There are over 9109 complaints on file for SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2012-02-28.
Bon Air, VA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Yorba Linda, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: after refiancing my home to purchase the land. i got XXXX to help. they drung me along for months as i was ready to file bankrupcie, they come up with the plan that if i had more money inthe bank, the company would finance me. i did't have any! so they gave me a XXXX check to deposit in my account. then walked out front door of bank and i had to write them a XXXX check back.?? anyway i got the loan. later learned they where run out of town lost there licence. and later the attorney was arrested that handled it all. mean while not to my knowing my loan was sold, and sold, and sold and sold, and witha payment now that when up to over XXXXdollars. i have XXXX a month coming in. tryed every thing i know, hamp, harp, and on and on. now as a XXXX year old that has been on this property for over 20 years there fourcloseing. i am a XXXX vet, my wife has XXXX, and we still have a adopted XXXX year old XXXX son living with us. and now have appox 30 days to get out. as i talked to the people from SELECT-PORT FOLIO. today trying to find a way not to be put out, the young girl i talked to said they would just get the sheriff to put us out. ( WONDREFUL PEOPLE ) there also know as XXXX. please look them up as they only changed there name. look i know there 's nothing you can do, but had to get this off my chest. will print and file with the rest of useless paper work.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Stafford, VA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
N Bethesda, MD
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Oceanside, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Fremont, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Austin, TX
Complaint: The servicer continually claims that the complaint is similar to previous complaints and then proceeds to NOT send the documents requested in the QWR and RESPA request. I have submitted multiple QWR to the lender requesting items required to validate the debt and to validate the actual transfer of the servicing of the loan to them and also to validate the note holder. I also have requested specific information required to validate the accounting that goes ALL THE WAY TO THE ORIGINAL LENDER ( they claim they do not have the accounting of fees, interest, charges, payments that go beyond them and maybe XXXX XXXX XXXX ). Additionally, I requested that the transfer and assignment documents be certified as correct by an executive authority for the note holder or servicer. I have requested that they provide documents showing that they notified me of my opportunity to apply for the National Mortgage Settlement program due to acknowledgement of errors and actions thru the National Foreclosure Fraud program in which there was compensation sent forward to me. The servicer continually avoids sending the requested information in total and then responds as if they have satisfied the QWR and provided all the documents. In short, validation of the debt and facts are not able to be accomplished due to their refusal to provide adequate information. They fail to send information requested and repeated send copies of the original note and then the assignment and transfer document for XXXX XXXX XXXX. THEY HAVE REFUSED TO SEND THE NAME, ADDRESS OF THE INVESTOR OR NOTE HOLDER WHILE CLAIMING THAT the letter received from XXXX is not part of XXXX. XXXX is claiming that they are NOT the note holder and have no records of the property or of me in their complete system. At present, XXXX is showing that XXXX is the servicer of the loan and that XXXX is the note holder. SPS claims that the servicing was transferred to them but will not send anything other than their own letter claiming that the servicing has transferred. They claim that they are not shown as the servicer in the XXXX System because the loan was in foreclosure and it was transferred out of that system due to that. However, there was no foreclosure in place at the time of the aledged transfer of servicing and the audit of the XXXX system requested would verify that along with any removal of the file from their system. In short, the items required and requested repeatedly have not been provided as allowed thru the law. Request complete investigation into the loan and all actions by both XXXX XXXX XXXX and Select XXXX XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: As of XX/XX/XXXX I have been seeking help from my bank .SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, the process was back and forth with documents. During the process, every time I follow up over the phone, representative says that I am not qualified because I have done a modification before and could not do it again. After a year XX/XX/XXXX received a denial letter showing NPV.
This year my husband got laid off and all we are seeking is for us to start anew from our behind payments. Started processing application on XX/XX/XXXX and same thing..
1 ) Documents processing is too long..Thought processing take only 30 to 45 days. but asking back and forth for documents2 ) sent all the application together with the attached documents, bank statements, pay stub, tax return and others. Calls to verify if threy received..said yes but everytime I call to verify or follow up once a week, a new documents needing again. Asked to process because im afraid theres an expiration to each documents categories. My account manager said " NO '' theres no expiration. Then talked to another representative, ,yes there is an expiration. I am still sending documents here and there. Theres a lot of things happen 8 months. Within 8 months they still asking for documents. Last one is the statement..they said that I have not circled my income within the statement. But I circled it previously, keep sending it until wait again for another expired document ... .then theyre going to ask to send again.
please..all im seeking is an answer and help. These faxing back and forth is a time consuming and its expensive per document. Please help.. bank statement will expire in another month..and pay stub will expire in one week..and no answer yet. All I receive a call is when they ask for documents to resubmit or say it expire. I hope to hear from you soon..
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Quartzsite, AZ
Complaint: Complaints and Counts against XXXX Bank and Select Portfolio Servicing1. XXXX XXXX XXXX is named on Mortgagor signing under false pretenses without clear definition or directions to do her as to what she was signing. She was told to sign documents ( no initialing ) because of mother 's age ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) and because there were XXXX alleged judgments listed w/o any account no etc., which had to be satisfied. As much as I recall there was never any clear identification as to whom they belonged too? Yet somebody was paid in the " air '' as I never received any statement of any payment made in full to these XXXX alleged judgments/liens? It is my belief initials were added w/o knowledge as my daughter was not there at the time of the entire closing and signing of documents in XXXX for XXXX at XXXX XXXX XXXX ( no confirmation ) yet it is indicated on original documents from XXXX XXXX including U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that {$9300.00} was paid to creditors to satisfy debt and it is also duly noted in Mortgage documents of XXXX XXXX including account numbers. Amount of Modified Indebtedness : {$200000.00} - where are the paid in full for this additional amount opposed to {$200000.00} and yet I have been contacted by the law office of XXXX XXXX XXXX that there is a lien on the house in the amount of {$1600.00} from XXXX XXXX of XXXX that was never paid in which this is clearly stated in original documents that it was paid as in all other debts at that time and yet I never received no confirmation of all these payments? Now, I find out XXXX years later that liens remain on XXXX XXXX XXXX , XXXX , IL XXXX because somebody pocketed the {$9300.00} as is also clearly stated in the court documents that you filed against me on XXXX Court No, XXXX indicating paragraph XXXX ( i ) {$200000.00} was owed. Since I have so much proof of fraud on XXXX Bank and SPS falsified documents including add-on re daughter 's initials and signatures but also stealing money that was supposed to satisfy judgments and other debts, I am requesting that a DETAIL investigation begin before I file criminal charges against all entities involve in federal court on suspicion of mortgage fraud and predatory lending. I will file a separate complaint against XXXX XXXX for allowing a debt over 9 years old to remain as a lien on my property since this was paid in full in XXXX for violation of FCRA & FDCPA! Complaint filed for Breach of Contract under Loan Modification approved XXXX XXXX by XXXX Bank. Loan Modification was approved in XXXX at a reduction of {$1400.00} as signed by VP of XXXX Bank but was never executed in any mortgage statements and therefore I was overcharged for years as clearly stated in court documents yet I made payments on time to XXXX Bank asked for before my mortgage was transferred to SPS in which due to negligence never thoroughly investigated and SPS would had seen this but ignored.The real reason XXXX XXXX XXXX 's name was added without SSN, DOB, Income Verification, and Proof of Income of Debt on Mortg Loan? Because of a judgment that was paid XXXX so XXXX added her name without SSN, DOB and proof on my daughter and it is clearly noted on the XXXX XXXX Commitment Schedule B that they were paying XXXX judgments never asked.Since the Loan Modification was never applied from XXXX to XXXX and my XXXX payment not acknowledged in XXXX, I have been overcharged by XXXX Bank in the amount of {$4100.00} plus interest. XXXX XXXX a 2 hour RECORDED conversation w/SPS, they contradict what they say and their records should be subpoena for clarification as I was offered {$10000.00} Short Sale ( in which I am trying to do that now ) under XXXX, " Cash for Keys '' $ XXXX XXXX my XXXX loan was transferred to SPS w/incorrect of XXXX suppose to have been XXXX never corrected
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Hampton, GA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Tustin, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I have an FHA mortgage with SPS Servicing. I went through a trial modification and was offered a modification that was not acceptable. I have asked for alternative foreclosure prevention that they outlined in their correspondence to me. When I asked about it they said they would not work with me on any of the alternatives. They failed to follow FHA guidelines while foreclosing as they have not offered to meet with me face to face to discuss my modification or alternative foreclosure prevention.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
San Jose, CA
Complaint: SPS is violating California State Law and Federal Law in the handling of my short sale for my property.
