There are over 2336 complaints on file for Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (FNIS). Dated between 2019-12-15 and 2012-10-31.
Aloha, OR
Information is not mine
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Odell, OR
Information is not mine
Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX - Arizona Routing XXXX Acct last XXXX : XXXX Never owned personal bank account in XXXX or XXXX.
never had XXXX Account with bank
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Odell, OR
Personal information
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Palos Park, IL
Information is not mine
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Btv, VT
Frequent or repeated calls
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cooper City, FL
Account status
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Lannon, WI
Personal information
Complaint: I have been trying to get ChexSystems to remove the fact that I am dead from their credit report ( Ref # XXXX ). I am not dead and they have not attempted to contact me or reply to my request.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
San Francisco, NM
Information is not mine
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Chicago, IL
Personal information
Complaint: I recently received a copy of file from ChexSystems. After reviewing the file I find that they are allowing unauthorized access to my file. There were over XXXX inquires to my file that I was not aware of and unauthorized. In addition, they are reporting bank accounts that were charged off and others that should have never been reported. The following banks have inaccurate listings : XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX. As a result of this I was not approved for a business bank account.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Cadwell, GA
Complaint: my wallet was taken and I had my pin written down on a piece of paper someone used my debit card along with information on my drivers license to cash a counterfeit check into my account. XXXX XXXX XXXX honored the check without positively identifying if the person was me. I filed a claim regarding identity theft but the did n't honor in my favor because my in was used. I do n't think that was fair because I did n't expect anyone to steal my wallet and I did n't expect XXXX XXXX XXXX to not be more careful identifying me before cashing a check from a name, state and place, that has never been used in my account before, based on activity in my account you can clearly see that my account was used for direct deposit from my job. please help me I need a bank account and this is preventing me from getting XXXX anywhere.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Toms River, NJ
Billing dispute
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Euclid, OH
Complaint: ChexSystems is reporting fraud to banking institutions so I am unable to open bank accounts or cash checks.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Interchange Square, FL
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Five Points, NC
Complaint: I am a XXXX Veteran. I purchased a money order from XXXX and did not use. Certegy has declined the transaction to return the money order and receive my money back. I purchased a money order for {$1000.00} but did not use it. When I tried to get a refund Certegy declined to allow XXXX to refund my money. I purchased a money order for {$1000.00} but did not use it. When I tried to get a refund Certegy declined to allow XXXX to refund my money. When I called and advised I had all the documentation used to purchase the money order they indicated that due to some XXXX risk factors they could not refund my money. The individual continued to repeat about risk factors that had nothing to do with my purchase considering I had the receipt, money order, money order receipt, drivers license. I was told that I needed to take it to another establishment to get my money and would have to pay whatever fees they would charge. This is consumer fraud. They should not be in the business if they refuse to honor the money order program as designed. Now I am stuck with a money order I can not use and the company refuses to refund my money.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Nyc, NY
Complaint: On XXXX 2014, my purse was stolen from my car in XXXX, XXXX. I called XXXX XXXX right after the incident to inform them my wallet with debit card, credit card and photo ID was stolen. However, they let the person/people that stole my purse cash checks on my name in another state a couple of days later. My account was frozen until the case was resolve XXXX months later. Because the process took so long and the bad service at XXXX XXXX, I decided to move my account to XXXX XXXX in XXXX. Recently, I moved to XXXX where XXXX XXXX is not available and also got married, I 've tried to open another checkings account in a local bank but i 'm not allowed. Also, I tried to open an join account in XXXX with my husband, who is a XXXX costumer, but I ca n't do either because XXXX XXXX let someone steal from my account twice even though I called and cancelled everything. They even let it overdraft by thousands of dollars. I have the police report which states someone broke into my car, I even have the receipt from my cars repair. I have excellent credit. However, I not allowed to open a checkings account because of XXXX XXXX 's incompetence. To this day I do n't understand how XXXX XXXX let this happen. Who cashes checks for XXXX in a different state after they called a few days before to inform the bank about a robbery. On top of stealing from a client then they do n't let people bank with anyone else.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Winton, CA
Information is not mine
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Boston Clg, MA
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Account status
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Central Islip, NY
Account status
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Paramount, CA
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Tunnel Hill, IL
Personal information
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Washington, DC
Account status
Complaint: On my Chex Systems Reports ( even up to now ) there shows a balance due to XXXX XXXX for {$800.00} ; this balance due has been discussed with XXXX and resolved as arising out of fraudulence and XXXX XXXX HAS XXXX OUT THE BALANCE DUE = THERE IS NOW NOTHING DUE TO XXXX, I CAN OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT AND AM IN GOOD STANDING.
I have written Chex Systems regarding this to update and remove me from their list, because XXXX has XXXX out the old balance and I no longer owe anything ; I have provided lettres written to me by XXXX and everything - yet Chex Systems claims that they have called XXXX and verified the debt as still open and not resolved, they have also claimed that the letters I have forwarded them are not valid/legit/altered, and refuse to clear my name and remove this from my report.
I am now attaching yet ANOTHER letter that I have received faxed over DIRECTLY from XXXX - in which one can CLEARLY read and see that everything has been XXXX out resolved.
Chex Systems DOES NOT have the right to claim that the writing is not clear, CAN NOT claim that this is not a valid lettre, and XXXX has commented several times to me before that they can find no record of Chex Systems EVER having contacted them to validate my case ( and that if they had of done so, the entrance in Chex Systems would have been corrected/removed ).
Chex Systems, like any reporting agency, must follow the rules of the FCRA regarding anything that is reported and then rectified due to Fraud/ID-Theft. Per the FCRA regulations I demand that Chex Systems stop playing games and, per the FCRA regulations, YOU - CHEX SYSTEMS - IMMEDIATELY OBEY the law and remove this XXXX entry from my report per the letter attached and per discourse with XXXX VALIDATING/VERIFYING that the unpaid balance has been resolved to XXXX and satisfied.
YOU, CHEX SYSTEMS, ARE OBLIGED AND MUST obey the law - I do not know who you think you are, but if you do n't update my file appropriately and with the proper expedience ( within 4 business days, per the FCRA regarding cases of Identity Theft/Fraud ) I 'll pursue you in court with my lawyer in XXXX as well as a local attorney there in XXXX.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Hayward, CA
Account status
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Grosse Ile, MI
Contacted employer after asked not to
Complaint: Which address?
The law says I have 30 days to respond and dispute a debt but I must mail the debt collector a dispute letter.
In the collection letter XXXX of XXXX, AL there are XXXX different addresses on their letter, which XXXX do you use?
If you do n't respond to the correct address the collection firm assumes the debt is valid. To protect yourself you must mail all three addresses.
That is ridiculous. All debt collection agencies should be required to clearly print their name and address used to receive disputes printed using same font and size as the largest type used in the letter.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation
Santa Monica, CA
Complaint: I am unable to open a checking account in the United States. For many years I banked with XXXX XXXX XXXX. I would have double charges on my account by many merchants ( I believe it was the merchants that XXXX XXXX XXXX worked with or furnished access devices to ). I could not stop the double charges. The unauthorized charges then would lead to large fees and overdraft payments that were not correct to begin with.
I decided to change bank accounts many times and the double charges by merchants followed me. The double charges were different depending on the bank. Banks and Merchants work together. Banks are required to furnish access devices to the merchants. I would see double charges with merchants that the bank would the banks furnished access devices or electronic payment devices to. For example XXXX XXXX XXXX furnishes electronic access payment device to its merchant XXXX, and I would see double charges on my XXXX XXXX XXXX account with merchants that XXXX furnishes the device to.
When I would switch bank double charges would show up with new merchants, usually the merchants affiliated with the corresponding bank. I believe the bank then changes the statements to make it look like the customer used there pin with the card.
I want to be paid back in full, plus interest, I want the bank and merchant to be FINED. I want to collect a portion of this. This banking FRAUD, DOUBLE charges, Excess fees, unauthorized transactions have destroyed my life. I have lost everything for looking into this.
I have contacted endless government agencies including local and federal policing agencies. I have tried to hire an attorney to fight against these banks. As soon as I get organized and get my statements together, I get stuck. I moved out of my home XX/XX/2012 and moved into hotels thinking the banking nightmare would stop. It continued and got worse. The hotels then double charged me. I would fight with the hotels asking for charges to be reversed. I would call the bank and neither the bank nor the merchant would return the money or fees involved.
Here is the letter with a snap shot of what has been going on. I am waiting on new statements from all banks to send to your agency. I have been contacting every other agency without understanding who to contact.
This letter is to Checks Systems with a snap shot of the banking nightmare. The letter also includes all the government agencies that I have contacted.
I need to be able to open a checking account. I am a very wealthy individual and would never overdraw my account. Please take a look at this.
followed me to every bank I opened. I have contacted all the federal agency 's
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation