dial calls harassment and ask : 1. for them to cease immediately, and 2. for the CFPB to instruct Sallie Mae to follow the terms and conditions of their promissory notes.
I ask that the CFPB intervene specifically on my behalf, and if there is any class actions that can be taken, I want to consider being a part of those.
For reference, today I have spoken with the following people at Sallie Mae who have been unable to resolve this issue : XXXX in Tennessee ; XXXX in XXXX, DE ; XXXX in XXXX, DE ; and XXXX, in XXXX, DE. XXXX 's employee number is XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Rochdale, NY
Trouble with how payments are handled
Complaint: I have XXXX loans that I make auto-payments on every month from Sallie Mae. I was told my account was " delinquent '' due to non-payment for four months. This was not true because there was money deducted every month from my checking account along with updated payment history on Interestingly enough, the person that was " handling '' my account admitted it to being Sallie Mae 's mistake. She also said she 'd make sure that the mistake would not be reported on my credit report. Fast forward to two months later and the issue was placed on my credit. I have gone through so much with this company ; I have never been more stressed in my life. I thought that this was a loan company that would let me look forward to a great college education but I ca n't when I 'm being backed against a wall for their mistakes. They are not loyal to their customers and they certainly have no remorse for their wrong doings.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Ashville, OH
Frequent or repeated calls
Complaint: My daughter has a small student loan for which she selected to pay the interest as she moves through school. I am the co-signer. She forgot and fell behind 30 days. Sallie Mae called my cell phone on XXXX, XXXX XXXX, 2015, XXXX times, my home phone XXXX times, my daughter 's cell phone XXXX times. All were robo-calls asking to be called back between the hours of XXXX and XXXX Monday to Friday. We had already made the payment the day before, but there was no way to stop these phone calls.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Rockford, IL
Can't get flexible payment options
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
South Florida, FL
Can't get flexible payment options
Complaint: I am legally XXXX. They knew my condition when I went there, they told me I can find a job, make enough money $ XXXX or more per hour. and they help to find a job.they promise to me I 'll be a XXXX after graduate but the reality is to be a XXXX people need many years and the salary in normal XXXX is {$9.00} per hour.
They only want me to take a student loans and they help to file forms. They accepted me also without a high school diploma I do n't have. I never graduated.
I an receiving SSi from the goverment and food stamps, I don ' t have money to pay.
For the Federal loan I amapllyg for a forgivness.
All the tests I presented during the classes were excellent even I knew all the answers were wrongI have been victim of a fraud XXXX.
They lied, any XXXX in Usa can hire me because I am blogging nd for safety policies, and insurances companies do n't allows put people on risk.
The XXXX did n't give any of the contracts with them neither loan papers, neither svholl books or any material if the classes in audio or big print fir ne to read. They accept me only to get a comission for a student enroled.
I have my XXXX certificates U am legally XXXX, and I went to thevinterview XXXX with a friend.
I am receiving Ssi help from the goverment and food stamos, i can ' t get a job and tcosigner ca n't affiraffirdto pay the loan.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Having problems with customer service
Complaint: Our daughter took out a new loan for University XXXX XXXX in XXXX - I called Sallie Mae and told them to add payments for that loan to our existing set of payments. They indicated they would do so. Today, at XXXX, I received a robo call from Sallie Mae. They did NOT leave a message. MY daughter then called me and said they had called her, and that the account was past due {$100.00} ( {$50.00} for XXXX and XXXX ).
I tried to call them and got told wait time was excessive ( last time I called them, I waited on hold for over an hour ).
I went online and fought thru numerous web site errors ( unable to make my name match my bank account name, several password resets to be able to even log in ) ) managed to make ( I hope ) a payment.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with non-monetary relief
Simpsonville, SC
Don't agree with fees charged
Company Response: Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding Closed with explanation
Turners Sta, KY
Trouble with how payments are handled
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief
Washington, DC
Trouble with how payments are handled
Complaint: Sallie Mae does not give borrowers the option to make a principal-only payment online. I gave the minimum payment online and planned to call in to apply another payment strictly to the principal. I called the main Customer Service number, and they told me that was also impossible to guarantee through their means. The representative I spoke to was clearly unfamiliar with the idea or function of a principal-only payment and told me false information. He repeatedly told me " most '' of my payment would go to the principal or that he really could n't guarantee where it would go. It was clear the representative was trying his hardest but that he was simply untrained and unequipped to provide me the correct information and action. I went so far as to ask if a principal-only payment application could be guaranteed if I sent in a check. He once again essentially tried to tell me there was no such guarantee.
This is unacceptable. ANY other type of loan allows the borrower to apply payment at their discretion, provided minimums and fees have been paid. If I pay what I " owe '' for the billing period, I should be at liberty to apply payment wherever.
It is clear Sallie Mae has exercised great liberty in thwarting its borrowers from repayment. It is disgusting that an organization would make it so difficult to get ahead on debt.
Perhaps the representative was new, or mistaken. Regardless, it would really be best if SM could offer this option online. This is totally unreasonable.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Brownstown, MI
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Can't decrease my monthly payments
Complaint: I was a student XXXX. I am waiting for my XXXX degree. I am currently working XXXX - I do n't have a full time job and have been trying to make my payments on the private loan to Sallie Mae - I can not afford {$1100.00} per month. My parents also can not afford this amount. I am supposed to be paying rent to my parents, which they have waived and they also have been helping as much as they can since they are cosignors. I have asked several times to make payments based on my income and have been told No by Sallie Mae. Until I can get a full time job, I can not afford the payments they are asking for. I will end up having to go out of my XXXX field if I can not get a full time job and I do not want to do that. I just need help until I can get on my feet. My debt is over {$100000.00}.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with monetary relief