Complaint # 1 - Denied Access to Relationship Manager.
1. ) When I call SPS I have been repeatedly denied the ability to speak with my assigned relationship manager XXXX XXXX at XXXX. When I request to be transferred to her by the automated system I am sent to the Customer Service department. When I request the Customer Service representative to speak with XXXX XXXX I am told that she is not available. When I ask to leave her a message I am informed she does n't have voicemail and there is no way to reach her other than for the Customer Service representative to send her a task. Most Recently XXXX XXXX at XXXX denied me access to my Assigned Relationship Manager.
Complaint # 2 - Violation of HAFA short sale timelines and intentional delays to defeat my rights to short sale my property.
1. ) On XXXX XXXX I called for an update and was told that the short sale was on hold pending documentation clarifying the names between the listing agreement and the settlement statement.
2. ) On XXXX XXXX I emailed the documentation to SPS which included an updated Settlement Statement, a copy of the Trust Documents clarifying the trustees and the grant deed showing the transfer from our personal names to our trust.
3. ) On XXXX XXXX I called to make sure the documents were received and was told they had been received but not processed.
4. ) At the end of the week of XXXX XXXX I called again and was told the Settlement Statement was reviewed but the other documents were not reviewed.
5. ) On XXXX XXXX I called and was told that all documents had been reviewed and the file was complete and being reviewed by underwriting.
6. ) On XXXX XXXX I called and was told that the short sale was denied on XXXX XXXX since the buyer had been changed and a new file would need to be created. The new buyer contract had been sent more than a month ago yet on none of the calls that I had placed in XXXX did anyone from SPS mention that I would need to create a new file.
7. ) On XXXX XXXX I called SPS again and opened a new short sale file by speaking with XXXX XXXX. He also said that XXXX XXXX is going to call me back within XXXX hours.
At this point after more than a month of SPS delays I am about to loose my XXXX buyer on this property. My XXXX buyer walked away after waiting 45 days for short sale approval.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Discovery Bay, CA
Complaint: I lost my husband and I have been devastated the past year, barely able to function. I was told that I could not do anything with this home until the probate went through and approved by the court. Finally at the end of last week it was approved and it was given to you immediately. You have postponed the sale for 30 days to allow the probate to go through and as of yesterday I was told that SPS will not give me 45 days to close this home and to pay them off in full. That they are blaming me for not contacting them in the past year.
I have mentally and emotionally being struggling XXXX trying to stay strong for my daughter. I did not understand how this can work and I had a hard time dealing with it. By SPS by foreclosing will be handing over close to {$100000.00} in equity to an investor, this seems like a total mean spirited action. This money can be used to help our raise our daughter, her education and many other things that will be needed. I feel that you have an alternative motive of someone else profiting on this situation. I do n't know what else to believe.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Yonkers, NY
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Detroit, MI
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Ehrhardt, SC
Complaint: When will the victim ( s ) who has been and is continually torn down to His or Her or their lowest level of Characters Worth receive restitution? I am victim of Identity Theft By my former Mortgage Company who now has Reorganized, but under their new Organization has filed Bankruptcy but has been given the privilege to Reorganize for a third time. Throughout their reorganization process My family and I have suffered tremendously with little help and comfort for our loss for local, from federal and our Government agencies. Why are n't the laws catered to the American individual. The right to sue big business and corporations for their illegal practices and financial damages. I note us as individuals and families that owns our homes and yes once upon a time held great creditable reputations until a criminal or civil act has been committed against us and continues to happens but goes unpunished at the lowest level what are we to do? I am in Bankruptcy now, in order to prevent the legal system local authorities from using a court order to throw my family and I out of our home. I have consulted with everyone ... .. but congress and our President. I am and will always be an American citizen and I served our country faithfully, but yet I am not receiving the proper justice because I am not at the corporate level to bring charges against a corporation but a individual as stated by the FTC telephone representative. I know we can perhaps undo the wrong for all citizens who have been affected like I have. It may take some time, but it will alleviate many nights of despair and discouragement I have due to someone else 's inability to serve the American people within their legal rights in their pursuit of happiness in obtaining the " American Dream ''. Although, I am a innocent Homeowner in American, now a victim of my mortgage company crimes, but labeled and viewed as having the inability to obtain and maintain obligations and responsibility financially because wrongful placement of the credit worthiness I have to wait until all the law is put into place to correct this issue, shuewww!!! How will this new law help me and my fellow Americans?
