There are over 28887 complaints on file for OCWEN FINANCIAL CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-12-16 and 2011-12-07.
Ft Wayne, IN
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX, I purchased a townhouse with GMAC/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. I was not represented by counsel and placed a {$20000.00} down payment. I used a hand written note from my employer to verify income. That was a non issue at the time.
In XXXX, I defaulted on my payment due to loss of income. I asked my loan servicer if I could refinance or make partial payment and I was denied due to not having paystubs. Even though I was self employed and never provided one from the beginning. So I was subsequently foreclosed on without given options as to how I can keep my home. I turned off the power, winterized the property. Locked it up and moved before anyone could throw me out. I was never notified as to what happened with it.
On XX/XX/XXXX, The forclosure was canceled but I was not made aware of this.
On XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX tried to file another forclosure action I was not aware of.
On XX/XX/XXXX The forclosure action was canceled again, and without notification.
On XX/XX/XXXX I filed Bankruptcy and was discharged of the debt which included house.
On XX/XX/XXXX The loan servicer changed to Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. They filed a forclosure action against me. But the action was not on the county records. I was never notified of the change in servicer or the action.
On XX/XX/XXXX Forclosure was stopped due to statue of limitations. I was never notified.
On XX/XX/XXXX I received a letter from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. Attached was a check for {$1100.00}. I asked my bank to review the letter and I called XXXX. Ocwen was given a {$50000.00} consent order to pay anyone who had an open forclosure that was not finalized in XXXX. I asked if cashing the check would forfeit my right to any claim in the future and I was told No, because it was not a settlement. It was an order issued for violations that were made.
On XX/XX/XXXX I called Ocwen. I spoke with XXXX XXXX and she stated that the forclosure action was completed on XX/XX/XXXX of XXXX. But she could not provide any documentation on that. When I asked why the action was canceled she stated she didn't have any information and I had the right to sell the property because I was still listed as the owner. I had no idea I was listed as an owner still. XXXX also stated property value was {$180000.00}.
On XX/XX/XXXX I called Ocwen and spoke with XXXX XXXX. XXXX stated I would have to do a short sale in order to be released from the mortgage. {$4000.00} would go to pay the back due HOA which had not been paid in 7 years. The total HOA is more than {$20000.00}.
On XX/XX/XXXX I hired and paid {$3000.00} to XXXX XXXX with XXXX XXXX to negotiate with Ocwen on my behalf because I could not get a straight answer from the servicer.
On XX/XX/XXXX I called Ocwen and spoke with XXXX XXXX. He stated the modification was approved for {$160000.00}. I asked for him to explain what happened the last 10 years with the house and how come I was not told the house was still mine? He stated the bank could not find me and they were waiting for my bankruptcy to become inactive so they could file for foreclosure again, and that I should take the modification because its unlikely I'll get approved for a second one. There are 3 things wrong with this. 1st is that in the 21st century it's not hard to locate a person. Especially if XXXX was able to do so. 2ndly, My bankruptcy attorney XXXX XXXX told me that discharging the debt allows the bank to reclaim the property unless there was something wrong with the original mortgage or the statute of limitations have run out.
On XX/XX/XXXX I called Ocwen and spoke with XXXX XXXX and asked for her to explain the statute of limitations to me and she could not, but would submit a request to the research department on my behalf. It will take 10 days.
On XX/XX/XXXX I called Ocwen and spoke with XXXX XXXX. I submitted a request to receive any documentation available on the previous loan servicer so I can find out what happened with the first 2 foreclosures. It will take 10 days.
Being fed up I XXXX what the Statue of limitations are in NY. It states that 6 years after the acceleration event takes place, the bank has to forclose. It was shared with me that the event took place with the 1st action in XXXX. The bank had rights to forclose by XXXX. But the action was not completed. Which allows me to use that statue in defense.
Acceleration can occur in three primary ways : The lender notifies the borrower that they intend to accelerate the debt ; The lender demands payment in full of the mortgage loan ; The lender files a foreclosure action in civil court.
Any of the above actions will start the statute of limitation running and the lender will then have XXXXix years from that date to pursue a foreclosure action. If the lender fails to do so, they will lose the right to collect on any of that mortgage debt in the future through the courts, including seeking a foreclosure.
I found 2 similar cases posted in XXXX.
Six years seems like a long period of time for a lender to file a foreclosure case, so it is natural to wonder when the statute of limitations may actually come into play. This is when we remind you of the often incredible length of the foreclosure process in New York.
To best understand the role the statute of limitations can play in foreclosure cases, we will examine some cases in which it was successfully asserted in New York courts either as a defense or as an affirmative claim.
XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX of XXXX this case, the full unpaid balance of the mortgage loan became due in XXXX of XXXX and the borrowers ( the plaintiffs ) did not pay the balance. When the lender ( defendant ) failed to file any action in court seeking a foreclosure through XXXX of XXXX, the plaintiffs filed their own legal action to have the balance of the debt canceled based on the expiration of the statute of limitations. Ultimately, the XXXX XXXX Supreme Court agreed thatthesubject mortgage should be extinguishedbecause the lender took no action within the statute of limitations.The mortgage payment obligations were then effectively ended.
XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX v. XXXX The borrowers ( defendants ) stopped making payments on their mortgage, so the lender filed an initial foreclosure claim to collect the entire mortgage amount in XXXX of XXXX. The case was never completed and the XXXX XXXX Supreme Court dismissed the case without prejudice in XXXX. In XXXX, the new owners of the mortgage filed a second foreclosure action and the borrowers asserted the defense based on the expired statute of limitations. The court dismissed the case, agreeing that the lender no longer had the right to seek a foreclosure of the mortgage Due to the loss of my home in XXXX. I have suffered from XXXX, XXXX and XXXX. At XXXX years old I gave every penny saved to be in my dream home and have suffered the loss of that since. If it's in my right to keep my home. I would like to do so. It was advised to me to not sign the modification. I will follow that advice.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
San Gabriel, CA
Complaint: Ocwen Loan Servicing ombudsmen specialist XXXX XXXX who quietly hides her management position when she responds to consumer complaints that she never properly investigates because she is given high salary that was embezzled by millions of homeowners to be trained how to cover up the pretender lender loan servicers troubled company abuses. I have informed the pretender lender loan servicer ombudsmen specialist XXXX XXXX and opposing counsel XXXX XXXX several times regarding the VOID FRAUDULENT ASSIGNMENT that was created out of shady XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX just days before the bogus lawsuit was filed. XXXX XXXX XXXX assigned the bogus mortgage to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX signing for XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. Depositor XXXX XXXX XXXX is the only rightful party that can place assets into the trust pursuant to investors offering documents as specified above, to have all the rights, duties and obligations of the Depositor with respect to the Trust, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX with closing date of XX/XX/XXXX. The assignment is approximately 3 years after the mortgage was placed into the Trust -- a clear violation of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement. XXXX XXXX XXXX or a ghost robo-signer signed the fraudulent VOID assignment on XX/XX/XXXX and then XXXX XXXX XXXX committed fraud by claiming the ghost to be present before her then rubber stamping the VOID assignment on XX/XX/XXXX just days before corrupt shady XXXX XXXX XXXX crooked lawyer filed the bogus lawsuit then used the fraudulent assignment to intentionally mislead the court while committing fraud upon the court to be guaranteed favorable judgement to embezzle my property. Before XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX filed its bogus lawsuit I informed the shady lawyers that I was diagnosed with XXXX and to leave me alone because I only had months to live. XXXX XXXX XXXX shady law firm thought they could get away with embezzlement because they all thought I only had months to live. Shortly after the fraudulent assignment was created by corrupt shady XXXX XXXX XXXX the imaginary XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ghost before her robber stamper XXXX XXXX XXXX license was revoked by the Commissioner. Well, I was misdiagnosed and I am not going to die so what are all you scums going to do about all the years of all your fraud now? Opposing counsel XXXX XXXX is assisting his clients with embezzlement by claiming to have personal knowledge and reviewed the VOID assignment that was fraudulently recorded claiming its stands to assist the Mortgage Law Firm with embezzlement fraudulent Trustee Sale.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: We have been fighting with OCWEN Servicing since XX/XX/XXXX. My husband passed away in XX/XX/XXXX and we were never made aware that his name was the only one on the mortgage until XX/XX/XXXX. We had switched accountants and she noticed when doing our taxes. Upon finding out, we attempted to switch over the name to me, his widow. OCWEN indicated all they needed was a will, death certificate, a small document to fill out, and a copy of my license. We collected everything as necessary and sent it in. Weeks went by with them telling us they couldn't check the e-mail themselves but had to wait for it to " process ''. Eventually one gentleman confirmed that he had seen the documents and it would only be some more waiting. We received ANOTHER letter from OCWEN requesting the same documents, this time we sent them to another e-mail they insisted they needed it sent to. This carried on for weeks until we received a letter indicating that we would lose OUR HOUSE. They sent us back our house payments as well because they couldn't accept them while processing. So after communicating with them THIS TIME, we were told to resend all the documents, plus bank statements and then some. We e-mailed them AGAIN and even physically mailed the whole package to them. A few weeks later we AGAIN received a letter that they didn't have any of it. So today we called and they gave us a run around AGAIN, asking for ANOTHER form and MORE documents.We were on hold for over and hour while they tried to dump us off the phone. After some quick XXXX it is apparent that they do stuff like this all the time in order to foreclose on people 's homes and profit from it. We will not be screwed over by their greed or incompetence as today we have sent dozens of emails in various formats ( suddenly today we were told they could only be accepted in PDF format- which no one indicated these PAST FOUR MONTHS ) and will be mailing a packet that needs to be certified and signed that they received it. They think they're going to take our house like they've done with everyone else and that is NOT happening.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Centerton, OH
Complaint: I filed for a mortgage modification through XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX twice. I was granted a trial modification both times. However, due to actions of OCWEN I was not permitted a final modification. I recently went through a divorce, and I am XXXX. In short, these are the reasons for needing the modification, along with my now ex-wife stealing our mortgage money and giving it to her parents.
The first modification I was approved for was a HAMP in XX/XX/XXXX.
The Hamp modification was delivered to my mail box on either XX/XX/XXXX, or XX/XX/XXXX if I remember right, it was approximately 3 weeks into XX/XX/XXXX. The first letter that was received stated the first payment was due XX/XX/XXXX the the following week I received a letter with the actual modification agreement with the payment schedule. Just prior to receiving these letters I had filed for legal aid through 'Legal aid of XXXX Ohio ', because they were continually telling me they weren't receiving documents and papers I was sending them. Now I received a letter the third week of XX/XX/XXXX telling me my first payment was due over a month and a half prior to receiving it, and a package the fourth week of XX/XX/XXXX stating the first payment was due XX/XX/XXXX first. Both of these documents stated that if I did not make all three trial payments on time I could not be granted a permanent modification. The attorney was no help. I needed verification that since I was already one to two months late, depending on what I went by, that I wouldn't be refused a permanent modification. Ocwen wouldn't speak to me since I had an attorney, and when I was able to get ahold of the attorney he just kept blowing me off and saying it wouldn't be a problem and just make the payments that weren't made on time. So They refused my modification. Then in, I believe it was XX/XX/XXXX, I hired XXXX XXXX from XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX, Ohio. She really pulled one over on me. She told me how not only was she going to stop the foreclosure, but make OCWEN make all the missed payments, and how she was going to sue them for wasting my time, etc. You know the spill. She also talked me into joining some class action lawsuit a supposed colleague of hers in XXXX was filing. I never heard from them, and all she told me was that this attorney use to be the Attorney General of Ohio. I gave her a {$1000.00} cash down payment and was suppose to pay her {$500.00} a month. She lead me to believe that this would be taken care of in approximately two months. After the first month I quit paying her. She also mysteriously didn't have numerous documents that I gave to her, and was on vacation for several weeks during this time she was suppose to be getting this taken care of for me.
This leads me to the most current issue at hand, and the main reason for this complaint. I had almost given up hope, but finally decided to try again. So, in, I believe XX/XX/XXXX, I filed again for a mortgage modification. After a couple months of constantly having to Re-Send numerous documents to OCWEN, which they already already had for two years, I was turned down for a modification. They claimed I did not provide them with all of the necessary documents they requested even though I had fax receipts showing they received them. I actually had a lady from XXXX on a three way call, I believe the end of XX/XX/XXXX, and she got them to admit that the documents did come to them but there was a problem with the fax machine on their end, but I was still denied. Anyway, In XX/XX/XXXX I start hearing from family and friends that my home is on the county website for auction on XX/XX/XXXX, and then receive a letter from OCWEN on XX/XX/XXXX ( That's when it arrived in my mail box ) That my home was going to be auctioned off on XX/XX/XXXX. To make a long story short, I filed for an emergency bankruptcy on Friday XX/XX/XXXX and faxed it and emailed it to OCWEN and hand delivered it to the Sheriff 's office the same day to stop the sale. I then filed for another modification in XX/XX/XXXX. I mailed it certified and video taped every document inside of the package and me mailing it and attached it to the email to OCWEN. In XX/XX/XXXX I was approved for a trial modification the three payments were due XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, and XX/XX/XXXX. I immediately called OCWEN to remind them that I don't get paid until the XXXX of the month and they said if I mailed it out anytime the first week of the month it would be fine. So, I made all three of the payments like I was suppose to, but the final modification wasn't here the first week of XX/XX/XXXX when my next payment was due, so I called them. I told them that I wanted to make my next payment but the final modification papers weren't here for me to review. This was approximately XX/XX/XXXX. The individual I spoke to told me they were still being prepared and that they would be sent out soon. I told him that I felt they should have been done and sent already so that I could make my payment on time.
He told me I could still make the payment. I explained to him that I had a right to review the documents first and after all of the mistakes that had been made with my account I felt I should review them first. I called them back the following week and was told they were going out in the next few days. I didn't receive them until, I believe it was XX/XX/XXXX. Just prior to this on about XX/XX/XXXX, I decided that I should at least mail in the payments so I didn't start getting behind and argue about the paperwork later, so I mailed them two checks. One for XX/XX/XXXX and one for XX/XX/XXXX. After I received the documents around the XXXX, I signed and notarized them and mailed them back on the XXXX or XXXX. Later in XX/XX/XXXX, I don't recall the date, I received the two checks back in the mail stating the amount wasn't enough to bring my account current. So I immediately set up an appointment with my account manager for the first available date he had open, which he didn't keep and had to reschedule. About a week after I received the checks back I received a letter denying my modification stating they had never received the signed agreement ( The one they mailed to me a month late ). I just found the dates. The earliest appointment I could get with my account manager was tuesday XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX, which he didn't keep so I rescheduled for Friday XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX. During this conversation He told me that they never received the signed modification papers. I explained to him how the papers weren't here when they should have been, how I went ahead and sent the checks in before even receiving the modification, and that I did sign and notarize the papers and sent them back. I also reminded him of the numerous other times they claimed not to receive documents and how they even admitted to a third party ( the lady from XXXX that they did receive documents they claimed not to receive and it was an error on their part. I got him to agree to let me resend the checks and the modification package. He said as long as they received it by the end of the day on XX/XX/XXXX that would be fine. He told me that now I had to go have my ex-wife sign this document too. Now, from day one in XX/XX/XXXX all the way until this time, they had Never required her signature for anything. None of the applications for modification or anything else. I would always just put a line through her name. They have been sent the quit claim deed three times now. My ex-wife, XXXX XXXX, has discharged this debt in a bankruptcy. She has No financial obligation to OCWEN and no rights to the deed. I re-explained this to him again, and he said it would be too much work to take her name off. I told him I didn't care how much work it was, that I wasn't asking her to sign it, and that she wouldn't do it for me anyway. I told him that ever since they found out I was XXXX and receiving social security, they have been making excuse after excuse and running me in circles sending the same documents over and over. Not sending me things on time and then holding it against me. I reminded him that I have done everything they have asked me, and I made my payments on time. I told him she don't live here, owe you any money or have a right to this property in any way, so why does she have to be on my loan modification. He then tried to say that the modification had to be the same as the deed was recorded in the county. I then told him, if the modification has to reflect what the county has, then you are doing it wrong, because the county showed me, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and the only property owner and that her name was not recorded as the property owner with the county Auditor. I told him I was going to get a copy of my property description and another copy of the quit claim from the county and send it to them. He told me to get them and send it in with the notarized and signed documents by the end of the day on Friday XX/XX/XXXX and he would try and get it worked out if he could. Monday XX/XX/XXXX, I received a letter from Ocwen stating that my modification was being turned down. Today XX/XX/XXXX, they came to my door and handed me a letter stating that my home was going to be auctioned in a month, an exact date has not been set at this time. Also, in OCWEN 'S last letter to me stating I was being turned down, they did say I could request another modification. What a joke. I noticed while reviewing the permanent modification that they were double charging me for the missed payments too. They were charging me for principle and interest for that period, but not deducting it from the loan amount. Also, charging me for overpriced insurance that only covered their property and none of mine.
I have done everything this company has asked me to do to keep my home, but some of the things they are doing are just wrong, and not possible. If my ex-wife was still in debt to them I could understand making her stay on the new loan, but she's not, nor does she have any claim to this property. Please help me get this fixed, all I want to do is keep my home and pay my mortgage.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I am trying to recover surplus, the overpaid escrow, {$3000.00} plus.
Started in XXXX XXXX, after my taxes were paid.Regardless, Ocwen Loan servicing, LLC send more money than needed to state, state returned all, that they send. I asked in writing, to do partial modification, stop paying already paid taxes, keep calling, talking to ombudsman. I was told, that they will return my money, within 30 days of recalculation XXXX XXXX, XXXX.
Now they are saying, that since I am late with XXXX payment, they will not refund overpaid amount.
Under Federal law RESPA, that they are in violation, that the lowest monthly balance should not exceed/fall below {$870.00} and trying to collect more money.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Galena, OH
Old information reappears or never goes away
Complaint: Ocwen agreed to a modification in XX/XX/XXXX but with their agreement they promised to clean all lates as to provide us with a true fresh start. This was the third modification attempted and it finally worked out. We retained a lawyer to help. The initial modification was rejected by their error on XXXX, XXXX XXXX and that would have had us with a four year clean mortgage payment history.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Gbg, PA
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Doral, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Occoquan, VA
Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX I requested a modification from Owen on my mortgage due to miss-payments based on illness XX/XX/XXXX Letter of Default date from Owen ( {$1300.00} ) was created and sent to me XX/XX/XXXX Modification on Owen sight read denied.
XX/XX/XXXX Spoke with Relationship Manager, XXXX XXXX and requested a repayment plan to catch up arrears and it was also denied.
While I have been trying to work out a repayment plan with Owen, they continue to engage in " Dual Tracking '' in an attempt to take my home. '' Home value : {$310000.00} ( BASED ON NEXT DOOR SALE OF XX/XX/XXXX Amount owed : {$90000.00} Amount pass due : $ {$1300.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX no XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mabank, TX
Complaint: Original loan date is XX/XX/XXXX, we have been with Ocwen since XX/XX/XXXX, prior to them we had XXXX. They are constantly charging fees of unknown origin, late fees, atty fees, foreclosure fees on foreclosures that never happened. At this time i'm not even sure how much we actually owe or even what our house payment really is. I will begin with the latest thing that has come up and we can go from there. In XX/XX/XXXX, i received and submitted a application for modification, in XX/XX/XXXX we began to pay XXXX the 3 month trial period. I received a modification agreement stating the amount of XXXX was our payment. I have attached that modification also showing a balance of {$94000.00} and a balloon payment of {$78000.00} after 30 years. We discussed this with our Bankruptcy attorney and i again contacted the Relationship manager asking that if they could submit another modification. After that the relationship manager scheduled several appointments and they were not kept, on the appointment date, i received a call stating that she was busy and we need to reschedule, this happened several times from XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX at which time a Motion to Lift Stay was filed with the Trustee. We were in Chapter XXXX bankruptcy since XX/XX/XXXX and on or about XX/XX/XXXX Ocwen filed a Motion to lift Stay stating that we had paid our mortgage since XX/XX/XXXX. We had continuously paid our mortgage and am attaching e-mails from them showing payment was received. i contacted Ocwen on XX/XX/XXXX to speak to a relationship manager about a modification, i was told there was a permission to speak letter on file, and set an appointment, on the appointment date of XX/XX/XXXX, i did not receive a call, but did call them and was told that a permission to speak letter was not on file, my attorney e-mailed it to them on XX/XX/XXXX, i reached out to them again around XX/XX/XXXX and was told that it would take 10 days for them to receive and i should check again in 10 days. i called again on XX/XX/XXXX they stated they had not received it. Again i contacted the attorney and asked that i give a little more time, so i contacted them on XX/XX/XXXX and they still stated they had not received it, he submitted it again on XX/XX/XXXX, they still stated they did not receive it, he again sent it on XX/XX/XXXX and they acknowledged receipt of it on XX/XX/XXXX. was also told that a modification packet was sent out on XX/XX/XXXX, which i later was told by another Relationship manager that it was not sent out. they finally sent it to me on or about XX/XX/XXXX. Two days later they filed the Foreclosure on XX/XX/XXXX and set it to auction on XX/XX/XXXX. I submitted the modification form on XX/XX/XXXX, via e-mail and confirmed via telephone that they had received it, they stated that it would take up to 30 days to review. I explained to her that we didn't have 30 days to wait as it was already on the foreclosure auction list. She stated that it was suspended at this time until the modification is approved.
At this point we feel that we do not owe the XXXX in arrearages they are claiming from XX/XX/XXXX to present. We requested a payment log from them, received it, but as a lay person, we can not make heads or tails out of it. Please help us with this as we do not want to lose our home of 17 years. This has been going on for Years with them and we just want to know what we REALLY owe.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Chicago, IL
Account status incorrect
Complaint: In XX/XX/XXXX, Ocwen Loan Servicing provided me with a Lien Release and a XXXX for the Discharge of Debt on my 2nd mortgage.
Prior to XX/XX/XXXX, I paid the full reinstatement amounts required by Ocwen, however, the payments were not recorded accurately or timely on my loan which resulted in additional reoccurring late charges on my account.
Some of my dates/amounts of wire transfers to Ocwen are XX/XX/XXXX for {$1300.00} and XX/XX/XXXX for {$460.00} and {$430.00}. The dates and notices of short sale and foreclosure were also not in compliance with regulations.
Ocwen attempted to rectify the errors by providing me with a Lien Release due to their litany of violations. However, they are still reporting my loan as a Charge-off, with excessive late payments. This Charge-off or Short Sale is preventing me from closing on a mortgage now. The entire Ocwen account needs to be removed from my credit report due to their own errors.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Queens, NY
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Meadows Place, TX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Palos Park, IL
Complaint: Ocwen is my mortgage company. every year they give me an escrow disclosure statement. These are projected escrow payments that they keep low balling me on. They underestimate the escrow payments then at the end of the year, they want me to send them a lump sum of money to keep my mortgage payments the same. This year, we overpaid my property taxes and I have a refund of {$1100.00} which I have filed the paperwork to get back. I have a homestead exemption, a senior exemption and a senior freeze. My mortgage company has estimated that I will be short by over {$2000.00} and they want me to pay them that lump sum. I called them to complain so the recalculated the " estimated shortage '' and now they want me to pay XXXX. They gave me a refund from Last years estimate so I paid an extra {$40.00} to my mortgage payments so I wouldn't be short but low and behold, this is when they say I'm {$2000.00} short. I want them to stop playing with my mortgage payments with these escrow estimates that are never right and they are always asking me for a lump sum of money. These are projected escrow estimates that they are basing my mortgage payments on. By the way, I wonder why my PMI payments never get any lower?
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mc Kinney, TX
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Loganville, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Mount Morris, MI
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Lannon, WI
Complaint: We filed a complaint here and dispute the vague response from the servicer Ocwen XXXX. The procedure to keep up with this complaint is a bit confusing to us. We called the phone # given XXXX XXXX XXXX and the person handling this case has a message that she will not be back in her office until XX/XX/XXXX. We were not disclosed the papers submitted to this case. Total bologna.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I was currently in a chapter XXXX bankruptcy which I later converted it to a chapter XXXX which included my mortgage. I later applied for a loan modification with Ocwen loan service. I was approved so I dismissed my chapter XXXX because I no longer could afford to pay my bills mortgage and bankruptcy payments. I am current on my mortgage but Ocwen keeps reporting it as late on me and my wife credit reports.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Portland, OR
Complaint: I took out a 2nd mortgage with XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX. In XX/XX/XXXX, I filed for bankruptcy and the mortgage was one of the discharged debts. I have since been paying the 1st ( to a different company ) and no foreclosure actions have been taken by holders of the 1st or 2nd. I am not considering selling the property and there is a lien from XXXX on the home. I am researched with the XXXX system and it still shows XXXX as the lien holder. My research has shown XXXX XXXX to have taken over XXXX. I have been in contact with XXXX XXXX for the last few weeks and have not been able to obtain any information on how I can clear the lien from the title. I am seeking a loan payoff.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Loganville, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Clermont, FL
