There are over 1355 complaints on file for Fay Servicing, LLC. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2012-09-10.
Booth, TX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Boston, MA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Miami, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fort Pierce, FL
Complaint: Hurricane Irma Storm Damage Had to sue insurance company to obtain funds.
Settlement check was issued out to myself and Fay Servicing Repairs started by contractor Initial partial payment released from restricted escrow account to start pay contractor Fay Servicing wanted inspection at 50 percent completion, but has had multiple excuses why an inspector can not be sent.
Now project is at completion, Fay servicing still has not sent an inspector, states it may be another week and then another week to release funds.
Contractor was to be pain 1/3 at start 1/3 at middle and 1/3 at completion.
Project will be competed but Fay servicing is refusing to send inspector or release funds
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Maynard, MA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Matteson, IL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Washington, DC
Complaint: I lost my job of 35 years in 2015 and have been trying to get Fay Servicing to give me help or a modification on my loan. they told me no loan because I had one 10 years ago and when the offered a modification it would reduce the mortgage {$27.00} and the representative did not explain the whole process because I'm in a chapter XXXX and would have been some special circumstances included they failed to tell me that then the 3 months expired for the modification they then moved to foreclose on my property that I have worked hard to pay for over the last 15 years. I have called email and spoke with previous customer helpers because I found some mortgage on my own and need a promissory note to get some foreclosure help and they have refused to give that information they have stopped all communications with me on help to save my home. This is the worst company I have dealt with concerning my home dept and they need to be put out o business. this is my 2nd complaint against Fay Servicing.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Brandy Station, VA
Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX is reporting my mortgage account XXXX paid 90 days late in XXXX of 2017, the money was taken directly out of my bank account each and every month prior. I attempted to start a refinance on more than one occasion and this error is preventing me from refinancing. They took over the servicing in XXXX of 2017 and I've had headaches ever since. I have attempted on multiple occasions to have them correct this error. They have always received the principal and interest payments and should not have reported my payments late. My credit is now being ruined because of these late payments.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: We purchased a lot and built a home XX/XX/XXXX and moved into our home in XX/XX/XXXX with a mortgage through XXXX XXXX XXXX. 5 years ago, I fell and XXXX my XXXX and my XXXX became XXXX XXXX and required XXXX as well as extensive XXXX XXXX. At the time, we did not have health insurance, and this put a great financial burden on us. In addition, we have a business that has had some hardship in the last few years. When we became behind in our house payments, we were not allowed just make one or two payments or partial payments to try to catch up, its all or nothing. We got behind on our house payments and when we tried to talk to XXXX XXXX XXXX about a loan modification, they would not talk to us about our options until our payments were caught up. Through great hardship and the determent to other financial obligations, we were able to catch the payments up in XX/XX/XXXX. We tried for several months to get the paperwork started for loan modification with no luck.
About XX/XX/XXXX, we were served foreclosure hearing papers. I immediately met with a bankruptcy attorney that I knew to see what I could do to keep the foreclosure from happening. She had several suggestions that I could do before using bankruptcy as a last resort as I wanted to avoid this if I could. She suggested I contact the attorney handling the foreclosure, which was XXXX XXXX XXXX. I sent in all the paperwork for starting a loan modification that they asked for but didnt hear back from them. I was in contact with XXXX XXXX XXXX, the lender of both the first mortgage and second mortgage and was told by XXXX XXXX, our account manager, to do a loan modification but to go through her and not the attorneys. She sent us the paperwork and we filled them out and sent in the paperwork they asked for. The paperwork never seemed to be the correct paperwork and they would ask for additional paperwork, many of which were not relevant such as Foreign Exchange P & L, officer compensation, P & L for a company that was no longer in business. All income for both of us were included in our tax returns that we provided, and we told them as much. This was over the course of several months and many conversations with not only XXXX XXXX, but others when she wasnt available. At one point this past fall, XXXX would say our mortgage was sold and when I questioned this, she would look further and avert the conversation and we would continue working on the modification. This happened several times and finally, she told me that our first mortgage had been sold to Fay Servicing. When I questioned this, she told me she was not obligated to inform me, that it was Fay Servicings job to send us a letter. XXXX XXXX XXXX continued to hold my home equity or 2nd mortgage. I thought that the modification and paperwork would be applied to both accounts and one agent I talked to told me it should, but it wasnt.