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Wilm, NC
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Manito, WA
Complaint: I was approved for a HAMP TPP in XXXX and made all XXXX trial payments but never received the loan modification. I got my loan with XXXX in XXXX which makes it the most fraudulent of all mortgages. XXXX then proceeded with 2 years of wrongful foreclosure action. They maintained a trustee sale on calendar for 12 months at a time and I had to endure massive stress to compel them to postpone the sale 30 days at a time. I was being sued in Superior Court for $ XXXX while XXXX proceeded with 2 years of foreclosure action.
I filed a complaint with the OCC and XXXX responded with fraudulent letters. I exposed this fraud and the Executive Analyst who was responsible retaliated against me by continuing to refuse to underwrite my application for mortgagee assistance. XXXX violated Supplemental Directive XXXX by not determining XXXX way or the other if I qualified for the HAMP when it was obvious that I did not. Instead XXXX ( XXXX ) continued to require that I send documentation and information by contending the application was not complete. The application was indeed complete but XXXX refused to accept this.
In XXXX of XXXX, XXXX placed me back in foreclosure. I filed a complaint with the CA Attorney General who referred the matter to the CA Monitor at the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. The CA Monitor had a XXXX ATTORNEY CONTACT THE XXXX LEGAL DEPARTMENT AND MYSELF BECAUSE XXXX WAS IN VIOLATION OF THE NATINAL MORTGAE SETTLEMET CONSENT JUDGMENT. I informed the XXXX legal department that I wanted the name of the person responsible and an explanation for why my application was not allowed into underwriting. I received XXXX totally fraudulent letters from XXXX ( XXXX ) dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX and XXXX XXXX, XXXX which were a desperate attempt to cover up how she violated the National Mortgage Settlement Consent Judgment and deprived me of my CA Homeowner Bill or Rights to foreclosure on my home.
XXXX then transferred the servicing of the loan to Select Portfolio Servicing. I disputed the transfer of the servicing of the loan as it was under fraudulent conditions but SPS ignored this. SPS has refused to provide information regarding an Affiliated Business Arrangement which I requested in a Qualified Written Request. SPS is concealing this affiliated company and will not inform me as to who it is that is ion control of my application. Senior Legal Specialist for SPS, XXXX XXXX allowed my application into underwriting as is, in XXXX of XXXX ; the day before the foreclosure sale date. SPS had been preventing the application from entering underwriting by contending it was not complete when it was. After XXXX XXXX allowed it into underwriting as is, SPS fraudulently withdrew it from underwriting. It is obvious to me that the very same person form XXXX who was in control of my application, is still in control of my application at SPS and continues to retaliate against me for exposing her for her crimes.
I have a Cease and Desist Order attached to my account with SPS which they have acknowledged and complied with. However NOW SPS is requiring that I call THEM. Whenever I call SPS I am informed that they are a DEBT Collector and all information will be used for that purpose. Al the Required Information Notices I receive say the same thing and I am receiving several a month before the previous ones are even due. However other letters state that it is not an attempt to collect a debt. If I do not respond to these SPS can initiate foreclosure and when I do they will not underwrite the application.
I have informed SPS that at this point my sole source of income is to rent the property as a vacation rental. SPS refuses to provide assistance to enable me to accomplish this but also has not foreclosed. So SPS obviously could provide such assistance because they have not foreclosed on the home.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
South Florida, FL
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Tustin, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Hinsdale, IL
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Fresno, CA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
San Gabriel, CA
Complaint: I need assistance getting a foreclosure sale that is scheduled on XXXX/XXXX/15 postponed. I am behind in my mortgage payments and have reached out to my mortgage company for help. They told me to send in all the application paperwork so I can be considered for a loan modification which I have already sent in. Now they are telling me it is too close to the sale date to do anything, please help.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation