Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (FNIS)

Consumer Complaints

There are over 2336 complaints on file for Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (FNIS). Dated between 2019-12-15 and 2012-10-31.

Complaints Page 62


Bloomington, MN

Incorrect information on credit report

Credit reporting:

Information is not mine
Complaint: RE : Consumer ID # XXXX I am a victim of Identity Theft and have had my information stolen and was fraudulently used to open accounts ( Credit Cards, Checking/Saving Accounts ). I have been in contact with the Credit Bureaus and disputed those accounts, I have also contacted the creditors of those accounts and made them aware that my information was fraudulently used to open accounts. I have also filed a police report with the XXXX Police Department regarding my situation and they have advised me to contact the proper credit bureaus and creditors to let them know of this matter. There are XXXX entries for a negative reporting on the report from XXXX and I have contacted chexsystem to dispute this as identity theft however they are not willing to investigate or remove this entry on my consumer report
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


San Diego, CA

Incorrect information on credit report

Credit reporting:

Information is not mine
Complaint: XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXXChexSystemsConsumer RelationsXXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX : XXXXGreetings : I am writing to you to complain. Entries posted to my ChexSystems consumer credit report from 2012 are inaccurate. ChexSystems recommends this venue, publishing this website as the means in which to resolve disputes on my report. There are XXXX entries to address. Those are : XXXX, XXXX XXXX and XXXX. Each filed derogatory remarks with Chex Systems in 2012. At that time, I had a lawsuit filed against XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX and XXXX. The lawsuit acknowledged numerous attempts to clear allegations printed in my reports. Inaccuracies were corrected from the evidence submitted, yet repeatedly reposted to my reports. As a XXXX person, I retained an attorney, XXXX XXXX. He claimed I would receive all but XXXX dollars to cover costs and fees to file. However, XXXX kept XXXX of XXXX of my settlement money paid by these defendants and, ChexSystems was not involved in the lawsuit. Again, I have no buisness with XXXX, XXXX XXXX, or XXXX. The alleged " account abuse '' made by XXXX XXXX and XXXX in 2012 are mistakes. XXXX XXXX wired funds to XXXX after I had cancelled a transfer and closed the XXXX account. XXXX XXXX personnel were to have reversed the entry to correct the the mistake when it occurred. An XXXX account has not ever been opened in my name as far as I know, nor have I ever communicated to, or received anything from this company. Recently, I notified the FTC of my concerns relating to compromises to my accounts and consumer credit reports. Implementing extra protection, I continue to address negative remarks that need to be deleted with ChexSystem. This report is a measure to avoid further delay in repairing my reports and correct inaccuracies in reports. Sincerely, XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


San Diego, CA

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


East Rockaway, NY

Incorrect information on credit report

Credit reporting:

Information is not mine
Complaint: I have attempted to fax the number I was given to from Chex-systems to send in a copy of the police report that I have filed with the XXXX County Sherrifs office and the fax continues to ring busy. I was denied opening a checking account based on fraudulent information reporting and it is very important that this matter gets resolved immediately I called the customer service number who recommended me mailing the information to their address but I need this matter resolved yesterday. I am attaching what I have attempted to fax to them on several occasions but continue to have issues.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Okc, OK

False statements or representation

Debt collection: I do not know

Attempted to collect wrong amount
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Lewisville, TX

Unable to get credit report/credit score

Credit reporting:

Problem getting my free annual report
Complaint: I 've been denied a loan due to not having my credit report
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Klamath Falls, OR

Incorrect information on credit report

Credit reporting:

Information is not mine
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Encino, CA

Credit reporting company's investigation

Credit reporting:

No notice of investigation status/result
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Tarzana, CA

Credit reporting company's investigation

Credit reporting:

No notice of investigation status/result
Complaint: RE : XXXX ( Attached ) So far ChexSystems is really digging themselves deeper1. Multiple counts of violations of FCRA, including but not limited to section 623. 2. Willful noncompliance. 3. Multiple violations of the Fair And Accurate Reporting Act. 4.Defamation Of CharacterNo letters have been received in the mail from ChexSystems and if they were sent, please provide USPS certified tracking numbers. All of my letters to them all have been sent via USPS Certified Mail. Chex Systems claim they " verified '' the account, but this is in fact not true under law. Simply contacting the alleged creditor and asking them to match up numbers in their database is no sufficient verification. Unless you have something bearing my signature on it and have verified my identity, no proof exists. I am not going to the police to claim identity fraud until I 've investigated these items myself. I am not claiming identity theft, I am simply asking for proof that I am lawfully entitled to. This does not meet the Federal Trade Commissions guidelines of what constitutes proper debt validation. Please let me know and I will send you an opinion letter from the FTC, ( the XXXX ) letter, specifically addressing the kind of " documentation '' you have sent me. The fact that ChexSystems XXXX are resisting proving PROPER proof according to FTC standards is raising other issues, including, but not limited to FCRA 623. My request remains..proove it or delete it. I am forwarding a copy of this to the following : cc : Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ( OCC ) OCC XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX. XXXX : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX., my attorney XXXX XXXX XXXX # XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Discovery Bay, CA

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Complaint: I opened an account XXXX XXXX and due to inactivity and Bank charges, my account was overdrawn. I did not realize until it was reported to ChexSystems. I have made payment to offset the over due charges and the Bank acknowledged the payment. However, ChekSystem is reporting the followingChexsystem Records : Account Abuse, Delinquent/derogatory behavior, NSF Activity, Fraud, or ClosureUnpaid/Outstanding money owed to a different financial institutionThis has caused denial of membership at a Credit Union ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ). I have reached out to Chexsystems 2 months ago but the information is still not updated.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Orion Twp, MI

Incorrect information on credit report

Credit reporting:

Public record
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Bedford Heights, OH

Incorrect information on credit report

Credit reporting:

Information is not mine
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Phoenix, AZ

Incorrect information on credit report

Credit reporting:

Account status
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Tarzana, CA

Credit reporting company's investigation

Credit reporting:

No notice of investigation status/result
Complaint: I have previously sent ChexSystems 3 requests all via certified USPS registered mail to the mark on my file from XXXX XXXX XXXX, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Fair And Accurate Reporting Practices Act and all I received was copies of bank statement of the alleged account that they say belongs to me. Their letters to me claim to have " verified '' the debt, but this is in fact not true under law. Simply contacting the alleged creditor and asking them to match up numbers in their database is no sufficient verification. I contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX and they do not have any proof that this account belongs to me. How can ChexSystems verify this information without proper documentation. Bank Statements do not serve as proper method of validation according to the FTC. ( 623. ( a ) ( 8 ) ABILITY OF CONSUMER TO DISPUTE INFORMATION DIRECTLY WITH FURNISHER ) ChexSystems has yet to correspond with me via mail and is in violation of several State and Federal laws. I have tried opening a bank account today and was denied because of XXXX XXXX XXXX showing up on my ChexSystem File. Accordingly, I can show a judge that these accounts meet the guideline for the removal/inaccurate and that you violated the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act and several other rules and regulations, state and federal by ignoring my requests to investigate the items.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Augusta, GA

Disclosure verification of debt

Debt collection: Credit card

Not disclosed as an attempt to collect
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Marietta, GA

Credit reporting company's investigation

Credit reporting:

No notice of investigation status/result
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


North Highlands, CA

Credit reporting company's investigation

Credit reporting:

Problem with statement of dispute
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Aloma, FL

Incorrect information on credit report

Credit reporting:

Information is not mine
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Glen Ellyn, IL

Incorrect information on credit report

Credit reporting:

Account status
Complaint: On XXXX/XXXX/15, a XXXX XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX branch maliciously manually adjusted a cleared check out of my bank account and disabled overdraft protection and further deposits to the account when doing so. Her purpose in doing so continues to be conducting enormous damage infliction and stalking with " the dispute '' that never has the same false claim twice so far. It has also never had the mandatory single letter with one story on the part of the bank, notice of the right to dispute, copies of what evidence the bank claims it has, and a specific statement of what the bank claims it is owed as well as how and to what address payment could be remitted. I will have to sue XXXX XXXX to force them to provide an end to this " dispute '' used to terrorize my weekends, holidays, evenings, and upto 3x a day with more persons sent in swinging at me as all they do. By phone, email, US mail, etc etc. and third persons. They do not accept information. Originally the real piece of work in XXXX who contacted me about this when I phoned customer service with all I could have known on XXXX/XXXX/15 which is their ATM not only refused my check deposit again as it had for months that their customer service claimed was an upgrade requiring a XXXX after my name because of the XXXX, but it took my card, claimed the XXXX after my name inked in on a check as demanded by their customer service was " why '' as " suspected bank irregularities '' and did not know what a XXXX was. Eventually they decided to change the story to falsely claim to be " testifying '' for my customer and their bank, and again refusing to produce even 1 copy of any actual anything they claimed took place that all requires documentation from the originating bank for the check deposited that the Clearinghouse returns in 3-5 days, not 3 weeks as XXXX XXXX claims, and that the check was " bounced twice '' and " really deposited at another bank '' they can not seem to name or provide even a date for given its fraud. I have today been sent a " refund '' check off that account which if I deposit it in my bank account will give them the bank account number, at a time they are still waging war externally and so then just fishing for the account number with the attached check. That also requires they withdraw every false claim about me or that account or that check. Instead, they play both sides at the same time depending on what damage they want done. ChexSystems was reported to before I had any information from the bank. They have returned an " investigation '' which ignores all the attached documentation against XXXX XXXX at a time I was also sent a refund from the account, and consists of claiming anything XXXX XXXX says without any lawful right to dispute fraud for the public. Who is being aped and taunted by XXXX XXXX about being able to be this blatant with the fraud because there is nothing bank customers can do if the bank defrauds customers. Which any XXXX entity like Chex Systems will sign off on and refuse to even take the dispute to the bank. As what this has been like since XXXX/XXXX/15. All they have to do is return this fake claim and that is the end of any dispute with XXXX XXXX that ignores all the attached documentation that clearly illustrates this entire charade is fraud and the harassment this excessive also indicates its fraud conducted as illegally as possible to make the same point to the public about XXXX Bank. Which keeps falsely claiming to be testifying for my customer and its bank for manipulative NLP purposes. At no time have they actually ever attempted to collect funds they rage about either.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Sylvania Township, OH

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Complaint: I tried opening an Account with XXXX ... ..subject to approval thru Chex systems ... Check systems denied me ... The bank gave me Check systems contact information..I called Check systems and they refused to take me off their list..I told them I filed chaper XXXX, and all previous debts were discharged. Check systems told me I owed them XXXX ... I asked for what ... the agent had no response! They still have me on their list.
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Chicago, IL

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Reidsville, NC

Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed

Debt collection: I do not know

Debt is not mine
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Encino, CA

Credit reporting company's investigation

Credit reporting:

No notice of investigation status/result
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


New Britain, CT

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Encino, CA

Credit reporting company's investigation

Credit reporting:

No notice of investigation status/result
Company Response: Company chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response

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