I immediately started working with Fay Servicing and my account manager is XXXX XXXX. I began modification paperwork and collecting required paperwork, although I was told by XXXX XXXX XXXX that all that would be forwarded. Again, what I would be asked for and turn in never seemed to be correct. One point they seemed to be stuck on was that I was listed as clerical on our tax returns and they felt this was a separate business and wanted a XXXX when in fact it was a job position and the income was listed on our tax return. On the next to the last phone call I got from XXXX, she told me my paperwork would expire onXX/XX/XXXX and I would have to reapply. The last of the paperwork was a XX/XX/XXXX P & L, signed and dated on each page with the dates XX/XX/XXXX through XX/XX/XXXX clearly written, XXXX form with the correct box checked and proof of homeowners insurance. On XX/XX/XXXX I called XXXX XXXX and at first, someone she was training answered the phone and I tried explaining to him, but XXXX finally got on the phone and I told her I was checking that everything was complete since that was the deadline. She said I still didnt have the correct box checked on the XXXX and P & L was not correctly stated so I told her Id resend and call her back. I resent the correct forms in 2 emails and called her back to make sure we had everything we needed that same day. She checked her email and said yes and said she would update everything right then since we were on a deadline. On XXXX XXXX, I believe this is the correct date, XXXX called me back and told me they could not move forward on the modification because there was a sale date on our house and it was within 38 days. I did not understand what she was talking about and assumed we had a foreclosure date. I asked her if she could tell me why my modification was denied, and she said it wasnt denied and would not continue because a sale date was within 38 days. She told me she could not give me advice but that she would request reinstatement amounts and since it would take time to get it and mail it to me and we didnt have time, she would email me when she got it. I have not received them yet. I called XXXX back to find out who foreclosed so Id know who to talk to, but my call went to voicemail. I called again the next day and again it went to voicemail, so I asked to speak to another agent as time was limited. The man I talked to told me my modification was denied because my paperwork was not turned in on time. When I told him, it was and that I had talked to XXXX to verify, he told me that they did not have to continue with the modification because the sale date was within 38 days and they were not required to inform me. He told me that just because I turned it in on the due date didnt mean it got to the underwriters on time. On XX/XX/XXXX, I spoke with XXXX XXXX at Fay Servicing because XXXX was not available. I told him I was looking for our loan balance and reinstatement amounts. He looked it up and said that the reinstatement paperwork came in and told me it was {$45000.00}. I explained that XXXX said shed email the paperwork since the sale date was so close. He said that the paperwork was only interoffice, and he couldnt release it but that it had been mailed to me, which I have not yet received. I asked him to please get XXXX to get back with about this and she has not.
In late XX/XX/XXXX I got a foreclosure letter from XXXX XXXX XXXX with a date of XX/XX/XXXX. I contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX because they were the ones listed on the foreclosure letter and was told that if I could bring my 2nd mortgage to date, it would stop the foreclosure while I worked with Fay Servicing on the loan modification. During this conversation, I was forwarded to no less than 4 departments and the last department I talked to told me this and wanted payment over the phone but would not take my debit card, would only take account information with routing number and account number. I could not provide this, so she put me on hold and told me since my account was so close to foreclosure, I needed to get a cashier check and take it to a XXXX XXXX XXXX branch and ask them to send it interoffice mail and that would stop the foreclosure. I got a cashiers check for the correct amount of {$3900.00} and went to a local bank on XXXX XXXX XXXX. I talked to the customer service rep and he told me he didnt think that this was the most efficient way to process that, so he asked me if I had time for him to inquire about this. So, he called and was also transferred to 4 or 5 different people who he explained the circumstances to and was finally told to post it through the teller. He did this, and its posted, and my account is current until XX/XX/XXXX.
After speaking with XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX, I called XXXX XXXX XXXX and spoke with XXXX. I explained my situation and although this was not his department, he put me on hold and check around until he found someone that would help him, it took over an hour. He told me he had turned it over to a colleague and that he would contact XXXX XXXX XXXX and get back with me, I have not heard back from him.
It has been the most frustrating and painful experience I've ever had. I believed XXXX XXXX XXXX when they said the foreclosure would be cancelled and didn't go to the foreclosure hearing and now have a sale date on my home on XX/XX/XXXX. All I needed to do was set something up to come out of a very bad time and felt I was betrayed. Now I am being forced to file for bankruptcy to try and keep my home for my family and children. When all I needed was time to makeup back payments while continuing with current payments. And XXXX as well as Fay Servicing has made it impossible to do that because it's all or nothing and the modification process is so long and so many roadblocks are put into place that it makes it impossible. There is no reason that this had to get this far. We've been customers for over 20 years and only needed clear support and directions, not the run around until it was too late. I am very disappointed in a company that I have placed my faith in for most of my adult life.
We now working on filing bankruptcy but feel that this could all have been avoided if both XXXX XXXX XXXX and Fay Servicing would have just told us what we needed and not give us the run around. It has caused so much unnecessary stress and financial hardship.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Phoenix, AZ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Saint Clair, MO
Company Response: Closed with explanation
New Baltimore, VA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Finksburg, MD
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Fort Worth, TX
Complaint: XXXX sold my loan to Fay Servicing. I pay through online banking. Apparently the property taxes caused my mortgage payment to increase which I was unaware of. The loan was taken over in XXXX by Fay Servicing. I discovered the error later in XXXX. I asked Fay what needed to be done to fix the problem and they refused to fix it. I made a payment each month from XXXX through current month. I spoke with an agent in XXXX but they agent falsely assured me things would be okay. Fay Servicing encouraged me to file mitigation but all they are doing is requesting more and more paperwork and refused to work to fix the loan. They are only interested in getting the property and making money. I have made several attempts to resolve the problem. I asked how much I needed to pay to bring account current, etc. and no information is given. They also refused to respond to me in writing. They will only contact me via phone or pre-made collection letters that are sent to all parties. This company preys on the consumer and has not interest in helping those that are truly interested in fixing the problem. This company also sent out letter stating that they sell my personal information to anyone they so chose without my express permission.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Odell, OR
Complaint: Awarded property in Divorce. Trying to refinance eight years since XX/XX/XXXX.
Ex husband a Sheriff placed " cease & desist '' with Fay Servicing. XXXX. XXXX ... to stop this firm dealing with myself. Judge in Oregon awarded property to my son and I. We have lived here, custom built home, 11 years. Sheriff 's Dept seized once. XX/XX/XXXX. I hired lawyer. Sheriff 's Dept trying to seize again XX/XX/XXXX ... .. FORTY THREE DAYS.
LOOKING AT FBI, or lawsuit perhaps. Fay Servicing will not return calls, emails, XXXX. Sent direct message to CEO today. XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
South Holland, IL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Rockwell, NC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
E Lansdowne, PA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Dacula, GA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Maplecrest, NJ
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Dallas, TX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
Complaint: This all began when I received written notice from unrelated creditors that the terms of credit were being modified due to payment status with other " creditors '' Turns out Fay Servicing, a mortgage servicer, decided to conduct an audit of my account and falsely claimed that I missed a payment in XX/XX/XXXX, some 9 months prior to today 's date. Without any notice, written or otherwise, Fay reported me late to the credit companies. Zero notification, and zero communication in order to try to clear up the matter. Not only did I receive a 30 day late from Fay, but XXXX XXXX terminated one account and dramatically changed the terms of another account.
What actually happened is that I made 2 payments, to Fay. in XX/XX/XXXX, one of the payments in error. The extra payment was returned to me by my bank. This is a seasoned mortgage account with over a 10-year pay history.
I have had multiple conversations with Fay. I have asked them to remove the mortgage delinquency. They refuse. I have again sent Fay all the appropriate bank statements, and proof of payment via a canceled check receipt. Not only has my credit and credit score been damaged, other creditors have terminated their relationship with me or changed terms.
I have no issue in cooperating with Fay. Mistakes happen. However, their radical and cavalier behavior in erroneously reporting me late, without first contacting me and then placing the entire burden of proof on me to produce bank statements and canceled checks are not reasonable.
Thank you for your time.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: At the end of XXXX, we were with another servicer, XXXX XXXX. They were really amazing to work with and they had helped us successfully go through a modification early in XXXX. We have a severely XXXX and XXXX XXXX child, and at the end of XXXX fell behind by 2 payments due to hospitalization.. We were approved to defer them to the end of our term by our prior servicer, XXXX and get our program back on track. Everything was explained to me, and they were very very helpful. But the deferment never took That never happened because our mortgage got sold apparently in XX/XX/XXXX. It took us awhile to get in touch with someone regarding the deferral, and Fay Servicing was the New servicer. I explained to them what was going on due to our sons illness and how my lack of income is a result of this. ( My husband has an excellent job and has since XXXX ) I was told that I had to submit a complete hardship package of documents to be considered for help. So I did this. I was contacted shortly after sending documents and told that there were additional things needed. So I send the additional documents. And waited. I finally called and found out that even though I was told via a phone call that everything was received, they said our file was CLOSED because of incomplete documents.
And they also had put our loan into foreclosure status which we were not notified of. I discovered this when I tried to send payments in, and payments were returned to me.
They had me resubmit a complete full package of information including details on the reason and nature of my sons medical condition and XXXX. ( he was born with a XXXX XXXX and we have strived to take care of him in our home. Made accessibility renovations and improvements etc. ) Over the next several months of XXXX I submitted 3 hardship request packages ( per their instruction ) and each time they almost immediately sent me a generic denial letter for all programs. That letter instructed me that we could file an appeal. This was done twice.
Our loan representative was changed 3 times since Fay took over. I was only made aware of this when I called in for updates.
I was completely frustrated, because so many documents were submitted over and over. And then we were told that they were incomplete even though we had sent in everything.
The loan delinquency was increasing, but I couldnt make a payment ( I tried to several times in good faith but all checks came back ).
Finally, in XX/XX/XXXX a third new representative called me. He began questioning me on our intentions with our home. I stressed to him that we have a severely XXXX son, that our youngest is in school her
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I got behind with out mortgage payments due to an unforeseen illness in XXXX. I reached out to my mortgage servicer FAY Servicing LLC in XX/XX/XXXX to seek help for several months with no luck. The lack of response from our mortgage servicer led to hire attorney thinking they would respond to an attorney because they have had shown no interest in talking to us directly. In XX/XX/XXXX our attorney submitted a loss mitigation application i. After 4 months of back and forth with our mortgage servicer FAY Servicing LLC claimed they did not receive all documents requested and in XX/XX/XXXX they sent us a letter stating our application expired and we would have to start the process all over again. We resubmitted an application for loss mitigation help and only seven days after they claimed they received our complete package they denied us and said we were not eligible for any programs because of lack of income. Throughout the entire second application attempt we were getting what appears to be foreclosure related documents leading me to believe we were being dual tracked during the mitigation process and they had no intention of making an honest attempt at a workout option. I have had to pay my attorney approx 5k to date in fear of the servicer filing a foreclosure action before a mitigation option was presented. This servicer is despicable and had zero intentions of trying to help us.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Framingham, MA
Company Response: Closed with explanation