Complaint: As many Americans my finances was deeply affected by the XX/XX/XXXX economic crash. With that, from been very stable economically Our live changed drastically economically speaking. Sense my business required travel I was still fighting as I could to save our business and we ended up falling behind in our mortgage payments. Right way I called my bank asking for help However help did not come. Before 3 month that I stopped paying my mortgage bank went ahead to court without getting a hold of us and tried to foreclosure and sell our house with out our knowledge. ( And I m talking about before the 20 days required by law ), I had to go to court and explain to the judge that I did not know about the sell and he put a stop on the sell. But any way they give me a final judmente even before I wss served and did not it up after finding out their mistake. Sense the beginning To loose our home was not an option, so, we started to fight to the best of our knowledge to save it. I requested modification. But all modifications offered to me was predatory and deceptive. The intend of your bank was not to help me but set me for a felling. And I will explain to you why i'm saying that .Hamp program guide line for mortgage payment was 31 % of the home owners gross income and at the time my income was XXXX yearly. The 31 % of XXXX would be XXXX.. Can you anderstant why I was not able to accept the offer? Right now my financial situation is better ( much better ) again I requested a modification and they did not accept my modification request .Many excuse was giving to me one of them was that my investor was not agreeing with my request. I have been looking at the all documents of my mortgage. So far I dont see that the investor has a say on my loan modification. I have asked for the bank for the name of my investor so I could call him talk to him and they kept saying to me that XXXX XXXX is my investor. But at this point I do not know who is my investor. Because the house was sold many times in the XXXX XXXX. TO THE POINT that even them do not know where is the note of my loan.
This bank has used deception in my loan sense the beginning of it, such as -Less then 20 days of filing foreclosure paper in court, they tried to sell my home without communication with me.
XXXX foreclosure filling was in filled XX/XX/XXXX Assignment of my mortgage was filled in court years after the foreclosure filling in XX/XX/XXXX ( 2 years after the foreclosure filling ) _ a alleged rob signer. XXXX XXXX. His name is all over many foreclosure papers.He was accused of been a mortgage lending company employee who prepared and signed off foreclosure without reviewing it. He signed off those papers for lawyer XXXX that eventually was in the list of foreclosure mills that became a target on attorney general in Florida and accused of using robo-signers to attest to the veracity of documents that would have no stander in court otherwise.
- The lawyer XXXX XXXX testified in court that my note was miss placed and they had now-hereabout of it.If the note is lost and I have the pooling of mortgage in XXXX XXXX. Then, who is my investor? I called the bank they told me the same thing.
AS you can see there is lots of fraud in my loan. I do not want to use it to get a free house. I just want reasonable modification. No predatory modification. If this bank had good faith in their ways they would be the first to offer mi a fair modification after seeing so many mistakes they made in my loan and after getting so many law sueand loosing in court on the same issue with many different costumers.
I'm a fighter and I will not rest.
I read a article in a news paper where your company and others are working hard trying to fix the issues that ocwen company has on it deceptive ways towards the home owner and you want to facilitate for home owner that struggled with them. I '' m one more home owner who needs your help. Please I beg you don't close your eyes to my situation. I will keep whistle blow it. as I have been doing it. Till my voice be heard.
Im seeking a modification and they again denied .I have a stable income I just need my loan to be modified so I can keep my home. I
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Stkn, CA
Complaint: I have been trying to refinance with XXXX XXXX since XX/XX/XXXX. I found out that I have a lien on my property from XXXX XXXX XXXX from XX/XX/XXXX for a line of credit XXXX in which I owe XXXX dollars on. I have the property title report from XXXX XXXX dated XX/XX/XXXX that shows GMAC Mortgage on title report. I also went to XXXX XXXX County recorder and pulled Deed of trust and assignment of rents to see if I had full reconveyance I did not. I also pulled credit report from all 3 agencies no judgments. GMAC Mortgage did not close out this account. Since XX/XX/XXXX GMAC no longer does business I have called Ally Bank which took over some of GMAC loans in which XXXX said I am not with them XXXX XXXX verified me by social security and property address. I also contacted OCWEN the debt collector that bought GMAC debt they also verified that I am not with them either. I also found California civil code 2941.7 statue of limitations it has been well over 10 years.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Plymouth, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation